ユニティちゃん公式様が配布して下さっている MCUnitychan という3Dモデルをアニメーション付きで動かせるようにしてみました。Unityの作業に慣れている方は、コードをコピペすれば5分程度で動かすところまでいけると思います。

1. InputSystem
を 有効 にする
2. MCユニティちゃんの 3Dモデル
を インポート する
3. Player.cs
をMCユニティちゃんに 貼り付ける
「InputSystem」 とはUnityの新しい入力システムです。
[1.Window - Package Manager] > [2.Unity Resistry] > [3."inputsystem"と検索] > [4.install]
ユニティちゃん公式サイト - MCUnitychan
ダウンロードとはネットの向こう側から自分のPCへ運んでくること -
[1. 右クリック > Import Package > Custom Package...]
[2. Assets/MCUnitychan/Models]
C#スクリプト Player.cs
[1. 右クリック > Create > C# Script]
ここをクリックしてPlayer.cs をみる
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls;
using static UnityEngine.InputSystem.Keyboard;
// Player
public partial class Player : IPlayer
// 入力に使うキー
virtual public Input[] keyInputs ()
return new Input[]
new KeyInput.T (), // T - テスト用
new KeyInput.W (), // W
new KeyInput.A (), // A
new KeyInput.S (), // S
new KeyInput.D (), // D
new KeyInput.Space (), // スペースキー
new KeyInput.I (), // I
new KeyInput.J (), // J
new KeyInput.K (), // K
new KeyInput.L (), // L
new KeyInput.U (), // U
// IPlayer.cs
// プレイヤーに対する操作一覧
public interface IPlayer
// 足が地面についているかどうかを取得
public bool isGrounded ();
// どちらを見ているかを取得
public To direction ();
// to方向 に deltaTime秒間 移動する
public void move (To to, float deltaTime);
// ジャンプ
public void jump ();
// to方向 に 体を向ける
public void turn (To to);
// 上方を見る deltaTime秒間
public void lookU (float deltaTime);
// 左方を見る deltaTime秒間
public void lookL (float deltaTime);
// 下方を見る deltaTime秒間
public void lookD (float deltaTime);
// 右方を見る deltaTime秒間
public void lookR (float deltaTime);
// id の アニメーションを開始する
public void startAnimation (AnimationID id);
// id の アニメーションを終了する
public void stopAnimation (AnimationID id);
// to方向 に 歩くアニメーションをしているか
public bool isWalking (To to);
// プレイヤーの向き(カメラ基準)
public enum To
// 前
// 左
// 右
// 後
// プレイヤーのアニメーションID
public enum AnimationID
// 歩く
// 手を前に出す
// ToDo: - 気が向いたら追加します
// キーボード入力
namespace KeyInput
// T
public class T : Input
// 1
public KeyControl key ()
return current.tKey; // キーボードの「T」を待ち受ける : tKey
// 2
public void onStart (IPlayer player)
Debug.Log (" T を押し始めました");
// 3
public void onMiddle (IPlayer player, float deltaTime)
Debug.Log (" T を押しています");
// 4
public void onEnd (IPlayer player)
Debug.Log (" T を押し終わりました");
// W
public class W : Input
public KeyControl key ()
return current.wKey;
public void onStart (IPlayer player)
player.stopAnimation (AnimationID.walk);
player.turn (To.F);
player.startAnimation (AnimationID.walk);
public void onMiddle (IPlayer player, float deltaTime)
player.move (To.F, deltaTime);
public void onEnd (IPlayer player)
if (!player.isWalking (To.L) && !player.isWalking (To.B) && !player.isWalking (To.R))
player.stopAnimation (AnimationID.walk);
// A
public class A : Input
public KeyControl key ()
return current.aKey;
public void onStart (IPlayer player)
player.stopAnimation (AnimationID.walk);
player.turn (To.L);
player.startAnimation (AnimationID.walk);
public void onMiddle (IPlayer player, float deltaTime)
player.move (To.L, deltaTime);
public void onEnd (IPlayer player)
if (!player.isWalking (To.F) && !player.isWalking (To.B) && !player.isWalking (To.R))
player.stopAnimation (AnimationID.walk);
// S
public class S : Input
public KeyControl key ()
return current.sKey;
public void onStart (IPlayer player)
player.stopAnimation (AnimationID.walk);
player.turn (To.B);
player.startAnimation (AnimationID.walk);
public void onMiddle (IPlayer player, float deltaTime)
player.move (To.B, deltaTime);
public void onEnd (IPlayer player)
if (!player.isWalking (To.F) && !player.isWalking (To.L) && !player.isWalking (To.R))
player.stopAnimation (AnimationID.walk);
// D
public class D : Input
public KeyControl key ()
return current.dKey;
public void onStart (IPlayer player)
player.stopAnimation (AnimationID.walk);
player.turn (To.R);
player.startAnimation (AnimationID.walk);
public void onMiddle (IPlayer player, float deltaTime)
player.move (To.R, deltaTime);
public void onEnd (IPlayer player)
if (!player.isWalking (To.F) && !player.isWalking (To.L) && !player.isWalking (To.B))
player.stopAnimation (AnimationID.walk);
// Space
public class Space : Input
public KeyControl key ()
return current.spaceKey;
virtual public void onStart (IPlayer player)
player.jump ();
virtual public void onMiddle (IPlayer player, float deltaTime)
{ }
virtual public void onEnd (IPlayer player)
{ }
// I
public class I : Input
public KeyControl key ()
return current.iKey;
virtual public void onStart (IPlayer player)
{ }
virtual public void onMiddle (IPlayer player, float deltaTime)
player.lookU (deltaTime);
virtual public void onEnd (IPlayer player)
{ }
// K
public class K : Input
public KeyControl key ()
return current.kKey;
virtual public void onStart (IPlayer player)
{ }
virtual public void onMiddle (IPlayer player, float deltaTime)
player.lookD (deltaTime);
virtual public void onEnd (IPlayer player)
{ }
// L
public class L : Input
public KeyControl key ()
return current.lKey;
virtual public void onStart (IPlayer player)
{ }
virtual public void onMiddle (IPlayer player, float deltaTime)
player.lookR (deltaTime);
virtual public void onEnd (IPlayer player)
{ }
// J
public class J : Input
public KeyControl key ()
return current.jKey;
virtual public void onStart (IPlayer player)
{ }
virtual public void onMiddle (IPlayer player, float deltaTime)
player.lookL (deltaTime);
virtual public void onEnd (IPlayer player)
{ }
// U
public class U : Input
public KeyControl key ()
return current.uKey;
virtual public void onStart (IPlayer player)
player.startAnimation (AnimationID.touch);
virtual public void onMiddle (IPlayer player, float deltaTime)
{ }
virtual public void onEnd (IPlayer player)
player.stopAnimation (AnimationID.touch);
// Bone
namespace Bone
// IBone
interface IBone
void angle (float to);
void resetRotation ();
// Base
public abstract class Base : IBone
public IPlayer mcPlayer;
public HumanBodyBones rawBone;
public Quaternion initialRotation;
public To initialTo;
public Transform transform;
public Transform fAnchor;
public Base (IPlayer mcPlayer, HumanBodyBones b)
this.mcPlayer = mcPlayer;
this.rawBone = b;
var animator = ((Player) this.mcPlayer).gameObject.GetComponent<Animator> ();
this.transform = animator.GetBoneTransform (b);
this.fAnchor = ((Player) this.mcPlayer).fAnchorTransform;
public void resetRotation ()
var direction = ((Player) this.mcPlayer).direction ();
this.mcPlayer.turn (this.initialTo);
this.transform.rotation = this.initialRotation;
this.mcPlayer.turn (direction);
public void angle (float to)
var now = this.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.x;
var diff = to - now;
this.transform.Rotate (this.fAnchor.up, -diff);
// Arm
namespace Arm
// L
public class L : Base
public L (IPlayer player) : base (player, HumanBodyBones.LeftUpperArm)
this.initialRotation = this.transform.rotation;
// R
public class R : Base
public R (IPlayer player) : base (player, HumanBodyBones.RightUpperArm)
this.initialRotation = this.transform.rotation;
// Leg
namespace Leg
// L
public class L : Base
public L (IPlayer player) : base (player, HumanBodyBones.LeftUpperLeg)
this.transform.Rotate (this.fAnchor.right, 90);
this.transform.Rotate (this.fAnchor.forward, 6);
this.transform.Rotate (-this.fAnchor.up, 7);
this.initialRotation = this.transform.rotation;
// R
public class R : Base
public R (IPlayer player) : base (player, HumanBodyBones.RightUpperLeg)
this.transform.Rotate (-this.fAnchor.right, 90);
this.transform.Rotate (this.fAnchor.forward, 6);
this.transform.Rotate (this.fAnchor.up, 7);
this.initialRotation = this.transform.rotation;
// Bones
public class Bones
public Arm.L armL;
public Arm.R armR;
public Leg.L legL;
public Leg.R legR;
public Bones (IPlayer player)
armL = new Arm.L (player);
armR = new Arm.R (player);
legL = new Leg.L (player);
legR = new Leg.R (player);
// Animation
namespace Animation
// IAnimation
interface IAnimation
int priority ();
AnimationID id ();
void play (float deltaTime);
void stop ();
// Base
public class Base
public Bone.Bones bones;
public Base (Bone.Bones bones)
this.bones = bones;
// Walk
public partial class Walk : Base
VibrationValue walkAngle = new VibrationValue (-45, 45, 0);
float speed = 200;
public Walk (Bone.Bones bones) : base (bones)
{ }
void setWalkAngles (float to)
this.bones.armR.angle (to);
this.bones.armL.angle (to);
this.bones.legL.angle (to);
this.bones.legR.angle (to);
// Walk + IAnimation
public partial class Walk : IAnimation
public int priority ()
return 100;
public AnimationID id ()
return AnimationID.walk;
public void play (float deltaTime)
this.walkAngle.next (deltaTime * this.speed);
this.setWalkAngles (walkAngle.value);
public void stop ()
this.bones.armR.resetRotation ();
this.bones.armL.resetRotation ();
this.bones.legL.resetRotation ();
this.bones.legR.resetRotation ();
// Touch
public partial class Touch : Base
VibrationValue angle = new VibrationValue (0, 85, 1);
float speed = 300;
public Touch (Bone.Bones bones) : base (bones)
{ }
// Touch + IAnimation
public partial class Touch : IAnimation
public int priority ()
return 200;
public AnimationID id ()
return AnimationID.touch;
public void play (float deltaTime)
this.angle.next (deltaTime * this.speed);
this.bones.armR.angle (angle.value);
public void stop ()
this.bones.armR.resetRotation ();
// IUpdater
public interface IUpdater
void update (float deltaTime);
void start (AnimationID id);
void stop (AnimationID id);
// Updater
public class Updater : IUpdater
public Bone.Bones bones;
List<IAnimation> anims = new List<IAnimation> ();
public Updater (IPlayer player)
this.bones = new Bone.Bones (player);
// 優先度が一番高いアニメーションのみ再生する
public void update (float deltaTime)
if (0 < this.anims.Count)
var maxPriorityAnim = this.anims.maxFilter (a => a.priority ());
maxPriorityAnim.play (deltaTime);
public void start (AnimationID id)
switch (id)
case AnimationID.walk:
this.anims.Add (new Animation.Walk (this.bones));
case AnimationID.touch:
this.anims.Add (new Animation.Touch (this.bones));
public void stop (AnimationID id)
if (0 < this.anims.Count)
var anims = this.anims.FindAll (a => a.id ().Equals (id));
foreach (IAnimation anim in anims)
anim.stop ();
this.anims.RemoveAll (a => a.id ().Equals (id));
// Input
public interface Input
// key for input
public KeyControl key ();
// start of pushing
public void onStart (IPlayer player);
// pushing
public void onMiddle (IPlayer player, float deltaTime);
// end of pushing
public void onEnd (IPlayer player);
// Player.cs
// abstract Player
public partial class Player : MonoBehaviour
CharacterController controller;
Input[] inputs;
float ySpeed = 0;
Camera mainCamera;
public Transform fAnchorTransform;
Animation.IUpdater animUpdater;
public Bone.Bones bones;
public HashSet<To> walkingHashes = new HashSet<To> ();
public float moveSpeed ()
return 5.0f;
public float jumpHeight ()
return 1.0f;
public float gravity ()
return 9.8f;
public float lookSpeed ()
return 50.0f;
public float height ()
return 2.0f;
// anchor object for definition of forward derection
public GameObject forwardAnchor ()
return Camera.main.gameObject;
/// MonoBehaviour Start()
void Start ()
this.controller = this.gameObject.AddComponent<CharacterController> ();
this.controller.center = new Vector3 (0, (this.height () / 2), 0);
this.controller.height = this.height ();
this.controller.skinWidth = 0.01f;
this.controller.radius = 0.5f;
this.inputs = this.keyInputs ();
this.fAnchorTransform = this.forwardAnchor ().transform;
this.mainCamera = Camera.main;
this.animUpdater = new Animation.Updater (this);
this.bones = new Bone.Bones (this);
/// MonoBehaviour Update()
void Update ()
// refresh ySpeed
if (this.isGrounded () && this.ySpeed < 0)
this.ySpeed = 0;
this.ySpeed -= this.gravity () * Time.deltaTime;
// use gravity
var v3 = new Vector3 (0, this.ySpeed, 0);
this.controller.Move (v3 * Time.deltaTime);
// check input
foreach (var input in this.inputs)
if (input.key ().wasPressedThisFrame)
input.onStart (this);
if (input.key ().isPressed)
input.onMiddle (this, Time.deltaTime);
if (input.key ().wasReleasedThisFrame)
input.onEnd (this);
// animation
if (this.animUpdater != null)
this.animUpdater.update (Time.deltaTime);
// Player+IPlayer.cs
public partial class Player : IPlayer
public bool isGrounded ()
return this.controller.isGrounded;
public To direction ()
var form = this.transform;
var diffB = (-(this.fAnchorTransform.forward) - form.forward).sqrMagnitude;
var diffR = (this.fAnchorTransform.right - form.forward).sqrMagnitude;
var diffF = (this.fAnchorTransform.forward - form.forward).sqrMagnitude;
var diffL = (-(this.fAnchorTransform.right) - form.forward).sqrMagnitude;
var minDiff = diffF;
var minTo = To.F;
if (diffL < minDiff)
minDiff = diffL;
minTo = To.L;
if (diffB < minDiff)
minDiff = diffB;
minTo = To.B;
if (diffR < minDiff)
minDiff = diffR;
minTo = To.R;
return minTo;
public void move (To to, float dTime)
var direction = Vector3.zero;
switch (to)
case To.F:
direction = this.fAnchorTransform.forward;
case To.L:
direction = -(this.fAnchorTransform.right);
case To.B:
direction = -(this.fAnchorTransform.forward);
case To.R:
direction = this.fAnchorTransform.right;
var v3 = direction * this.moveSpeed ();
this.controller.Move (v3 * dTime);
public void jump ()
if (this.isGrounded ())
this.ySpeed += Mathf.Sqrt (this.jumpHeight () * 3.0f * this.gravity ());
public void turn (To to)
var direction = Vector3.zero;
switch (to)
case To.F:
direction = this.fAnchorTransform.forward;
case To.L:
direction = -(this.fAnchorTransform.right);
case To.B:
direction = -(this.fAnchorTransform.forward);
case To.R:
direction = this.fAnchorTransform.right;
var v3 = new Vector3 (direction.x, 0, direction.z);
this.mainCamera.transform.parent = null;
this.transform.forward = v3;
this.mainCamera.transform.parent = this.transform;
public void lookL (float deltaTime)
// 右を向く速さは2倍の速度にした(* 2.0)
this.mainCamera.transform.RotateAround (this.transform.position, -(Vector3.up), this.lookSpeed () * deltaTime * 2.0f);
public void lookR (float deltaTime)
// 右を向く速さは2倍の速度にした(* 2.0)
this.mainCamera.transform.RotateAround (this.transform.position, Vector3.up, this.lookSpeed () * deltaTime * 2.0f);
public void lookU (float deltaTime)
this.mainCamera.transform.RotateAround (this.transform.position, -(this.fAnchorTransform.right), this.lookSpeed () * deltaTime);
public void lookD (float deltaTime)
this.mainCamera.transform.RotateAround (this.transform.position, this.fAnchorTransform.right, this.lookSpeed () * deltaTime);
public void startAnimation (AnimationID id)
if (id == AnimationID.walk)
this.walkingHashes.Add (this.direction ());
this.animUpdater.start (id);
public void stopAnimation (AnimationID id)
this.animUpdater.stop (id);
if (id == AnimationID.walk)
this.walkingHashes.Remove (this.direction ());
public bool isWalking (To to)
var isWaking = this.walkingHashes.Contains (to);
return isWaking;
// その他汎用機能
/// 最大値や最小値をプロパティにもつ要素を返す拡張
public static class IEnumerableExtensions
public static TSource minFilter<TSource, TResult> (
this IEnumerable<TSource> self,
Func<TSource, TResult> selector
return self.First (c => selector (c).Equals (self.Min (selector)));
public static TSource maxFilter<TSource, TResult> (
this IEnumerable<TSource> self,
Func<TSource, TResult> selector
return self.First (c => selector (c).Equals (self.Max (selector)));
/// 振動する値を表す float の ValueObject
class VibrationValue
float min = -90.0f;
float max = 90.0f;
public float value = 0.0f;
bool isIncreasing = true;
public VibrationValue (float min, float max, float startValue)
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.value = startValue;
public void next (float value)
if (this.isIncreasing)
this.value += value;
if (this.max < this.value)
this.isIncreasing = false;
var diff = this.value - this.max;
this.value -= diff;
this.value -= value;
if (this.value < this.min)
this.isIncreasing = true;
var diff = this.min - this.value;
this.value += diff;
- W,A,S,D で前後左右に操作
- I,J,K,L でカメラ操作
- スペース でジャンプ
- U で右手を前に出すアクション