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いつもgithubにcommitする際こちら( https://qiita.com/itosho/items/9565c6ad2ffc24c09364 )を参考にしておりましたが、最近gitmojiというものがあるとの情報を入手しました。




yarn add gitmoji-cli

git commitの代わりにgitmoji -cコマンドを打つのみ。

実際にgitmoji -cコマンドを打つと、

  🎨  - Improve structure / format of the code.
  ⚡️   - Improve performance. 
  🔥  - Remove code or files. 
  🐛  - Fix a bug. 
  🚑  - Critical hotfix. 
  ✨  - Introduce new features. 
  📝  - Add or update documentation. 
  🚀  - Deploy stuff. 
  💄  - Add or update the UI and style files. 
  🎉  - Begin a project. 
  ✅  - Add or update tests. 
  🔒  - Fix security issues. 
  🔖  - Release / Version tags. 
  🚨  - Fix compiler / linter warnings. 
  🚧  - Work in progress. 
  💚  - Fix CI Build. 
  ⬇️  - Downgrade dependencies. 
  ⬆️  - Upgrade dependencies. 
  📌  - Pin dependencies to specific versions.
  👷  - Add or update CI build system. 
  📈  - Add or update analytics or track code. 
  ♻️  - Refactor code. 
  +  - Add a dependency. 
  -  - Remove a dependency. 
  🔧  - Add or update configuration files. 
  🔨  - Add or update development scripts. 
  🌐  - Internationalization and localization. 
  ✏️  - Fix typos. 
  💩  - Write bad code that needs to be improved. 
  ⏪  - Revert changes. 
  🔀  - Merge branches. 
  📦  - Add or update compiled files or packages. 
  👽  - Update code due to external API changes. 
  🚚  - Move or rename resources (e.g.: files,paths, routes). 
  📄  - Add or update license. 
  💥  - Introduce breaking changes. 
  🍱  - Add or update assets. 
  ♿️  - Improve accessibility. 
  💡  - Add or update comments in source code. 
  🍻  - Write code drunkenly. 
  💬  - Add or update text and literals. 
  🗃  - Perform database related changes. 
  🔊  - Add or update logs. 
  🔇  - Remove logs. 
  👥  - Add or update contributor(s). 
  🚸  - Improve user experience / usability. 
  🏗  - Make architectural changes. 
  📱  - Work on responsive design. 
  🤡  - Mock things. 
  🥚  - Add or update an easter egg. 
  🙈  - Add or update a .gitignore file. 
  📸  - Add or update snapshots. 
  ⚗   - Perform experiments. 
  🔍  - Improve SEO. 
  🏷️  - Add or update types. 
  🌱  - Add or update seed files. 
  🚩  - Add, update, or remove feature flags. 
  🥅  - Catch errors. 
  💫  - Add or update animations and transitions. 
  🗑  - Deprecate code that needs to be cleanedup. 
  🛂  - Work on code related to authorization,roles and permissions. 
  🩹  - Simple fix for a non-critical issue. 
  🧐  - Data exploration/inspection.

これだけ出てきます 笑(実際はスクロールなので非常に見づらいです。)


また、gitmoji add -sとコマンドを打てば「add」に関するものを検索してくれます。




    $ gitmoji
    --commit, -c    Interactively commit using the prompts
    --config, -g    Setup gitmoji-cli preferences.
    --init, -i      Initialize gitmoji as a commit hook
    --list, -l      List all the available gitmojis
    --remove, -r    Remove a previously initialized commit hook
    --search, -s    Search gitmojis
    --update, -u    Sync emoji list with the repo
    --version, -v   Print gitmoji-cli installed version
    $ gitmoji -l
    $ gitmoji bug linter -s




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