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Powershell 5.1のコードを書くための基本スターターキット

Last updated at Posted at 2020-11-10

#Powershell Coreはとりあえず無視
Visual Basicを呼び出します。
[String]$PATH = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent
[String]$PATH = $PSScriptRoot


バッチファイルにて64bitか32bitを判定し、Program Files配下にファイルをコピーしたい。

Dao 3.6を使っているため、64bitではエラーになります。




##using namespaceを書いても省略しない



#Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process -Force
# Using namepace - clear-variable- Setteings( Encoding, vbCrLf 's
using namespace System;
using namespace System.Text;
using namespace System.Collections;
using namespace System.Configuration.Assemblies;
using namespace System.Diagnostics;
using namespace System.Collections.Generic;
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Data.OleDb;
using namespace System.Data.Odbc;
using namespace System.Data.Sql;
using namespace System.Drawing.Imaging;
using namespace System.Drawing.Text:
using namespace System.EnterpriseServices;
using namespace System.Globalization;
using namespace System.IO;
using namespace System.Linq;
using namespace System.Numerics;
using namespace System.Reflection;
using namespace System.Reflection.Emit;
using namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using namespace System.Speach;
using namespace System.Timers;
using namespace System.Threading;
using namespace System.Threading.Tasks;
using namespace System.Xml;
using namespace System.Xml.Schema;
using namespace System.Xml.XPath
using namespace System.Web;
using namespace System.Windows.Interop;
using namespace System.Windows.Forms;
using namespace Shell32;
using namespace Microsoft;
using namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using namespace Microsoft.Vbe.Interop;
using namespace Microsoft.vbe.Interop.forms;
using namespace Microsoft.Office.Core;
using namespace Microsoft.Office.InterOp.Access.ado;
using namespace Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access;
using namespace Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
using namespace Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;
using namespace Microsoft.Office.Interop.Powerpoint;
using namespace Microsoft.Office.Interop.Publisher;
using namespace Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;
using namespace Microsoft.Office.OutlookViewCtl;
using namespace Microsoft.office.interop.smarttag;
using namespace Microsoft.Win32;
using namespace Windows.System.Power.Diagnostics;
using namespace Windows.Web;
using namespace Windows.Web.Http;
# 変数消去
Try{Get-Variable | Clear-Variable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue  }catch{$error.Clear()}
# 履歴-画面クリア
# Start 開始時刻の記録
[datetime]$stdt = get-date ; Write-Host "開始時刻 Time of started is ${stdt}."  ' ' $stdt.ToString('yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss.000') # 変数をダブルクォーテーションで包むと展開する。さらに{}で囲むと半角スペースがつかない。
[string]$strstdt = $stdt.ToString('yyyyMMddhhmmss')

# Seetings  
$MaximumVariableCount = 8000
$ErrorActionPreference="Stop" # 'ScilentContinue' 'Continue'
Set-StrictMode -Version 1
Set-StrictMode -Off
# 基本定数
$vbTab = "`t" ; $vbCrLf = "`r`n" ; $Beep = "`a" ; $vbCr = "`r" ; $vbLF = "`f" ;  $vbNullString = "`0"
#曜日 [DayOfWeek]:: でTab [DayOfWeek]::Friday
###Msgbox Constants Default $vbOkOnly = 0
$vbOKOnly=0 ; $vbOkCancel = 1 ; $vbAbortRetryIgnore = 2 ; $vbYesNoCancel=3 ; $vbYesNo =4 ; $vbRetryCancel = 5 ; $vbCritical = 16 ; $vbQuestion = 32;
$vbExclamation = 48; $vbInformation = 64;  $vbDefaultButton1 = 0 ; $vbDefaultButton2 = 256 ; $vbDefaultButton3 = 512; $vbDefaultButton4 = 768 ; $vbApplicationModal = 0 ; $vbSystemModal = 4096 ; 
###Return Value Constants
$vbOK = 1 ; $vbCancel = 2 ; $vbAbort = 3 ; $vbRetry = 4 ; $vbIgnore = 5 ; $vbYes = 6 ; $vbNo = 7
# Microsoft.VisualBasicアセンブリを有効化
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.VisualBasic, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089")
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("mscorlib, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089")
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("ADODB, Version=7.0.3300.0, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.JScript, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c")
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Dao, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c")
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c")
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.Office.Interop.Graph, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c")
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c")
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.Office.Interop.OutlookViewCtl, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c")
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c")
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.Office.Interop.Publisher, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c")
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c")
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("System.Speech, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35")
    Add-Type -path $_
### ユーザー定義関数(UDF User Difinition Function)は概ね個々から下に記述 ###

### UDF をここより上に記述する ###

$INPUT =[Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox("Message String", 'TitleString','String Default Responce' )   # 文中の改行は `n 例: "今日は `nいい天気" https://letspowershell.blogspot.com/2015/06/powershellinputbox.html
### MsgBox YesNoCancel
if([System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('Click Cancel to Exit','Shutdown','YesNoCancel') -eq 'Cancel'){ write-host 'cancel'} #https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/lync/en-US/6cf08a2e-9723-450a-beaa-4d4b6a808c50/how-to-get-script-to-stop-if-i-press-cancel?forum=winserverpowershell
$SelectResult = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('Click Cancel to Exit','Shutdown','YesNoCancel')
Write-Host $SelectResult # この場合は Yes No Cancelなど文字列が返ってくる。 ほかOKCacnelもできる 上記のような[void]のような命令もいらない。

# 実行しているスクリプトのパスの取得と移動
# Split-Pathはpsiseでは取得できないため次のようにする また[String]を指定していないため $path -eq ""ではなく $path -eq $null
$PATH = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent
If($PATH -eq $null){
if($psISE.CurrentFile.Save() -eq $false){Exit;}Else{$PATH =(get-item $psISE.CurrentFile.FullPath).DirectoryName}
Sl $PATH #Explorerで開く または Invoke-Item $PATH

# コンソールの記録開始
Start-Transcript (Join-path $PATH "Log${strstdt}.log")
# Com Object
$Dbe = New-Object -ComObject "Dao.DBEngine.36" ;
$vbReg = New-Object -ComObject "VBScript.RegExp" ;
$xApp = New-Object -ComObject "Excel.Application" ; $xApp.visible = $true ;
#$aApp = New-Object -ComObject Access.Application ; $aApp.visible = $true ;
$oApp = New-Object -ComObject "Outlook.Application" ; $oApp.visible = $true ;
$wApp = New-Object -ComObject "Word.Application" ; $wApp.visible = $true ;
$pApp = New-Object -ComObject Powerpoint.Application ; $pApp.Visible =[Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState]::msoTrue
$pbApp = New-Object -comobject Publisher.Application ;  #$pbApp.visible = $true;ということはできない。 $pbApp.Open('C:\Test\testcard.pub')
#$ie = New-Object -ComObject InternetExplorer.Application ; $ie.Navigate("google.com")  ; $ie.visible = $true
$FSO = New-Object -ComObject "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ;
$CAT = New-Object -ComObject "ADOX.Catalog" ;
$WSH = New-Object -ComObject "WScript.Shell" ;
$WSN = New-Object -ComObject "WScript.Network" ;
$SHL = New-Object -ComObject 'Shell.Application';
$Dic = New-Object -ComObject "Scripting.Dictionary" ; 
$aSr = New-Object -ComObject "ADODB.Stream" ; 
$aCmd = New-Object -ComObject "ADODB.Command" ; 
$aCn = New-Object -ComObject "ADODB.Connection" ; 
$aRS = New-Object -ComObject "ADODB.RecordSet" ; 
$xApp.quit();$xApp = $null;[void][System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xApp) ; Remove-Variable xApp;
$aApp.Quit();$aApp = $null;[void][System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($aApp) ; Remove-Variable aApp;
$oApp.Quit();$oApp = $null;[void][System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($oApp) ; Remove-Variable oApp;
$wApp.Quit();$wApp = $null;[void][System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($wApp) ; Remove-Variable wApp;
$pApp.Quit();$pApp = $null;[void][System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($pApp) ; Remove-Variable pApp;
$pbApp.Quit();$pbApp = $null;[void][System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($pbApp) ; Remove-Variable pbApp;
$ie.Quit();[void][System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($ie) ; Remove-Variable ie ;
[void][System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($SapiVoice) ; Remove-Variable SapiVoice;
$speak.Dispose()  ; [void][System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($speak) ; Remove-Variable Speak ; # $speak.Dispose() は必ず書く
$aCm = $null
Remove-Variable dbe, fso , aRs ,aCn, aCm, cat, SHL

$EndDt = Get-Date
Write-host (New-TimeSpan  $stdt -End $EndDt ).TotalSeconds

[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.VisualBasic, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.VisualBasic, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a") | Out-Null

なので32bit Powershellでもここの名前、Version,Culture,公開キーを使います。

Cscript //Nologo ...vbs


###Sapi.VoiceのVoice Changeは Powershell.Core 7.1では使えない
Sapi.VoiceのVoice Changeは Powershell.Core 7.1では使えない

https://srad.jp/comment/2943598 Sapi Voice
スラドはふざけているが、Sapi Voice の日本語の数少ない実例。

[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("System.Speech, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35")

# gistは基本的な書き方例
$speak = New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer
$speak.Dispose() # 必ず書く

$SapiVoice = New-Object -com SAPI.Spvoice
$SapiVoice.Speak( "よい子は早く寝ろ",1) | out-null

Sound Windows Media Player

Sound Beep

PowerShell – ビープ音でドレミファソラシドを演奏する
[Console]::Beep(440,500) Hz milliseconds Win32 ApiのBeep と同じ

# https://tech.guitarrapc.com/entry/2013/03/30/020311
# https://www.vwnet.jp/Windows/PowerShell/CharCode.htm Outputencoding

Try {
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls13
Write-host $Error
$res = Invoke-WebRequest $URLString
[System.Text.Encoding]::Utf8.GetString( `


公式 Powershell101
気になるのはURLを見ると分かる通り、Powershell Coreである。

PowerShell 使い方メモ

Docs PowerShell スクリプトの作成 Windows PowerShell の開始
32 ビット版の Windows PowerShell を起動する
##Powershell Ise
Docs PowerShell スクリプトの作成 Windows PowerShell ISE
が存在する。上記のサンプルは32bit ISEで動作させることを目的としており、スクリプトのパスに移動するときに使用している。

Powershell In Depth


【Powershell】Outlook,Excel,PowerPoint,Work,Access,IE,Explorerを起動しファイルを開き終了するサンプル PowerPointが要注意。またPublisherはDocumentを開かずにPubulisherだけ起動して表示するには上記のWindowを使う必要がある。当然PublsiherhはHome And Buisinessには入っていないので動かない。

OfficeをCOM Object経由でPowershellから扱うときの面倒を少しマシにする

Windows あるいはVisual Basic

Powershellを始めよう InputBox
Powershellをはじめよう MessageBox
C# Cant't Get help microsoft interopt reference to work
Office プライマリ相互運用機能アセンブリ

Broweser HTML Internet

【Powershell】PowerShell で Google Chrome を起動するサンプルコード
Replacing Text in Microsoft Publisher Using Powershell

$InputBox 訂正
Start-Trascript 日時文字列の変数が違っていたので修正
Start-Transcript 訂正
using 追加
add-type セクション追加

ここから定数  列挙体の定義

#Ado 定数表
この中には Adox の文はないが、の

# ---- CursorTypeEnum Values ----
$adOpenForwardOnly = 0
$adOpenKeyset = 1
$adOpenDynamic = 2
$adOpenStatic = 3

# ---- CursorOptionEnum Values ----
$adHoldRecords = 0x00000100
$adMovePrevious = 0x00000200
$adAddNew = 0x01000400
$adDelete = 0x01000800
$adUpdate = 0x01008000
$adBookmark = 0x00002000
$adApproxPosition = 0x00004000
$adUpdateBatch = 0x00010000
$adResync = 0x00020000
$adNotify = 0x00040000
$adFind = 0x00080000
$adSeek = 0x00400000
$adIndex = 0x00800000

# ---- LockTypeEnum Values ----
$adLockReadOnly = 1
$adLockPessimistic = 2
$adLockOptimistic = 3
$adLockBatchOptimistic = 4

# ---- ExecuteOptionEnum Values ----
$adAsyncExecute = 0x00000010
$adAsyncFetch = 0x00000020
$adAsyncFetchNonBlocking = 0x00000040
$adExecuteNoRecords = 0x00000080
$adExecuteStream = 0x00000400

# ---- ConnectOptionEnum Values ----
$adAsyncConnect = 0x00000010

# ---- ObjectStateEnum Values ----
$adStateClosed = 0x00000000
$adStateOpen = 0x00000001
$adStateConnecting = 0x00000002
$adStateExecuting = 0x00000004
$adStateFetching = 0x00000008

# ---- CursorLocationEnum Values ----
$adUseServer = 2
$adUseClient = 3

# ---- DataTypeEnum Values ----
$adEmpty = 0
$adTinyInt = 16
$adSmallInt = 2
$adInteger = 3
$adBigInt = 20
$adUnsignedTinyInt = 17
$adUnsignedSmallInt = 18
$adUnsignedInt = 19
$adUnsignedBigInt = 21
$adSingle = 4
$adDouble = 5
$adCurrency = 6
$adDecimal = 14
$adNumeric = 131
$adBoolean = 11
$adError = 10
$adUserDefined = 132
$adVariant = 12
$adIDispatch = 9
$adIUnknown = 13
$adGUID = 72
$adDate = 7
$adDBDate = 133
$adDBTime = 134
$adDBTimeStamp = 135
$adBSTR = 8
$adChar = 129
$adVarChar = 200
$adLongVarChar = 201
$adWChar = 130
$adVarWChar = 202
$adLongVarWChar = 203
$adBinary = 128
$adVarBinary = 204
$adLongVarBinary = 205
$adChapter = 136
$adFileTime = 64
$adPropVariant = 138
$adVarNumeric = 139
$adArray = 0x2000

# ---- FieldAttributeEnum Values ----
$adFldMayDefer = 0x00000002
$adFldUpdatable = 0x00000004
$adFldUnknownUpdatable = 0x00000008
$adFldFixed = 0x00000010
$adFldIsNullable = 0x00000020
$adFldMayBeNull = 0x00000040
$adFldLong = 0x00000080
$adFldRowID = 0x00000100
$adFldRowVersion = 0x00000200
$adFldCacheDeferred = 0x00001000
$adFldIsChapter = 0x00002000
$adFldNegativeScale = 0x00004000
$adFldKeyColumn = 0x00008000
$adFldIsRowURL = 0x00010000
$adFldIsDefaultStream = 0x00020000
$adFldIsCollection = 0x00040000

# ---- EditModeEnum Values ----
$adEditNone = 0x0000
$adEditInProgress = 0x0001
$adEditAdd = 0x0002
$adEditDelete = 0x0004

# ---- RecordStatusEnum Values ----
$adRecOK = 0x0000000
$adRecNew = 0x0000001
$adRecModified = 0x0000002
$adRecDeleted = 0x0000004
$adRecUnmodified = 0x0000008
$adRecInvalid = 0x0000010
$adRecMultipleChanges = 0x0000040
$adRecPendingChanges = 0x0000080
$adRecCanceled = 0x0000100
$adRecCantRelease = 0x0000400
$adRecConcurrencyViolation = 0x0000800
$adRecIntegrityViolation = 0x0001000
$adRecMaxChangesExceeded = 0x0002000
$adRecObjectOpen = 0x0004000
$adRecOutOfMemory = 0x0008000
$adRecPermissionDenied = 0x0010000
$adRecSchemaViolation = 0x0020000
$adRecDBDeleted = 0x0040000

# ---- GetRowsOptionEnum Values ----
$adGetRowsRest = -1

# ---- PositionEnum Values ----
$adPosUnknown = -1
$adPosBOF = -2
$adPosEOF = -3

# ---- BookmarkEnum Values ----
$adBookmarkCurrent = 0
$adBookmarkFirst = 1
$adBookmarkLast = 2

# ---- MarshalOptionsEnum Values ----
$adMarshalAll = 0
$adMarshalModifiedOnly = 1

# ---- AffectEnum Values ----
$adAffectCurrent = 1
$adAffectGroup = 2
$adAffectAllChapters = 4

# ---- ResyncEnum Values ----
$adResyncUnderlyingValues = 1
$adResyncAllValues = 2

# ---- CompareEnum Values ----
$adCompareLessThan = 0
$adCompareEqual = 1
$adCompareGreaterThan = 2
$adCompareNotEqual = 3
$adCompareNotComparable = 4

# ---- FilterGroupEnum Values ----
$adFilterNone = 0
$adFilterPendingRecords = 1
$adFilterAffectedRecords = 2
$adFilterFetchedRecords = 3
$adFilterConflictingRecords = 5

# ---- SearchDirectionEnum Values ----
$adSearchForward = 1
$adSearchBackward = -1

# ---- PersistFormatEnum Values ----
$adPersistADTG = 0
$adPersistXML = 1

# ---- StringFormatEnum Values ----
$adClipString = 2

# ---- ConnectPromptEnum Values ----
$adPromptAlways = 1
$adPromptComplete = 2
$adPromptCompleteRequired = 3
$adPromptNever = 4

# ---- ConnectModeEnum Values ----
$adModeUnknown = 0
$adModeRead = 1
$adModeWrite = 2
$adModeReadWrite = 3
$adModeShareDenyRead = 4
$adModeShareDenyWrite = 8
$adModeShareExclusive = 0xc
$adModeShareDenyNone = 0x10
$adModeRecursive = 0x400000

# ---- RecordCreateOptionsEnum Values ----
$adCreateCollection = 0x00002000
$adCreateStructDoc = 0x80000000
$adCreateNonCollection = 0x00000000
$adOpenIfExists = 0x02000000
$adCreateOverwrite = 0x04000000
$adFailIfNotExists = -1

# ---- RecordOpenOptionsEnum Values ----
$adOpenRecordUnspecified = -1
$adOpenOutput = 0x00800000
$adOpenAsync = 0x00001000
$adDelayFetchStream = 0x00004000
$adDelayFetchFields = 0x00008000
$adOpenExecuteCommand = 0x00010000

# ---- IsolationLevelEnum Values ----
$adXactUnspecified = 0xffffffff
$adXactChaos = 0x00000010
$adXactReadUncommitted = 0x00000100
$adXactBrowse = 0x00000100
$adXactCursorStability = 0x00001000
$adXactReadCommitted = 0x00001000
$adXactRepeatableRead = 0x00010000
$adXactSerializable = 0x00100000
$adXactIsolated = 0x00100000

# ---- XactAttributeEnum Values ----
$adXactCommitRetaining = 0x00020000
$adXactAbortRetaining = 0x00040000

# ---- PropertyAttributesEnum Values ----
$adPropNotSupported = 0x0000
$adPropRequired = 0x0001
$adPropOptional = 0x0002
$adPropRead = 0x0200
$adPropWrite = 0x0400

# ---- ErrorValueEnum Values ----
$adErrProviderFailed = 0xbb8
$adErrInvalidArgument = 0xbb9
$adErrOpeningFile = 0xbba
$adErrReadFile = 0xbbb
$adErrWriteFile = 0xbbc
$adErrNoCurrentRecord = 0xbcd
$adErrIllegalOperation = 0xc93
$adErrCantChangeProvider = 0xc94
$adErrInTransaction = 0xcae
$adErrFeatureNotAvailable = 0xcb3
$adErrItemNotFound = 0xcc1
$adErrObjectInCollection = 0xd27
$adErrObjectNotSet = 0xd5c
$adErrDataConversion = 0xd5d
$adErrObjectClosed = 0xe78
$adErrObjectOpen = 0xe79
$adErrProviderNotFound = 0xe7a
$adErrBoundToCommand = 0xe7b
$adErrInvalidParamInfo = 0xe7c
$adErrInvalidConnection = 0xe7d
$adErrNotReentrant = 0xe7e
$adErrStillExecuting = 0xe7f
$adErrOperationCancelled = 0xe80
$adErrStillConnecting = 0xe81
$adErrInvalidTransaction = 0xe82
$adErrUnsafeOperation = 0xe84
$adwrnSecurityDialog = 0xe85
$adwrnSecurityDialogHeader = 0xe86
$adErrIntegrityViolation = 0xe87
$adErrPermissionDenied = 0xe88
$adErrDataOverflow = 0xe89
$adErrSchemaViolation = 0xe8a
$adErrSignMismatch = 0xe8b
$adErrCantConvertvalue = 0xe8c
$adErrCantCreate = 0xe8d
$adErrColumnNotOnThisRow = 0xe8e
$adErrURLIntegrViolSetColumns = 0xe8f
$adErrURLDoesNotExist = 0xe8f
$adErrTreePermissionDenied = 0xe90
$adErrInvalidURL = 0xe91
$adErrResourceLocked = 0xe92
$adErrResourceExists = 0xe93
$adErrCannotComplete = 0xe94
$adErrVolumeNotFound = 0xe95
$adErrOutOfSpace = 0xe96
$adErrResourceOutOfScope = 0xe97
$adErrUnavailable = 0xe98
$adErrURLNamedRowDoesNotExist = 0xe99
$adErrDelResOutOfScope = 0xe9a
$adErrPropInvalidColumn = 0xe9b
$adErrPropInvalidOption = 0xe9c
$adErrPropInvalidValue = 0xe9d
$adErrPropConflicting = 0xe9e
$adErrPropNotAllSettable = 0xe9f
$adErrPropNotSet = 0xea0
$adErrPropNotSettable = 0xea1
$adErrPropNotSupported = 0xea2
$adErrCatalogNotSet = 0xea3
$adErrCantChangeConnection = 0xea4
$adErrFieldsUpdateFailed = 0xea5
$adErrDenyNotSupported = 0xea6
$adErrDenyTypeNotSupported = 0xea7
$adErrProviderNotSpecified = 0xea9
$adErrConnectionStringTooLong = 0xeaa

# ---- ParameterAttributesEnum Values ----
$adParamSigned = 0x0010
$adParamNullable = 0x0040
$adParamLong = 0x0080

# ---- ParameterDirectionEnum Values ----
$adParamUnknown = 0x0000
$adParamInput = 0x0001
$adParamOutput = 0x0002
$adParamInputOutput = 0x0003
$adParamReturnValue = 0x0004

# ---- CommandTypeEnum Values ----
$adCmdUnknown = 0x0008
$adCmdText = 0x0001
$adCmdTable = 0x0002
$adCmdStoredProc = 0x0004
$adCmdFile = 0x0100
$adCmdTableDirect = 0x0200

# ---- EventStatusEnum Values ----
$adStatusOK = 0x0000001
$adStatusErrorsOccurred = 0x0000002
$adStatusCantDeny = 0x0000003
$adStatusCancel = 0x0000004
$adStatusUnwantedEvent = 0x0000005

# ---- EventReasonEnum Values ----
$adRsnAddNew = 1
$adRsnDelete = 2
$adRsnUpdate = 3
$adRsnUndoUpdate = 4
$adRsnUndoAddNew = 5
$adRsnUndoDelete = 6
$adRsnRequery = 7
$adRsnResynch = 8
$adRsnClose = 9
$adRsnMove = 10
$adRsnFirstChange = 11
$adRsnMoveFirst = 12
$adRsnMoveNext = 13
$adRsnMovePrevious = 14
$adRsnMoveLast = 15

# ---- SchemaEnum Values ----
$adSchemaProviderSpecific = -1
$adSchemaAsserts = 0
$adSchemaCatalogs = 1
$adSchemaCharacterSets = 2
$adSchemaCollations = 3
$adSchemaColumns = 4
$adSchemaCheckConstraints = 5
$adSchemaConstraintColumnUsage = 6
$adSchemaConstraintTableUsage = 7
$adSchemaKeyColumnUsage = 8
$adSchemaReferentialConstraints = 9
$adSchemaTableConstraints = 10
$adSchemaColumnsDomainUsage = 11
$adSchemaIndexes = 12
$adSchemaColumnPrivileges = 13
$adSchemaTablePrivileges = 14
$adSchemaUsagePrivileges = 15
$adSchemaProcedures = 16
$adSchemaSchemata = 17
$adSchemaSQLLanguages = 18
$adSchemaStatistics = 19
$adSchemaTables = 20
$adSchemaTranslations = 21
$adSchemaProviderTypes = 22
$adSchemaViews = 23
$adSchemaViewColumnUsage = 24
$adSchemaViewTableUsage = 25
$adSchemaProcedureParameters = 26
$adSchemaForeignKeys = 27
$adSchemaPrimaryKeys = 28
$adSchemaProcedureColumns = 29
$adSchemaDBInfoKeywords = 30
$adSchemaDBInfoLiterals = 31
$adSchemaCubes = 32
$adSchemaDimensions = 33
$adSchemaHierarchies = 34
$adSchemaLevels = 35
$adSchemaMeasures = 36
$adSchemaProperties = 37
$adSchemaMembers = 38
$adSchemaTrustees = 39
$adSchemaFunctions = 40
$adSchemaActions = 41
$adSchemaCommands = 42
$adSchemaSets = 43

# ---- FieldStatusEnum Values ----
$adFieldOK = 0
$adFieldCantConvertValue = 2
$adFieldIsNull = 3
$adFieldTruncated = 4
$adFieldSignMismatch = 5
$adFieldDataOverflow = 6
$adFieldCantCreate = 7
$adFieldUnavailable = 8
$adFieldPermissionDenied = 9
$adFieldIntegrityViolation = 10
$adFieldSchemaViolation = 11
$adFieldBadStatus = 12
$adFieldDefault = 13
$adFieldIgnore = 15
$adFieldDoesNotExist = 16
$adFieldInvalidURL = 17
$adFieldResourceLocked = 18
$adFieldResourceExists = 19
$adFieldCannotComplete = 20
$adFieldVolumeNotFound = 21
$adFieldOutOfSpace = 22
$adFieldCannotDeleteSource = 23
$adFieldReadOnly = 24
$adFieldResourceOutOfScope = 25
$adFieldAlreadyExists = 26
$adFieldPendingInsert = 0x10000
$adFieldPendingDelete = 0x20000
$adFieldPendingChange = 0x40000
$adFieldPendingUnknown = 0x80000
$adFieldPendingUnknownDelete = 0x100000

# ---- SeekEnum Values ----
$adSeekFirstEQ = 0x1
$adSeekLastEQ = 0x2
$adSeekAfterEQ = 0x4
$adSeekAfter = 0x8
$adSeekBeforeEQ = 0x10
$adSeekBefore = 0x20

$adCriteriaKey = 0
$adCriteriaAllCols = 1
$adCriteriaUpdCols = 2
$adCriteriaTimeStamp = 3

$adPriorityLowest = 1
$adPriorityBelowNormal = 2
$adPriorityNormal = 3
$adPriorityAboveNormal = 4
$adPriorityHighest = 5

$adRecalcUpFront = 0
$adRecalcAlways = 1

$adResyncNone = 0
$adResyncAutoIncrement = 1
$adResyncConflicts = 2
$adResyncUpdates = 4
$adResyncInserts = 8
$adResyncAll = 15

# ---- MoveRecordOptionsEnum Values ----
$adMoveUnspecified = -1
$adMoveOverWrite = 1
$adMoveDontUpdateLinks = 2
$adMoveAllowEmulation = 4

# ---- CopyRecordOptionsEnum Values ----
$adCopyUnspecified = -1
$adCopyOverWrite = 1
$adCopyAllowEmulation = 4
$adCopyNonRecursive = 2

# ---- StreamTypeEnum Values ----
$adTypeBinary = 1
$adTypeText = 2

# ---- LineSeparatorEnum Values ----
$adLF = 10
$adCR = 13
$adCRLF = -1

# ---- StreamOpenOptionsEnum Values ----
$adOpenStreamUnspecified = -1
$adOpenStreamAsync = 1
$adOpenStreamFromRecord = 4

# ---- StreamWriteEnum Values ----
$adWriteChar = 0
$adWriteLine = 1

# ---- SaveOptionsEnum Values ----
$adSaveCreateNotExist = 1
$adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2

# ---- FieldEnum Values ----
$adDefaultStream = -1
$adRecordURL = -2

# ---- StreamReadEnum Values ----
$adReadAll = -1
$adReadLine = -2

# ---- RecordTypeEnum Values ----
$adSimpleRecord = 0
$adCollectionRecord = 1
$adStructDoc = 2

##Access のみ 未完成
Docmd Runcmmandあたりがきついです

#AcControlType enumeration (Access)
$acAttachment = 126
$acBoundObjectFrame = 108
$acCheckBox = 106
$acComboBox = 111
$acCommandButton = 104
$acCustomControl = 119
$acEmptyCell = 127
$acImage = 103
$acLabel = 100
$acLine = 102
$acListBox = 110
$acNavigationButton = 130
$acNavigationControl = 129
$acObjectFrame = 114
$acOptionButton = 105
$acOptionGroup = 107
$acPage = 124
$acPageBreak = 118
$acRectangle = 101
$acSubForm = 112
$acTabCtl = 123
$acTextBox = 109
$acToggleButton = 122
$acWebBrowser = 128
#acCurViewDatasheetThe object is in Datasheet view.
#acCurViewDesignThe object is in Design view.
#acCurViewFormBrowseThe object is in Form view.
#acCurViewLayoutThe object is in Layout view.
#acCurViewPivotChartThe object is in PivotChart view.
#acCurViewPivotTableThe object is in PivotTable view.
#acCurViewPreviewThe object is in Print Preview.
#acCurViewReportBrowseThe object is in Report view.
#GoToRecord メソッドで、カレント レコードにするレコードが含まれているオブジェクトの種類を指定するときに使用します。
#acActiveDataObjectレコードはアクティブ オブジェクトに含まれています。
#acDataFunctionレコードはユーザー定義関数に含まれています (Access プロジェクトのみ)。
#acDataServerViewレコードはサーバー ビューに含まれています (Access プロジェクトのみ)。
#acDataStoredProcedureレコードはストアド プロシージャに含まれています (Access プロジェクトのみ)。

$acCurViewDatasheet = 2
$acCurViewDesign = 0
$acCurViewFormBrowse = 1
$acCurViewLayout = 7
$acCurViewPivotChart = 4
$acCurViewPivotTable = 3
$acCurViewPreview = 5
$acCurViewReportBrowse = 6
$acActiveDataObject = -1
$acDataForm = 2
$acDataFunction = 10
$acDataQuery = 1
$acDataReport = 3
$acDataServerView = 7
$acDataStoredProcedure = 9
#TransferDatabase メソッドまたは TransferSpreadsheet メソッドで行う変換の種類を指定します。
$acExport = 1
$acImport = 0
$acLink = 2
#acFileFormatAccess12Microsoft Access 2007 形式
#acFileFormatAccess2Microsoft Access 2.0 形式
#acFileFormatAccess2000Microsoft Access 2000 形式
#acFileFormatAccess2002Microsoft Access 2002 形式
#acFileFormatAccess95Microsoft Access 95 形式
#acFileFormatAccess97Microsoft Access 97 形式
$acFileFormatAccess12 = 12
$acFileFormatAccess2 = 2
$acFileFormatAccess2000 = 9
$acFileFormatAccess2002 = 10
$acFileFormatAccess95 = 7
$acFileFormatAccess97 = 8

# Runcommand
$acCmdAboutMicrosoftAccess = 35
$acCmdAddDataMacroAfterDelete = 720
$acCmdAddDataMacroAfterInsert = 718
$acCmdAddDataMacroAfterUpdate = 719
$acCmdAddDataMacroValidateChange = 722
$acCmdAddDataMacroValidateDelete = 721
$acCmdAddFromOutlook = 583
$acCmdAddInManager = 526
$acCmdAddNamedDataMacro = 723
$acCmdAddToNewGroup = 494
$acCmdAddWatch = 201
$acCmdAdvancedFilterSort = 99
$acCmdAlignBottom = 46
$acCmdAlignCenter = 477
$acCmdAlignLeft = 43
$acCmdAlignmentAndSizing = 478
$acCmdAlignMiddle = 476
$acCmdAlignRight = 44
$acCmdAlignToGrid = 47
$acCmdAlignTop = 45
$acCmdAlignToShortest = 153
$acCmdAlignToTallest = 154
$acCmdAnalyzePerformance = 283
$acCmdAnalyzeTable = 284
$acCmdAnchorBottomLeft = 616
$acCmdAnchorBottomRight = 618
$acCmdAnchorBottomStretchAcross = 617
$acCmdAnchorStretchAcross = 611
$acCmdAnchorStretchDown = 613
$acCmdAnchorStretchDownAcross = 614
$acCmdAnchorStretchDownRight = 615
$acCmdAnchorTopLeft = 610
$acCmdAnchorTopRight = 612
$acCmdAnswerWizard = 235
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat1 = 648
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat10 = 657
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat11 = 658
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat12 = 659
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat13 = 660
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat14 = 661
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat15 = 662
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat16 = 663
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat17 = 664
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat18 = 665
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat19 = 666
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat2 = 649
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat20 = 667
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat21 = 668
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat22 = 669
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat23 = 670
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat24 = 671
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat25 = 672
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat3 = 650
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat4 = 651
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat5 = 652
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat6 = 653
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat7 = 654
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat8 = 655
$acCmdApplyAutoFormat9 = 656
$acCmdApplyDefault = 55
$acCmdApplyFilterSort = 93
$acCmdAppMaximize = 10
$acCmdAppMinimize = 11
$acCmdAppMove = 12
$acCmdAppRestore = 9
$acCmdAppSize = 13
$acCmdArrangeIconsAuto = 218
$acCmdArrangeIconsByCreated = 216
$acCmdArrangeIconsByModified = 217
$acCmdArrangeIconsByName = 214
$acCmdArrangeIconsByType = 215
$acCmdAutoCorrect = 261
$acCmdAutoDial = 192
$acCmdAutoFormat = 270
$acCmdBackgroundPicture = 474
$acCmdBackgroundSound = 475
$acCmdBackup = 513
$acCmdBookmarksClearAll = 310
$acCmdBookmarksNext = 308
$acCmdBookmarksPrevious = 309
$acCmdBookmarksToggle = 307
$acCmdBringToFront = 52
$acCmdBrowseSharePointList = 621
$acCmdCalculatedColumn = 698
$acCmdCallStack = 172
$acCmdChangeToCheckBox = 231
$acCmdChangeToComboBox = 230
$acCmdChangeToCommandButton = 501
$acCmdChangeToImage = 234
$acCmdChangeToLabel = 228
$acCmdChangeToListBox = 229
$acCmdChangeToOptionButton = 233
$acCmdChangeToTextBox = 227
$acCmdChangeToToggleButton = 232
$acCmdClearAll = 146
$acCmdClearAllBreakpoints = 132
$acCmdClearGrid = 71
$acCmdClearHyperlink = 343
$acCmdClearItemDefaults = 237
$acCmdClose = 58
$acCmdCloseAll = 646
$acCmdCloseDatabase = 538
$acCmdCloseWindow = 186
$acCmdCollectDataViaEmail = 608
$acCmdColumnWidth = 117
$acCmdCompactDatabase = 4
$acCmdCompatCheckCurrentObject = 696
$acCmdCompatCheckDatabase = 695
$acCmdCompileAllModules = 125
$acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules = 126
$acCmdCompileLoadedModules = 290
$acCmdCompleteWord = 306
$acCmdConditionalFormatting = 500
$acCmdConnection = 383
$acCmdControlMarginsMedium = 630
$acCmdControlMarginsNarrow = 629
$acCmdControlMarginsNone = 628
$acCmdControlMarginsWide = 631
$acCmdControlPaddingMedium = 634
$acCmdControlPaddingNarrow = 633
$acCmdControlPaddingNone = 632
$acCmdControlPaddingWide = 635
$acCmdControlWizardsToggle = 197
$acCmdConvertDatabase = 171
$acCmdConvertLinkedTableToLocal = 700
$acCmdConvertMacrosToVisualBasic = 279
$acCmdCopy = 190
$acCmdCopyDatabaseFile = 516
$acCmdCopyHyperlink = 328
$acCmdCreateMenuFromMacro = 334
$acCmdCreateRelationship = 150
$acCmdCreateReplica = 263
$acCmdCreateShortcut = 219
$acCmdCreateShortcutMenuFromMacro = 336
$acCmdCreateToolbarFromMacro = 335
$acCmdCut = 189
$acCmdDatabaseProperties = 256
$acCmdDatabaseSplitter = 520
$acCmdDataEntry = 78
$acCmdDataOutline = 468
$acCmdDatasheetView = 282
$acCmdDateAndTime = 226
$acCmdDebugWindow = 123
$acCmdDelete = 337
$acCmdDeleteGroup = 493
$acCmdDeletePage = 332
$acCmdDeleteQueryColumn = 81
$acCmdDeleteRecord = 223
$acCmdDeleteRows = 188
$acCmdDeleteSharePointList = 627
$acCmdDeleteTab = 255
$acCmdDeleteTable = 489
$acCmdDeleteTableColumn = 271
$acCmdDeleteWatch = 267
$acCmdDesignObject = 697
$acCmdDesignView = 183
$acCmdDiagramAddRelatedTables = 373
$acCmdDiagramAutosizeSelectedTables = 378
$acCmdDiagramDeleteRelationship = 382
$acCmdDiagramLayoutDiagram = 380
$acCmdDiagramLayoutSelection = 379
$acCmdDiagramModifyUserDefinedView = 375
$acCmdDiagramNewLabel = 372
$acCmdDiagramNewTable = 381
$acCmdDiagramRecalculatePageBreaks = 377
$acCmdDiagramShowRelationshipLabels = 374
$acCmdDiagramViewPageBreaks = 376
$acCmdDiscardChanges = 639
$acCmdDiscardChangesAndRefresh = 640
$acCmdDocMaximize = 15
$acCmdDocMinimize = 60
$acCmdDocMove = 16
$acCmdDocRestore = 14
$acCmdDocSize = 17
$acCmdDocumenter = 285
$acCmdDropSQLDatabase = 517
$acCmdDuplicate = 34
$acCmdEditHyperlink = 325
$acCmdEditingAllowed = 70
$acCmdEditListItems = 607
$acCmdEditRelationship = 151
$acCmdEditTriggers = 384
$acCmdEditWatch = 202
$acCmdEncryptDecryptDatabase = 5
$acCmdEnd = 198
$acCmdExit = 3
$acCmdExportAccess = 559
$acCmdExportdBase = 565
$acCmdExportExcel = 556
$acCmdExportFixedFormat = 592
$acCmdExportHTML = 564
$acCmdExportODBC = 562
$acCmdExportRTF = 558
$acCmdExportSharePointList = 557
$acCmdExportSnapShot = 563
$acCmdExportText = 560
$acCmdExportXML = 561
$acCmdFavoritesAddTo = 299
$acCmdFavoritesOpen = 298
$acCmdFieldList = 42
$acCmdFilterByForm = 207
$acCmdFilterBySelection = 208
$acCmdFilterExcludingSelection = 277
$acCmdFilterMenu = 619
$acCmdFind = 30
$acCmdFindNext = 341
$acCmdFindNextWordUnderCursor = 313
$acCmdFindPrevious = 120
$acCmdFindPrevWordUnderCursor = 312
$acCmdFitToWindow = 245
$acCmdFont = 19
$acCmdFormatCells = 77
$acCmdFormHdrFtr = 36
$acCmdFormView = 281
$acCmdFreezeColumn = 105
$acCmdGoBack = 294
$acCmdGoContinue = 127
$acCmdGoForward = 295
$acCmdGroupByTable = 387
$acCmdGroupControls = 484
$acCmdHideColumns = 79
$acCmdHideMessageBar = 677
$acCmdHidePane = 365
$acCmdHideTable = 147
$acCmdHorizontalSpacingDecrease = 158
$acCmdHorizontalSpacingIncrease = 159
$acCmdHorizontalSpacingMakeEqual = 157
$acCmdHyperlinkDisplayText = 329
$acCmdImportAttachAccess = 544
$acCmdImportAttachdBase = 552
$acCmdImportAttachExcel = 545
$acCmdImportAttachHTML = 550
$acCmdImportAttachODBC = 549
$acCmdImportAttachOutlook = 551
$acCmdImportAttachSharePointList = 547
$acCmdImportAttachText = 546
$acCmdImportAttachXML = 548
$acCmdIndent = 205
$acCmdIndexes = 152
$acCmdInsertActiveXControl = 258
$acCmdInsertChart = 293
$acCmdInsertFile = 39
$acCmdInsertFileIntoModule = 118
$acCmdInsertHyperlink = 259
$acCmdInsertLogo = 585
$acCmdInsertLookupColumn = 273
$acCmdInsertLookupField = 291
$acCmdInsertMovieFromFile = 469
$acCmdInsertNavigationButton = 724
$acCmdInsertObject = 33
$acCmdInsertPage = 331
$acCmdInsertPicture = 222
$acCmdInsertPivotTable = 470
$acCmdInsertProcedure = 262
$acCmdInsertQueryColumn = 82
$acCmdInsertRows = 187
$acCmdInsertSpreadsheet = 471
$acCmdInsertSubdatasheet = 499
$acCmdInsertTableColumn = 272
$acCmdInsertTitle = 586
$acCmdInsertUnboundSection = 472
$acCmdInvokeBuilder = 178
$acCmdJoinProperties = 72
$acCmdLastPosition = 339
$acCmdLayoutGridlinesBoth = 574
$acCmdLayoutGridlinesBottom = 580
$acCmdLayoutGridlinesCrossHatch = 578
$acCmdLayoutGridlinesHorizontal = 576
$acCmdLayoutGridlinesNone = 577
$acCmdLayoutGridlinesOutline = 581
$acCmdLayoutGridlinesTop = 579
$acCmdLayoutGridlinesVertical = 575
$acCmdLayoutInsertColumnLeft = 680
$acCmdLayoutInsertColumnRight = 681
$acCmdLayoutInsertRowAbove = 678
$acCmdLayoutInsertRowBelow = 679
$acCmdLayoutMergeCells = 682
$acCmdLayoutPreview = 141
$acCmdLayoutSplitColumnCell = 683
$acCmdLayoutSplitRowCell = 684
$acCmdLayoutView = 593
$acCmdLineUpIcons = 213
$acCmdLinkedTableManager = 519
$acCmdLinkTables = 102
$acCmdListConstants = 303
$acCmdLoadFromQuery = 95
$acCmdMacroAllActions = 589
$acCmdMakeMDEFile = 7
$acCmdManageAttachments = 673
$acCmdManageReplies = 609
$acCmdManageTableEvents = 717
$acCmdMaximiumRecords = 508
$acCmdMicrosoftAccessHelpTopics = 100
$acCmdMicrosoftOnTheWeb = 236
$acCmdModifySharePointList = 622
$acCmdModifySharePointListAlerts = 623
$acCmdModifySharePointListPermissions = 625
$acCmdModifySharePointListWorkflow = 624
$acCmdMoreWindows = 8
$acCmdMoveColumnCellDown = 573
$acCmdMoveColumnCellUp = 572
$acCmdNewDatabase = 26
$acCmdNewGroup = 491
$acCmdNewObjectAutoForm = 193
$acCmdNewObjectAutoFormWeb = 705
$acCmdNewObjectAutoReport = 194
$acCmdNewObjectAutoReportWeb = 706
$acCmdNewObjectBlankForm = 600
$acCmdNewObjectBlankFormWeb = 703
$acCmdNewObjectBlankReport = 602
$acCmdNewObjectBlankReportWeb = 704
$acCmdNewObjectClassModule = 140
$acCmdNewObjectContinuousForm = 594
$acCmdNewObjectContinuousFormWeb = 701
$acCmdNewObjectDatasheetForm = 598
$acCmdNewObjectDatasheetFormWeb = 702
$acCmdNewObjectDesignForm = 604
$acCmdNewObjectDesignQuery = 603
$acCmdNewObjectDesignReport = 605
$acCmdNewObjectDesignTable = 606
$acCmdNewObjectDiagram = 352
$acCmdNewObjectForm = 136
$acCmdNewObjectFunction = 394
$acCmdNewObjectLabelsReport = 601
$acCmdNewObjectMacro = 138
$acCmdNewObjectMacroWeb = 708
$acCmdNewObjectModalForm = 599
$acCmdNewObjectModule = 139
$acCmdNewObjectNavigationLeft = 690
$acCmdNewObjectNavigationLeftWeb = 710
$acCmdNewObjectNavigationRight = 691
$acCmdNewObjectNavigationRightWeb = 711
$acCmdNewObjectNavigationTop = 689
$acCmdNewObjectNavigationTopLeft = 693
$acCmdNewObjectNavigationTopLeftWeb = 713
$acCmdNewObjectNavigationTopRight = 694
$acCmdNewObjectNavigationTopRightWeb = 714
$acCmdNewObjectNavigationTopTop = 692
$acCmdNewObjectNavigationTopTopWeb = 712
$acCmdNewObjectNavigationTopWeb = 709
$acCmdNewObjectPivotChart = 596
$acCmdNewObjectPivotTable = 597
$acCmdNewObjectQuery = 135
$acCmdNewObjectQueryWeb = 707
$acCmdNewObjectReport = 137
$acCmdNewObjectSplitForm = 595
$acCmdNewObjectStoredProcedure = 351
$acCmdNewObjectTable = 134
$acCmdNewObjectView = 350
$acCmdObjBrwFindWholeWordOnly = 314
$acCmdObjBrwGroupMembers = 318
$acCmdObjBrwHelp = 316
$acCmdObjBrwShowHiddenMembers = 315
$acCmdObjBrwViewDefinition = 317
$acCmdObjectBrowser = 200
$acCmdOfficeClipboard = 488
$acCmdOLEDDELinks = 27
$acCmdOLEObjectConvert = 167
$acCmdOLEObjectDefaultVerb = 57
$acCmdOpenDatabase = 25
$acCmdOpenHyperlink = 326
$acCmdOpenNewHyperlink = 327
$acCmdOpenSearchPage = 253
$acCmdOpenStartPage = 252
$acCmdOpenTable = 221
$acCmdOpenURL = 251
$acCmdOptions = 49
$acCmdOutdent = 206
$acCmdOutputToExcel = 175
$acCmdOutputToRTF = 176
$acCmdOutputToText = 177
$acCmdPageHdrFtr = 182
$acCmdPageNumber = 225
$acCmdPageProperties = 467
$acCmdPageSetup = 32
$acCmdParameterInfo = 305
$acCmdPartialReplicaWizard = 524
$acCmdPaste = 191
$acCmdPasteAppend = 38
$acCmdPasteAsHyperlink = 490
$acCmdPasteFormatting = 587
$acCmdPasteSpecial = 64
$acCmdPivotAutoAverage = 416
$acCmdPivotAutoCount = 413
$acCmdPivotAutoFilter = 398
$acCmdPivotAutoMax = 415
$acCmdPivotAutoMin = 414
$acCmdPivotAutoStdDev = 417
$acCmdPivotAutoStdDevP = 419
$acCmdPivotAutoSum = 412
$acCmdPivotAutoVar = 418
$acCmdPivotAutoVarP = 420
$acCmdPivotChartByRowByColumn = 456
$acCmdPivotChartDrillInto = 457
$acCmdPivotChartDrillOut = 532
$acCmdPivotChartMultiplePlots = 458
$acCmdPivotChartMultiplePlotsUnifiedScale = 459
$acCmdPivotChartShowLegend = 455
$acCmdPivotChartSortAscByTotal = 534
$acCmdPivotChartSortDescByTotal = 535
$acCmdPivotChartType = 453
$acCmdPivotChartUndo = 460
$acCmdPivotChartView = 397
$acCmdPivotCollapse = 400
$acCmdPivotDelete = 454
$acCmdPivotDropAreas = 452
$acCmdPivotExpand = 401
$acCmdPivotRefresh = 404
$acCmdPivotShowAll = 461
$acCmdPivotShowBottom1 = 432
$acCmdPivotShowBottom10 = 435
$acCmdPivotShowBottom10Percent = 440
$acCmdPivotShowBottom1Percent = 437
$acCmdPivotShowBottom2 = 433
$acCmdPivotShowBottom25 = 436
$acCmdPivotShowBottom25Percent = 441
$acCmdPivotShowBottom2Percent = 438
$acCmdPivotShowBottom5 = 434
$acCmdPivotShowBottom5Percent = 439
$acCmdPivotShowBottomOther = 442
$acCmdPivotShowTop1 = 421
$acCmdPivotShowTop10 = 424
$acCmdPivotShowTop10Percent = 429
$acCmdPivotShowTop1Percent = 426
$acCmdPivotShowTop2 = 422
$acCmdPivotShowTop25 = 425
$acCmdPivotShowTop25Percent = 430
$acCmdPivotShowTop2Percent = 427
$acCmdPivotShowTop5 = 423
$acCmdPivotShowTop5Percent = 428
$acCmdPivotShowTopOther = 431
$acCmdPivotTableClearCustomOrdering = 527
$acCmdPivotTableCreateCalcField = 444
$acCmdPivotTableCreateCalcTotal = 443
$acCmdPivotTableDemote = 411
$acCmdPivotTableExpandIndicators = 451
$acCmdPivotTableExportToExcel = 405
$acCmdPivotTableFilterBySelection = 528
$acCmdPivotTableGroupItems = 530
$acCmdPivotTableHideDetails = 402
$acCmdPivotTableMoveToColumnArea = 407
$acCmdPivotTableMoveToDetailArea = 409
$acCmdPivotTableMoveToFilterArea = 408
$acCmdPivotTableMoveToRowArea = 406
$acCmdPivotTablePercentColumnTotal = 447
$acCmdPivotTablePercentGrandTotal = 450
$acCmdPivotTablePercentParentColumnItem = 449
$acCmdPivotTablePercentParentRowItem = 448
$acCmdPivotTablePercentRowTotal = 446
$acCmdPivotTablePromote = 410
$acCmdPivotTableRemove = 529
$acCmdPivotTableShowAsNormal = 445
$acCmdPivotTableShowDetails = 403
$acCmdPivotTableSubtotal = 399
$acCmdPivotTableUngroupItems = 531
$acCmdPivotTableView = 396
$acCmdPrepareDatabaseForWeb = 716
$acCmdPreviewEightPages = 249
$acCmdPreviewFourPages = 248
$acCmdPreviewOnePage = 246
$acCmdPreviewTwelvePages = 250
$acCmdPreviewTwoPages = 247
$acCmdPrimaryKey = 107
$acCmdPrint = 340
$acCmdPrintPreview = 54
$acCmdPrintRelationships = 483
$acCmdPrintSelection = 590
$acCmdProcedureDefinition = 122
$acCmdProperties = 287
$acCmdPublishDatabase = 537
$acCmdPublishDefaults = 324
$acCmdPublishFixedFormat = 591
$acCmdQueryAddToOutput = 362
$acCmdQueryGroupBy = 361
$acCmdQueryParameters = 76
$acCmdQueryTotals = 73
$acCmdQueryTypeAppend = 91
$acCmdQueryTypeCrosstab = 74
$acCmdQueryTypeDelete = 92
$acCmdQueryTypeMakeTable = 94
$acCmdQueryTypeSelect = 89
$acCmdQueryTypeSQLDataDefinition = 168
$acCmdQueryTypeSQLPassThrough = 169
$acCmdQueryTypeSQLUnion = 180
$acCmdQueryTypeUpdate = 90
$acCmdQuickInfo = 304
$acCmdQuickPrint = 278
$acCmdQuickWatch = 203
$acCmdRecordsGoToFirst = 67
$acCmdRecordsGoToLast = 68
$acCmdRecordsGoToNew = 28
$acCmdRecordsGoToNext = 65
$acCmdRecordsGoToPrevious = 66
$acCmdRecoverDesignMaster = 265
$acCmdRedo = 199
$acCmdReferences = 260
$acCmdRefresh = 18
$acCmdRefreshData = 541
$acCmdRefreshPage = 297
$acCmdRefreshSharePointList = 626
$acCmdRegisterActiveXControls = 254
$acCmdRelationships = 133
$acCmdRemove = 366
$acCmdRemoveAllFilters = 644
$acCmdRemoveAllSorts = 645
$acCmdRemoveFilterFromCurrentColumn = 643
$acCmdRemoveFilterSort = 144
$acCmdRemoveFromLayout = 582
$acCmdRemoveTable = 84
$acCmdRename = 143
$acCmdRenameColumn = 274
$acCmdRenameGroup = 492
$acCmdRepairDatabase = 6
$acCmdReplace = 29
$acCmdReportHdrFtr = 37
$acCmdReportView = 539
$acCmdReset = 124
$acCmdResolveConflicts = 266
$acCmdRestore = 514
$acCmdRowHeight = 116
$acCmdRun = 181
$acCmdRunMacro = 31
$acCmdRunOpenMacro = 338
$acCmdSave = 20
$acCmdSaveAllModules = 280
$acCmdSaveAs = 21
$acCmdSaveAsHTML = 321
$acCmdSaveAsOutlookContact = 584
$acCmdSaveAsQuery = 96
$acCmdSaveAsReport = 142
$acCmdSaveAsTemplate = 686
$acCmdSaveDatabaseAsNewTemplatePart = 687
$acCmdSavedExports = 555
$acCmdSavedImports = 543
$acCmdSaveLayout = 145
$acCmdSaveModuleAsText = 119
$acCmdSaveRecord = 97
$acCmdSaveSelectionAsNewDataType = 688
$acCmdSelectAll = 333
$acCmdSelectAllRecords = 109
$acCmdSelectEntireColumn = 571
$acCmdSelectEntireLayout = 715
$acCmdSelectEntireRow = 570
$acCmdSelectForm = 40
$acCmdSelectRecord = 50
$acCmdSelectReport = 319
$acCmdSend = 173
$acCmdSendToBack = 53
$acCmdServerFilterByForm = 507
$acCmdServerProperties = 496
$acCmdSetCaption = 637
$acCmdSetControlDefaults = 56
$acCmdSetDatabasePassword = 275
$acCmdSetNextStatement = 129
$acCmdShareOnSharePoint = 542
$acCmdSharePointSiteRecycleBin = 641
$acCmdShowAllRelationships = 149
$acCmdShowColumnHistory = 620
$acCmdShowDatePicker = 636
$acCmdShowDirectRelationships = 148
$acCmdShowEnvelope = 533
$acCmdShowLogicCatalog = 685
$acCmdShowMembers = 302
$acCmdShowMessageBar = 676
$acCmdShowNextStatement = 130
$acCmdShowTable = 185
$acCmdSingleStep = 88
$acCmdSizeToFit = 59
$acCmdSizeToFitForm = 69
$acCmdSizeToGrid = 48
$acCmdSizeToNarrowest = 155
$acCmdSizeToWidest = 156
$acCmdSnapToGrid = 62
$acCmdSortAscending = 163
$acCmdSortDescending = 164
$acCmdSortingAndGrouping = 51
$acCmdSpeech = 511
$acCmdSpelling = 269
$acCmdSQLView = 184
$acCmdStackedLayout = 568
$acCmdStartNewWorkflow = 675
$acCmdStartupProperties = 224
$acCmdStepInto = 342
$acCmdStepOut = 311
$acCmdStepOver = 128
$acCmdStepToCursor = 204
$acCmdSubdatasheetCollapseAll = 505
$acCmdSubdatasheetExpandAll = 504
$acCmdSubdatasheetRemove = 506
$acCmdSubformDatasheet = 108
$acCmdSubformDatasheetView = 463
$acCmdSubformFormView = 462
$acCmdSubformInNewWindow = 495
$acCmdSubformPivotChartView = 465
$acCmdSubformPivotTableView = 464
$acCmdSwitchboardManager = 521
$acCmdSynchronize = 638
$acCmdSynchronizeNow = 264
$acCmdSyncWebApplication = 699
$acCmdTabControlPageOrder = 330
$acCmdTableAddTable = 498
$acCmdTableCustomView = 497
$acCmdTableNames = 75
$acCmdTabOrder = 41
$acCmdTabularLayout = 569
$acCmdTestValidationRules = 196
$acCmdTileHorizontally = 286
$acCmdTileVertically = 23
$acCmdToggleBreakpoint = 131
$acCmdToggleCacheListData = 642
$acCmdToggleFilter = 220
$acCmdToggleOffline = 540
$acCmdToolbarControlProperties = 301
$acCmdToolbarsCustomize = 165
$acCmdTransferSQLDatabase = 515
$acCmdTransparentBackground = 288
$acCmdTransparentBorder = 289
$acCmdUndo = 292
$acCmdUnfreezeAllColumns = 106
$acCmdUngroupControls = 485
$acCmdUnhideColumns = 80
$acCmdUpsizingWizard = 522
$acCmdUserAndGroupAccounts = 104
$acCmdUserAndGroupPermissions = 103
$acCmdUserLevelSecurityWizard = 276
$acCmdVerticalSpacingDecrease = 161
$acCmdVerticalSpacingIncrease = 162
$acCmdVerticalSpacingMakeEqual = 160
$acCmdViewCode = 170
$acCmdViewDetails = 210
$acCmdViewDiagrams = 354
$acCmdViewFieldList = 353
$acCmdViewForms = 112
$acCmdViewFunctions = 395
$acCmdViewGrid = 63
$acCmdViewLargeIcons = 209
$acCmdViewList = 212
$acCmdViewMacros = 114
$acCmdViewModules = 115
$acCmdViewObjectDependencies = 536
$acCmdViewQueries = 111
$acCmdViewReports = 113
$acCmdViewRuler = 61
$acCmdViewShowPaneDiagram = 358
$acCmdViewShowPaneGrid = 359
$acCmdViewShowPaneSQL = 357
$acCmdViewSmallIcons = 211
$acCmdViewStoredProcedures = 355
$acCmdViewTableColumnNames = 363
$acCmdViewTableColumnProperties = 368
$acCmdViewTableKeys = 369
$acCmdViewTableNameOnly = 364
$acCmdViewTables = 110
$acCmdViewTableUserView = 370
$acCmdViewToolbox = 85
$acCmdViewVerifySQL = 360
$acCmdViewViews = 356
$acCmdVisualBasicEditor = 525
$acCmdWindowArrangeIcons = 24
$acCmdWindowCascade = 22
$acCmdWindowHide = 2
$acCmdWindowSplit = 121
$acCmdWindowUnhide = 1
$acCmdWordMailMerge = 195
$acCmdWorkflowTasks = 674
$acCmdWorkgroupAdministrator = 391
$acCmdZoom10 = 244
$acCmdZoom100 = 240
$acCmdZoom1000 = 482
$acCmdZoom150 = 239
$acCmdZoom200 = 238
$acCmdZoom25 = 243
$acCmdZoom50 = 242
$acCmdZoom500 = 481
$acCmdZoom75 = 241
$acCmdZoomBox = 179
$acCmdZoomSelection = 371

##FSO Officeの8450行の定義
ADOX DAO OFFice RDO FileSystemObjectについて定数を定義しました。

#ここでは、デバッグ用に各定数の値の一覧を示します。ただし、この値は参考用のものであり、ADOX のリリースごとに変更されることがあります。コードを記述するときは、列挙定数の実際の値ではなく、名前のみを使って記述するようにしてください。
# Enum ActionEnum
#SetPermissions メソッドの呼び出し時に実行されるアクションの種類を示します。
$adAccessDeny = 3
$adAccessGrant = 1
$adAccessRevoke = 4
$adAccessSet = 2
#Enum AllowNullsEnum
#Null 値を含むレコードにインデックスを付けるかどうかを示します。
#adindexnullsallowインデックスは、キー列が Null 値のエントリを許可します。Null 値がキー列に入力された場合、そのエントリはインデックスに挿入されます。
#adindexnullsdisallow既定値です。インデックスは、キー列が Null 値のエントリを許可しません。Null 値がキー列に入力された場合、エラーが発生します。
#adindexnullsignoreインデックスは、Null 値のキーを含むエントリを挿入しません。Null 値がキー列に入力された場合、そのエントリは無視され、エラーは発生しません。
#adIndexNullsIgnoreAnyインデックスは、キー列に Null 値を含むエントリを挿入しません。複数列キーを持つインデックスでは、Null 値が入力された列がある場合、そのエントリは無視され、エラーは発生しません。
$adIndexNullsAllow = 0
$adIndexNullsDisallow = 1
$adIndexNullsIgnore = 2
$adIndexNullsIgnoreAny = 4

#adColNullable v列に、Null 値を含めることができます。
$adColFixed = 1
$adColNullable = 2

#Enum InheritTypeEnum
#SetPermissions メソッドで設定された権限をオブジェクトが継承する方法を示します。
#adinheritnopropagateadInheritObjects フラグおよび adInheritContainers フラグは、継承されたエントリに伝えられません。
$adInheritNone = 0
$adInheritBoth = 3
$adInheritContainers = 2
$adInheritNoPropogate = 4
$adInheritObjects = 1

# ADOX.KeyTypeEnum
# https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/sql/ado/reference/adox-api/keytypeenum?view=sql-server-ver15
# キーの種類 (プライマリ、外部、または一意) を指定します。
# adKeyPrimary 既定値。 キーは主キーです。adKeyForeign キーが外部キーです。adKeyUnique 	3 	キーは一意です。
$adKeyPrimary = 1
$adKeyForeign = 2
$adKeyUnique = 3
# ObjectTypeEnum (ADOX)
# 権限または所有権を設定するデータベースオブジェクトの種類を指定します。
# https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/sql/ado/reference/adox-api/objecttypeenum?view=sql-server-ver15
# #adPermObjProviderSpecific 	-1 The object is a type defined by the provider. An error will occur if the ObjectType parameter is adPermObjProviderSpecific and an ObjectTypeId is not supplied. オブジェクトは、プロバイダーによって定義された型です。 ObjectTypeパラメーターがAdpermobjproviderspecificでobjecttypeidが指定されていない場合、エラーが発生します。
$adPermObjColumn = 2
$adPermObjDatabase = 3
$adPermObjProcedure = 4
$adPermObjProviderSpecific = -1
$adPermObjTable = 1
$adPermObjView = 5
#  ADOX.RightsEnum
$adRightCreate = 16384
$adRightDelete = 65536
$adRightDrop = 256
$adRightExclusive = 512
$adRightExecute = 0x20000000
$adRightFull = 0x10000000
$adRightInsert = 0x8000
$adRightMaximumAllowed = 0x2000000
$adRightNone = 0
$adRightRead = 0x80000000
$adRightReadDesign = 0x400
$adRightReadPermissions = 0x20000
$adRightReference = 0x2000
$adRightUpdate = 0x40000000
$adRightWithGrant = 0x1000
$adRightWriteDesign = 0x800
$adRightWriteOwner = 0x80000
$adRightWritePermissions = 0x40000

#Rule Enum
# https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/client-developer/access/desktop-database-reference/ruleenum
#Key が削除されたときに従うルールを示します。
#adrisetnull外部キーの値は、Null に設定されます。
#Specifies the rule to follow when a Key is deleted.
#adRICascadeCascade changes.
#adRINoneDefault. No action is taken.
#adRISetDefaultForeign key value is set to the default.
#adRISetNullForeign key value is set to null.

$adRICascade = 1
$adRINone = 0
$adRISetDefault = 3
$adRISetNull = 2

# Dao inc
$dbForceOSFlush = 1

#Enum IdleEnum
$dbFreeLocks = 1
$dbRefreshCache = 8
#CollatingOrderEnum enumeration (DAO) 

# CursorDriverEnum enumeration (DAO) https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/client-developer/access/desktop-database-reference/cursordriverenum-enumeration-dao
#Always uses the FoxPro Cursor Library. This option is required for performing batch updates.
#(Default) Uses server-side cursors if the server supports them; otherwise uses the ODBC Cursor Library.
#Opens all cursors (that is, Recordset objects) as forward-only type, read-only, with a rowset size of 1. Also known as "cursorless queries."
#Always uses the ODBC Cursor Library. This option provides better performance for small result sets, but degrades quickly for larger result sets.
#Always uses server-side cursors. For most large operations this option provides better performance, but might cause more network traffic.
#常に FoxPro カーソル ライブラリを使用します。一括更新を実行する場合には、このオプションを必ず指定する必要があります。
#(既定値) サーバーがサーバー側カーソルをサポートする場合は、サーバー側カーソルを使用します。それ以外の場合は、ODBC カーソル ライブラリを使用します。
#すべてのカーソル (つまり Recordset オブジェクト) を、行セットのサイズが 1 である前方のみの読み取り専用カーソルとして開きます。 カーソルの少ない"クエリとも呼ばれます。"
#常に ODBC カーソル ライブラリを使用します。このオプションは、結果セットが小さい場合にはパフォーマンスが高くなりますが、結果セットが大きくなるとパフォーマンスが急激に低下します。
#常にサーバー側カーソルを使用します。大規模な操作のほとんどでは、このオプションによって高いパフォーマンスが得られますが、ネットワーク トラフィックが増える可能性があります。

$dbUseClientBatchCursor = 3
$dbUseDefaultCursor = -1
$dbUseNoCursor = 4
$dbUseODBCCursor = 1
$dbUseServerCursor = 2
# databasetypeenum 列挙 (DAO) https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/client-developer/access/desktop-database-reference/databasetypeenum-enumeration-dao
$dbDecrypt = 4
$dbEncrypt = 2
$dbVersion10 = 1
$dbVersion11 = 8
$dbVersion20 = 16
$dbVersion30 = 32
$dbVersion40 = 64
$dbVersion120 = 128
#Hidden DatabaseType
$dbVersion140 = 256
$dbVersion150 = 512
$dbVersion167 = 1024

#DAO._DAOSuppHelp (DAO) Hidden
#$KeepLocal = 0
#$LogMessages = 0
#$Replicable = 0
#$ReplicableBool = 0
#$V1xNullBehavior = 0

$dbAutoIncrField = 16 
$dbDescending = 1
$dbFixedField = 1
$dbHyperlinkField = 32768
$dbSystemField = 8192
$dbUpdatableField = 32
$dbVariableField = 2
#Data Type Enum(DAO) https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/client-developer/access/desktop-database-reference/datatypeenum-enumeration-dao
$dbAttachment = 101
$dbBigInt = 16
$dbBinary = 9
$dbBoolean = 1
$dbByte = 2
$dbChar = 18
$dbComplexByte = 102
$dbComplexDecimal = 108
$dbComplexDouble = 106
$dbComplexGUID = 107
$dbComplexInteger = 103
$dbComplexLong = 104
$dbComplexSingle = 105
$dbComplexText = 109
$dbCurrency = 5
$dbDate = 8
$dbDecimal = 20
$dbDouble = 7
$dbFloat = 21
$dbGUID = 15
$dbInteger = 3
$dbLong = 4
$dbLongBinary = 11
$dbMemo = 12
$dbNumeric = 19
$dbSingle = 6
$dbText = 10
$dbTime = 22
$dbTimeStamp = 23
$dbVarBinary = 17

$dbSortArabic = 1025
$dbSortChineseSimplified = 2052
$dbSortChineseTraditional = 1028
$dbSortCyrillic = 1049
$dbSortCzech = 1029
$dbSortDutch = 1043
$dbSortGeneral = 1033
$dbSortGreek = 1032
$dbSortHebrew = 1037
$dbSortHungarian = 1038
$dbSortIcelandic = 1039
$dbSortJapanese = 1041
$dbSortKorean = 1042
$dbSortNeutral = 1024
$dbSortNorwdan = 1030
$dbSortPDXIntl = 1033
$dbSortPDXNor = 1030
$dbSortPDXSwe = 1053
$dbSortPolish = 1045
$dbSortSlovenian = 1060
$dbSortSpanish = 1034
$dbSortSwedFin = 1053
$dbSortThai = 1054
$dbSortTurkish = 1055
$dbSortUndefined = -1
$adSortAscending = 1
$adSortDescending = 2

# $enum DriverPromptEnum
# Access 2013ではODBCDIRECT接続がサポートされないため削除されている
$dbDriverComplete = 0
$dbDriverCompleteRequired = 3
$dbDriverNoPrompt = 1
$dbDriverPrompt = 2

#カレント レコードの編集の状態を示します。
#dbEditAddAddNew method invoked. AddNew メソッドが呼び出されました。
#dbEditInProgressEdit method invoked. Edit メソッドが呼び出されました。
#dbEditNoneEdit method invoked. NonEdit Methodが呼び出されました。
$dbEditAdd = 2
$dbEditInProgress = 1
$dbEditNone = 0

# $enum ISAMStatsEnum 
# 削除されている定数
# https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/types/activex-dao/index.d.ts
$DiskReads = 0
$DiskWrites = 1
$LocksPlaced = 4
$LocksReleased = 5
$ReadsFromCache = 2
$ReadsFromReadAheadCache = 3

# LockTypeEnum(DAO)
$dbPessimistic = 2
$dbOptimistic = 3
$dbOptimisticBatch = 5
$dbOptimisticValue = -1


$dbLangArabic = ";LANGID=0x0401;CP=1256;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangChineseSimplified = ";LANGID=0x0804;CP=936;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangChineseTraditional = ";LANGID=0x0404;CP=950;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangCyrillic = ";LANGID=0x0419;CP=1251;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangCzech = ";LANGID=0x0405;CP=1250;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangDutch = ";LANGID=0x0413;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangGeneral = ";LANGID=0x0409;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangGreek = ";LANGID=0x0408;CP=1253;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangHebrew = ";LANGID=0x040D;CP=1255;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangHungarian = ";LANGID=0x040E;CP=1250;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangIcelandic = ";LANGID=0x040F;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangJapanese = ";LANGID=0x0411;CP=932;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangJapaneseRadicalStrokeCount = ";LANGID=0x00040411;CP=65001;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangKorean = ";LANGID=0x0412;CP=949;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangNordic = ";LANGID=0x041D;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangNorwDan = ";LANGID=0x0406;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangPolish = ";LANGID=0x0415;CP=1250;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangSlovenian = ";LANGID=0x0424;CP=1250;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangSpanish = ";LANGID=0x040A;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangSwedFin = ";LANGID=0x041D;CP=1252;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangThai = ";LANGID=0x041E;CP=874;COUNTRY=0"
$dbLangTurkish = ";LANGID=0x041F;CP=1254;COUNTRY=0"
# Direction/方向" プロパティで、 Parameter オブジェクトの種類を指定するために使用します。
#dbParamInput(既定値) プロシージャに情報を渡します。
#代わりに dbparamoutputプロシージャからの情報を SQL の出力パラメーターとして返します。
#は dbparamreturnvalueプロシージャからの戻り値を渡します。
#Used with the Direction property to specify the type for a Parameter object.
#dbParamInput(Default) Passes information to the procedure.
#dbParamInputOutputPasses information both to and from the procedure.
#dbParamOutputReturns information from the procedure as an output parameter in SQL.
#dbParamReturnValuePasses the return value from a procedure.
$dbParamInput = 1
$dbParamInputOutput = 3
$dbParamOutput = 2
$dbParamReturnValue = 4

# PermissionEnum(DAO)
#dbseccreateユーザーは新しいドキュメントを作成できます (Document オブジェクトに対しては無効)。
#dbsecdbadminユーザーはデータベースをレプリケートし、データベース パスワードを変更できます (Document オブジェクトに対しては無効)。
#dbsecdbcreateユーザーは新しいデータベースを作成できます。このオプションは、ワークグループ情報ファイル (Systen.mdw) の Databases コンテナーでのみ有効です。この定数は、Document オブジェクトに対しては無効です。
#dbSecNoAccessユーザーはオブジェクトにアクセスできません (Document オブジェクトに対しては無効)。
#dbSecRetrieveDataユーザーは Document オブジェクトからデータを取得できます。
#dbsecwriteownerユーザーは "Owner/所有者" プロパティの設定を変更できます。
#Used with the Permissions property to specify the type of permissions.
#dbSecCreateThe user can create new documents (not valid for Document objects).
#dbSecDBAdminThe user can replicate a database and change the database password (not valid for Document objects).
#dbSecDBCreateThe user can create new databases. This option is valid only on the Databases container in the workgroup information file (Systen.mdw). This constant is not valid for Document objects.
#dbSecDBExclusiveThe user has exclusive access to the database.
#dbSecDBOpenThe user can open the database.
#dbSecDeleteThe user can delete the object.
#dbSecDeleteDataThe user can delete records.
#dbSecFullAccessThe user has full access to the object.
#dbSecInsertDataThe user can add records.
#dbSecNoAccessThe user does not have access to the object (not valid for Document objects).
#dbSecReadDefThe user can read the table definition, including column and index information.
#dbSecReadSecThe user can read the object#s security-related information.
#dbSecReplaceDataThe user can modify records.
#dbSecRetrieveDataThe user can retrieve data from the Document object.
#dbSecWriteDefThe user can modify or delete the table definition, including column and index information.
#dbSecWriteOwnerThe user can change the Owner property setting.
#dbSecWriteSecThe user can alter access permissions.
$dbSecCreate = 1
$dbSecDBAdmin = 8
$dbSecDBCreate = 1
$dbSecDBExclusive = 4
$dbSecDBOpen = 2
$dbSecDelete = 65536
$dbSecDeleteData = 128
$dbSecFullAccess = 1048575
$dbSecInsertData = 32
$dbSecNoAccess = 0
$dbSecReadDef = 4
$dbSecReadSec = 131072
$dbSecReplaceData = 64
$dbSecRetrieveData = 20
$dbSecWriteDef = 65548
$dbSecWriteOwner = 524288
$dbSecWriteSec = 262144

#QueryDefTypeEnum enumeration (DAO) https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/client-developer/access/desktop-database-reference/querydeftypeenum-enumeration-dao
#dbqactionアクション クエリ 
#dbqcrosstab 集計クロス集計クエリ
#dbqddlDDL (データ定義言語) クエリ
#dbqprocedureストアド プロシージャを実行する SQL プロシージャ
#dbqsqlpassthroughSQL パススルー クエリ
#dbQActionAction query
#dbQAppendAppend query
#dbQCompoundCompound query
#dbQCrosstabCrosstab query
#dbQDDLData-definition language (DDL) query
#dbQDeleteDelete query
#dbQMakeTableMake-table query
#dbQProcedureSQL procedure that executes a stored procedure
#dbQSelectSelect query
#dbQSetOperationSet operation query
#dbQSPTBulkBulk operation query
#dbQSQLPassThroughSQL pass-through query
#dbQUpdateUpdate query
$dbQAction = 240
$dbQAppend = 64
$dbQCompound = 160
$dbQCrosstab = 16
$dbQDDL = 96
$dbQDelete = 32
$dbQMakeTable = 80
$dbQProcedure = 224
$dbQSelect = 0
$dbQSetOperation = 128
$dbQSPTBulk = 144
$dbQSQLPassThrough = 112
$dbQUpdate = 48

#QueryDefStateEnum enumeration (DAO)
# Prepare プロパティで、クエリの準備方法の指定に使用されるメソッドを指定するために使用します。
#dbQPrepare(既定値) ステートメントが準備されます (つまり、ODBC SQLPrepare API が呼び出されます)。
#dbQUnprepareステートメントが準備されません (つまり、ODBC SQLExecDirect API が呼び出されます)。
#Used with the Prepare property to specify the method used to specify how a query should be prepared.
#dbQPrepare(Default) The statement is prepared (that is, the ODBC SQLPrepare API is called).
#dbQUnprepareThe statement is not prepared (that is, the ODBC SQLExecDirect API is called).
$dbQPrepare = 1
$dbQUnprepare = 2

# RecordsetOptionEnum 列挙 (DAO) https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/client-developer/access/desktop-database-reference/recordsetoptionenum-enumeration-dao
#dbConsistentダイナセット内の他のレコードに影響を与えないフィールドにのみ更新を適用します (ダイナセット タイプとスナップショット タイプのみ)。
#dbDenyRead他のユーザーが Recordset のレコードを読み取れないようにします (テーブル タイプのみ)。
#dbDenyWrite他のユーザーが Recordset のレコードを変更できないようにします。
#dbExecDirectSQLPrepare ODBC 関数を最初に呼び出さずに、クエリを実行します。
#dbForwardOnly前方スクロールのみのスナップショット タイプ Recordset を作成します (スナップショット タイプのみ)。
#dbInconsistent他のレコードに影響が及ぶ場合でも、すべてのダイナセット フィールドに更新を適用します (ダイナセット タイプとスナップショット タイプのみ)。
#dbReadOnlyRecordset を読み取り専用として開きます。
#dbSeeChanges編集中のデータを別のユーザーが変更している場合、実行時エラーを生成します (ダイナセット タイプのみ)。
#dbSQLPassThroughODBC データベースに SQL ステートメントを送信します (スナップショット タイプのみ)。

$dbAppendOnly = 8
$dbConsistent = 32
$dbDenyRead = 2
$dbDenyWrite = 1
$dbExecDirect = 2048
$dbFailOnError = 128
$dbForwardOnly = 256
$dbInconsistent = 16
$dbReadOnly = 4
$dbRunAsync = 1024
$dbSeeChanges = 512
$dbSQLPassThrough = 64
# RecordsetTypeEnum(Dao) https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/client-developer/access/desktop-database-reference/recordsettypeenum-enumeration-dao
#dbOpenDynamicダイナセット タイプの Recordset を開きます
#dbOpenDynasetダイナセット タイプの Recordset を開きます。
#dbOpenForwardOnly前方スクロール タイプの Recordset を開きます。
#dbOpenSnapshotスナップショット タイプの Recordset を開きます。
#dbOpenTableテーブル タイプの Recordset を開きます。
$dbOpenDynamic = 16
$dbOpenDynaset = 2
$dbOpenForwardOnly = 8
$dbOpenSnapshot = 4
$dbOpenTable = 1

#RecordStatusEnum enumeration (DAO)
# https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/client-developer/access/desktop-database-reference/recordstatusenum-enumeration-dao
#RecordStatus プロパティで、一括更新の場合の現在のレコードの更新状態を示すために使用します。
#dbrecordnewレコードは AddNew メソッドによって挿入されましたが、データベースにはまだ挿入されていません。
#dbRecordUnmodified(既定値) レコードはまだ変更されていないか、正しく更新されました。
# Used with the RecordStatus property to indicate the update status of the current record if it is part of a batch update.
#dbRecordDBDeletedThe record has been deleted locally and in the database.
#dbRecordDeletedThe record has been deleted, but not yet deleted in the database.
#dbRecordModifiedThe record has been modified and not updated in the database.
#dbRecordNewThe record has been inserted with the AddNew method, but not yet inserted into the database.
#RecordStatus プロパティで、一括更新の場合の現在のレコードの更新状態を示すために使用します。
$dbRecordDBDeleted = 4
$dbRecordDeleted = 3
$dbRecordModified = 1
$dbRecordNew = 2

#RelationAttributeEnum 列挙 (DAO)
#Attributes/属性 プロパティで、 Relation オブジェクトの属性を特定するために使用します。
#dbRelationDontEnforceリレーションシップは適用されません (参照整合性なし)。
#dbRelationInheritedリレーションシップは 2 つのリンク テーブルを含むデータベース内に存在します。
#dbRelationLeftMicrosoft Access のみ有効。デザイン ビューで、左結合を既定の結合の種類として表示します。
#dbRelationRightMicrosoft Access のみ有効。デザイン ビューで、右結合を既定の結合の種類として表示します。
#Used with the Attributes property to determine attributes of a Relation object.
#dbRelationDeleteCascadeDeletions cascade
#dbRelationDontEnforceRelationship not enforced (no referential integrity)
#dbRelationInheritedRelationship exists in the database containing the two linked tables
#dbRelationLeftMicrosoft Access only. In Design view, display a LEFT JOIN as the default join type.
#dbRelationRightMicrosoft Access only. In Design view, display a RIGHT JOIN as the default join type.
#dbRelationUniqueOne-to-one relationship
#dbRelationUpdateCascadeUpdates cascade

$dbRelationDeleteCascade = 4096
$dbRelationDontEnforce = 2
$dbRelationInherited = 4
$dbRelationLeft = 16777216
$dbRelationRight = 33554432
$dbRelationUnique = 1
$dbRelationUpdateCascade = 256

# ReplicaTypeEnum enumeration (DAO)
# https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/client-developer/access/desktop-database-reference/replicatypeenum-enumeration-dao
# MakeReplica メソッドで、作成するレプリカの種類を指定するために使用します。 Partial 一部、新しいデータベースのレプリケート要素を読み取り専用にします
#dbRepMakePartialCreates a partial replica.
#dbRepMakeReadOnlyMakes replicable elements of new database read-only.

$dbRepMakePartial = 1
$dbRepMakeReadOnly = 2

# Set Option Enum ( DAO )
# https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/client-developer/access/desktop-database-reference/setoptionenum-enumeration-dao
$dbExclusiveAsyncDelay = 60
$dbFlushTransactionTimeout = 66
$dbImplicitCommitSync = 59
$dbLockDelay = 63
$dbLockRetry = 57
$dbMaxBufferSize = 8
$dbMaxLocksPerFile = 62
$dbPageTimeout = 6
$dbPasswordEncryptionAlgorithm = 81
$dbPasswordEncryptionKeyLength = 82
$dbPasswordEncryptionProvider = 80
$dbRecycleLVs = 65
$dbSharedAsyncDelay = 61
$dbUserCommitSync = 58

# SynchronizeTypeEnum enumeration (DAO) 
# https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/client-developer/access/desktop-database-reference/synchronizetypeenum-enumeration-dao
# Synchronize メソッドで、2 つのレプリカに適用する同期の種類を特定するために使用します。
#dbRepExportChangesカレント データベースから対象のデータベースに変更を送信します。
#dbRepExportChangesSends changes from current database to target database.
#dbRepImpExpChangesSends and receives data in a bidirectional exchange.
#dbRepImportChangesReceives changes from target database.
#dbRepSyncInternetSends and receives data in a bidirectional exchange.
$dbRepExportChanges = 1
$dbRepImpExpChanges = 4
$dbRepImportChanges = 2
$dbRepSyncInternet = 16

# TableDefAttributeEnum enumeration (DAO)
#dbAttachedODBC  リンクされた ODBC データベース テーブル。dbHiddenObject 一時的な隠しテーブル dbsystemobject システムテーブル
$dbAttachedODBC = 536870912
$dbAttachedTable = 1073741824
$dbAttachExclusive = 65536
$dbAttachSavePWD = 131072
$dbHiddenObject = 1
$dbSystemObject = -2147483646

# UpdateCriteriaEnum enumeration (DAO)
# https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/client-developer/access/desktop-database-reference/updatecriteriaenum-enumeration-dao
# UpdateOptions メソッドで、一括更新の構築方法を指定するために使用します。
# Used with the UpdateOptions method to specify how a batch update is constructed.
#dbCriteriaAllColsUses the key column(s) and all the columns in the where clause.
#dbCriteriaDeleteInsertUses a pair of DELETE and INSERT statements for each modified row.
#dbCriteriaKeyUses just the key column(s) in the where clause.
#dbCriteriaModValuesUses the key column(s) and all updated columns in the where clause.
#dbCriteriaTimestampUses just the timestamp column if available (will generate a run-time error if no timestamp column is in the result set).
#dbCriteriaUpdateUses an UPDATE statement for each modified row.
#dbCriteriaAllColsUses (1 つまたは複数) とすべての列を where 句で使用します。
#dbCriteriaDeleteInsertUses 変更された行ごとに、DELETE ステートメントと INSERT ステートメントのペアを使用します。
#dbCriteriaKeyUses (1 つまたは複数) のみを where 句で使用します。
#dbCriteriaModValuesキー列 (1 つまたは複数) と更新されたすべての列を where 句で使用します。
#dbCriteriaTimestampUses タイムスタンプ列が使用可能な場合、タイムスタンプ列のみを使用します (結果セットにタイムスタンプ列が含まれない場合は、実行時エラーを生成します)。
#dbCriteriaUpdate変更された行ごとに UPDATE ステートメントを使用します。

$dbCriteriaAllCols = 4
$dbCriteriaDeleteInsert = 16
$dbCriteriaKey = 1
$dbCriteriaModValues = 2
$dbCriteriaTimestamp = 8
$dbCriteriaUpdate = 32

# UpdateTypeEnum 列挙 (DAO)
# https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/client-developer/access/desktop-database-reference/updatetypeenum-enumeration-dao
#Update メソッドで、ディスクに書き込む更新を指定するために使用します。
#dbUpdateRegular(既定値) 保留中の変更をキャッシュせず、ディスクに直ちに書き込みます。
#dbUpdateRegular(Default) Pending changes are not cached and are written to disk immediately.
#dbUpdateBatchAll pending changes in the update cache are written to disk.
#dbUpdateCurrentRecordOnly the current record#s pending changes are written to disk.

$dbUpdateRegular = 1
$dbUpdateBatch = 4
$dbUpdateCurrentRecord = 2

#WorkspaceTypeEnum enumeration (DAO)
#CreateWorkspace メソッドで、作成するワークスペースの種類を指定するために使用します。
# Used with the CreateWorkspace method to specify the type of workspace to create.
#dbUseJet  Microsoft Access ワークスペースを作成します。
#dbUseJetCreate a Microsoft Access workspace.
$dbUseJet = 2
$dbUseODBC = 1

#----- End of DAO ----------------------------------------------------------
# アプリの配布に必要な RDO ファイルを確認する方法
# https://support.microsoft.com/ja-jp/help/195474/how-to-determine-rdo-files-needed-for-distribution-of-app
# これはmsrdo20.dllは他にRDOCURS.DLL, COMCAT.DLL, and ODBC32.DLLが必要だとしている。
# https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/195474/how-to-determine-rdo-files-needed-for-distribution-of-app
# https://jeffpar.github.io/kbarchive/kb/176/Q176428/
# msrdo20 ocxのエラーはここにコピーがあるが、VB5.0のため無関係
# Windows 10にMDACをインストールする
# https://qastack.jp/superuser/1030090/install-mdac-on-windows-10
# ここでactivex...というサイトがあるがアクセスが拒否される。
# https://www.atmarkit.co.jp/fdotnet/insiderseye/20040904vb2005/vb2005_02.html
# その次のメジャー・リリースであるVB 4.0で、Microsoftは新しいデータ・アクセスAPI「Remote Data Objects(RDO)」を投入した。DAOと同様、RDOもCOMインターフェイスだった。しかし、単一のデータベース・エンジン(Jet)上に構築されるDAOと異なり、RDOはMicrosoftやOracle、Sybaseなどがサポートするマルチベンダ・データベースAPI「Open Database Connectivity(ODBC)」上に構築された。従って、DAOではローカル・データベース・アプリケーションの構築が可能であったのに対し、RDOでは既存のコーポレート・データベースに対するフロントエンドの開発が容易になり、VBをクライアント/サーバ・コンピューティングの世界へと導いた。
# http://ma5555a.blog42.fc2.com/blog-entry-1.html
# Excel2007 VBA ではRDOが使えなくなっているようだ。
# RDO AttributeConstants
# https://wutils.com/com-dll/constants/constants-RDO.htm
# 以下の定数は Remote Data Object 2.0 RDO用の定数です
# しかし 64bit Windows 10には msrdo20.dllが含まれていないため、インストールする必要があります
# Visual Basic 6.0 Service Pack 6:ランタイム再頒布可能パッケージには入っていない
# Comcat.dllは入っている。
# https://www.microsoft.com/ja-jp/download/details.aspx?id=24417
# VB6.0 Sp6 に入っている
# https://www.microsoft.com/ja-jp/download/details.aspx?id=5721
# をダウンロードしDowloadしたフォルダにあたらしいフォルダを作ります。
# ダブルクリックでそのフォルダを指定して展開します。
# ,Lhaplusでmdrdo.cabを展開します。msrdo20.dllはこの中に含まれています。
# cmd.exeを管理者権限で起動し、 %Windir%\SysWow64\にコピーします。
# RegSrv32で登録します
$rdAutoIncrColumn = 16
# column value for new rows is automatically incremented to a unique integer that can#t be changed.
$rdFixedColumn = 1
#The column value for new rows is automatically incremented to a unique integer that can#t be changed.
$rdVariableColumn = 2
# column size is variable (VarChar and LongVarChar columns only).
$rdTimestampColumn = 64
#  The column is a timestamp value. This attribute is set only for rdClientBatch cursors.
$rdUpdatableColumn = 32

# Prompt Constants enum, 4 members.
# Prompt Constants
# Public Enum PromptConstants
$rdDriverPrompt = 0
#The driver manager uses the connection string provided in Connect.  If sufficient information is not provided, the OpenConnection method returns a trappable error.
$rdDriverNoPrompt = 1
#If the connection string provided includes the DSN keyword, the driver manager uses the string as provided in Connect, otherwise it behaves as it does when rdDriverPrompt is specified.
$rdDriverComplete = 2
#Behaves like rdDriverComplete except the driver disables the controls for any information not required to complete the connection.
$rdDriverCompleteRequired = 3

#CursorDriverConstants enum, 5 members.
#CursorDriver Constants
#Public Enum CursorDriverConstants
#The ODBC driver will choose the appropriate style of cursors. Server-side cursors are used if they are available.
$ rdUseIfNeeded = 0  #0x0

#Use the ODBC cursor library.
$ rdUseOdbc = 1
#Use server-side cursors.
$ rdUseServer = 2
#Use the optimistic batch cursor library.
$ rdUseClientBatch = 3
#Result set is not returned as a cursor.
$ rdUseNone = 4
#EditModeConstants enum, 3 members.

#EditMode Constants
#Public Enum EditModeConstants
#No editing operation is in progress.
$rdEditNone = 0
#Edit method has been invoked, and the current record is in the copy buffer.
$rdEditInProgress = 1
#AddNew method has been invoked, and the current record in the copy buffer is a new record that hasn#t been saved in the database.
$rdEditAdd = 2

# RDO Datatype Constants
$rdTypeBIGINT = -5
# Signed, exact numeric value with precision 19 (signed) or 20 (unsigned), scale 0; (signed: -263  n  263-1; unsigned:  0  n  264-1).
$rdTypeBINARY = -2
# Fixed-length binary data. Maximum length 255.
$rdTypeBIT = -7
# Single binary digit.
$rdTypeCHAR = 1
# Fixed-length character string. Length set by Size property.
$rdTypeDATE = 9
# Date -- data source dependent.
$rdTypeDECIMAL = 3
# Signed, exact, numeric value with precision p and scale s (1  p 15; 0  s  p).
$rdTypeDOUBLE = 8
# Signed, approximate numeric value with mantissa precision 15 (zero or absolute value 10-308  to 10308).
$rdTypeFLOAT = 6
# Signed, approximate numeric value with mantissa precision 15 (zero or absolute value 10-308  to 10308).
$rdTypeGUID = -11
$rdTypeINTEGER = 4
# Signed, exact numeric value with precision 10, scale 0 (signed: -231  n  231-1; unsigned:  0  n  232-1).

$rdTypeSMALLINT = 5
#Signed, exact numeric value with precision 5, scale 0 (signed: -32,768  n  32,767, unsigned: 0  n  65,535).

#Signed, approximate numeric value with mantissa precision 7 (zero or absolute value 10-38  to 1038).
$rdTypeREAL = 7

# Time -- data source dependent.
$rdTypeTIME = 10
# TimeStamp -- data source dependent.
$rdTypeTIMESTAMP = 11
# Variable-length character string. Maximum length 255.
$rdTypeVARCHAR = 12
# Variable-length character string. Maximum length determined by data source.

# Variable-length binary data. Maximum length 255.
$rdTypeVARBINARY = -3
# Variable-length binary data. Maximum data source dependent.

# Signed, exact numeric value with precision 3, scale 0; (signed: -128  n  127, unsigned: 0  n  255).
$rdTypeTINYINT = -6
# Fixed-length unicode character string. Length set by Size property.
$rdTypeWCHAR = -8
# Variable-length unicode character string.
$rdTypeWVARCHAR = -9
# Variable-length unicode character string. Maximum length determined by data source.

# DirectionConstants enum, 4 members.
#Direction Constants
#The parameter is used to pass information to the procedure.
$rdParamInput = 0
#The parameter is used to pass information both to and from the procedure.
$rdParamInputOutput = 1
#The parameter is used to return information from the procedure as in an output parameter in SQL.
$rdParamOutput = 2
#The parameter is used to return the return status value from a procedure.
$rdParamReturnValue = 3

#rdoLocaleIDConstants enum, 10 members.
#rdoLocaleID  Constants
$rdLocaleEnglish = 1
$rdLocaleFrench = 2
$rdLocaleGerman = 3
$rdLocaleItalian = 4
$rdLocaleJapanese = 5
$rdLocaleSpanish = 6
$rdLocaleChinese = 7
#Simplified Chinese
$rdLocaleSimplifiedChinese = 8
$rdLocaleKorean = 9
$rdLocaleSystem = 0

#LockTypeConstants enum, 5 members.

#Cursor is read-only. No updates are allowed.
$rdConcurReadOnly = 1

#Pessimistic concurrency.
$rdConcurLock = 2

#Optimistic concurrency based on row ID.
$rdConcurRowVer = 3

#Optimistic concurrency based on row values.
$rdConcurValues = 4

#Optimistic concurrency using batch mode updates. Status values returned for each row successfully updated.
$rdConcurBatch = 5

#OptionConstants enum, 4 members.
#Options Constants
#Public Enum OptionConstants
#Execute the query asynchronously.
$rdAsyncEnable = 32

#Use the ODBC SQLExecDirect API function to execute query.
$rdExecDirect = 64

#Download all the data for long character and long binary columns.
$rdFetchLongColumns = 128

#Download all the data for long character and long binary columns.
$rdBackgroundFetch = 256

#ResultsetTypeConstants enum, 4 members.
#Resultset Type Constants
#Fixed set, non-scrolling.
$rdOpenForwardOnly = 0

#Updatable, fixed set, scrollable query result set cursor.
$rdOpenKeyset = 1

#Updatable, dynamic set, scrollable query result set cursor.
$rdOpenDynamic = 2

#Read-only, fixed set.
$rdOpenStatic = 3

#QueryTypeConstants enum, 4 members.
#Query Type Constants
$rdQSelect = 0
$rdQAction = 1
$rdQProcedures = 2
#The query contains both action and select statements
$rdQCompound = 3
#SQLRetcodeConstants enum, 5 members.
#SQL Retcode Constants
#The operation is successful.
$rdSQLSuccess = 0
#The operation is successful, and additional information is available.
$rdSQLSuccessWithInfo = 1
#No additional data is available.
$rdSQLNoDataFound = 100
#An error occurred performing the operation.
$rdSQLError = -1
#The handle supplied is invalid.
$rdSQLInvalidHandle = -2

#RowStatusConstants enum, 5 members.

#The row has not been modified or has been updated successfully.
$rdRowUnmodified = 0
#The row has been modified and not updated in the database.
$rdRowModified = 1
#The row has been inserted with the AddNew method, but not yet inserted into the database.
$rdRowNew = 2
#The row has been deleted, but not yet deleted in the database.
$rdRowDeleted = 3
#The row has been deleted locally and in the database.
$rdRowDBDeleted = 4

#ColumnStatusConstants enum, 2 members.

#The row has not been modified or has been updated successfully.
$rdColUnmodified = 0
#The row has been modified.
$rdColModified = 1

#UpdateOperationConstants enum, 2 members.

#Uses an Update statement for each modified row.
$rdOperationUpdate = 0
#Uses a pair of Delete and Insert statements for each modified row.
$rdOperationDelIns = 1

#UpdateCriteriaConstants enum, 4 members.

#Uses just the key column(s) in the Where clause.
$rdCriteriaKey = 0
#Uses the key column(s) and all updated columns in the Where clause.
$rdCriteriaAllCols = 1
#Uses the key column(s) and all the columns in the Where clause.
$rdCriteriaUpdCols = 2
#Uses just the timestamp column if available (will generate a runtime error if no timestamp column is in the resultset).
$rdCriteriaTimeStamp = 3

#UpdateReturnCodeConstants enum, 4 members.

#The developer handled the update and was successful in doing so.
$rdUpdateSuccessful = 0
#The developer handled the update, was successful, but some rows produced collisions (batch mode only).
$rdUpdateWithCollisions = 1
#The developer attempted to handle the update, but encountered an error when doing so.
$rdUpdateFailed = 2
#The developer did not handle the update, RDO should continue notifying, and if no one handles the update RDO should update the data itself.
$rdUpdateNotHandled = 3
# Outlook 2019 
$olEas = 4
$olExchange = 0
$olHttp = 3
$olImap = 1
$olOtherAccount = 5
$olPop3 = 2
$olForward = 2
$olReply = 0
$olReplyAll = 1
$olReplyFolder = 3
$olRespond = 4
$olEmbedOriginalItem = 1
$olIncludeOriginalText = 2
$olIndentOriginalText = 3
$olLinkOriginalItem = 4
$olOmitOriginalText = 0
$olReplyTickOriginalText = 1000
$olUserPreference = 5
$olOpen = 0
$olPrompt = 2
$olSend = 1
$olDontShow = 0
$olMenu = 1
$olMenuAndToolbar = 2
$olExchangeAgentAddressEntry = 3
$olExchangeDistributionListAddressEntry = 1
$olExchangeOrganizationAddressEntry = 4
$olExchangePublicFolderAddressEntry = 2
$olExchangeRemoteUserAddressEntry = 5
$olExchangeUserAddressEntry = 0
$olLdapAddressEntry = 20
$olOtherAddressEntry = 40
$olOutlookContactAddressEntry = 10
$olOutlookDistributionListAddressEntry = 11
$olSmtpAddressEntry = 30
$olCustomAddressList = 4
$olExchangeContainer = 1
$olExchangeGlobalAddressList = 0
$olOutlookAddressList = 2
$olOutlookLdapAddressList = 3
$olAlignCenter = 1
$olAlignLeft = 0
$olAlignRight = 2
$olAlignmentLeft = 0
$olAlignmentRight = 1
$olAlwaysDelete = 1
$olAlwaysDeleteUnsupported = 2
$olDoNotDelete = 0
$olCopyAsAccept = 2
$olCreateAppointment = 1
$olPromptUser = 0
$olAppointmentTimeFieldEnd = 3
$olAppointmentTimeFieldNone = 1
$olAppointmentTimeFieldStart = 2
$olAttachmentBlockLevelNone = 0
$olAttachmentBlockLevelOpen = 1
$olByReference = 4
$olByValue = 1
$olEmbeddeditem = 5
$olOLE = 6
$olAutoDiscoverConnectionExternal = 1
$olAutoDiscoverConnectionInternal = 2
$olAutoDiscoverConnectionInternalDomain = 3
$olAutoDiscoverConnectionUnknown = 0
$olAutoPreviewAll = 0
$olAutoPreviewNone = 2
$olAutoPreviewUnread = 1
$olBackStyleOpaque = 1
$olBackStyleTransparent = 0
$olFormatHTML = 2
$olFormatPlain = 1
$olFormatRichText = 3
$olFormatUnspecified = 0
$olBorderStyleNone = 0
$olBorderStyleSingle = 1
$olBusinessCardTypeInterConnect = 1
$olBusinessCardTypeOutlook = 0
$olBusy = 2
$olFree = 0
$olOutOfOffice = 3
$olTentative = 1
$olWorkingElsewhere = 4
$olFreeBusyAndSubject = 1
$olFreeBusyOnly = 0
$olFullDetails = 2
$olCalendarMailFormatDailySchedule = 0
$olCalendarMailFormatEventList = 1
$olCalendarView5DayWeek = 4
$olCalendarViewDay = 0
$olCalendarViewMonth = 2
$olCalendarViewMultiDay = 3
$olCalendarViewWeek = 1
$olCategoryColorBlack = 15
$olCategoryColorBlue = 8
$olCategoryColorDarkBlue = 23
$olCategoryColorDarkGray = 14
$olCategoryColorDarkGreen = 20
$olCategoryColorDarkMaroon = 25
$olCategoryColorDarkOlive = 22
$olCategoryColorDarkOrange = 17
$olCategoryColorDarkPeach = 18
$olCategoryColorDarkPurple = 24
$olCategoryColorDarkRed = 16
$olCategoryColorDarkSteel = 12
$olCategoryColorDarkTeal = 21
$olCategoryColorDarkYellow = 19
$olCategoryColorGray = 13
$olCategoryColorGreen = 5
$olCategoryColorMaroon = 10
$olCategoryColorNone = 0
$olCategoryColorOlive = 7
$olCategoryColorOrange = 2
$olCategoryColorPeach = 3
$olCategoryColorPurple = 9
$olCategoryColorRed = 1
$olCategoryColorSteel = 11
$olCategoryColorTeal = 6
$olCategoryColorYellow = 4
$olCategoryShortcutKeyCtrlF10 = 10
$olCategoryShortcutKeyCtrlF11 = 11
$olCategoryShortcutKeyCtrlF12 = 12
$olCategoryShortcutKeyCtrlF2 = 2
$olCategoryShortcutKeyCtrlF3 = 3
$olCategoryShortcutKeyCtrlF4 = 4
$olCategoryShortcutKeyCtrlF5 = 5
$olCategoryShortcutKeyCtrlF6 = 6
$olCategoryShortcutKeyCtrlF7 = 7
$olCategoryShortcutKeyCtrlF8 = 8
$olCategoryShortcutKeyCtrlF9 = 9
$olCategoryShortcutKeyNone = 0
$olAutoColor = 0
$olColorAqua = 15
$olColorBlack = 1
$olColorBlue = 13
$olColorFuchsia = 14
$olColorGray = 8
$olColorGreen = 3
$olColorLime = 11
$olColorMaroon = 2
$olColorNavy = 5
$olColorOlive = 4
$olColorPurple = 6
$olColorRed = 10
$olColorSilver = 9
$olColorTeal = 7
$olColorWhite = 16
$olColorYellow = 12
$olComboBoxStyleCombo = 0
$olComboBoxStyleList = 1
$olContactPhoneAssistant = 0
$olContactPhoneBusiness = 1
$olContactPhoneBusiness2 = 2
$olContactPhoneBusinessFax = 3
$olContactPhoneCallback = 4
$olContactPhoneCar = 5
$olContactPhoneCompany = 6
$olContactPhoneHome = 7
$olContactPhoneHome2 = 8
$olContactPhoneHomeFax = 9
$olContactPhoneISDN = 10
$olContactPhoneMobile = 11
$olContactPhoneOther = 12
$olContactPhoneOtherFax = 13
$olContactPhonePager = 14
$olContactPhonePrimary = 15
$olContactPhoneRadio = 16
$olContactPhoneTelex = 17
$olContactPhoneTTYTTD = 18
$olFriday = 32
$olMonday = 2
$olSaturday = 64
$olSunday = 1
$olThursday = 16
$olTuesday = 4
$olWednesday = 8
$olTimeScale10Minutes = 2
$olTimeScale15Minutes = 3
$olTimeScale30Minutes = 4
$olTimeScale5Minutes = 0
$olTimeScale60Minutes = 5
$olTimeScale6Minutes = 1
$olAllCollapsed = 1
$olAllExpanded = 0
$olLastViewed = 2
$olFolderCalendar = 9
$olFolderConflicts = 19
$olFolderContacts = 10
$olFolderDeletedItems = 3
$olFolderDrafts = 16
$olFolderInbox = 6
$olFolderJournal = 11
$olFolderJunk = 23
$olFolderLocalFailures = 21
$olFolderManagedEmail = 29
$olFolderNotes = 12
$olFolderOutbox = 4
$olFolderSentMail = 5
$olFolderServerFailures = 22
$olFolderSuggestedContacts = 30
$olFolderSyncIssues = 20
$olFolderTasks = 13
$olFolderToDo = 28
$olPublicFoldersAllPublicFolders = 18
$olFolderRssFeeds = 25
$olDefaultDelegates = 6
$olDefaultMail = 1
$olDefaultMeeting = 2
$olDefaultMembers = 5
$olDefaultPickRooms = 8
$olDefaultSharingRequest = 4
$olDefaultSingleName = 7
$olDefaultTask = 3
$olDisplayModeNormal = 0
$olDisplayModePortraitReadingPane = 2
$olDisplayModePortraitView = 1
$olAgent = 3
$olDistList = 1
$olForum = 2
$olOrganization = 4
$olPrivateDistList = 5
$olRemoteUser = 6
$olUser = 0
$olFullItem = 1
$olHeaderOnly = 0
$olDragBehaviorDisabled = 0
$olDragBehaviorEnabled = 1
$olEditorHTML = 2
$olEditorRTF = 3
$olEditorText = 1
$olEditorWord = 4
$olEnterFieldBehaviorRecallSelection = 1
$olEnterFieldBehaviorSelectAll = 0
$olCachedConnectedDrizzle = 600
$olCachedConnectedFull = 700
$olCachedConnectedHeaders = 500
$olCachedDisconnected = 400
$olCachedOffline = 200
$olDisconnected = 300
$olNoExchange = 0
$olOffline = 100
$olOnline = 800
$olExchangeMailbox = 1
$olExchangePublicFolder = 2
$olNotExchange = 3
$olPrimaryExchangeMailbox = 0
$olAdditionalExchangeMailbox = 4
$olFolderDisplayFolderOnly = 1
$olFolderDisplayNoNavigation = 2
$olFolderDisplayNormal = 0
$olFormatCurrencyDecimal = 1
$olFormatCurrencyNonDecimal = 2
$olFormatDateTimeBestFit = 17
$olFormatDateTimeLongDate = 6
$olFormatDateTimeLongDateReversed = 7
$OlFormatDateTimeLongDayDate = 5
$olFormatDateTimeLongDayDateTime = 1
$olFormatDateTimeLongTime = 15
$olFormatDateTimeShortDate = 8
$olFormatDateTimeShortDateNumOnly = 9
$olFormatDateTimeShortDateTime = 2
$olFormatDateTimeShortDayDate = 13
$olFormatDateTimeShortDayDateTime = 3
$olFormatDateTimeShortDayMonth = 10
$olFormatDateTimeShortDayMonthDateTime = 4
$olFormatDateTimeShortMonthYear = 11
$olFormatDateTimeShortMonthYearNumOnly = 12
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#Excel 2019
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#Access 2019
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# Microsoft Office
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$msoGradientDesert = 6
$msoGradientEarlySunset = 1
$msoGradientFire = 9
$msoGradientFog = 10
$msoGradientGold = 18
$msoGradientGoldII = 19
$msoGradientHorizon = 5
$msoGradientLateSunset = 2
$msoGradientMahogany = 15
$msoGradientMoss = 11
$msoGradientNightfall = 3
$msoGradientOcean = 7
$msoGradientParchment = 14
$msoGradientPeacock = 12
$msoGradientRainbow = 16
$msoGradientRainbowII = 17
$msoGradientSapphire = 24
$msoGradientSilver = 23
$msoGradientWheat = 13
$msoPresetGradientMixed = -2
$msoLightingBottom = 8
$msoLightingBottomLeft = 7
$msoLightingBottomRight = 9
$msoLightingLeft = 4
$msoLightingNone = 5
$msoLightingRight = 6
$msoLightingTop = 2
$msoLightingTopLeft = 1
$msoLightingTopRight = 3
$msoPresetLightingDirectionMixed = -2
$msoLightingBright = 3
$msoLightingDim = 1
$msoLightingNormal = 2
$msoPresetLightingSoftnessMixed = -2
$msoMaterialClear = 13
$msoMaterialDarkEdge = 11
$msoMaterialFlat = 14
$msoMaterialMatte = 1
$msoMaterialMatte2 = 5
$msoMaterialMetal = 3
$msoMaterialMetal2 = 7
$msoMaterialPlastic = 2
$msoMaterialPlastic2 = 6
$msoMaterialPowder = 10
$msoMaterialSoftEdge = 12
$msoMaterialSoftMetal = 15
$msoMaterialTranslucentPowder = 9
$msoMaterialWarmMatte = 8
$msoMaterialWireFrame = 4
$msoPresetMaterialMixed = -2
# [MsoPresetTextEffect enumeration](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/office/vba/api/office.msopresettexteffect)
# 1が0なのは誤植ではない ただし、この定数がなにを意味するのかはワードアートギャラリー等が決定する
$msoTextEffect1 = 0
$msoTextEffect2 = 1
$msoTextEffect3 = 2
$msoTextEffect4 = 3
$msoTextEffect5 = 4
$msoTextEffect6 = 5
$msoTextEffect7 = 6
$msoTextEffect8 = 7
$msoTextEffect9 = 8
$msoTextEffect10 = 9
$msoTextEffect11 = 10
$msoTextEffect12 = 11
$msoTextEffect13 = 12
$msoTextEffect14 = 13
$msoTextEffect15 = 14
$msoTextEffect16 = 15
$msoTextEffect17 = 16
$msoTextEffect18 = 17
$msoTextEffect19 = 18
$msoTextEffect20 = 19
$msoTextEffect21 = 20
$msoTextEffect22 = 21
$msoTextEffect23 = 22
$msoTextEffect24 = 23
$msoTextEffect25 = 24
$msoTextEffect26 = 25
$msoTextEffect27 = 26
$msoTextEffect28 = 27
$msoTextEffect29 = 28
$msoTextEffect30 = 29
$msoTextEffect31 = 30
$msoTextEffect32 = 31
$msoTextEffect33 = 32
$msoTextEffect34 = 33
$msoTextEffect35 = 34
$msoTextEffect36 = 35
$msoTextEffect37 = 36
$msoTextEffect38 = 37
$msoTextEffect39 = 38
$msoTextEffect40 = 39
$msoTextEffect41 = 40
$msoTextEffect42 = 41
$msoTextEffect43 = 42
$msoTextEffect44 = 43
$msoTextEffect45 = 44
$msoTextEffect46 = 45
$msoTextEffect47 = 46
$msoTextEffect48 = 47
$msoTextEffect49 = 48
$msoTextEffect50 = 49
$msoTextEffectShapeArchDownCurve = 10
$msoTextEffectShapeArchDownPour = 14
$msoTextEffectShapeArchUpCurve = 9
$msoTextEffectShapeArchUpPour = 13
$msoTextEffectShapeButtonCurve = 12
$msoTextEffectShapeButtonPour = 16
$msoTextEffectShapeCanDown = 20
$msoTextEffectShapeCanUp = 19
$msoTextEffectShapeCascadeDown = 40
$msoTextEffectShapeCascadeUp = 39
$msoTextEffectShapeChevronDown = 6
$msoTextEffectShapeChevronUp = 5
$msoTextEffectShapeCircleCurve = 11
$msoTextEffectShapeCirclePour = 15
$msoTextEffectShapeCurveDown = 18
$msoTextEffectShapeCurveUp = 17
$msoTextEffectShapeDeflate = 26
$msoTextEffectShapeDeflateBottom = 28
$msoTextEffectShapeDeflateInflate = 31
$msoTextEffectShapeDeflateInflateDeflate = 32
$msoTextEffectShapeDeflateTop = 30
$msoTextEffectShapeDoubleWave1 = 23
$msoTextEffectShapeDoubleWave2 = 24
$msoTextEffectShapeInflate = 25
$msoTextEffectShapeInflateBottom = 27
$msoTextEffectShapeInflateTop = 29
$msoTextEffectShapeFadeRight = 33
$msoTextEffectShapeFadeLeft = 34
$msoTextEffectShapeFadeUp = 35
$msoTextEffectShapeFadeDown = 36
$msoTextEffectShapeMixed = -2
$msoTextEffectShapePlainText = 1
$msoTextEffectShapeRingInside = 7
$msoTextEffectShapeRingOutside = 8
$msoPresetTextureMixed = -2 # Not used
$msoTextureBlueTissuePaper = 17
$msoTextureBouquet = 20
$msoTextureBrownMarble = 11
$msoTextureCanvas = 2
$msoTextureCork = 21
$msoTextureDenim = 3
$msoTextureFishFossil = 7
$msoTextureGranite = 12
$msoTextureGreenMarble = 9
$msoTextureMediumWood = 24
$msoTextureNewsprint = 13
$msoTextureOak = 23
$msoTexturePaperBag = 6
$msoTexturePapyrus = 1
$msoTextureParchment = 15
$msoTexturePinkTissuePaper = 18
$msoTexturePurpleMesh = 19
$msoTextureRecycledPaper = 14
$msoTextureSand = 8
$msoTextureStationery = 16
$msoTextureWalnut = 22
$msoTextureWaterDroplets = 5
$msoTextureWhiteMarble = 10
$msoTextureWovenMat = 4
$msoPresetThreeDFormatMixed = -2
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$msoThreeD2 = 2
$msoThreeD3 = 3
$msoThreeD4 = 4
$msoThreeD5 = 5
$msoThreeD6 = 6
$msoThreeD7 = 7
$msoThreeD8 = 8
$msoThreeD9 = 9
$msoThreeD10 = 10
$msoThreeD11 = 11
$msoThreeD12 = 12
$msoThreeD13 = 13
$msoThreeD14 = 14
$msoThreeD15 = 15
$msoThreeD16 = 16
$msoThreeD17 = 17
$msoThreeD18 = 18
$msoThreeD19 = 19
$msoThreeD20 = 20
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$msoRecolorType2 = 2
$msoRecolorType3 = 3
$msoRecolorType4 = 4
$msoRecolorType5 = 5
$msoRecolorType6 = 6
$msoRecolorType7 = 7
$msoRecolorType8 = 8
$msoRecolorType9 = 9
$msoRecolorType10 = 10
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$msoReflectionType2 = 2
$msoReflectionType3 = 3
$msoReflectionType4 = 4
$msoReflectionType5 = 5
$msoReflectionType6 = 6
$msoReflectionType7 = 7
$msoReflectionType8 = 8
$msoReflectionType9 = 9
$msoReflectionTypeMixed = -2
$msoReflectionTypeNone = 0
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$msoAfterNode = 2
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$msoScreenSize1152x900 = 6
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$msoScreenSize1800x1440 = 9
$msoScreenSize1920x1200 = 10
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$msoScreenSize720x512 = 2
$msoScreenSize800x600 = 3
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$msoShadow3 = 3
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$msoShadow6 = 6
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$msoShadow8 = 8
$msoShadow9 = 9
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$msoShadow11 = 11
$msoShadow12 = 12
$msoShadow13 = 13
$msoShadow14 = 14
$msoShadow15 = 15
$msoShadow16 = 16
$msoShadow17 = 17
$msoShadow18 = 18
$msoShadow19 = 19
$msoShadow20 = 20
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$msoLineStylePreset11 = 10011
$msoLineStylePreset12 = 10012
$msoLineStylePreset13 = 10013
$msoLineStylePreset14 = 10014
$msoLineStylePreset15 = 10015
$msoLineStylePreset16 = 10016
$msoLineStylePreset17 = 10017
$msoLineStylePreset18 = 10018
$msoLineStylePreset19 = 10019
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$msoLineStylePreset20 = 10020
$msoLineStylePreset3 = 10003
$msoLineStylePreset4 = 10004
$msoLineStylePreset5 = 10005
$msoLineStylePreset6 = 10006
$msoLineStylePreset7 = 10007
$msoLineStylePreset8 = 10008
$msoLineStylePreset9 = 10009
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$msoShapeStylePreset7 = 7
$msoShapeStylePreset8 = 8
$msoShapeStylePreset9 = 9
$msoShapeStylePreset10 = 10
$msoShapeStylePreset11 = 11
$msoShapeStylePreset12 = 12
$msoShapeStylePreset13 = 13
$msoShapeStylePreset14 = 14
$msoShapeStylePreset15 = 15
$msoShapeStylePreset16 = 16
$msoShapeStylePreset17 = 17
$msoShapeStylePreset18 = 18
$msoShapeStylePreset19 = 19
$msoShapeStylePreset20 = 20
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$msoCanvas = 20
$msoChart = 3
$msoComment = 4
$msoContentApp = 27
$msoDiagram = 21
$msoEmbeddedOLEObject = 7
$msoFormControl = 8
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$msoGraphic = 28
$msoGroup = 6
$msoIgxGraphic = 24
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$msoInkComment = 23
$msoLine = 9
$msoLinked3DModel = 31
$msoLinkedGraphic = 29
$msoLinkedOLEObject = 10
$msoLinkedPicture = 11
$msoMedia = 16
$msoOLEControlObject = 12
$msoPicture = 13
$msoPlaceholder = 14
$msoScriptAnchor = 18
$msoShapeTypeMixed = -2
$msoTable = 19
$msoTextBox = 17
$msoTextEffect = 15
$msoWebVideo = 26
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$msoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriorityLow = 3
$msoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriorityNormal = 2
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$msoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatusDeferred = 4
$msoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatusInProgress = 2
$msoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatusNotStarted = 1
$msoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatusWaiting = 5
$msoSignatureSubsetAll = 5
$msoSignatureSubsetSignatureLines = 2
$msoSignatureSubsetSignatureLinesSigned = 3
$msoSignatureSubsetSignatureLinesUnsigned = 4
$msoSignatureSubsetSignaturesAllSigs = 0
$msoSignatureSubsetSignaturesNonVisible = 1
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$msoSmartArtNodeAfter = 2
$msoSmartArtNodeBefore = 3
$msoSmartArtNodeBelow = 5
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$msoSmartArtNodeTypeAssistant = 2
$msoSmartArtNodeTypeDefault = 1
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$msoSoftEdgeType2 = 2
$msoSoftEdgeType3 = 3
$msoSoftEdgeType4 = 4
$msoSoftEdgeType5 = 5
$msoSoftEdgeType6 = 6
$msoSoftEdgeTypeNone = 0
$SoftEdgeTypeMixed = -2
$msoSyncConflictClientWins = 0
$msoSyncConflictMerge = 2
$msoSyncConflictServerWins = 1
$msoSyncErrorCouldNotCompare = 13
$msoSyncErrorCouldNotConnect = 2
$msoSyncErrorCouldNotOpen = 11
$msoSyncErrorCouldNotResolve = 14
$msoSyncErrorCouldNotUpdate = 12
$msoSyncErrorFileInUse = 6
$msoSyncErrorFileNotFound = 4
$msoSyncErrorFileTooLarge = 5
$msoSyncErrorNone = 0
$msoSyncErrorNoNetwork = 15
$msoSyncErrorOutOfSpace = 3
$msoSyncErrorUnauthorizedUser = 1
$msoSyncErrorUnknown = 16
$msoSyncErrorUnknownDownload = 10
$msoSyncErrorUnknownUpload = 9
$msoSyncErrorVirusDownload = 8
$msoSyncErrorVirusUpload = 7
$msoSyncEventDownloadFailed = 2
$msoSyncEventDownloadInitiated = 0
$msoSyncEventDownloadNoChange = 6
$msoSyncEventDownloadSucceeded = 1
$msoSyncEventOffline = 7
$msoSyncEventUploadFailed = 5
$msoSyncEventUploadInitiated = 3
$msoSyncEventUploadSucceeded = 4
$msoSyncStatusConflict = 4
$msoSyncStatusError = 6
$msoSyncStatusLatest = 1
$msoSyncStatusLocalChanges = 3
$msoSyncStatusNewerAvailable = 2
$msoSyncStatusNoSharedWorkspace = 0
$msoSyncStatusNotRoaming = 0
$msoSyncStatusSuspended = 5
$msoSyncVersionLastViewed = 0
$msoSyncVersionServer = 1
$msoTabStopCenter = 2
$msoTabStopDecimal = 4
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$msoTabStopMixed = -2
$msoTabStopRight = 3
$msoTargetBrowserIE4 = 2
$msoTargetBrowserIE5 = 3
$msoTargetBrowserIE6 = 4
$msoTargetBrowserV3 = 0
$msoTargetBrowserV4 = 1
$msoAllCaps = 2
$msoCapsMixed = -2
$msoNoCaps = 0
$msoSmallCaps = 1
$msoCaseLower = 2
$msoCaseSentence = 1
$msoCaseTitle = 4
$msoCaseToggle = 5
$msoCaseUpper = 3
$msoCharWrapMixed = -2
$msoCustomCharWrap = 3
$msoNoCharWrap = 0
$msoStandardCharWrap = 1
$msoStrictCharWrap = 2
$msoTextDirectionLeftToRight = 1
$msoTextDirectionMixed = -2
$msoTextDirectionRightToLeft = 2
$msoTextEffectAlignmentCentered = 2
$msoTextEffectAlignmentLeft = 1
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$msoTabAlignLeft = 0
$msoTabAlignMixed = -2
$msoTabAlignRight = 2
$msoNoUnderline = 0
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$msoUnderlineDashLine = 7
$msoUnderlineDashLongHeavyLine = 10
$msoUnderlineDashLongLine = 9
$msoUnderlineDotDashHeavyLine = 12
$msoUnderlineDotDashLine = 11
$msoUnderlineDotDotDashHeavyLine = 14
$msoUnderlineDotDotDashLine = 13
$msoUnderlineDottedHeavyLine = 6
$msoUnderlineDottedLine = 5
$msoUnderlineDoubleLine = 3
$msoUnderlineHeavyLine = 4
$msoUnderlineMixed = -2
$msoUnderlineSingleLine = 2
$msoUnderlineWavyDoubleLine = 17
$msoUnderlineWavyHeavyLine = 16
$msoUnderlineWavyLine = 15
$msoUnderlineWords = 1
$msoTextureAlignmentMixed = -2
$msoTextureBottom = 7
$msoTextureBottomLeft = 6
$msoTextureBottomRight = 8
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$msoTextureLeft = 3
$msoTextureRight = 5
$msoTextureTop = 1
$msoTextureTopLeft = 0
$msoTextureTopRight = 2
$msoTexturePreset = 1
$msoTextureTypeMixed = -2
$msoTextureUserDefined = 2
$msoNotThemeColor = 0
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$msoThemeColorAccent2 = 6
$msoThemeColorAccent3 = 7
$msoThemeColorAccent4 = 8
$msoThemeColorAccent5 = 9
$msoThemeColorAccent6 = 10
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$msoThemeColorBackground2 = 16
$msoThemeColorDark1 = 1
$msoThemeColorDark2 = 3
$msoThemeColorFollowedHyperlink = 12
$msoThemeColorHyperlink = 11
$msoThemeColorLight1 = 2
$msoThemeColorLight2 = 4
$msoThemeColorMixed = -2
$msoThemeColorText1 = 13
$msoThemeColorText2 = 15
$msoThemeAccent1 = 5
$msoThemeAccent2 = 6
$msoThemeAccent3 = 7
$msoThemeAccent4 = 8
$msoThemeAccent5 = 9
$msoThemeAccent6 = 10
$msoThemeDark1 = 1
$msoThemeDark2 = 3
$msoThemeFollowedHyperlink = 12
$msoThemeHyperlink = 11
$msoThemeLight1 = 2
$msoThemeLight2 = 4
$msoCTrue = 1
$msoFalse = 0
$msoTriStateMixed = -2
$msoTriStateToggle = -3
$msoTrue = -1
$msoAnchorBottom = 4
$msoAnchorBottomBaseLine = 5
$msoAnchorMiddle = 3
$msoAnchorTop = 1
$msoAnchorTopBaseline = 2
$msoVerticalAnchorMixed = -2
$msoWarpFormat1 = 0
$msoWarpFormat10 = 9
$msoWarpFormat11 = 10
$msoWarpFormat12 = 11
$msoWarpFormat13 = 12
$msoWarpFormat14 = 13
$msoWarpFormat15 = 14
$msoWarpFormat16 = 15
$msoWarpFormat17 = 16
$msoWarpFormat18 = 17
$msoWarpFormat19 = 18
$msoWarpFormat2 = 1
$msoWarpFormat20 = 19
$msoWarpFormat21 = 20
$msoWarpFormat22 = 21
$msoWarpFormat23 = 22
$msoWarpFormat24 = 23
$msoWarpFormat25 = 24
$msoWarpFormat26 = 25
$msoWarpFormat27 = 26
$msoWarpFormat28 = 27
$msoWarpFormat29 = 28
$msoWarpFormat3 = 2
$msoWarpFormat30 = 29
$msoWarpFormat31 = 30
$msoWarpFormat32 = 31
$msoWarpFormat33 = 32
$msoWarpFormat34 = 33
$msoWarpFormat35 = 34
$msoWarpFormat36 = 35
$msoWarpFormat37 = 36
$msoWarpFormat4 = 3
$msoWarpFormat5 = 4
$msoWarpFormat6 = 5
$msoWizardMsgLocalStateOff = 2
$msoWizardMsgLocalStateOn = 1
$msoWizardMsgResuming = 5
$msoWizardMsgShowHelp = 3
$msoWizardMsgSuspending = 4
$msoBringForward = 2
$msoBringInFrontOfText = 4
$msoBringToFront = 0
$msoSendBackward = 3
$msoSendBehindText = 5
$msoSendToBack = 1
$OutSpaceSlabStyleError = 2
$OutSpaceSlabStyleNormal = 0
$OutSpaceSlabStyleWarning = 1
$RibbonControlSizeLarge = 1
$RibbonControlSizeRegular = 0
$sigdetApplicationName = 1
$sigdetApplicationVersion = 2
$sigdetColorDepth = 8
$sigdetDelSuggSigner = 16
$sigdetDelSuggSignerEmail = 20
$sigdetDelSuggSignerEmailSet = 21
$sigdetDelSuggSignerLine2 = 18
$sigdetDelSuggSignerLine2Set = 19
$sigdetDelSuggSignerSet = 17
$sigdetDocPreviewImg = 10
$sigdetHashAlgorithm = 14
$sigdetHorizResolution = 6
$sigdetIPCurrentView = 12
$sigdetIPFormHash = 11
$sigdetLocalSigningTime = 0
$sigdetNumberOfMonitors = 5
$sigdetOfficeVersion = 3
$sigdetShouldShowViewWarning = 15
$sigdetSignatureType = 13
$sigdetSignedData = 9
$sigdetVertResolution = 7
$sigdetWindowsVersion = 4
$siglnimgSignedInvalid = 3
$siglnimgSignedValid = 2
$siglnimgSoftwareRequired = 0
$siglnimgUnsigned = 1
$sigprovdetHashAlgorithm = 1
$sigprovdetUIOnly = 2
$sigprovdetUrl = 0
$sigtypeMax = 3
$sigtypeNonVisible = 1
$sigtypeSignatureLine = 2
$sigtypeUnknown = 0

# FileSystem Object
# FilesystemObject.GetSpecsialfolder(folderspec)
# WindowsFolder The Windows folder contains files installed by the Windows operating system.
# SystemFolder The System folder contains libraries, fonts, and device drivers.
# TemporaryFolder The Temp folder is used to store temporary files. Its path is found in the TMP environment variable.

$WindowsFolder = 0
$SystemFolder = 1
$TemporaryFolder = 2

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