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JavaScript 連想配列の任意のキーでのソート方法

Last updated at Posted at 2016-08-02


// ソート対象のデータ
let users = [
    {id: 1, name: "ジャック", birthdate: "1996/10/01", age: 20},
    {id: 2, name: "ジョン", birthdate: "1990/05/05", age: 26},
    {id: 3, name: "ボブ", birthdate: "1996/11/14", age: 20},
    {id: 4, name: "マイケル", birthdate: "1995/10/01", age: 21},
    {id: 5, name: "アルバート", birthdate: "1984/09/10", age: 32},
    {id: 6, name: "メアリー", birthdate: "1994/07/22", age: 22},
    {id: 7, name: "ジョン", birthdate: "1997/08/02", age: 19},
    {id: 8, name: "フランク", birthdate: "1990/09/10", age: 26},
    {id: 9, name: "ボブ", birthdate: "1988/08/02", age: 28},
    {id: 10, name: "ダニエル", birthdate: "1994/04/02", age: 22}

// age, idの順にソート(昇順)
users.sort((a, b) => {
    if (a.age < b.age) return -1;
    if (a.age > b.age) return 1;
    if (a.id < b.id) return -1;
    if (a.id > b.id) return 1;
    return 0;


// ソート対象のデータ
let users = [
    {id: 1, name: "ジャック", birthdate: "1996/10/01", age: 20},
    {id: 2, name: "ジョン", birthdate: "1990/05/05", age: 26},
    {id: 3, name: "ボブ", birthdate: "1996/11/14", age: 20},
    {id: 4, name: "マイケル", birthdate: "1995/10/01", age: 21},
    {id: 5, name: "アルバート", birthdate: "1984/09/10", age: 32},
    {id: 6, name: "メアリー", birthdate: "1994/07/22", age: 22},
    {id: 7, name: "ジョン", birthdate: "1997/08/02", age: 19},
    {id: 8, name: "フランク", birthdate: "1990/09/10", age: 26},
    {id: 9, name: "ボブ", birthdate: "1988/08/02", age: 28},
    {id: 10, name: "ダニエル", birthdate: "1994/04/02", age: 22}

// ソートの優先するキーと順序のリスト
// age, name, idの順にソート
const order = [
    {key: "age", reverse: false},
    {key: "name", reverse: false},
    {key: "id", reverse: false}

// ソート関数(デフォルトで昇順)
function sort_by(list) {
    return (a, b) => {
        for (let i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
            const order_by = list[i].reverse ? 1 : -1;
            if (a[list[i].key] < b[list[i].key]) return order_by;
            if (a[list[i].key] > b[list[i].key]) return order_by * -1;
        return 0;

// ソート

ソート用の関数に{key: "ソート対象のキー", reverse: false}形式のオブジェクトのリストを渡すことでそのキーを基準にソートする。
リストの前の方が優先度が高い、reverse: falseが昇順でtrueに変えると降順になる。


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