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Expanding Symbol beyond Japan!

Last updated at Posted at 2024-12-02

Symbolを日本国外にも知らしめたい! ~ English version Symbol Payment Shoplist, "Symbol Payment Map"~


One of the use cases for Symbol is payment, and it is known that there are shops that accept Symbol payment.
And a site "Everyday Symbol" is the site that lists such shops, but there was no site in English.
I think payments is the most obvious use case for the average non-technical person to showcase the Symbol blockchain, so I created a list of payment shop website, Symbol Payment Map as an opportunity to expand Symbol outside of Japan.


日本では結構決済できる店舗がありますね。すでに日本語で店舗を紹介している「Everyday Symbol」もあります。
ということで、英語にてSymbol決済店舗まとめサイト、Symbol Payment Map を作ってみました。

All of you, spread the Symbol around the world! さぁみなさん拡散の時間です! →→→ Symbol Payment Map


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