グラフデータベースを用いたカレー好きのソーシャルネットワーク分析:Neo4j と Python の統合

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本記事では、グラフデータベース Neo4j と Python を使用して、より複雑で現実的なカレー好きのソーシャルネットワークを分析する方法を解説します。この高度な分析を通じて、カレー愛好家たちの関係性、好みのパターン、人気のあるカレー店、そして個人の影響力などを詳細に可視化し、深い洞察を得ることを目指します。


napkin-selection (20).png





  • Python 3.7以上
  • Neo4j(ローカルインストールまたはDockerで実行)
  • 必要なPythonライブラリ:neo4j、networkx、matplotlib


  1. Neo4jのインストール:

    • Neo4j Desktopをダウンロードしてインストール
    • または、Dockerを使用して Neo4j コンテナを実行
  2. 必要なPythonライブラリのインストール:

    pip install neo4j networkx matplotlib




  1. ノード:

    • Person: 名前、カレーの好み
    • Restaurant: 名前、専門のカレー、価格帯
  2. 関係:

    • FAVORITE: 人物がお気に入りのレストラン(評価、訪問回数を含む)
    • VISITED: 人物が訪問したレストラン(評価、訪問回数を含む)
    • RECOMMENDS: 人物が別の人物を推薦する関係



from neo4j import GraphDatabase

class Neo4jConnection:
    def __init__(self, uri, user, password):
        self.driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))

    def close(self):

    def query(self, query, parameters=None):
        with self.driver.session() as session:
                result = session.run(query, parameters)
                return [record for record in result]
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Query execution error: {e}")
                print(f"Problematic query: {query}")
                return None

def connect_to_neo4j():
    uri = input("Enter Neo4j URI (Default: bolt://localhost:7687): ") or "bolt://localhost:7687"
    user = input("Enter username (Default: neo4j): ") or "neo4j"
    password = input("Enter password (Default: password): ") or "password"
    return Neo4jConnection(uri, user, password)

# 接続例
conn = connect_to_neo4j()
print("Connected to Neo4j successfully!")


Enter Neo4j URI (Default: bolt://localhost:7687): 
Using default value: bolt://localhost:7687
Enter username (Default: neo4j): 
Using default value: neo4j
Enter password (Default: password): 
Using default value: password
Connected to Neo4j successfully!


def create_curry_network(conn):
    query = """
    // Create People
    CREATE (alice:Person {name: 'Alice', preference: 'Spicy'})
    CREATE (bob:Person {name: 'Bob', preference: 'Mild'})
    CREATE (charlie:Person {name: 'Charlie', preference: 'Veggie'})
    CREATE (david:Person {name: 'David', preference: 'Meaty'})
    CREATE (eve:Person {name: 'Eve', preference: 'Spicy'})
    CREATE (frank:Person {name: 'Frank', preference: 'Mild'})
    CREATE (grace:Person {name: 'Grace', preference: 'Veggie'})
    CREATE (henry:Person {name: 'Henry', preference: 'Meaty'})

    // Create Restaurants
    CREATE (spicyKing:Restaurant {name: 'Spicy King', specialty: 'Vindaloo Curry', price_range: 'Medium'})
    CREATE (greenCurry:Restaurant {name: 'Green Curry House', specialty: 'Vegetable Curry', price_range: 'Low'})
    CREATE (meatLover:Restaurant {name: 'Meat Lovers', specialty: 'Keema Curry', price_range: 'High'})
    CREATE (curryPalace:Restaurant {name: 'Curry Palace', specialty: 'Butter Chicken', price_range: 'Medium'})
    CREATE (spiceHeaven:Restaurant {name: 'Spice Heaven', specialty: 'Phaal Curry', price_range: 'High'})

    // Create FAVORITE relationships with ratings and visit counts
    CREATE (alice)-[:FAVORITE {rating: 5, visits: 10}]->(spicyKing)
    CREATE (bob)-[:FAVORITE {rating: 4, visits: 5}]->(greenCurry)
    CREATE (charlie)-[:FAVORITE {rating: 5, visits: 8}]->(greenCurry)
    CREATE (david)-[:FAVORITE {rating: 4, visits: 6}]->(meatLover)
    CREATE (eve)-[:FAVORITE {rating: 5, visits: 12}]->(spiceHeaven)
    CREATE (frank)-[:FAVORITE {rating: 4, visits: 7}]->(curryPalace)
    CREATE (grace)-[:FAVORITE {rating: 5, visits: 9}]->(greenCurry)
    CREATE (henry)-[:FAVORITE {rating: 4, visits: 6}]->(meatLover)

    // Create additional VISITED relationships
    CREATE (alice)-[:VISITED {rating: 3, visits: 2}]->(greenCurry)
    CREATE (bob)-[:VISITED {rating: 3, visits: 1}]->(meatLover)
    CREATE (charlie)-[:VISITED {rating: 4, visits: 3}]->(curryPalace)
    CREATE (david)-[:VISITED {rating: 5, visits: 4}]->(spicyKing)
    CREATE (eve)-[:VISITED {rating: 4, visits: 3}]->(meatLover)
    CREATE (frank)-[:VISITED {rating: 5, visits: 5}]->(spicyKing)
    CREATE (grace)-[:VISITED {rating: 3, visits: 2}]->(spiceHeaven)
    CREATE (henry)-[:VISITED {rating: 4, visits: 3}]->(curryPalace)

    // Create RECOMMENDS relationships
    CREATE (alice)-[:RECOMMENDS]->(bob)
    CREATE (bob)-[:RECOMMENDS]->(charlie)
    CREATE (charlie)-[:RECOMMENDS]->(david)
    CREATE (david)-[:RECOMMENDS]->(eve)
    CREATE (eve)-[:RECOMMENDS]->(frank)
    CREATE (frank)-[:RECOMMENDS]->(grace)
    CREATE (grace)-[:RECOMMENDS]->(henry)
    CREATE (henry)-[:RECOMMENDS]->(alice)
    result = conn.query(query)
    if result is not None:
        print("Curry lovers network data created.")

# 実行例


Curry lovers network data created.


def count_favorites(conn):
    query = """
    MATCH (r:Restaurant)<-[f:FAVORITE]-(p:Person)
    RETURN r.name AS restaurant, r.specialty AS specialty, r.price_range AS price_range,
           COUNT(p) AS favorite_count, AVG(f.rating) AS avg_rating, SUM(f.visits) AS total_visits
    ORDER BY favorite_count DESC
    result = conn.query(query)
    if result:
        print("Favorite counts and ratings:")
        for record in result:
            print(f"{record['restaurant']} ({record['specialty']}, {record['price_range']}):")
            print(f"  Favorites: {record['favorite_count']}")
            print(f"  Average Rating: {record['avg_rating']:.2f}")
            print(f"  Total Visits: {record['total_visits']}")
        print("Failed to retrieve favorite counts.")

# 実行例


Favorite counts and ratings:
Green Curry House (Vegetable Curry, Low):
  Favorites: 3
  Average Rating: 4.67
  Total Visits: 22
Meat Lovers (Keema Curry, High):
  Favorites: 2
  Average Rating: 4.00
  Total Visits: 12
Spicy King (Vindaloo Curry, Medium):
  Favorites: 1
  Average Rating: 5.00
  Total Visits: 10
Curry Palace (Butter Chicken, Medium):
  Favorites: 1
  Average Rating: 4.00
  Total Visits: 7
Spice Heaven (Phaal Curry, High):
  Favorites: 1
  Average Rating: 5.00
  Total Visits: 12


def calculate_curry_centrality(conn):
    query = """
    MATCH (p:Person)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (p)-[f:FAVORITE]->(r:Restaurant)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (p)-[v:VISITED]->(vr:Restaurant)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (p)-[:RECOMMENDS]->(friend:Person)
    RETURN p.name AS name, 
           p.preference AS preference,
           COUNT(DISTINCT r) AS favorite_restaurants,
           COUNT(DISTINCT vr) AS visited_restaurants,
           COUNT(DISTINCT friend) AS recommendations,
           AVG(f.rating) AS avg_favorite_rating,
           AVG(v.rating) AS avg_visit_rating,
           SUM(f.visits) + SUM(v.visits) AS total_visits
    ORDER BY total_visits DESC
    result = conn.query(query)
    if result:
        print("\nCurry centrality scores:")
        for record in result:
            centrality = (record['favorite_restaurants'] + record['visited_restaurants'] + record['recommendations']) / 3
            print(f"{record['name']} (Preference: {record['preference']}):")
            print(f"  Centrality score = {centrality:.2f}")
            print(f"  Favorite Restaurants: {record['favorite_restaurants']}")
            print(f"  Visited Restaurants: {record['visited_restaurants']}")
            print(f"  Recommendations: {record['recommendations']}")
            print(f"  Avg Favorite Rating: {record['avg_favorite_rating']:.2f}")
            print(f"  Avg Visit Rating: {record['avg_visit_rating']:.2f}")
            print(f"  Total Visits: {record['total_visits']}")
        print("Failed to calculate centrality.")

# 実行例


Curry centrality scores:
Eve (Preference: Spicy):
  Centrality score = 1.00
  Favorite Restaurants: 1
  Visited Restaurants: 1
  Recommendations: 1
  Avg Favorite Rating: 5.00
  Avg Visit Rating: 4.00
  Total Visits: 15
Alice (Preference: Spicy):
  Centrality score = 1.00
  Favorite Restaurants: 1
  Visited Restaurants: 1
  Recommendations: 1
  Avg Favorite Rating: 5.00
  Avg Visit Rating: 3.00
  Total Visits: 12
Frank (Preference: Mild):
  Centrality score = 1.00
  Favorite Restaurants: 1
  Visited Restaurants: 1
  Recommendations: 1
  Avg Favorite Rating: 4.00
  Avg Visit Rating: 5.00
  Total Visits: 12
Charlie (Preference: Veggie):
  Centrality score = 1.00
  Favorite Restaurants: 1
  Visited Restaurants: 1
  Recommendations: 1
  Avg Favorite Rating: 5.00
  Avg Visit Rating: 4.00
  Total Visits: 11
Grace (Preference: Veggie):
  Centrality score = 1.00
  Favorite Restaurants: 1
  Visited Restaurants: 1
  Recommendations: 1
  Avg Favorite Rating: 5.00
  Avg Visit Rating: 3.00
  Total Visits: 11
David (Preference: Meaty):
  Centrality score = 1.00
  Favorite Restaurants: 1
  Visited Restaurants: 1
  Recommendations: 1
  Avg Favorite Rating: 4.00
  Avg Visit Rating: 5.00
  Total Visits: 10
Henry (Preference: Meaty):
  Centrality score = 1.00
  Favorite Restaurants: 1
  Visited Restaurants: 1
  Recommendations: 1
  Avg Favorite Rating: 4.00
  Avg Visit Rating: 4.00
  Total Visits: 9
Bob (Preference: Mild):
  Centrality score = 1.00
  Favorite Restaurants: 1
  Visited Restaurants: 1
  Recommendations: 1
  Avg Favorite Rating: 4.00
  Avg Visit Rating: 3.00
  Total Visits: 6


import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def visualize_curry_network(conn):
    query = """
    MATCH (n)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]->(m)
    RETURN n.name AS source, m.name AS target, TYPE(r) AS relation, LABELS(n)[0] AS source_type, LABELS(m)[0] AS target_type,
           CASE WHEN TYPE(r) IN ['FAVORITE', 'VISITED'] THEN r.rating ELSE NULL END AS rating,
           CASE WHEN TYPE(r) IN ['FAVORITE', 'VISITED'] THEN r.visits ELSE NULL END AS visits
    result = conn.query(query)
    if result:
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        for record in result:
            source = record['source']
            target = record['target']
            relation = record['relation']
            source_type = record['source_type']
            target_type = record['target_type']
            rating = record['rating']
            visits = record['visits']
            G.add_node(source, node_type=source_type)
            if target:
                G.add_node(target, node_type=target_type)
                G.add_edge(source, target, relation=relation, rating=rating, visits=visits)
        plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12))
        # カスタムレイアウトの作成
        pos = nx.spring_layout(G, k=0.5, iterations=50)
        # ノードの描画
        person_nodes = [node for node, data in G.nodes(data=True) if data['node_type'] == 'Person']
        restaurant_nodes = [node for node, data in G.nodes(data=True) if data['node_type'] == 'Restaurant']
        nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=person_nodes, node_color='lightblue', node_size=3000, alpha=0.8, label='Person')
        nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=restaurant_nodes, node_color='lightgreen', node_size=3000, alpha=0.8, label='Restaurant')
        # エッジの描画
        favorite_edges = [(u, v) for (u, v, d) in G.edges(data=True) if d['relation'] == 'FAVORITE']
        visited_edges = [(u, v) for (u, v, d) in G.edges(data=True) if d['relation'] == 'VISITED']
        recommend_edges = [(u, v) for (u, v, d) in G.edges(data=True) if d['relation'] == 'RECOMMENDS']
        nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist=favorite_edges, edge_color='r', arrows=True, label='Favorite')
        nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist=visited_edges, edge_color='g', arrows=True, label='Visited')
        nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist=recommend_edges, edge_color='b', style='dashed', arrows=True, label='Recommends')
        # ラベルの描画
        nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, font_size=8, font_family='sans-serif')
        # エッジラベルの描画 (評価とビジット回数)
        edge_labels = {(u, v): f"R:{d['rating']}, V:{d['visits']}" for (u, v, d) in G.edges(data=True) if 'rating' in d and 'visits' in d}
        nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=edge_labels, font_size=6)
        # 凡例
        plt.legend(loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.02, 0.98))
        plt.title("Curry Lovers Network")
        plt.savefig("curry_network.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
        print("Network graph saved as 'curry_network.png'.")
        print("Failed to retrieve network data. Visualization cannot be performed.")

# 実行例


Network graph saved as 'curry_network.png'.


Neo4j Browserでの確認


napkin-selection (17).png

  1. お気に入りカレー店の分析

    • Green Curry House が最も人気があり、3人のお気に入りを獲得しています。また、平均評価も高く(4.67)、総訪問回数も最多(22回)です。
    • Spicy King と Spice Heaven は平均評価が最も高い(5.00)ですが、お気に入りとして選んだ人は各1人のみです。
    • 価格帯による明確な傾向は見られませんが、低価格のGreen Curry Houseが最も人気があることは注目に値します。
  2. カレー中心性スコア

    • すべての人物の中心性スコアが1.00となっており、ネットワーク内での活動レベルが均等であることを示しています。
    • しかし、総訪問回数に注目すると、Eve(15回)とAlice(12回)が最も活発に店を訪れていることがわかります。
    • 辛いカレーを好む人(Eve, Alice)が最も活発に店を訪れる傾向があります。
  3. ネットワーク可視化

    • 人物とレストランの関係性が視覚的に表現され、誰がどのレストランを好み、訪れているかが一目で分かります。
    • 推薦関係(RECOMMENDS)が円環状になっており、情報やトレンドが循環する可能性を示唆しています。


  1. 嗜好パターンの特定

    MATCH (p:Person)-[f:FAVORITE]->(r:Restaurant)
    RETURN p.name, p.preference, r.name, r.specialty, f.rating
    ORDER BY f.rating DESC
  2. 価格帯と人気度の相関

    MATCH (r:Restaurant)<-[f:FAVORITE]-()
    RETURN r.name, r.price_range, COUNT(f) as favorite_count, AVG(f.rating) as avg_rating
    ORDER BY favorite_count DESC
  3. 影響力のある人物の特定

    MATCH (p1:Person)-[:RECOMMENDS]->(p2:Person)
    MATCH (p1)-[:FAVORITE]->(r:Restaurant)<-[:FAVORITE]-(p2)
    RETURN p1.name, COUNT(DISTINCT p2) as recommendations, COUNT(DISTINCT r) as shared_favorites
    ORDER BY recommendations DESC, shared_favorites DESC
  4. コミュニティ検出

  5. 時系列分析



  1. 最も人気のあるカレー店は「Green Curry House」で、特に高い平均評価を得ています。
  2. 辛いカレーを好む人(Eve, Alice)が最も活発に店を訪れる傾向があります。
  3. すべての参加者が同程度のネットワーク中心性を持っていますが、訪問回数には個人差があります。
  4. 価格帯による明確な人気の差は見られませんが、低価格帯の店(Green Curry House)が最も人気があります。

napkin-selection (18).png


  • レストラン経営者:メニュー開発、価格設定、マーケティング戦略の立案に活用できます。
  • マーケッター:インフルエンサーマーケティングの戦略立案や、ターゲット顧客の特定に役立ちます。
  • 食品業界の研究者:消費者行動や食の嗜好の傾向分析に応用できます。



napkin-selection (19).png


import sys
import io
from neo4j import GraphDatabase
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random

# エンコーディング設定
sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding='utf-8')
sys.stderr = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stderr.buffer, encoding='utf-8')

class Neo4jConnection:
    def __init__(self, uri, user, password):
        self.driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))

    def close(self):

    def query(self, query, parameters=None):
        with self.driver.session() as session:
                result = session.run(query, parameters)
                return [record for record in result]
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Query execution error: {e}")
                print(f"Problematic query: {query}")
                return None

def get_input_with_default(prompt, default):
    user_input = input(f"{prompt} (Default: {default}): ").strip()
    if not user_input:
        print(f"Using default value: {default}")
        return default
    return user_input

def connect_to_neo4j():
    uri = get_input_with_default("Enter Neo4j URI", "bolt://localhost:7687")
    user = get_input_with_default("Enter username", "neo4j")
    password = get_input_with_default("Enter password", "password")
    return Neo4jConnection(uri, user, password)

def create_curry_network(conn):
    query = """
    // Create People
    CREATE (alice:Person {name: 'Alice', preference: 'Spicy'})
    CREATE (bob:Person {name: 'Bob', preference: 'Mild'})
    CREATE (charlie:Person {name: 'Charlie', preference: 'Veggie'})
    CREATE (david:Person {name: 'David', preference: 'Meaty'})
    CREATE (eve:Person {name: 'Eve', preference: 'Spicy'})
    CREATE (frank:Person {name: 'Frank', preference: 'Mild'})
    CREATE (grace:Person {name: 'Grace', preference: 'Veggie'})
    CREATE (henry:Person {name: 'Henry', preference: 'Meaty'})

    // Create Restaurants
    CREATE (spicyKing:Restaurant {name: 'Spicy King', specialty: 'Vindaloo Curry', price_range: 'Medium'})
    CREATE (greenCurry:Restaurant {name: 'Green Curry House', specialty: 'Vegetable Curry', price_range: 'Low'})
    CREATE (meatLover:Restaurant {name: 'Meat Lovers', specialty: 'Keema Curry', price_range: 'High'})
    CREATE (curryPalace:Restaurant {name: 'Curry Palace', specialty: 'Butter Chicken', price_range: 'Medium'})
    CREATE (spiceHeaven:Restaurant {name: 'Spice Heaven', specialty: 'Phaal Curry', price_range: 'High'})

    // Create FAVORITE relationships with ratings and visit counts
    CREATE (alice)-[:FAVORITE {rating: 5, visits: 10}]->(spicyKing)
    CREATE (bob)-[:FAVORITE {rating: 4, visits: 5}]->(greenCurry)
    CREATE (charlie)-[:FAVORITE {rating: 5, visits: 8}]->(greenCurry)
    CREATE (david)-[:FAVORITE {rating: 4, visits: 6}]->(meatLover)
    CREATE (eve)-[:FAVORITE {rating: 5, visits: 12}]->(spiceHeaven)
    CREATE (frank)-[:FAVORITE {rating: 4, visits: 7}]->(curryPalace)
    CREATE (grace)-[:FAVORITE {rating: 5, visits: 9}]->(greenCurry)
    CREATE (henry)-[:FAVORITE {rating: 4, visits: 6}]->(meatLover)

    // Create additional VISITED relationships
    CREATE (alice)-[:VISITED {rating: 3, visits: 2}]->(greenCurry)
    CREATE (bob)-[:VISITED {rating: 3, visits: 1}]->(meatLover)
    CREATE (charlie)-[:VISITED {rating: 4, visits: 3}]->(curryPalace)
    CREATE (david)-[:VISITED {rating: 5, visits: 4}]->(spicyKing)
    CREATE (eve)-[:VISITED {rating: 4, visits: 3}]->(meatLover)
    CREATE (frank)-[:VISITED {rating: 5, visits: 5}]->(spicyKing)
    CREATE (grace)-[:VISITED {rating: 3, visits: 2}]->(spiceHeaven)
    CREATE (henry)-[:VISITED {rating: 4, visits: 3}]->(curryPalace)

    // Create RECOMMENDS relationships
    CREATE (alice)-[:RECOMMENDS]->(bob)
    CREATE (bob)-[:RECOMMENDS]->(charlie)
    CREATE (charlie)-[:RECOMMENDS]->(david)
    CREATE (david)-[:RECOMMENDS]->(eve)
    CREATE (eve)-[:RECOMMENDS]->(frank)
    CREATE (frank)-[:RECOMMENDS]->(grace)
    CREATE (grace)-[:RECOMMENDS]->(henry)
    CREATE (henry)-[:RECOMMENDS]->(alice)
    result = conn.query(query)
    if result is not None:
        print("Curry lovers network data created.")

def count_favorites(conn):
    query = """
    MATCH (r:Restaurant)<-[f:FAVORITE]-(p:Person)
    RETURN r.name AS restaurant, r.specialty AS specialty, r.price_range AS price_range,
           COUNT(p) AS favorite_count, AVG(f.rating) AS avg_rating, SUM(f.visits) AS total_visits
    ORDER BY favorite_count DESC
    result = conn.query(query)
    if result:
        print("Favorite counts and ratings:")
        for record in result:
            print(f"{record['restaurant']} ({record['specialty']}, {record['price_range']}):")
            print(f"  Favorites: {record['favorite_count']}")
            print(f"  Average Rating: {record['avg_rating']:.2f}")
            print(f"  Total Visits: {record['total_visits']}")
        print("Failed to retrieve favorite counts.")

def calculate_curry_centrality(conn):
    query = """
    MATCH (p:Person)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (p)-[f:FAVORITE]->(r:Restaurant)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (p)-[v:VISITED]->(vr:Restaurant)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (p)-[:RECOMMENDS]->(friend:Person)
    RETURN p.name AS name, 
           p.preference AS preference,
           COUNT(DISTINCT r) AS favorite_restaurants,
           COUNT(DISTINCT vr) AS visited_restaurants,
           COUNT(DISTINCT friend) AS recommendations,
           AVG(f.rating) AS avg_favorite_rating,
           AVG(v.rating) AS avg_visit_rating,
           SUM(f.visits) + SUM(v.visits) AS total_visits
    ORDER BY total_visits DESC
    result = conn.query(query)
    if result:
        print("\nCurry centrality scores:")
        for record in result:
            centrality = (record['favorite_restaurants'] + record['visited_restaurants'] + record['recommendations']) / 3
            print(f"{record['name']} (Preference: {record['preference']}):")
            print(f"  Centrality score = {centrality:.2f}")
            print(f"  Favorite Restaurants: {record['favorite_restaurants']}")
            print(f"  Visited Restaurants: {record['visited_restaurants']}")
            print(f"  Recommendations: {record['recommendations']}")
            print(f"  Avg Favorite Rating: {record['avg_favorite_rating']:.2f}")
            print(f"  Avg Visit Rating: {record['avg_visit_rating']:.2f}")
            print(f"  Total Visits: {record['total_visits']}")
        print("Failed to calculate centrality.")

def visualize_curry_network(conn):
    query = """
    MATCH (n)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]->(m)
    RETURN n.name AS source, m.name AS target, TYPE(r) AS relation, LABELS(n)[0] AS source_type, LABELS(m)[0] AS target_type,
           CASE WHEN TYPE(r) IN ['FAVORITE', 'VISITED'] THEN r.rating ELSE NULL END AS rating,
           CASE WHEN TYPE(r) IN ['FAVORITE', 'VISITED'] THEN r.visits ELSE NULL END AS visits
    result = conn.query(query)
    if result:
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        for record in result:
            source = record['source']
            target = record['target']
            relation = record['relation']
            source_type = record['source_type']
            target_type = record['target_type']
            rating = record['rating']
            visits = record['visits']
            G.add_node(source, node_type=source_type)
            if target:
                G.add_node(target, node_type=target_type)
                G.add_edge(source, target, relation=relation, rating=rating, visits=visits)
        plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12))
        # カスタムレイアウトの作成
        pos = nx.spring_layout(G, k=0.5, iterations=50)
        # ノードの描画
        person_nodes = [node for node, data in G.nodes(data=True) if data['node_type'] == 'Person']
        restaurant_nodes = [node for node, data in G.nodes(data=True) if data['node_type'] == 'Restaurant']
        nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=person_nodes, node_color='lightblue', node_size=3000, alpha=0.8, label='Person')
        nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=restaurant_nodes, node_color='lightgreen', node_size=3000, alpha=0.8, label='Restaurant')
        # エッジの描画
        favorite_edges = [(u, v) for (u, v, d) in G.edges(data=True) if d['relation'] == 'FAVORITE']
        visited_edges = [(u, v) for (u, v, d) in G.edges(data=True) if d['relation'] == 'VISITED']
        recommend_edges = [(u, v) for (u, v, d) in G.edges(data=True) if d['relation'] == 'RECOMMENDS']
        nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist=favorite_edges, edge_color='r', arrows=True, label='Favorite')
        nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist=visited_edges, edge_color='g', arrows=True, label='Visited')
        nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist=recommend_edges, edge_color='b', style='dashed', arrows=True, label='Recommends')
        # ラベルの描画
        nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, font_size=8, font_family='sans-serif')
        # エッジラベルの描画 (評価とビジット回数)
        edge_labels = {(u, v): f"R:{d['rating']}, V:{d['visits']}" for (u, v, d) in G.edges(data=True) if 'rating' in d and 'visits' in d}
        nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=edge_labels, font_size=6)
        # 凡例
        plt.legend(loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.02, 0.98))
        plt.title("Curry Lovers Network")
        plt.savefig("curry_network.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
        print("Network graph saved as 'curry_network.png'.")
        print("Failed to retrieve network data. Visualization cannot be performed.")

def drop_database(conn):
    query = "MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n"
    result = conn.query(query)
    if result is not None:
        print("All nodes and relationships have been deleted from the database.")
        print("Failed to delete the database contents.")

def main():
    print("Welcome to the Curry Lovers Network Analysis Script!")
    conn = connect_to_neo4j()

    while True:
        print("\nSelect an operation:")
        print("1: Create curry lovers network data")
        print("2: Count favorite curry restaurants")
        print("3: Calculate curry centrality")
        print("4: Visualize network")
        print("5: Delete all data")
        print("6: Exit")

        choice = get_input_with_default("Choose (1-6)", "6")

        if choice == '1':
        elif choice == '2':
        elif choice == '3':
        elif choice == '4':
        elif choice == '5':
            confirm = input("Are you sure you want to delete all data? (yes/no): ").lower()
            if confirm == 'yes':
                print("Data deletion cancelled.")
        elif choice == '6':
            print("Exiting the program.")
            print("Invalid choice. Please enter a number between 1 and 6.")

        input("\nPress Enter to continue...")

if __name__ == "__main__":

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