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Chronicles of Ruby on Rails

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Ruby was invented and released (Ruby 0.95) in 1995 by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto in Japan and like any languages, it has undergone several changes in its avatar with the latest version to be 2.6.1. Rails were created in 2003 by David Heinemeier Hansson, while working on the code base for Basecamp, a project management tool, by 37signals. David extracted Ruby on Rails (RoR) and officially released it as open source code in July of 2004. RoR is not its own language and is a library of ruby gems. Similar to Ruby, the latest build is RoR 5.2.2.
Ruby on Rails is one of the highly valued skill in the startup ecosystem. The Rails framework is based on the principles of Convention over configuration.

Some of the outstanding qualities of Ruby on Rails:

• An easy programming language: First things first, one of the nice things about Ruby on Rails lies in the Ruby language itself. The syntax is simple, concise, close to the English language and very flexible. For experienced developers, Ruby opens the way for meta-programming (the act of writing code in order for your service to generate other pieces of code automatically) uniquely. Intellectually, it’s a pleasure to structure one’s thinking and to write code in this language.
• Flexibility: Any development will require elements like a database, a front-end and back-end. De facto, to get all the elements to blend and organise is a sweet spot for Rails.
• ToolKit: Once the setup and config are made, the toolset associated with Ruby on Rails is the simplest of all: a text editor, a terminal and a browser. No time wasted nor loading screen when coding. The automation testing tools let you test code throughout the development phase, saving time and costs for the overall project. This, in turn, helps in enhancing productivity because the code becomes easy to read and the framework is self-documenting.

One of the reasons why Ruby on Rails is still sought after, it helps the startups to get their product to market faster as it cuts down on development time.
• Development principles: Ruby on Rails has best practices imbibed to the framework. This allows distributed focus of time for every phase of the development cycle and testing. That apart enables fine-tuning before moving to a subsequent phase, delivers a better application with fewer bugs and errors.
• Open source: In addition to all of the benefits listed above, one of the best things about Ruby on Rails is that it’s opens source. Software licensing costs can be quite expensive and being able to use an open source solution that works as good as Ruby on Rails is a great way for startups to save costs.
• Community: Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular open source programming platforms used by programmers which has a very large and active online community. Through the multitudes of Ruby on Rails dedicated websites, chat rooms and forums, you have access to instant answers from people who have already experienced your problem and solved it. (ruby-lang, deccanruby, Bangalore-Ruby-Users-Group)

Now with such an edge over their counterparts, why Ruby on Rails is now considered dying?
The truth is Ruby ain’t dying, but maturing in a pattern similar to every other programming languages.
One cannot be oblivious to the fact that programming languages are tools to solve specific problems, and there is no such thing as the best programming language.


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