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Last updated at Posted at 2022-09-19




ModelSimでWave画面がアクティブの状態で、「File」-「Save Format」を選択し、波形表示するdoファイルを保存します。



onerror {resume}
quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0
add wave -noupdate /tb_sim/m1_n
add wave -noupdate /tb_sim/mreq_n
add wave -noupdate /tb_sim/iorq_n
add wave -noupdate /tb_sim/rd_n
add wave -noupdate /tb_sim/wr_n



> do wave.do



add wave -noupdate -label m1_n /tb_sim/m1_n
add wave -noupdate -label mreq_n /tb_sim/mreq_n
add wave -noupdate -label iorq_n /tb_sim/iorq_n
add wave -noupdate -label rd_n /tb_sim/rd_n
add wave -noupdate -label wr_n /tb_sim/wr_n



add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal -label m1_n /tb_sim/m1_n
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal -label mreq_n /tb_sim/mreq_n
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal -label iorq_n /tb_sim/iorq_n
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal -label rd_n /tb_sim/rd_n
add wave -noupdate -radix hexadecimal -label wr_n /tb_sim/wr_n



add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label m1_n /tb_sim/m1_n
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label mreq_n /tb_sim/mreq_n
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label iorq_n /tb_sim/iorq_n
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label rd_n /tb_sim/rd_n
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label wr_n /tb_sim/wr_n



add wave -noupdate -group {i_mcode} -group {|199|} -group {output} -radix hexadecimal -label TStates /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/i_mcode/TStates
add wave -noupdate -group {i_mcode} -group {|199|} -group {output} -radix hexadecimal -label Prefix /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/i_mcode/Prefix
add wave -noupdate -group {i_mcode} -group {|199|} -group {output} -radix hexadecimal -label Inc_PC /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/i_mcode/Inc_PC
add wave -noupdate -group {i_mcode} -group {|199|} -group {output} -radix hexadecimal -label Inc_WZ /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/i_mcode/Inc_WZ



add wave -r *
run -all

add wave -r *はシミュレーション波形にすべての信号を追加します。必要に応じて実行します。



onerror {resume}
quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label busak_n /tb_sim/busak_n
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label busrq_n /tb_sim/busrq_n
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label clk_i /tb_sim/clk_i
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label halt_n /tb_sim/halt_n
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label int_n /tb_sim/int_n
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label iorq_n /tb_sim/iorq_n
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label m1_n /tb_sim/m1_n
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label mreq_n /tb_sim/mreq_n
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label nmi_n /tb_sim/nmi_n
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label nrst_i /tb_sim/nrst_i
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label rd_n /tb_sim/rd_n
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label rfsh_n /tb_sim/rfsh_n
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label tv80_adr /tb_sim/tv80_adr
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label tv80_dat_i /tb_sim/tv80_dat_i
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label tv80_dat_o /tb_sim/tv80_dat_o
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label wait_n /tb_sim/wait_n
add wave -noupdate -group {BUS} -radix hexadecimal -label wr_n /tb_sim/wr_n
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label A /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/A
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label ACC /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/ACC
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Alternate /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Alternate
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label ALU_Op /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/ALU_Op
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label ALU_Op_r /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/ALU_Op_r
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label ALU_Q /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/ALU_Q
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Ap /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Ap
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Arith16 /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Arith16
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Arith16_r /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Arith16_r
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Auto_Wait /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Auto_Wait
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Auto_Wait_t1 /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Auto_Wait_t1
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Auto_Wait_t2 /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Auto_Wait_t2
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label BTR_r /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/BTR_r
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label BusA /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/BusA
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label BusAck /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/BusAck
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label busak_n /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/busak_n
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label BusB /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/BusB
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label BusReq_s /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/BusReq_s
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label busrq_n /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/busrq_n
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Call /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Call
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label cen /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/cen
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label clk /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/clk
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label ClkEn /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/ClkEn
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label di /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/di
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label DI_Reg /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/DI_Reg
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label dinst /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/dinst
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label dout /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/dout
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label ExchangeAF /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/ExchangeAF
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label ExchangeDH /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/ExchangeDH
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label ExchangeRp /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/ExchangeRp
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label ExchangeRS /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/ExchangeRS
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label F /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/F
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label F_Out /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/F_Out
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Fp /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Fp
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Halt /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Halt
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Halt_FF /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Halt_FF
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label halt_n /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/halt_n
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label I /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/I
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label I_BC /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/I_BC
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add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label I_CCF /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/I_CCF
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label I_CPL /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/I_CPL
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label I_DJNZ /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/I_DJNZ
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label I_INRC /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/I_INRC
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add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label I_RRD /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/I_RRD
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label I_SCF /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/I_SCF
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label ID16 /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/ID16
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label ID16_B /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/ID16_B
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label IMode /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/IMode
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add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Inc_WZ /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Inc_WZ
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label IncDec_16 /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/IncDec_16
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label IncDecZ /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/IncDecZ
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add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label INT_s /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/INT_s
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label IntCycle /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/IntCycle
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label intcycle_n /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/intcycle_n
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label IntE /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/IntE
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label IntE_FF1 /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/IntE_FF1
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label IntE_FF2 /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/IntE_FF2
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label iorq /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/iorq
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label iorq_i /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/iorq_i
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label IR /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/IR
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label ISet /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/ISet
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label IStatus /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/IStatus
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Jump /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Jump
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label JumpE /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/JumpE
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label JumpXY /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/JumpXY
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label last_mcycle /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/last_mcycle
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label last_tstate /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/last_tstate
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add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label LDW /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/LDW
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add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label no_read /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/no_read
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Oldnmi_n /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Oldnmi_n
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add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label RegAddrA_r /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/RegAddrA_r
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add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label RegAddrB_r /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/RegAddrB_r
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add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label RegWEL /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/RegWEL
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add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Save_ALU /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Save_ALU
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Save_ALU_r /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Save_ALU_r
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add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Set_Addr_To /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Set_Addr_To
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Set_BusA_To /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Set_BusA_To
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Set_BusB_To /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Set_BusB_To
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add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label SetEI /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/SetEI
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label SP /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/SP
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label SP16 /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/SP16
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add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label SP16_B /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/SP16_B
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add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label TmpAddr /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/TmpAddr
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label ts /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/ts
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label tstate /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/tstate
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label tstates /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/tstates
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label wait_n /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/wait_n
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label write /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/write
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label XY_Ind /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/XY_Ind
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label XY_State /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/XY_State
add wave -noupdate -group {CORE} -radix hexadecimal -label Z16_r /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/Z16_r
add wave -noupdate -group {i_mcode} -group {|199|} -radix hexadecimal -label DDD /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/i_mcode/DDD
add wave -noupdate -group {i_mcode} -group {|199|} -radix hexadecimal -label SSS /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/i_mcode/SSS
add wave -noupdate -group {i_mcode} -group {|199|} -radix hexadecimal -label DPAIR /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/i_mcode/DPAIR
add wave -noupdate -group {i_mcode} -group {|199|} -group {input} -radix hexadecimal -label MCycle /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/i_mcode/MCycle
add wave -noupdate -group {i_mcode} -group {|199|} -group {input} -radix hexadecimal -label IR /tb_sim/z80_core/i_tv80_core/i_mcode/IR
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TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
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