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[Tips] UITextviewをUILabelっぽく使う

Last updated at Posted at 2018-12-29


スクリーンショット 2018-12-29 15.23.02.png




  1. IBDesignable対応クラスを用意。
    • 使いたいUITextView継承クラスに@IBDesignbableを付加。
    • 使いたいUITextView継承クラスが特に無い場合は、UITextViewのIBDesignable用クラスを作る。
  2. UITextViewのエクステンションを作成し、必要なプロパティを追加。
    • Padding調整プロパティ
    • 行数指定プロパティ
  3. IBファイル(StoryboardやXib)でUITextViewを配置し、1で作成したクラスをCustomClassに設定。
  4. Paddingを0に指定。
  5. Linesを指定。
  6. Scrolling Enabledをfalseに指定。


@available(*, unavailable, message: "Only use it at Storybord or Xib. When referring it from their file to Swift file, replace reference class name to inherited class.", renamed: "UITextView")
@IBDesignable final class DesignableTextView: UITextView {
    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)
    override init(frame: CGRect, textContainer: NSTextContainer?) {
        super.init(frame: frame, textContainer: textContainer)
extension UITextView {
    @available(*, unavailable, message: "Only use it at Storybord or Xib. When referring it from their file to Swift file, replace reference class name to inherited class.", renamed: "textContainerInset.top")
    @IBInspectable var topPadding: Float {
        get { return Float(self.textContainerInset.top) }
        set { textContainerInset.top = CGFloat(newValue) }
    @available(*, unavailable, message: "Only use it at Storybord or Xib. When referring it from their file to Swift file, replace reference class name to inherited class.", renamed: "textContainerInset.left")
    @IBInspectable var leftPadding: Float {
        get { return Float(self.textContainerInset.left + 5) }
        set { textContainerInset.left = CGFloat(newValue - 5) }
    @available(*, unavailable, message: "Only use it at Storybord or Xib. When referring it from their file to Swift file, replace reference class name to inherited class.", renamed: "textContainerInset.right")
    @IBInspectable var rightPadding: Float {
        get { return Float(self.textContainerInset.right + 5) }
        set { textContainerInset.right = CGFloat(newValue - 5) }
    @available(*, unavailable, message: "Only use it at Storybord or Xib. When referring it from their file to Swift file, replace reference class name to inherited class.", renamed: "textContainerInset.bottom")
    @IBInspectable var bottomPadding: Float {
        get { return -1 * Float(self.textContainerInset.bottom) }
        set { textContainerInset.bottom = -1 * CGFloat(newValue) }
    @available(*, unavailable, message: "Only use it at Storybord or Xib. When referring it from their file to Swift file, replace reference class name to inherited class.", renamed: "textContainer.maximumNumberOfLines")
    @IBInspectable var lines: Int {
        get { return textContainer.maximumNumberOfLines }
        set { textContainer.maximumNumberOfLines = newValue }




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