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Swiftのソートというと sort とか sortInPlace である。では具体的に何ソートをしているかというと、イントロソートである。






def cmp(a, b, p)

def cmp(a, b, p):
  if p:
    return "isOrderedBefore(" + a + ", " + b + ")"
    return "(" + a + " < " + b + ")"


// Generate two versions of sorting functions: one with an explicitly passed
// predicate 'isOrderedBefore' and the other for Comparable types that don't
// need such a predicate.

定番のcompare。 isOrderedBeforesortsortInPlace の引数で渡されるもの↓
Screen Shot 2016-07-08 at 2.07.42 PM.png


% preds = [True, False]
% for p in preds:

# 略

% end

により、 の位置にある

  • 挿入ソート
    • func _insertionSort<C>
  • クイックソート
    • func _partition<C>
  • イントロソート
    • func _introSort<C>
    • func _introSortImpl<C>
  • ヒープソート
    • func _siftDown<C>
    • func _heapify<C>
    • func _heapSort<C>

のそれぞれについて True 版と False 版の2つを作る。正確に言うと、 isOrderedBefore 有り版と無し版を両方生成する。たぶん。

func _insertionSort<C>


func _insertionSort<C>(
  _ elements: inout C,
  subRange range: Range<C.Index>
  ${", isOrderedBefore: inout (C.Iterator.Element, C.Iterator.Element) -> Bool" if p else ""}
) where
  C : protocol<MutableCollection, BidirectionalCollection>
  ${"" if p else ", C.Iterator.Element : Comparable"} {

  if !range.isEmpty {
    let start = range.lowerBound

    // Keep track of the end of the initial sequence of sorted
    // elements.
    var sortedEnd = start

    // One element is trivially already-sorted, thus pre-increment
    // Continue until the sorted elements cover the whole sequence
    elements.formIndex(after: &sortedEnd)
    while sortedEnd != range.upperBound {
      // get the first unsorted element
      let x: C.Iterator.Element = elements[sortedEnd]

      // Look backwards for x's position in the sorted sequence,
      // moving elements forward to make room.
      var i = sortedEnd
      repeat {
        let predecessor: C.Iterator.Element = elements[elements.index(before: i)]

        // if x doesn't belong before y, we've found its position
        if !${cmp("x", "predecessor", p)} {

        // Move y forward
        elements[i] = predecessor
        elements.formIndex(before: &i)
      } while i != start

      if i != sortedEnd {
        // Plop x into position
        elements[i] = x
      elements.formIndex(after: &sortedEnd)

func _partition<C>


func _partition<C>(
  _ elements: inout C,
  subRange range: Range<C.Index>
  ${", isOrderedBefore: inout (C.Iterator.Element, C.Iterator.Element) -> Bool" if p else ""}
) -> C.Index
  C : protocol<MutableCollection, RandomAccessCollection>
  ${"" if p else ", C.Iterator.Element : Comparable"} {

  var lo = range.lowerBound
  var hi = range.upperBound

  if lo == hi {
    return lo

  // The first element is the pivot.
  let pivot = elements[range.lowerBound]

  // Loop invariants:
  // * lo < hi
  // * elements[i] < pivot, for i in range.lowerBound+1..lo
  // * pivot <= elements[i] for i in hi..range.upperBound

Loop: while true {
  FindLo: repeat {
      elements.formIndex(after: &lo)
      while lo != hi {
        if !${cmp("elements[lo]", "pivot", p)} { break FindLo }
        elements.formIndex(after: &lo)
      break Loop
    } while false

  FindHi: repeat {
      elements.formIndex(before: &hi)
      while hi != lo {
        if ${cmp("elements[hi]", "pivot", p)} { break FindHi }
        elements.formIndex(before: &hi)
      break Loop
    } while false

    swap(&elements[lo], &elements[hi])

  elements.formIndex(before: &lo)
  if lo != range.lowerBound {
    // swap the pivot into place
    swap(&elements[lo], &elements[range.lowerBound])

  return lo


イントロソート。再帰のレベルによって使用するソートを切り替える。そのため、イントロソートの実装は func _introSort<C>func _introSortImpl<C> の2つで行っている。
コメント中にあるpsファイルは考案者であるDavid R Musserさんの論文。

func _introSort<C>

public // @testable
func _introSort<C>(
  _ elements: inout C,
  subRange range: Range<C.Index>
  ${", isOrderedBefore: (C.Iterator.Element, C.Iterator.Element) -> Bool" if p else ""}
) where
  C : protocol<MutableCollection, RandomAccessCollection>
  ${"" if p else ", C.Iterator.Element : Comparable"} {

%   if p:
  var isOrderedBeforeVar = isOrderedBefore
%   end
  let count =
    elements.distance(from: range.lowerBound, to: range.upperBound).toIntMax()
  if count < 2 {
  // Set max recursion depth to 2*floor(log(N)), as suggested in the introsort
  // paper: http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~musser/gp/introsort.ps
  let depthLimit = 2 * _floorLog2(Int64(count))
    subRange: range,
    ${"isOrderedBefore: &isOrderedBeforeVar," if p else ""}
    depthLimit: depthLimit)

func _introSortImpl<C>

  • 基本はクイックソート。
  • 20未満の距離の範囲では挿入ソートを行う。
  • クイックソートをした分だけ再帰レベルの値が減っていく。レベル0になったらヒープソートで済ます。
func _introSortImpl<C>(
  _ elements: inout C,
  subRange range: Range<C.Index>
  ${", isOrderedBefore: inout (C.Iterator.Element, C.Iterator.Element) -> Bool" if p else ""},
  depthLimit: Int
) where
  C : protocol<MutableCollection, RandomAccessCollection>
  ${"" if p else ", C.Iterator.Element : Comparable"} {

  // Insertion sort is better at handling smaller regions.
  if elements.distance(from: range.lowerBound, to: range.upperBound) < 20 {
      subRange: range
      ${", isOrderedBefore: &isOrderedBefore" if p else ""})
  if depthLimit == 0 {
      subRange: range
      ${", isOrderedBefore: &isOrderedBefore" if p else ""})

  // Partition and sort.
  // We don't check the depthLimit variable for underflow because this variable
  // is always greater than zero (see check above).
  let partIdx: C.Index = _partition(
    subRange: range
    ${", isOrderedBefore: &isOrderedBefore" if p else ""})
    subRange: range.lowerBound..<partIdx,
    ${"isOrderedBefore: &isOrderedBefore, " if p else ""}
    depthLimit: depthLimit &- 1)
    subRange: (elements.index(after: partIdx))..<range.upperBound,
    ${"isOrderedBefore: &isOrderedBefore, " if p else ""}
    depthLimit: depthLimit &- 1)



func _siftDown<C>

siftDownとは、ヒープ構造からルートを削除する操作である。ってwikipedia先生が言ってた。 leftright を比較したのち、ルートである index と差し替えているのがわかる。

func _siftDown<C>(
  _ elements: inout C,
  index: C.Index,
  subRange range: Range<C.Index>
  ${", isOrderedBefore: inout (C.Iterator.Element, C.Iterator.Element) -> Bool" if p else ""}
) where
  C : protocol<MutableCollection, RandomAccessCollection>
  ${"" if p else ", C.Iterator.Element : Comparable"} {

  let countToIndex = elements.distance(from: range.lowerBound, to: index)
  let countFromIndex = elements.distance(from: index, to: range.upperBound)
  // Check if left child is within bounds. If not, return, because there are
  // no children of the given node in the heap.
  if countToIndex + 1 >= countFromIndex {
  let left = elements.index(index, offsetBy: countToIndex + 1)
  var largest = index
  if ${cmp("elements[largest]", "elements[left]", p)} {
    largest = left
  // Check if right child is also within bounds before trying to examine it.
  if countToIndex + 2 < countFromIndex {
    let right = elements.index(after: left)
    if ${cmp("elements[largest]", "elements[right]", p)} {
      largest = right
  // If a child is bigger than the current node, swap them and continue sifting
  // down.
  if largest != index {
    swap(&elements[index], &elements[largest])
      index: largest,
      subRange: range
      ${", isOrderedBefore: &isOrderedBefore" if p else ""})

func _heapify<C>


func _heapify<C>(
  _ elements: inout C,
  subRange range: Range<C.Index>
  ${", isOrderedBefore: inout (C.Iterator.Element, C.Iterator.Element) -> Bool" if p else ""}
) where
  C : protocol<MutableCollection, RandomAccessCollection>
  ${"" if p else ", C.Iterator.Element : Comparable"} {
  // Here we build a heap starting from the lowest nodes and moving to the root.
  // On every step we sift down the current node to obey the max-heap property:
  //   parent >= max(leftChild, rightChild)
  // We skip the rightmost half of the array, because these nodes don't have
  // any children.
  let root = range.lowerBound
  var node = elements.index(
    offsetBy: elements.distance(
      from: range.lowerBound, to: range.upperBound) / 2)

  while node != root {
    elements.formIndex(before: &node)
      index: node,
      subRange: range
      ${", isOrderedBefore: &isOrderedBefore" if p else ""})

func _heapSort<C>


func _heapSort<C>(
  _ elements: inout C,
  subRange range: Range<C.Index>
  ${", isOrderedBefore: inout (C.Iterator.Element, C.Iterator.Element) -> Bool" if p else ""}
) where
  C : protocol<MutableCollection, RandomAccessCollection>
  ${"" if p else ", C.Iterator.Element : Comparable"} {
  var hi = range.upperBound
  let lo = range.lowerBound
    subRange: range
    ${", isOrderedBefore: &isOrderedBefore" if p else ""})
  elements.formIndex(before: &hi)
  while hi != lo {
    swap(&elements[lo], &elements[hi])
      index: lo,
      subRange: lo..<hi
      ${", isOrderedBefore: &isOrderedBefore" if p else ""})
    elements.formIndex(before: &hi)

func swap<T>

対象の ab は互いに同じところを参照していないとか、 retain / release がないよう最適化しているとか。

/// Exchange the values of `a` and `b`.
/// - Precondition: `a` and `b` do not alias each other.
public func swap<T>(_ a: inout T, _ b: inout T) {
  // Semantically equivalent to (a, b) = (b, a).
  // Microoptimized to avoid retain/release traffic.
  let p1 = Builtin.addressof(&a)
  let p2 = Builtin.addressof(&b)
    p1 != p2,
    "swapping a location with itself is not supported")

  // Take from P1.
  let tmp: T = Builtin.take(p1)
  // Transfer P2 into P1.
  Builtin.initialize(Builtin.take(p2) as T, p1)
  // Initialize P2.
  Builtin.initialize(tmp, p2)




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