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VBA で UTF-8 変換

Last updated at Posted at 2016-06-12

VBA で UTF-8 変換

VBAから.NET 3.5 を呼び出すことも可能ですがちょっと非公式的な感じもありでいまいち。

' UTF-8 → UTF-16(LE)
Public Function GetString(ByRef bytBuf() As Byte) As String

    Dim bytRet() As Byte
    Dim i As Long
    Dim lngPos As Long
    Dim b0 As Long
    Dim b1 As Long
    Dim b2 As Long
    Dim b3 As Long

    GetString = ""

    On Error GoTo e

    i = LBound(bytBuf)
    ReDim bytRet(0 To (UBound(bytBuf) + 1) * 2)
    i = 0
    lngPos = 0

    Do Until i > UBound(bytBuf)

        b0 = bytBuf(i): i = i + 1

        Select Case True

'            // UTF-8:   [0xxx xxxx]
'            // Unicode: [0000 0000] [0xxx xxxx]
            Case (b0 < &H80&)
                bytRet(lngPos) = b0: lngPos = lngPos + 1
                bytRet(lngPos) = 0:  lngPos = lngPos + 1

'            // UTF-8:   [110y yyyy] [10xx xxxx]
'            // Unicode: [0000 0yyy] [yyxx xxxx]
            Case ((b0 And &HE0&) = &HC0 And (b0 And &H1E&) <> 0)

                b1 = bytBuf(i): i = i + 1
                Dim c As Long
                c = ((LShift(b0, 6)) And &H7C0&) Or (b1 And &H3F&)

                bytRet(lngPos) = LByte(c): lngPos = lngPos + 1
                bytRet(lngPos) = UByte(c): lngPos = lngPos + 1

'            // UTF-8:   [1110 zzzz] [10yy yyyy] [10xx xxxx]
'            // Unicode: [zzzz yyyy] [yyxx xxxx]
            Case ((b0 And &HF0&) = &HE0&)

                b1 = bytBuf(i): i = i + 1
                b2 = bytBuf(i): i = i + 1

                c = ((LShift(b0, 12)) And &HF000&) Or ((LShift(b1, 6)) And &HFC0&) Or (b2 And &H3F&)

                bytRet(lngPos) = LByte(c)
                lngPos = lngPos + 1
                bytRet(lngPos) = UByte(c)
                lngPos = lngPos + 1

'            // UTF-8:   [1111 0uuu] [10uu zzzz] [10yy yyyy] [10xx xxxx]*
'            // Unicode: [1101 10ww] [wwzz zzyy] (high surrogate)
'            //          [1101 11yy] [yyxx xxxx] (low surrogate)
'            //          * uuuuu = wwww + 1
            Case ((b0 And &HF8) = &HF0&)

                b1 = bytBuf(i): i = i + 1
                b2 = bytBuf(i): i = i + 1
                b3 = bytBuf(i): i = i + 1

                Dim uuuuu As Long
                Dim wwww As Long
                Dim zzzz As Long
                Dim yyyyyy As Long
                Dim xxxxxx As Long
                Dim hs As Long
                Dim ls As Long

'                // decode bytes into surrogate characters
                uuuuu = ((LShift(b0, 2)) And &H1C&) Or ((RShift(b1, 4)) And &H3&)
'                If (uuuuu > &H10) Then
'                    invalidSurrogate(uuuuu);
'                End If
                wwww = uuuuu - 1
                zzzz = b1 And &HF&
                yyyyyy = b2 And &H3F&
                xxxxxx = b3 And &H3F&

                hs = &HD800& Or ((LShift(wwww, 6)) And &H3C0&) Or (LShift(zzzz, 2)) Or (RShift(yyyyyy, 4))
                ls = &HDC00& Or ((LShift(yyyyyy, 6)) And &H3C0&) Or xxxxxx

                bytRet(lngPos) = LByte(hs)
                lngPos = lngPos + 1
                bytRet(lngPos) = UByte(hs)
                lngPos = lngPos + 1

                bytRet(lngPos) = LByte(ls)
                lngPos = lngPos + 1
                bytRet(lngPos) = UByte(ls)
                lngPos = lngPos + 1

        End Select


    GetString = LeftB(bytRet, lngPos)
    Exit Function

End Function
' UTF-16(LE) → UTF-8
Public Function getBytes(ByVal strBuf As String) As Byte()

    Dim bytBuf() As Byte
    Dim lngBuf As Long
    Dim bytRet() As Byte

    Dim i As Long
    Dim lngPos As Long

    On Error GoTo e

    If strBuf = "" Then
        Exit Function
    End If

    bytBuf = strBuf

    'バッファを最大 1文字×4バイト分確保
    ReDim bytRet(0 To (Len(strBuf) * 4))

    lngPos = 0

    For i = LBound(bytBuf) To UBound(bytBuf) Step 2

        lngBuf = LShift(bytBuf(i + 1), 8) + bytBuf(i)

        Select Case lngBuf

            Case Is < &H80&

                bytRet(lngPos) = lngBuf
                lngPos = lngPos + 1

            Case Is < &H800&

                bytRet(lngPos) = &HC0& Or RShift(lngBuf, 6)
                lngPos = lngPos + 1

                bytRet(lngPos) = &H80& Or (lngBuf And &H3F&)
                lngPos = lngPos + 1

            Case &HD800& To &HDBFF&

                Dim lngHigh As Long
                Dim lngLow As Long

                lngHigh = lngBuf

                i = i + 2
                lngLow = LShift(bytBuf(i + 1), 8) + bytBuf(i)

                lngBuf = &H10000 + (lngHigh - &HD800&) * &H400& + (lngLow - &HDC00&)

                bytRet(lngPos) = &HF0& Or RShift(lngBuf, 18)
                lngPos = lngPos + 1

                bytRet(lngPos) = &H80& Or (RShift(lngBuf, 12) And &H3F&)
                lngPos = lngPos + 1

                bytRet(lngPos) = &H80& Or (RShift(lngBuf, 6) And &H3F&)
                lngPos = lngPos + 1

                bytRet(lngPos) = &H80& Or (lngBuf And &H3F&)
                lngPos = lngPos + 1

            Case Else

                bytRet(lngPos) = &HE0& Or RShift(lngBuf, 12)
                lngPos = lngPos + 1

                bytRet(lngPos) = &H80& Or (RShift(lngBuf, 6) And &H3F&)
                lngPos = lngPos + 1

                bytRet(lngPos) = &H80& Or (lngBuf And &H3F&)
                lngPos = lngPos + 1

        End Select


    getBytes = LeftB(bytRet, lngPos)
    Exit Function

End Function

' 下位バイト取得
Function LByte(ByVal lngValue As Long) As Long
    LByte = lngValue And &HFF&
End Function
' 上位バイト取得
Function UByte(ByVal lngValue As Long) As Long
    UByte = RShift((lngValue And &HFF00&), 8)
End Function
' 右シフト
Function RShift(ByVal lngValue As Long, ByVal lngKeta As Long) As Long
    RShift = lngValue \ (2 ^ lngKeta)
End Function
' 左シフト
Function LShift(ByVal lngValue As Long, ByVal lngKeta As Long) As Long
    LShift = lngValue * (2 ^ lngKeta)
End Function

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