
More than 1 year has passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2020-04-27


"react-table": "^7.0.4"


  • react-tableはjsで実装されたライブラリ
  • 作成者が@types対応はOSSコミュニティに委譲するとしている
  • 型定義は存在するが、不完全(pluginを利用しようとすると、TableInstanceでpluginのフィールド定義が読み込めない)


    export interface TableInstance<D extends object = {}>
        extends Omit<TableOptions<D>, 'columns' | 'pageCount'>,
            UseTableInstanceProps<D> {}
  • d.tsファイルをカスタマイズして使えという・・・。


  • Pluginは、useSortBy,usePaginationしか使わない
  • Cell, Rowなどはほとんど使う





    "baseUrl": "./",
    "paths": {
      "react-table": [
    "typeRoots": [



import {ComponentType, CSSProperties, MouseEvent, ReactElement, ReactFragment, ReactNode, ReactText} from "react";

declare module 'react-table' {
// take this file as-is, or comment out the sections that don't apply to your plugin configuration
    export interface TableOptions<D>
            // UseExpandedOptions<D>,
            // UseFiltersOptions<D>,
            // UseGlobalFiltersOptions<D>,
            // UseGroupByOptions<D>,
            // UseResizeColumnsOptions<D>,
            // UseRowSelectOptions<D>,
            // UseRowStateOptions<D>,
            // note that having Record here allows you to add anything to the options, this matches the spirit of the
            // underlying js library, but might be cleaner if it's replaced by a more specific type that matches your
            // feature set, this is a safe default.
            Record<string, any> {

    export interface TableInstance<D = {}>
        extends UseTableInstanceProps<D>,
            // UseColumnOrderInstanceProps<D>,
            // UseExpandedInstanceProps<D>,
            // UseFiltersInstanceProps<D>,
            // UseGlobalFiltersInstanceProps<D>,
            // UseGroupByInstanceProps<D>,
            // UseRowSelectInstanceProps<D>,
            // UseRowStateInstanceProps<D>,
            UseSortByInstanceProps<D> {

    export interface TableState<D = {}>

            // UseColumnOrderState<D>,
            // UseExpandedState<D>,
            // UseFiltersState<D>,
            // UseGlobalFiltersState<D>,
            // UseGroupByState<D>,
            // UseResizeColumnsState<D>,
            // UseRowSelectState<D>,
            // UseRowStateState<D>,
            UseSortByState<D> {

    export interface ColumnInterface<D = {}>
        extends UseTableColumnOptions<D>,
            // UseFiltersColumnOptions<D>,
            // UseGlobalFiltersColumnOptions<D>,
            // UseGroupByColumnOptions<D>,
            // UseResizeColumnsColumnOptions<D>,
            UseSortByColumnOptions<D> {

    export interface UseTableColumnOptions<D> {
        id?: IdType<D>;
        Header?: Renderer<HeaderProps<D>>;
        width?: number | string;
        minWidth?: number;
        maxWidth?: number;

    export interface ColumnInstance<D = {}>
        extends UseTableColumnProps<D>,
            // UseFiltersColumnProps<D>,
            // UseGroupByColumnProps<D>,
            // UseResizeColumnsColumnProps<D>,
            UseSortByColumnProps<D> {

    export interface Cell<D = {}, V = any>
        extends UseTableCellProps<D>
        // UseGroupByCellProps<D>,
        //     UseRowStateCellProps<D>

    export interface Row<D = {}> extends UseTableRowProps<D> {

    export interface HeaderGroup<D = {}> extends ColumnInstance<D>, UseTableHeaderGroupProps<D> {

     * useTable
     * @param options
     * @param plugins
    export function useTable<D = {}>(
        options: TableOptions<D>,
        ...plugins: PluginHook<D>[]
    ): TableInstance<D>;

    export interface Hooks<D = {}>
        extends UseTableHooks<D>,
            // UseExpandedHooks<D>,
            // UseGroupByHooks<D>,
            // UseRowSelectHooks<D>,
            UseSortByHooks<D> {

    export function useSortBy<D = {}>(hooks: Hooks<D>): void;

// export function useSortBy<D = {}>(hooks: PluginHook<D>): void;

    export namespace useSortBy {
        const pluginName = 'useSortBy';

    export function usePagination<D = {}>(hooks: Hooks<D>): void;

// export function usePagination<D = {}>(hooks: PluginHook<D>): void;

    export namespace usePagination {
        const pluginName = 'usePagination';

    export interface PluginHook<D> {
        (hooks: Hooks<D>): void;

        pluginName?: string;

    export interface UseSortByHooks<D> {
        getSortByToggleProps: Array<PropGetter<D, TableCommonProps>>;

    export type UsePaginationOptions<D> = Partial<{
        pageCount: number;
        manualPagination: boolean;
        autoResetPage?: boolean;
        paginateExpandedRows: boolean;

    export type UseSortByOptions<D> = Partial<{
        manualSortBy: boolean;
        disableSortBy: boolean;
        defaultCanSort: boolean;
        disableMultiSort: boolean;
        isMultiSortEvent: (e: MouseEvent) => boolean;
        maxMultiSortColCount: number;
        disableSortRemove: boolean;
        disabledMultiRemove: boolean;
        orderByFn: (rows: Array<Row<D>>, sortFns: Array<SortByFn<D>>, directions: boolean[]) => Array<Row<D>>;
        sortTypes: Record<string, SortByFn<D>>;
        autoResetSortBy?: boolean;
    export type SortByFn<D> = (rowA: Row<D>, rowB: Row<D>, columnId: IdType<D>, desc?: boolean) => number;
    export type IdType<D> = StringKey<D> | string;
    export type StringKey<D> = Extract<keyof D, string>;

    export interface UseTableHooks<D> extends Record<string, any> {
        useOptions: Array<(options: TableOptions<D>, args: TableOptions<D>) => TableOptions<D>>;
        stateReducers: Array<(
            newState: TableState<D>,
            action: ActionType,
            previousState?: TableState<D>,
            instance?: TableInstance<D>,
        ) => ReducerTableState<D> | undefined>;
        columns: Array<(columns: Array<Column<D>>, meta: Meta<D>) => Array<Column<D>>>;
        columnsDeps: Array<(deps: any[], meta: Meta<D>) => any[]>;
        allColumns: Array<(allColumns: Array<ColumnInstance<D>>, meta: Meta<D>) => Array<Column<D>>>;
        allColumnsDeps: Array<(deps: any[], meta: Meta<D>) => any[]>;
        visibleColumns: Array<(allColumns: Array<ColumnInstance<D>>, meta: Meta<D>) => Array<Column<D>>>;
        visibleColumnsDeps: Array<(deps: any[], meta: Meta<D>) => any[]>;
        headerGroups: Array<(allColumns: Array<HeaderGroup<D>>, meta: Meta<D>) => Array<HeaderGroup<D>>>;
        headerGroupsDeps: Array<(deps: any[], meta: Meta<D>) => any[]>;
        useInstanceBeforeDimensions: Array<(instance: TableInstance<D>) => void>;
        useInstance: Array<(instance: TableInstance<D>) => void>;
        prepareRow: Array<(row: Row<D>, meta: Meta<D>) => void>;
        useControlledState: Array<(state: TableState<D>, meta: Meta<D>) => TableState<D>>;

        getTableProps: Array<TablePropGetter<D>>;
        getTableBodyProps: Array<TableBodyPropGetter<D>>;
        getHeaderGroupProps: Array<HeaderGroupPropGetter<D>>;
        getFooterGroupProps: Array<FooterGroupPropGetter<D>>;
        getHeaderProps: Array<HeaderPropGetter<D>>;
        getFooterProps: Array<FooterPropGetter<D>>;
        getRowProps: Array<RowPropGetter<D>>;
        getCellProps: Array<CellPropGetter<D>>;
        useFinalInstance: Array<(instance: TableInstance<D>) => void>;

    export const actions: Record<string, string>;
    export type ActionType = { type: string } & Record<string, any>;
    export const defaultColumn: Partial<Column> & Record<string, any>;

// Helpers
    export type CellValue<V = any> = V;

    export type Renderer<Props> = ComponentType<Props> | ReactElement | ReactText | ReactFragment;

    export interface MetaBase<D> {
        instance: TableInstance<D>;
        userProps: any;

// inspired by ExtendState in  https://github.com/reduxjs/redux/blob/master/src/types/store.ts
    export type Meta<D, Extension = never, M = MetaBase<D>> = [Extension] extends [never]
        ? M
        : M & Extension;
    export type TablePropGetter<D> = PropGetter<D, TableProps>;

    export type TableBodyPropGetter<D> = PropGetter<D, TableBodyProps>;

    export type HeaderPropGetter<D> = PropGetter<D, TableHeaderProps, { column: HeaderGroup<D> }>;

    export type FooterGroupPropGetter<D> = PropGetter<D, TableFooterGroupProps, { column: HeaderGroup<D> }>;

    export type HeaderGroupPropGetter<D> = PropGetter<D, TableHeaderGroupProps, { column: HeaderGroup<D> }>;

    export type FooterPropGetter<D> = PropGetter<D, TableFooterProps, { column: HeaderGroup<D> }>;

    export type RowPropGetter<D> = PropGetter<D, TableRowProps, { row: Row<D> }>;

    export type CellPropGetter<D> = PropGetter<D, TableCellProps, { cell: Cell<D> }>;

    export interface ReducerTableState<D> extends TableState<D>, Record<string, any> {

    export type PropGetter<D, Props, T = never, P = Partial<Props>> =
        | ((props: P, meta: Meta<D, T>) => P | P[])
        | P
        | P[];

    export interface TableProps extends TableCommonProps {

    export interface TableBodyProps extends TableCommonProps {

    export interface TableKeyedProps extends TableCommonProps {
        key: React.Key;

    export interface TableHeaderGroupProps extends TableKeyedProps {

    export interface TableFooterGroupProps extends TableKeyedProps {

    export interface TableHeaderProps extends TableKeyedProps {

    export interface TableFooterProps extends TableKeyedProps {

    export interface TableRowProps extends TableKeyedProps {

    export interface TableCellProps extends TableKeyedProps {

    export interface TableToggleCommonProps extends TableCommonProps {
        onChange?: () => void;
        checked?: boolean;
        title?: string;
        indeterminate?: boolean;

    export interface TableCommonProps {
        style?: CSSProperties;
        className?: string;
        role?: string;

    export interface UseTableInstanceProps<D> {
        state: TableState<D>;
        plugins: Array<PluginHook<D>>;
        dispatch: TableDispatch;
        columns: Array<ColumnInstance<D>>;
        allColumns: Array<ColumnInstance<D>>;
        visibleColumns: Array<ColumnInstance<D>>;
        headerGroups: Array<HeaderGroup<D>>;
        footerGroups: Array<HeaderGroup<D>>;
        headers: Array<ColumnInstance<D>>;
        flatHeaders: Array<ColumnInstance<D>>;
        rows: Array<Row<D>>;
        rowsById: Record<string, Row<D>>;
        getTableProps: (propGetter?: TablePropGetter<D>) => TableProps;
        getTableBodyProps: (propGetter?: TableBodyPropGetter<D>) => TableBodyProps;
        prepareRow: (row: Row<D>) => void;
        flatRows: Array<Row<D>>;
        totalColumnsWidth: number;
        allColumnsHidden: boolean;
        toggleHideColumn: (columnId: IdType<D>, value?: boolean) => void;
        setHiddenColumns: (param: Array<IdType<D>> | UpdateHiddenColumns<D>) => void;
        toggleHideAllColumns: (value?: boolean) => void;
        getToggleHideAllColumnsProps: (props?: Partial<TableToggleHideAllColumnProps>) => TableToggleHideAllColumnProps;
        getHooks: () => Hooks<D>;

    type UpdateHiddenColumns<D> = (oldHidden: Array<IdType<D>>) => Array<IdType<D>>;
    export type TableDispatch<A = any> = (action: A) => void;

    export interface TableToggleHideAllColumnProps extends TableToggleCommonProps {

    export interface UsePaginationInstanceProps<D> {
        page: Array<Row<D>>;
        pageCount: number;
        pageOptions: number[];
        canPreviousPage: boolean;
        canNextPage: boolean;
        gotoPage: (updater: ((pageIndex: number) => number) | number) => void;
        previousPage: () => void;
        nextPage: () => void;
        setPageSize: (pageSize: number) => void;

    export interface UseSortByInstanceProps<D> {
        rows: Array<Row<D>>;
        preSortedRows: Array<Row<D>>;
        toggleSortBy: (columnId: IdType<D>, descending: boolean, isMulti: boolean) => void;

    export interface UsePaginationState<D> {
        pageSize: number;
        pageIndex: number;

    export interface UseSortByState<D> {
        sortBy: Array<SortingRule<D>>;

    export interface SortingRule<D> {
        id: IdType<D>;
        desc?: boolean;

    export type HeaderProps<D> = TableInstance<D> & {
        column: ColumnInstance<D>;
    export type UseSortByColumnOptions<D> = Partial<{
        defaultCanSort: boolean;
        disableSortBy: boolean;
        sortDescFirst: boolean;
        sortInverted: boolean;
        sortType: SortByFn<D> | DefaultSortTypes | string;
    export type DefaultSortTypes = 'alphanumeric' | 'datetime' | 'basic';

    export interface UseTableColumnProps<D> {
        id: IdType<D>;
        columns: Array<ColumnInstance<D>>;
        isVisible: boolean;
        render: (type: 'Header' | 'Footer' | string, props?: object) => ReactNode;
        totalLeft: number;
        totalWidth: number;
        getHeaderProps: (propGetter?: HeaderPropGetter<D>) => TableHeaderProps;
        getFooterProps: (propGetter?: FooterPropGetter<D>) => TableFooterProps;
        toggleHidden: (value?: boolean) => void;
        parent: ColumnInstance<D>; // not documented
        getToggleHiddenProps: (userProps?: any) => any;
        depth: number; // not documented
        index: number; // not documented
        placeholderOf?: ColumnInstance;

    export interface UseSortByColumnProps<D> {
        canSort: boolean;
        toggleSortBy: (descending: boolean, multi: boolean) => void;
        getSortByToggleProps: (props?: Partial<TableSortByToggleProps>) => TableSortByToggleProps;
        clearSortBy: () => void;
        isSorted: boolean;
        sortedIndex: number;
        isSortedDesc: boolean | undefined;

    export interface TableSortByToggleProps {

    export interface UseTableCellProps<D, V = any> {
        column: ColumnInstance<D>;
        row: Row<D>;
        value: CellValue<V>;
        getCellProps: (propGetter?: CellPropGetter<D>) => TableCellProps;
        render: (type: 'Cell' | string, userProps?: object) => ReactNode;

    export interface UseTableRowProps<D> {
        cells: Array<Cell<D>>;
        values: Record<IdType<D>, CellValue>;
        getRowProps: (propGetter?: RowPropGetter<D>) => TableRowProps;
        index: number;
        original: D;
        id: string;
        subRows: Array<Row<D>>;

    export interface UseTableHeaderGroupProps<D> {
        headers: Array<ColumnInstance<D>>;
        getHeaderGroupProps: (propGetter?: HeaderGroupPropGetter<D>) => TableHeaderProps;
        getFooterGroupProps: (propGetter?: FooterGroupPropGetter<D>) => TableFooterProps;
        totalHeaderCount: number; // not documented

    export type Column<D = {}> =
        | ColumnGroup<D>
        | ColumnWithLooseAccessor<D>
        | ColumnWithStrictAccessor<D>;

    export type ColumnGroup<D = {}> =
        & ColumnInterface<D>
        & ColumnGroupInterface<D>
        & (
        | { Header: string; }
        | ({ id: IdType<D>; } & {
        Header: Renderer<HeaderProps<D>>;
        // Not used, but needed for backwards compatibility
        & { accessor?: Accessor<D>; };

    type ValueOf<T> = T[keyof T];
    export type Accessor<D> = (
        originalRow: D,
        index: number,
        sub: {
            subRows: D[];
            depth: number;
            data: D[];
    ) => CellValue;

    export interface ColumnGroupInterface<D> {
        columns: Array<Column<D>>;

    export type ColumnWithStrictAccessor<D = {}> =
        & ColumnInterface<D>
        & ValueOf<{
        [K in keyof D]: {
        accessor: K;
    } & ColumnInterfaceBasedOnValue<D, D[K]>;

    export type ColumnWithLooseAccessor<D = {}> =
        & ColumnInterface<D>
        & ColumnInterfaceBasedOnValue<D>
        & (
        | { Header: string }
        | { id: IdType<D> }
        | { accessor: keyof D extends never ? IdType<D> : never }
        & { accessor?: keyof D extends never ? IdType<D> | Accessor<D> : Accessor<D>; };

    export interface ColumnInterfaceBasedOnValue<D = {}, V = any> {
        Cell?: Renderer<CellProps<D, V>>;

    export type CellProps<D, V = any> = TableInstance<D> & {
        column: ColumnInstance<D>;
        row: Row<D>;
        cell: Cell<D, V>;
        value: CellValue<V>;







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