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MSX screen8サンプル

Last updated at Posted at 2018-07-18

3章 MSX2の画面モード - テクハンwiki
Appendix A.1 BIOS 一覧 - テクハンwiki

z88dk / WebMSX
zcc +msx -lndos -create-app -bnpset pset.c

int gttrig(char num)
	ld	a, l		; num
	call	$00d8		; GTTRIG
	ld	l, a
	ld	h, 0

void nwrvrm(int addr, char data)
	ld	ix, 0
	add	ix, sp
	ld	a, (ix+2)	; data
	ld	l, (ix+4)	; addr
	ld	h, (ix+5)
	call	$0177		; NWRVRM

void chgmdp(char mode)
	ld	a, l		; mode
	ld	ix, $01b5	; CHGMDP
	call	$015f		; EXTROM

void main()

	int addr = 0;
	for (int y = 0; y < 212; y++) {
		for (int x = 0; x < 256; x++) {
			nwrvrm(addr++, x);
	while (! gttrig(0)) ;

WMSX Screen.png


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