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Wisp : An Introduction

Last updated at Posted at 2015-07-23

Wisp is an homoiconic JavaScript Dialect with Clojure syntax, compiled down to pure JavaScript, with a self-hosting compiler.

Which basically means you can do this with Jquery loaded:

(.click ($ document) 
  (fn [] (alert "hello")))

and not get yourself in flames for not obeying some Java god because it compiles down to this:

$(document).click(function () {
    return alert('hello');

The idea is in using Clojure for the modernised syntax, but reusing as much as possible what Javascript already has. Wisp does not use Clojure's immutable data structures, among other things, so that it can be compiled down to javascript with minimal effort.

The next chapter will be quick start on using Wisp.


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