
More than 3 years have passed since last update.


Posted at







<template name="Detect Report" category="miscellaneous">
<description>Detect Report</description>
<section name="Detect Report">
<description>Detect Report</description>
<input label="キーの選択" name="keys" type="view.rttraffic.key[]" value="time,sourceaddress,ipprotocol"/>
<input label="値" name="value" type="string" value="fps">
<option value="frames"/>
<option value="fps"/>
<option value="bytes"/>
<option value="Bps"/>
<option value="bps"/>
<input label="期間" name="interval" type="interval.realtime" value="last60minutes"/>
<input label="グループ" name="group" type="group" value="hour"/>
<input label="名前解決" name="lookupnames" type="string" value="no">
<option value="yes"/>
<option value="no"/>
<input label="条件" name="where" type="filter.rttraffic" required="false"/>
<input label="しきい値" name="thresh" type="integer" value="10000"/>
<script> var report = new Report(); var truncate = ""; var filter = null; if(typeof(where) != 'undefined') filter = where; var vcol; switch(value) { case "frames": vcol = "frames"; break; case "fps" : vcol = "rate(frames)"; break; case "bytes" : vcol = "bytes"; break; case "Bps" : vcol = "rate(bytes)"; break; case "bps" : vcol = "rate(bytes)"; break; default : vcol = "frames"; } var select = keys.toString() + "," + vcol; var query = new Query.topN("rttraffic",select,filter,interval,vcol,truncate); query.group = group; var table = query.run(); if("bps" == value) table.scaleColumn(table.ncols - 1,8); if("yes" == lookupnames) table.addressesToNames(); table.cnames[table.ncols - 1] = value; var violations = Table.create(table.cnames,table.ctypes); for(var r = 0; r < table.nrows; r++) { if(table.cell(r,table.ncols - 1) > thresh) violations.addRow(table.row(r)); } report.table(violations); // if the threshold is set and the first row exceeded it, then raise an event if(typeof(thresh) != 'undefined' && table.nrows > 0 && violations.cell(0, table.ncols - 1) > thresh) { report.sendEvent("threshold", "severe"); } </script>


<template name="BGP Accounting" category="accounting">
<description>WAN traffic reports for BGP</description>
<section name="Total by AS">
<description>Accumulate total bytes to or through each active AS.</description>
<input name="interval" type="interval.history" value="yesterday"/>
<input name="where" type="filter.historytrmx" required="false"/>
<script> var report = new Report(); var filt = ""; if(typeof(where) != 'undefined') filt = where; // first make the query to get the totals for each as path var view = "historytrmx"; var select = "bgpdestinationaspath,bytes"; var sort = "bytes"; var query = Query.topN(view, select, filt, interval, sort, null); var table = query.run(); // now accumulate the total against each individual ASN var totals = new Array(); for(var i=0; i<table.nrows; i++) { var path = table.cell(i, 0); var bytes = table.cell(i, 1); if(path) { var asns = path.split("-"); for each (var asn in asns) { if(!totals[asn]) totals[asn] = 0; totals[asn] += bytes; } } } // create a two-column table to hold the results var results = Table.create(["AS", "MBytes"],["as","double"]); results.start = table.start; results.end = table.end; // add the rows to the table one at a time for (var asn in totals) { var row = new Array(asn, totals[asn]); results.addRow(row); } // sort by bytes results.sort(1, true); // add another column to represent Mbits/sec var seconds = (table.end.getTime() - table.start.getTime()) / 1000; var rates = new Array(); var scale = (8 / (seconds * 1000000)); for(var i=0; i< results.nrows; i++) { rates[i] = results.cell(i,1) * scale; } results.addColumn("Mbits/sec", "double", rates); // scale the bytes column to make it just show MBytes instead of bytes results.scaleColumn(1, (1 / 1000000)); // insert the AS names as another column var names = (new Network()).asMap(results.column(0)); results.insertColumn("AS Name", "string", names, 1); //add to report report.table(results); </script>
<section name="Total by Source AS">
<description>Accumulate total bytes from each Source AS.</description>
<input name="interval" type="interval.history" value="yesterday"/>
<input name="where" type="filter.historytrmx" required="false"/>
<script> var report = new Report(); var filt = ""; if(typeof(where) != 'undefined') filt = where; var view = "historytrmx"; var select = "bgpsourceas,bytes"; var sort = "bytes"; var query = Query.topN(view, select, filt, interval, sort, null); var table = query.run(); // add another column to represent Mbits/sec var seconds = (table.end.getTime() - table.start.getTime()) / 1000; var rates = new Array(); var scale = (8 / (seconds * 1000000)); for(var i=0; i< table.nrows; i++) { rates[i] = table.cell(i,1) * scale; } table.addColumn("Mbits/sec", "double", rates); // scale the bytes column to make it just show MBytes instead of bytes table.scaleColumn(1, (1 / 1000000)); // insert the AS names as another column var names = (new Network()).asMap(table.column(0)); table.insertColumn("AS Name", "string", names, 1); //add to report report.table(table); </script>



<template name="BGP Accounting" category="accounting">
<description>WAN link traffic reports for BGP</description>
<section name="Link Total by AS">
<description>Accumulate total bytes to or through each active AS, as seen on the given link.</description>
<input name="port" label="interface" type="interface" required="true"/>
<input name="interval" type="interval.realtime" value="last60minutes"/>
<input name="where" type="filter.rttraffic" required="false"/>
<script> var report = new Report(); var filt = "path = " + port; if(typeof(where) != 'undefined') filt = "(" + where + ") & (" + filt + ")"; // first make the query to get the totals for each as path var view = "rttraffic"; var select = "bgpdestinationaspath,bytes"; var sort = "bytes"; var query = Query.topN(view, select, filt, interval, sort, null); var table = query.run(); // now accumulate the total against each individual ASN var totals = new Array(); for(var i=0; i<table.nrows; i++) { var path = table.cell(i, 0); var bytes = table.cell(i, 1); if(path) { var asns = path.split("-"); for each (var asn in asns) { if(!totals[asn]) totals[asn] = 0; totals[asn] += bytes; } } } // create a two-column table to hold the results var results = Table.create(["AS", "MBytes"],["as","double"]); results.start = table.start; results.end = table.end; // add the rows to the table one at a time for (var asn in totals) { var row = new Array(asn, totals[asn]); results.addRow(row); } // sort by bytes results.sort(1, true); // add another column to represent Mbits/sec var seconds = (table.end.getTime() - table.start.getTime()) / 1000; var rates = new Array(); var scale = (8 / (seconds * 1000000)); for(var i=0; i< results.nrows; i++) { rates[i] = results.cell(i,1) * scale; } results.addColumn("Mbits/sec", "double", rates); // scale the bytes column to make it just show MBytes instead of bytes results.scaleColumn(1, (1 / 1000000)); // insert the AS names as another column var names = (new Network()).asMap(results.column(0)); results.insertColumn("AS Name", "string", names, 1); //add to report report.table(results); </script>
<section name="Link Total by Source AS">
<description>Accumulate total bytes from each Source AS, as seen on the given link.</description>
<input name="port" label="interface" type="interface" required="true"/>
<input name="interval" type="interval.realtime" value="last60minutes"/>
<input name="where" type="filter.rttraffic" required="false"/>
<script> var report = new Report(); var filt = "path = " + port; if(typeof(where) != 'undefined') filt = "(" + where + ") & (" + filt + ")"; var view = "rttraffic"; var select = "bgpsourceas,bytes"; var sort = "bytes"; var query = Query.topN(view, select, filt, interval, sort, null); var table = query.run(); // add another column to represent Mbits/sec var seconds = (table.end.getTime() - table.start.getTime()) / 1000; var rates = new Array(); var scale = (8 / (seconds * 1000000)); for(var i=0; i< table.nrows; i++) { rates[i] = table.cell(i,1) * scale; } table.addColumn("Mbits/sec", "double", rates); // scale the bytes column to make it just show MBytes instead of bytes table.scaleColumn(1, (1 / 1000000)); // insert the AS names as another column var names = (new Network()).asMap(table.column(0)); table.insertColumn("AS Name", "string", names, 1); //add to report report.table(table); </script>



<template name="Custom I/F Trend" category="interfaces">
<description>Custom interface counter trend charts</description>
<section name="Interface Trend Bar Chart">
<description>Trend total bytes as a bar chart.</description>
<input name="ifx" label="Interface" type="interface"/>
<input name="interval" label="Interval" type="interval.history" value="thismonth"/>
<input name="charttitle" label="Chart Title" type="string" required="false"/>
<![CDATA[ var report = Report.current(); var cnames = 'time,ifinoctets,ifoutoctets'; var group; var _dates = Query.timeRange(interval,null,'historycounters'); var _delta = _dates[1].getTime() - _dates[0].getTime(); if(_delta <= 2764800000) group = 'day'; else group = 'month'; var q = Query.trend('historycounters2',cnames,'interface='+ifx,interval,group); var t = q.run(); // create totals column and time labels var labels = new Array(t.nrows); var totals = new Array(t.nrows); for(var r = 0; r < t.nrows; r++) { totals[r] = t.cell(r,1) + t.cell(r,2); labels[r] = formatdate(t.cell(r,0),group=='month' ? 'yyyy/MM' : 'yyyy/MM/dd','ja',"JP"); } t.insertColumn('Bytes','number',totals); t.insertColumn('Time','string',labels); t.printCSV(true); var title = 'Trend'; if(typeof(charttitle) == 'undefined') { var n = Network.current(); n.path=ifx; title = n.agent() + '>' + n.displayName(); } else { title = charttitle; }; var chart = Chart.singleSeries('bar',title,t,'time',0,'bytes',1); chart.width=640; report.chart(chart); ]]>
<section name="Agent Trend Bar Chart">
<description>Trend total bytes as a bar chart.</description>
<input name="agent" label="Agent" type="agent"/>
<input name="interval" label="Interval" type="interval.history" value="thismonth"/>
<input name="charttitle" label="Chart Title" type="string" required="false"/>
<![CDATA[ var report = Report.current(); var cnames = 'time,ifinoctets,ifoutoctets'; var group; var _dates = Query.timeRange(interval,null,'historycounters'); var _delta = _dates[1].getTime() - _dates[0].getTime(); if(_delta <= 2764800000) group = 'day'; else group = 'month'; var q = Query.trend('historycounters2',cnames,'agent='+agent,interval,group); var t = q.run(); // create totals column and time labels var labels = new Array(t.nrows); var totals = new Array(t.nrows); for(var r = 0; r < t.nrows; r++) { totals[r] = t.cell(r,1) + t.cell(r,2); labels[r] = formatdate(t.cell(r,0),group=='month' ? 'yyyy/MM' : 'yyyy/MM/dd','ja',"JP"); } t.insertColumn('Bytes','number',totals); t.insertColumn('Time','string',labels); t.printCSV(true); var title = 'Trend'; if(typeof(charttitle) == 'undefined') { var n = Network.current(); n.path=agent; title = n.agent(); } else { title = charttitle; }; var chart = Chart.singleSeries('bar',title,t,'time',0,'bytes',1); chart.width=640; report.chart(chart); ]]>


<template name="Tabular Counter Queries" category="interfaces">
<description>Queries returning tabular counter data.</description>
<section name="Tabular Counter Trend">
<description>Display counter trend as a table.</description>
<input label="Interface" name="port" type="interface"/>
<input label="Select" name="select" type="view.historycounters.value[]" value="ifinutilization,ifoututilization"/>
<input label="Group" name="group" type="group" value="hour"/>
<input label="Interval" name="interval" type="interval.history" value="yesterday"/>
<script> var report = Report.current(); var network = Network.current(); network.path = port; var where = "interface=" + port; var query = new Query.trend("historycounters","time," + select,where,interval,group); var table = query.run(); report.heading(network.printPath()); report.table(table); </script>


<template name="Troubleshooting" category="host">
<description>Troubleshooting utilities</description>
<section name="Interfaces on Path">
<description>Test interfaces on path from host to group</description>
<input name="host" type="string" label="Host"/>
<input name="group" type="string" label="Destination Group" value="grc"/>
<input name="truncate" type="integer" label="Truncate" value="50"/>
<input name="interval" type="interval.realtime" label="Interval" value="last60minutes"/>
<input name="where" type="filter.rttraffic" label="Where" required="false"/>
<script> var report = new Report(); var net = new Network(); var address = net.ipAddressFromName(host); if(!address) { report.paragraph("DNS lookup failed for " + host); } else { var view = "rttraffic"; var select = "agent,inputifindex,outputifindex,bytes,ipttl"; var where = "ipsource = " + address + " & destinationgroup = " + group; var sort = "bytes"; var n = 50; var query = Query.topN(view, select, where, interval,null, n); var table = query.run(); table.sort(4,true); report.table(table); var ttls = new Array(); var if_filter = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < table.nrows; i++) { var agnt = table.cell(i, 0); var ifin = table.cell(i, 1); var ifout = table.cell(i, 2); if_filter.push(agnt + ">" + ifin); if_filter.push(agnt + ">" + ifout); var ttl = table.cell(i,4); ttls[agnt + ">" + ifin] = ttl; // subtracting 0.5 preserves the input to output order ttls[agnt + ">" + ifout] = ttl - 0.5; } // println("interface filter is " + if_filter); view = "rtcounters"; select = "interface,ifspeed,max(ifinutilization),max(ifoututilization),ifindiscards,ifoutdiscards,ifinerrors,ifouterrors"; where = "interface = " + if_filter; sort = "max(ifinutilization)"; n = null; var query2 = Query.topN(view, select, where, interval, sort, n); var table2 = query2.run(); report.paragraph("Traffic from " + host + " (" + address + ") to group " + group + " was seen traversing the following interfaces"); var ttlcol = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < table2.nrows; i++) { var ifx = table2.cell(i,0); ttlcol[i] = ttls[ifx]; } table2.addColumn("IP TTL","integer",ttlcol); table2.sort(8,true); table2.cnames[2] = "Max. %Utilization In"; table2.cnames[3] = "Max. %Utilization Out"; report.table(table2); } </script>


<template name="Device availability" category="qos">
<description>Report data on availability of switches and routers</description>
<section name="% Availability of switches and routers">
<description>% availability of switches and routers based on continuity of receiving data from a switch and sysUpTime</description>
<usage>Select the Interval over which availability is to be calculated and the Path (ie >>Zone>Group>Agent hierarchy) containing devices for which the availability report is required</usage>
<input label="Interval" name="interval" type="string" value="lastHour">
<option value="lastHour"/>
<option value="today"/>
<option value="thisWeek"/>
<option value="last7Days"/>
<option value="thisMonth"/>
<option value="last30Days"/>
<input label="Path" name="path" type="path" value="" required="false"/>
<input label="Include 100%" name="includeall" type="string" value="yes">
<option value="yes"/>
<option value="no"/>
<input label="Include sysDescr" name="includeSysDescr" type="string" value="no">
<option value="yes"/>
<option value="no"/>
<![CDATA[ var view = "historycounters"; // get the interval size with a dummy query var dummy = Query.topN(view, "", "agent = null", interval, null, null).run(); // and use it to calculate the time window and uptime threshold var start_ms = dummy.start.getTime(); var end_ms = dummy.end.getTime(); var now ]]>
<![CDATA[ = new Date(); now.setSeconds(0); var now_ms = now.getTime(); if(end_ms > now_ms) end_ms = now_ms; var intervalMins = Math.round((end_ms - start_ms) / 60000); var centiSecsSinceStart = Math.round((now_ms - start_ms) / 10); var net = new Network(); if(typeof(path) != 'undefined') net.path = path; var agents = net.agents(); var checkAgents = new Array(); var uptime = new Array(); // for computing mean var mean_total = 0; var mean_n = 0; // see who has been up the whole time, and count them as 100% // collect the others in a list for further processing for each (var agentIP in agents) { net.path = agentIP; var sysUp = net.sysUpTime(); if (sysUp >= centiSecsSinceStart) { if("yes" == includeall) uptime[agentIP] = 100.0; mean_total += 100.0; mean_n++; } else checkAgents.push(agentIP); } if(checkAgents.length > 0) { var where = "agent=" + checkAgents.join(); var select = "agent,count(intervalstart)"; var sort = "count(intervalstart)"; var n = null; var result = Query.topN(view, select, where, interval, sort, n).run(); for (var r=0; r < result.nrows; r++) { var agentIP = result.cell(r, 0); if(agentIP != null) { var minuteCount = result.cell(r, 1); var percentUp = minuteCount * 100.0 / intervalMins; // if percentUp == 100.0, then perhaps we should treat that the // same as if sysUpTime dated back to before the start - but what // if a switch is rebooting in less than a minute? Better to show // an extra column "last boot" so that this can be detected. See below. uptime[agentIP] = percentUp; mean_total += percentUp; mean_n++; } } } var availData = Table.create(["agent", "name", "Zone", "Group", "availability (%)", "uptime (min)", "last boot"], ["agent", "string", "string", "string", "double", "integer", "time"]); var sysDescrCol = new Array(); for (var agentIP in uptime) { net.path = agentIP; uptimePercent = uptime[agentIP]; var sysUp = net.sysUpTime(); lastBoot_ms = now_ms - (sysUp * 10); lastBoot = new Date(lastBoot_ms); availData.addRow([net.path, net.sysName(), net.zone(), net.group(), uptimePercent, (sysUp / 6000), lastBoot]); if("yes" == includeSysDescr) sysDescrCol.push(net.sysDescr()); } if("yes" == includeSysDescr) availData.addColumn("sysDescr", "string", sysDescrCol); var report = Report.current(); var date = new Date(report.getTime()); report.heading(interval + " availability report run at " + date); // report.paragraph("" + dummy.start + " - " + dummy.end); if(availData.nrows == 0) { report.paragraph("Average availability = 100%"); } else { // should really be sorting by both availability and uptime availData.sort(4, 0); var mean = (mean_total / mean_n).toFixed(2); report.paragraph("Average availability = " + mean + "% (n=" + mean_n + ")"); } report.table(availData); ]]>



<template name="Traffic Level" category="host">
<description>Traffic Level Alarms</description>
<section name="Bitrate Threshold">
<description>Raise event if host traffic exceeds threshold</description>
<input name="interval" type="interval.realtime" value="last60minutes"/>
<input name="host" type="address[]" required="true"/>
<input name="upper" type="integer" value="1000000"/>
<input name="lower" type="integer" value="0"/>
<input name="where" type="filter.rttraffic" required="false"/>
<script> var report = new Report(); var filter = "sourceaddress = " + host + " | destinationaddress = " + host; if(typeof(where) != 'undefined') filter = "(" + where + ") & (" + filter + ")"; var query = Query.topN("rttraffic", "rate(bytes)", filter, interval, null, 1); var table = query.run(); var bitrate = table.cell(0,0) * 8; if(bitrate < lower || bitrate > upper) { report.paragraph("bitrate " + bitrate + " tripped threshold, raising event"); report.sendEvent("threshold", "severe"); } else { report.paragraph("bitrate " + bitrate + " ok, not raising event"); } </script>


<template name="accuracy99" category="Miscellaneous">
<section name="Historical Traffic Accuracy">
<input name="keys" type="view.historytrmx.key[]" value="ipsource"/>
<input name="value" type="view.historytrmx.value[]" value="bytes">
<option value="bytes"/>
<option value="frames"/>
<input name="truncate" type="integer" value="5"/>
<input name="interval" type="interval.history" value="yesterday"/>
<input name="lookupnames" type="string" value="no">
<option value="yes"/>
<option value="no"/>
<input name="where" type="filter.historytrmx" required="false"/>
<![CDATA[ var square = function(x) { return x * x; } var report = Report.current(); var filter = null; if(typeof(where) != 'undefined') filter = where; var select = keys.toString() + ",totalSamples,frames"; if("bytes" == value) select += ",bytes,size64,sizeto127,sizeto255,sizeto511,sizeto1023,sizeto1518"; va ]]>
<![CDATA[ r query = new Query.topN("historytrmx",select,filter,interval,value,truncate); var table = query.run(); var cindex = ("frames" == value) ? table.ncols - 2 : table.ncols - 9; var cnames = new Array(); var ctypes = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < cindex; i++) { cnames.push(table.cnames[i]); ctypes.push(table.ctypes[i]); } if("frames" == value) { cnames.push("c.frames"); ctypes.push("integer"); } else { cnames.push("c.bytes"); ctypes.push("integer"); } cnames.push("下限"); ctypes.push("integer"); cnames.push("上限"); ctypes.push("integer"); cnames.push("誤差%"); ctypes.push("double"); var result = Table.create(cnames,ctypes); for(var r = 0; r < table.nrows; r++) { var row = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < cindex; i++) row[i] = table.cell(r,i); var frames = table.cell(r,cindex + 1); var c = table.cell(r,cindex); var sdevframes = frames * Math.sqrt(1/c); if("frames" == value) { row[cindex] = frames; row[cindex + 1] = Math.max(0,frames - (2.58 * sdevframes)); row[cindex + 2] = frames + (2.58 * sdevframes); row[cindex + 3] = 258 * sdevframes / frames; } else { var bytes = table.cell(r,cindex + 2); var pktsize = bytes / frames; var size64 = table.cell(r,cindex + 3); var sizeto127 = table.cell(r,cindex + 4); var sizeto255 = table.cell(r,cindex + 5); var sizeto511 = table.cell(r,cindex + 6); var sizeto1023 = table.cell(r,cindex + 7); var sizeto1518 = table.cell(r,cindex + 8); var sumsqd = size64 * square(64 - pktsize); sumsqd += sizeto127 * square(96 - pktsize); sumsqd += sizeto255 * square(192 - pktsize); sumsqd += sizeto511 * square(384 - pktsize); sumsqd += sizeto1023 * square(768 - pktsize); sumsqd += sizeto1518 * square(1270 - pktsize); var sdevsize = Math.sqrt(sumsqd / frames) / Math.sqrt(c); var sdevbytes = Math.sqrt((square(sdevframes) * square(sdevsize)) + (square(frames) * square(sdevsize)) + (square(pktsize) * square(sdevframes))); row[cindex] = bytes; row[cindex + 1] = Math.max(0,bytes - (2.58 * sdevbytes)); row[cindex + 2] = bytes + (2.58 * sdevbytes); row[cindex + 3] = 258 * sdevbytes / bytes; } result.addRow(row); } if("yes" == lookupnames) result.addressesToNames(); report.table(result); ]]>



InMonTrafficSentinelでは、ユーザが作成した、あるいは、提供されたレポート・テンプレートをインストールすることにより、 レポート作成やイベントの発生などの機能を追加することが出来ます。








 カテゴリー:Miscellaneous セクション:Detect Report





 カテゴリー:Miscellaneous セクション:Detect Report








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