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Tcl / Tk for Dlang : getting started in Windows

Posted at

There is a working Tcl/Tk binding for D, but getting it to work in windows is a little tricky.

If you are familiar with tkinter in Python, tkd is very easy to start with, since while D is under the family of C-style languages, the syntax is very similar to Python (basically imagine python with braces and semicolons).

Make sure DUB is available.

  1. dub init {project-name} tkd
  2. Add the following to your dub.json.
"postGenerateCommands-windows-x86": [   
    "copy $TCLTK_PACKAGE_DIR\\dist\\x86\\tcl86t.dll build\\tcl86t.dll /y",   
    "copy $TCLTK_PACKAGE_DIR\\dist\\x86\\tk86t.dll build\\tk86t.dll /y",    
    "xcopy $TCLTK_PACKAGE_DIR\\dist\\library build\\library /i /e /y",   

Note that I'm using "targetPath":"./build",

The additional linker flags is to prevent the console window from popping up when you start the program.

If done correctly you should have the following folder structure.

├── app.exe
├── tcl86t.dll
├── tk86t.dll
└── library
    └── *.tcl files

A sample program can be found below.

import tkd.tkdapplication;                               // Import Tkd.

class Application : TkdApplication                       // Extend TkdApplication.
    private void exitCommand(CommandArgs args)           // Create a callback.
        this.exit();                                     // Exit the application.

    override protected void initInterface()              // Initialise user interface.
        auto frame = new Frame(2, ReliefStyle.groove)    // Create a frame.
            .pack(10);                                   // Place the frame.

        auto label = new Label(frame, "Hello World!")    // Create a label.
            .pack(10);                                   // Place the label.

        auto exitButton = new Button(frame, "Exit")      // Create a button.
            .setCommand(&this.exitCommand)               // Use the callback.
            .pack(10);                                   // Place the button.

void main(string[] args)
    auto app = new Application();                        // Create the application.
    app.run();                                           // Run the application.

You should see this:

without the console window.


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