- Mojave 10.14.5(18F132)
- NEOVIM v0.3.4
├── .config/
│ └── nvim/
│ └── init.vim
└── .vim/
├── colors/
│ └── Benokai.vim(省略)
├── dein/
│ └── (省略)
└── userautoload/
├── dein/
│ ├── lazy.toml
│ └── plugins.toml
└── init/
├── basic.vim
└── mapping.vim
if $compatible
set nocompatible " Be iMproved
set rtp+=~/.vim/
runtime! userautoload/init/*.vim
runtime! userautoload/dein/*.vim
let s:dein_dir = expand('~/.vim/dein')
"コマンド実行する $ git clone https://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim.git ~/.vim/dein/repos/github.com/Shougo/dein.vim
set rtp+=~/.vim/dein/repos/github.com/Shougo/dein.vim
" dein.vim がなければ github から落としてくる
if &runtimepath !~# '/dein.vim'
if !isdirectory(s:dein_repo_dir)
execute '!git clone https://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim' s:dein_repo_dir
execute 'set runtimepath^=' . fnamemodify(s:dein_repo_dir, ':p')
if dein#load_state(s:dein_dir)
call dein#begin(s:dein_dir)
call dein#load_toml('~/.vim/userautoload/dein/plugins.toml', {'lazy': 0})
call dein#load_toml('~/.vim/userautoload/dein/lazy.toml', {'lazy': 1})
call dein#end()
call dein#save_state()
if dein#check_install()
call dein#install()
syntax on
set t_Co=256
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight Normal ctermbg=none
autocmd ColorScheme * highlight LineNr ctermbg=none
colorscheme Benokai
highlight Comment ctermfg=239
highlight Number ctermfg=09
highlight LineNr ctermfg=07
highlight Directory ctermfg=118
highlight RubyInstanceVariable ctermfg=208
highlight htmlTag ctermfg=15
highlight htmlEndTag ctermfg=15
highlight Search term=reverse ctermfg=black ctermbg=248
highlight Pmenu ctermbg=239
highlight PmenuSel ctermbg=6
highlight PMenuSbar ctermbg=239
" gitgutterの色
set updatetime=250
let g:gitgutter_max_signs = 500
let g:gitgutter_map_keys = 0
let g:gitgutter_override_sign_column_highlight = 0
highlight clear SignColumn
highlight GitGutterAdd ctermfg=2
highlight GitGutterChange ctermfg=3
highlight GitGutterDelete ctermfg=1
highlight GitGutterChangeDelete ctermfg=4
"シンタックスハイライト(syntax onより前に書かない)
autocmd User Rails.view* NeoSnippetSource ~/.vim/snippet/ruby.rails.view.snip
autocmd User Rails.controller* NeoSnippetSource ~/.vim/snippet/ruby.rails.controller.snip
autocmd User Rails/db/migrate/* NeoSnippetSource ~/.vim/snippet/ruby.rails.migrate.snip
autocmd User Rails/config/routes.rb NeoSnippetSource ~/.vim/snippet/ruby.rails.route.snip
" 奇数インデントのカラー
autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesOdd guibg=#333333 ctermbg=235
" 偶数インデントのカラー
autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesEven guibg=#2c2c2c ctermbg=240
function! ZenkakuSpace()
highlight ZenkakuSpace cterm=reverse ctermfg=DarkMagenta gui=reverse guifg=DarkMagenta
if has('syntax')
augroup ZenkakuSpace
autocmd ColorScheme * call ZenkakuSpace()
autocmd VimEnter,WinEnter * match ZenkakuSpace / /
augroup END
call ZenkakuSpace()
repo = 'Shougo/denite.nvim'
repo = 'Shougo/unite.vim'
repo = 'ujihisa/unite-colorscheme'
on_source = ['unite.vim']
repo = 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim'
hook_add = '''
let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1
set completeopt+=noinsert
repo = 'Shougo/neosnippet.vim'
repo = 'Shougo/neosnippet-snippets'
on_source = ['neosnippet.vim']
repo = 'othree/html5.vim'
on_ft = ['html','vue']
hook_add = '''
let g:html5_event_handler_attributes_complete = 1
let g:html5_rdfa_attributes_complete = 1
let g:html5_microdata_attributes_complete = 1
let g:html5_aria_attributes_complete = 1
repo = 'vim-ruby/vim-ruby'
on_ft = ['ruby']
repo = 'tpope/vim-rails'
on_ft = ['ruby']
repo = 'alpaca-tc/vim-endwise.git'
on_ft = ['ruby']
hook_add = '''
let g:endwise_no_mappings=1
repo = 'jelera/vim-javascript-syntax'
on_ft = ['javascript']
repo = 'digitaltoad/vim-pug'
on_ft = ['pug']
repo = 'hail2u/vim-css3-syntax'
on_ft = ['css','scss','sass']
repo = 'cakebaker/scss-syntax.vim'
on_ft = ['css','scss','sass']
repo = 'slim-template/vim-slim'
on_ft = ['slim']
repo = 'posva/vim-vue'
on_ft = ['vue']
repo = 'cespare/vim-toml'
on_ft = ['toml']
repo = 'plasticboy/vim-markdown'
on_ft = ['markdown']
repo = 'elzr/vim-json'
hook_add = '''
let g:vim_json_syntax_conceal = 0
on_ft = ['json']
repo = 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
depends = ['/vim-airline-themes']
repo = 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
hook_add = '''
set laststatus=2
let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_idx_mode = 1
let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_algo = 1
let g:airline_theme = 'dark'
repo = 'Shougo/vimfiler.vim'
hook_add = '''
augroup vimfiler
autocmd FileType vimfiler call s:vimfiler_settings()
augroup END
function! s:vimfiler_settings()
nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> s vimfiler#do_switch_action('split')
nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> v vimfiler#do_switch_action('vsplit')
let g:vimfiler_as_default_explorer=1
let g:vimfiler_safe_mode_by_default = 0
let g:vimfiler_tree_leaf_icon = " "
let g:vimfiler_tree_opened_icon = ' '
let g:vimfiler_tree_closed_icon = ' '
let g:vimfiler_file_icon = '- '
let g:vimfiler_marked_file_icon = '✓ '
let g:vimfiler_readonly_file_icon = '✗ '
let g:vimfiler_ignore_pattern = '^\%(.git\|.DS_Store\)$'
nnoremap fi :VimFilerBufferDir<CR>
nnoremap fe :VimFilerExplorer -split -winwidth=35 -toggle -no-quit<CR>
repo = 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons'
hook_add = '''
let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols = {}
let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols['html'] = ''
let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols['css'] = ''
let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols['md'] = ''
let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols['txt'] = ''
let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols['erb'] = ''
let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols['slim'] = ''
let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols['scss'] = ''
let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols['sass'] = ''
let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols['js'] = ''
let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols['coffee'] = ''
let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFileNodesExtensionSymbols['rb'] = ''
repo = 'terryma/vim-multiple-cursors'
hook_add = '''
function! Multiple_cursors_before()
if exists(':NeoCompleteLock')==2
exe 'NeoCompleteLock'
function! Multiple_cursors_after()
if exists(':NeoCompleteUnlock')==2
exe 'NeoCompleteUnlock'
repo = 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
hook_add = '''
let g:airline#extensions#branch#enabled = 1
nnoremap [fugitive] <Nop>
nmap <space>g [fugitive]
nnoremap <silent> [fugitive]s :Gstatus<CR><C-w>T
nnoremap <silent> [fugitive]a :Gwrite<CR>
nnoremap <silent> [fugitive]c :Gcommit-v<CR>
nnoremap <silent> [fugitive]b :Gblame<CR>
nnoremap <silent> [fugitive]p :Gpull<CR>
nnoremap <silent> [fugitive]d :Gdiff<CR>
nnoremap <silent> [fugitive]m :Gmerge<CR>
repo = 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
repo = 'cohama/agit.vim'
repo = 'itchyny/vim-parenmatch'
repo = 'itchyny/vim-cursorword'
repo = 'tomtom/tcomment_vim'
hook_add = '''
nmap ww gcc
vmap ww gcc
if !exists('g:tcomment_types')
let g:tcomment_types = {}
let g:tcomment_types['eruby'] = '<%# %s %>'
let g:tcomment_types['erb'] = '<%# %s %>'
let g:tcomment_types['scss'] = '/* %s */'
let g:tcomment_types['pug'] = '// %s'
let g:tcomment_types['toml'] = '# %s'
repo = 'alvan/vim-closetag'
hook_add = '''
let g:closetag_filenames = '*.html,*.xhtml,*.phtml,*.erb,*.php,*.vue'
repo = 'mikoto2000/buffer_selector.vim'
hook_add = '''
noremap <Space><Space> <Esc>:call buffer_selector#OpenBufferSelector()<Enter>
repo = 'lilydjwg/colorizer'
repo = 'Shougo/context_filetype.vim'
repo = 'osyo-manga/vim-precious'
repo = 'nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides'
hook_add = '''
let g:indent_guides_enable_on_vim_startup=1
let g:indent_guides_auto_colors = 0
let g:indent_guides_exclude_filetypes = ['help', 'vimfiler']
repo = 'machakann/vim-highlightedyank'
hook_add = '''
let g:highlightedyank_highlight_duration = 200
repo = 'bfredl/nvim-miniyank'
hook_add = '''
map p <Plug>(miniyank-autoput)
map P <Plug>(miniyank-autoPut)
repo = 'junegunn/fzf'
build = './install --bin'
merged = '0'
repo = 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
depends = 'fzf'
hook_add = '''
command! -bang -nargs=* Rg
\ call fzf#vim#grep(
\ 'rg --line-number --no-heading '.shellescape(<q-args>), 0,
\ fzf#vim#with_preview({'options': '--exact --reverse'}, 'right:50%:wrap'))
repo = 'wakatime/vim-wakatime'
repo = 'neoclide/coc.nvim'
build = './install.sh nightly'
hook_add = 'source ~/.config/nvim/coc-settings.json'
set encoding=utf-8
set fileencoding=utf-8
set termencoding=utf-8
set fileformat=unix
set belloff=all
set scrolloff=5
set number
set norelativenumber
set backspace=2
set cursorline
set nocursorcolumn
set whichwrap=b,s,h,l,<,>,[,]
set noswapfile
"Always display the statusline in all windows
set laststatus=2
"Always display the tabline, even if there is only one tab
set showtabline=2
set hlsearch
set noshowmode
" クリップボード
set clipboard&
set clipboard^=unnamedplus
"Don't autofold anything
set foldlevel=100
set matchpairs& matchpairs+=<:>
set showmatch
set matchtime=3
set autoindent
set smartindent
set smarttab
set expandtab
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=2
set softtabstop=2
set ttyfast
set lazyredraw
set guicursor=v:block-Cursor/lCursor-blinkon0,n-i-c-ci:ver50-Cursor/lCursor,r-cr:hor20-Cursor/lCursor
set list
set listchars=tab:>.,trail:_,eol:↲,extends:>,precedes:<,nbsp:%
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead * set expandtab
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead * retab
autocmd FileType vue syntax sync fromstart
autocmd FileType eruby syntax sync fromstart
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.{html,htm} set filetype=html
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.html.erb set filetype=html.eruby
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.{pug*} set filetype=pug
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.{jade*} set filetype=pug
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.scss set filetype=sass
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.json set filetype=json
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.md set filetype=markdown
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.rb set filetype=ruby
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.slim set filetype=slim
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.js set filetype=javascript
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile jquery.*.js set filetype=javascript syntax=jquery
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.vue setlocal filetype=vue.pug.javascript.css
autocmd BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g`\""
nnoremap FF <C-w>
inoremap ff <Esc>
vnoremap ff <Esc>
nnoremap <CR> A<CR><Esc>
nnoremap MM ddkkp
nnoremap mm ddp
nnoremap tt Yp
vnoremap tt yP
nnoremap D viw
inoremap { {}<LEFT>
inoremap [ []<LEFT>
inoremap ( ()<LEFT>
" inoremap < <><LEFT>
inoremap " ""<LEFT>
inoremap ' ''<LEFT>
nnoremap <C-j> g*:noh<Enter>
nnoremap <C-k> g#:noh<Enter>
nnoremap > <C-w>5>
nnoremap < <C-w>5<
nnoremap <F3> :set hlsearch!<CR>
nnoremap noh :noh<CR>
nnoremap tab :set expandtab<Enter>:retab<Enter>:w<Enter>
nnoremap <F5> :source ~/.config/nvim/init.vim<Enter>
nnoremap sou :source ~/.config/nvim/init.vim<Enter>
nnoremap H ^
vnoremap H ^
nnoremap L $
vnoremap L $
" fzfショートカット
nnoremap gr :Ag<CR>