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Oracle実験室 / 再帰with句

Last updated at Posted at 2024-01-13



  • EMPLOYEESテーブルを再帰with句でツリー形式の組織図を検索してみます.
  • Oracle Live SQLにアクセスします.Oracle Accountが必要です.
    Oracle Live SQL
  • SQLを実行します.
with p (employee_id, manager_id, depth) as (
  /* 初期集合を指定する*/
  select employee_id
       , manager_id
       , 1
    from hr.employees
   where manager_id is null /* 最上位 */
--   where employee_id = 148 /* 中間層のIDをルートとして指定する場合 */
  union all
  /* 親子関係を特定する条件を指定する */
  select c.employee_id
       , c.manager_id
       , p.depth + 1
    from p
   inner join hr.employees c
      on p.employee_id = c.manager_id /* 親のidが子の親idと一致する */
--     and p.depth + 1 <= 2 /* ノードの深さを3以下に制限する場合 */
search depth first by employee_id set sort_key
--search breadth  first by employee_id set sort_key
select t.EMPLOYEE_ID
     , p.depth
     , LPAD('> ', (p.depth - 1) * 4, '-') || FIRST_NAME || ' ' || LAST_NAME AS NAME
--     , FIRST_NAME || ' ' || LAST_NAME AS NAME
     , p.sort_key
  from hr.employees t
inner join p
on t.employee_id = p.employee_id
order by sort_key
  • 実行結果
100 1 Steven King 1
101 2 -> Neena Kochhar 2
108 3 -----> Nancy Greenberg 3
109 4 ---------> Daniel Faviet 4
110 4 ---------> John Chen 5
111 4 ---------> Ismael Sciarra 6
112 4 ---------> Jose Manuel Urman 7
113 4 ---------> Luis Popp 8
200 3 -----> Jennifer Whalen 9
203 3 -----> Susan Mavris 10
204 3 -----> Hermann Baer 11
205 3 -----> Shelley Higgins 12
206 4 ---------> William Gietz 13
102 2 -> Lex De Haan 14
103 3 -----> Alexander Hunold 15
104 4 ---------> Bruce Ernst 16
105 4 ---------> David Austin 17
106 4 ---------> Valli Pataballa 18
107 4 ---------> Diana Lorentz 19
114 2 -> Den Raphaely 20
115 3 -----> Alexander Khoo 21
116 3 -----> Shelli Baida 22
117 3 -----> Sigal Tobias 23
118 3 -----> Guy Himuro 24
119 3 -----> Karen Colmenares 25
120 2 -> Matthew Weiss 26
125 3 -----> Julia Nayer 27
126 3 -----> Irene Mikkilineni 28
127 3 -----> James Landry 29
128 3 -----> Steven Markle 30
180 3 -----> Winston Taylor 31
181 3 -----> Jean Fleaur 32
182 3 -----> Martha Sullivan 33
183 3 -----> Girard Geoni 34
121 2 -> Adam Fripp 35
129 3 -----> Laura Bissot 36
130 3 -----> Mozhe Atkinson 37
131 3 -----> James Marlow 38
132 3 -----> TJ Olson 39
184 3 -----> Nandita Sarchand 40
185 3 -----> Alexis Bull 41
186 3 -----> Julia Dellinger 42
187 3 -----> Anthony Cabrio 43
122 2 -> Payam Kaufling 44
133 3 -----> Jason Mallin 45
134 3 -----> Michael Rogers 46
135 3 -----> Ki Gee 47
136 3 -----> Hazel Philtanker 48
188 3 -----> Kelly Chung 49
189 3 -----> Jennifer Dilly 50
190 3 -----> Timothy Gates 51
191 3 -----> Randall Perkins 52
123 2 -> Shanta Vollman 53
137 3 -----> Renske Ladwig 54
138 3 -----> Stephen Stiles 55
139 3 -----> John Seo 56
140 3 -----> Joshua Patel 57
192 3 -----> Sarah Bell 58
193 3 -----> Britney Everett 59
194 3 -----> Samuel McCain 60
195 3 -----> Vance Jones 61
124 2 -> Kevin Mourgos 62
141 3 -----> Trenna Rajs 63
142 3 -----> Curtis Davies 64
143 3 -----> Randall Matos 65
144 3 -----> Peter Vargas 66
196 3 -----> Alana Walsh 67
197 3 -----> Kevin Feeney 68
198 3 -----> Donald OConnell 69
199 3 -----> Douglas Grant 70
145 2 -> John Russell 71
150 3 -----> Peter Tucker 72
151 3 -----> David Bernstein 73
152 3 -----> Peter Hall 74
153 3 -----> Christopher Olsen 75
154 3 -----> Nanette Cambrault 76
155 3 -----> Oliver Tuvault 77
146 2 -> Karen Partners 78
156 3 -----> Janette King 79
157 3 -----> Patrick Sully 80
158 3 -----> Allan McEwen 81
159 3 -----> Lindsey Smith 82
160 3 -----> Louise Doran 83
161 3 -----> Sarath Sewall 84
147 2 -> Alberto Errazuriz 85
162 3 -----> Clara Vishney 86
163 3 -----> Danielle Greene 87
164 3 -----> Mattea Marvins 88
165 3 -----> David Lee 89
166 3 -----> Sundar Ande 90
167 3 -----> Amit Banda 91
148 2 -> Gerald Cambrault 92
168 3 -----> Lisa Ozer 93
169 3 -----> Harrison Bloom 94
170 3 -----> Tayler Fox 95
171 3 -----> William Smith 96
172 3 -----> Elizabeth Bates 97
173 3 -----> Sundita Kumar 98
149 2 -> Eleni Zlotkey 99
174 3 -----> Ellen Abel 100
175 3 -----> Alyssa Hutton 101
176 3 -----> Jonathon Taylor 102
177 3 -----> Jack Livingston 103
178 3 -----> Kimberely Grant 104
179 3 -----> Charles Johnson 105
201 2 -> Michael Hartstein 106
202 3 -----> Pat Fay 107

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