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Last updated at Posted at 2023-12-23


しかし、scoreboard players operationコマンド(以下scoreboard operationコマンドと表記)には四則演算と剰余演算が実装されていますが、ビット演算は実装されていません。


  • 環境
  • 実装


Minecraft Java Edition 1.19.4






scoreboard players operation $_not_ output = $_not_ input
scoreboard players operation $_not_ output *= $-1 const
scoreboard players remove $_not_ output 1


特にこれといったテクニックはなく、愚直に1ビットずつ順に最上位から最下位ビットまでをみて$A ∧ B$を計算します。

scoreboard players set $_and_ output 0

execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players set $_and_ output -2147483648

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 1073741824

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 536870912

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 268435456

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 134217728

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 67108864

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 33554432

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 16777216

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 8388608

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 4194304

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 2097152

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 1048576

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 524288

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 262144

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 131072

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 65536

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 32678

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 16384

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 8192

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 4096

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 2048

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 1024

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 512

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 256

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 128

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 64

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 32

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 16

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 8

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 4

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 2

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 += $_and_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 += $_and_ input2
execute if score $_and_ input1 matches ..-1 if score $_and_ input2 matches ..-1 run scoreboard players add $_and_ output 1



A ∨ B = ¬(¬A ∧ ¬B)


scoreboard players operation $_not_ input = $_or_ input1
function namespace:not
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 = $_not_ output

scoreboard players operation $_not_ input = $_or_ input2
function namespace:not
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 = $_not_ output

function namespace:and

scoreboard players operation $_not_ input = $_and_ output
function namespace:not
scoreboard players operation $_or_ output = $_not_ output



A ⊕ B = A + B - ((A ∧ B) >> 1)

また、左ビットシフトはscoreboard operationの演算にはありませんがここでは2の累乗をかけることと等価です。

A ⊕ B = A + B - 2(A ∧ B)

この変形のイメージとしては$A+B$の繰り上がり部分を引いて$A ⊕ B$を得ている感じです。
この形ならば、さっきまでに実装したものとscoreboard operationコマンドだけで表現できるのでそれらを利用して実装します。

scoreboard players operation $_xor_ output = $_xor_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_xor_ output += $_xor_ input2

scoreboard players operation $_and_ input1 = $_xor_ input1
scoreboard players operation $_and_ input2 = $_xor_ input2
function namespace:and

scoreboard players operation $_and_ output += $_and_ output

scoreboard players operation $_xor_ output -= $_and_ output

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