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# unzip world.sql.zip 
# mysql -uroot -p  < world.sql



MariaDB [world]> show tables;
| Tables_in_world |
| city            |
| country         |
| countrylanguage |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [world]> 

各種テーブルについて(多いのでlimit 10)

MariaDB [world]> select * from city limit 10;
| ID | Name           | CountryCode | District      | Population |
|  1 | Kabul          | AFG         | Kabol         |    1780000 |
|  2 | Qandahar       | AFG         | Qandahar      |     237500 |
|  3 | Herat          | AFG         | Herat         |     186800 |
|  4 | Mazar-e-Sharif | AFG         | Balkh         |     127800 |
|  5 | Amsterdam      | NLD         | Noord-Holland |     731200 |
|  6 | Rotterdam      | NLD         | Zuid-Holland  |     593321 |
|  7 | Haag           | NLD         | Zuid-Holland  |     440900 |
|  8 | Utrecht        | NLD         | Utrecht       |     234323 |
|  9 | Eindhoven      | NLD         | Noord-Brabant |     201843 |
| 10 | Tilburg        | NLD         | Noord-Brabant |     193238 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [world]> select * from country limit 10;
| Code | Name                 | Continent     | Region                    | SurfaceArea | IndepYear | Population | LifeExpectancy | GNP       | GNPOld    | LocalName                           | GovernmentForm                               | HeadOfState                 | Capital | Code2 |
| ABW  | Aruba                | North America | Caribbean                 |      193.00 |      NULL |     103000 |           78.4 |    828.00 |    793.00 | Aruba                               | Nonmetropolitan Territory of The Netherlands | Beatrix                     |     129 | AW    |
| AFG  | Afghanistan          | Asia          | Southern and Central Asia |   652090.00 |      1919 |   22720000 |           45.9 |   5976.00 |      NULL | Afganistan/Afqanestan               | Islamic Emirate                              | Mohammad Omar               |       1 | AF    |
| AGO  | Angola               | Africa        | Central Africa            |  1246700.00 |      1975 |   12878000 |           38.3 |   6648.00 |   7984.00 | Angola                              | Republic                                     | José Eduardo dos Santos     |      56 | AO    |
| AIA  | Anguilla             | North America | Caribbean                 |       96.00 |      NULL |       8000 |           76.1 |     63.20 |      NULL | Anguilla                            | Dependent Territory of the UK                | Elisabeth II                |      62 | AI    |
| ALB  | Albania              | Europe        | Southern Europe           |    28748.00 |      1912 |    3401200 |           71.6 |   3205.00 |   2500.00 | Shqipëria                           | Republic                                     | Rexhep Mejdani              |      34 | AL    |
| AND  | Andorra              | Europe        | Southern Europe           |      468.00 |      1278 |      78000 |           83.5 |   1630.00 |      NULL | Andorra                             | Parliamentary Coprincipality                 |                             |      55 | AD    |
| ANT  | Netherlands Antilles | North America | Caribbean                 |      800.00 |      NULL |     217000 |           74.7 |   1941.00 |      NULL | Nederlandse Antillen                | Nonmetropolitan Territory of The Netherlands | Beatrix                     |      33 | AN    |
| ARE  | United Arab Emirates | Asia          | Middle East               |    83600.00 |      1971 |    2441000 |           74.1 |  37966.00 |  36846.00 | Al-Imarat al-´Arabiya al-Muttahida  | Emirate Federation                           | Zayid bin Sultan al-Nahayan |      65 | AE    |
| ARG  | Argentina            | South America | South America             |  2780400.00 |      1816 |   37032000 |           75.1 | 340238.00 | 323310.00 | Argentina                           | Federal Republic                             | Fernando de la Rúa          |      69 | AR    |
| ARM  | Armenia              | Asia          | Middle East               |    29800.00 |      1991 |    3520000 |           66.4 |   1813.00 |   1627.00 | Hajastan                            | Republic                                     | Robert Kotšarjan            |     126 | AM    |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [world]> select * from countrylanguage limit 10;
| CountryCode | Language   | IsOfficial | Percentage |
| ABW         | Dutch      | T          |        5.3 |
| ABW         | English    | F          |        9.5 |
| ABW         | Papiamento | F          |       76.7 |
| ABW         | Spanish    | F          |        7.4 |
| AFG         | Balochi    | F          |        0.9 |
| AFG         | Dari       | T          |       32.1 |
| AFG         | Pashto     | T          |       52.4 |
| AFG         | Turkmenian | F          |        1.9 |
| AFG         | Uzbek      | F          |        8.8 |
| AGO         | Ambo       | F          |        2.4 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [world]> 




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