
More than 5 years have passed since last update.

VBA VBScript FilesystemObjectのClass

Last updated at Posted at 2019-02-09


  • RtnDriveType
  • RtnDriveVolumeName
  • RtnDrivFileSystem
  • RtnDrivSerialNumber
  • RtnDrivShareName
  • rtnDriveIsReady

VBSCript バグがなぜかあったので修正、Cscript強制起動にしました。

Name 機能 notes
Class_Initialize 初期化 ここでFSOをセットする
GetString[roperty Let] Property Let GetString(strFullfilename)
getBuilds[Property Let]
CopyMoveObject ファイルまたはフォルダを移動またはコピーする。上書きするかはblForceで決定 CopyMoveObject(sf As String, tf As String, MorC As String, blForce As Boolean) As String
sf ソースファイル, tf ターゲットファイル MorC M.Move C Copy, blforce Trueなら同名上書き
ReturnFSOSpecialFolder ReturnFSOSpecialFolder(var0to2integer)
DriveSpace FullPathfileNeme or 絶対パスでGB単位で容量を返す
builderpathName "E:\folder1;name;name1;neme"のようにセミコロンで区切られた文字列をパス名にする。
IsDriveExists Driveが存在しているか
Class_Terminate 終了処理。デコンストラクタ。

Class Module

Option Explicit
'Class Name =ClassFSO
' Ver 20190301
Const Scrun = "C:\Windows\System32\scrrun.dll"
Private Fso As Variant '// Scripting.FileSystemObject のインスタンス
'Private FSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject ' // Microsoft Scripting Runtimeを 参照設定した場合はこちら
Private strFile As String 'ファイルのフルパス変数
Private blFD As Boolean 'FileかFolder/Directoryの判定
Private blEr As Boolean 'エラー判定
Private FileFolderSize As Long 'ファイル、フォルダのサイズ
Private strBuild As String
Private arbuild
Private CopyObject  As String
Private DistObject   As String
Private CopyMoveCheck
Private blForceCopyMove
Private Const LimitCharcters = 500
Private Const LimitReadAllSize = 2000
Private Const limitReadLines = 5

'// クラス初期化
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Set FSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject '参照設定している
blFD = False
blEr = False
strFile = ""
End Sub
' プロパティ
'// Accessor 1
Public Property Let GetString(strFullfilename)
strFile = strFullfilename
Call Exitfilecheck(strFile)
End Property
'// Accessor 2
Property Let getBuilds(strFolder As String)
arbuild = Split(strFolder, ";")
End Property

'// Accessor 3
Function CopyMoveObject(sf As String, tf As String, MorC As String, blForce As Boolean) As String
If LCase(StrConv(MorC, vbNarrow)) = "copy" Then
If Fso.FileExists(sf) = True Then
Fso.CopyFile sf, tf, blForce
CopyMoveObject = "File Copy Source:=" & sf & vbTab & "Distination:=" & tf & vbTab & "Force:=" & blForce & vbTab & "Result:=" & True
Exit Function
ElseIf Fso.FolderExists(sf) = True Then
Fso.CopyFolder sf, tf, blForce
CopyMoveObject = "Folder Copy Source:=" & sf & vbTab & "Distination:=" & tf & vbTab & "Force:=" & blForce & vbTab & "Result:=" & True
Exit Function
End If
If Fso.FileExists(sf) = True Then
Fso.MoveFile sf, tf, blForce
CopyMoveObject = "File Move Source:=" & sf & vbTab & "Distination:=" & tf & vbTab & "Force:=" & blForce & vbTab & "Result:=" & True
Exit Function
ElseIf Fso.FolderExists(sf) = True Then
Fso.MoveFolder sf, tf, blForce
CopyMoveObject = "Folder Move Source:=" & sf & vbTab & "Distination:=" & tf & vbTab & "Force:=" & blForce & vbTab & "Result:=" & True
Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function

Function ReturnFSOSpecialFolder(var0to2integer)
If Int(Abs(var0to2integer)) >= 0 And Int(Abs(var0to2integer)) <= 2 Then
Select Case Int(Abs(var0to2integer))
Case Is = 0
ReturnFSOSpecialFolder = Fso.GetSpecialFolder(0).Path 'Const WindowsFolder=0 'Windows オペレーティング システムによりセットアップされたファイルの置かれている Windows フォルダが返されます
Case Is = 1
ReturnFSOSpecialFolder = Fso.GetSpecialFolder(1).Path 'Const SystemFlder =1 'ライブラリ、フォント、デバイス ドライバなどの置かれている System フォルダが返されます。
Case Is = 2
ReturnFSOSpecialFolder = Fso.GetSpecialFolder(2).Path 'Const TemporaryFolder =2 '一時ファイルの格納に使用される Temp フォルダが返されます。このパスは、環境変数 TMP より取得します。
End Select
End If
End Function
Function DriveSpace(strFile)
DriveSpace = Fso.GetDrive(Fso.GetDriveName(strFile)).FreeSpace / 1024 / 1024 / 1024
End Function

'// Accessor 1 Checker
Function isExistsPathName()
Dim bl
'If blEr = True Then MsgBox "File Or Folder Not Exist", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "ERROR": Call Class_Terminate
If blEr = True Then Debug.Print "File Or Folder Not Exist"
bl = Fso.FileExists(strFile) Xor Fso.FolderExists(strFile)
If bl = False Then
isExistsPathName = False
Debug.Print "File Or Folder Not Exist"
Call Class_Terminate
isExistsPathName = True
End If
End Function

Private Sub Exitfilecheck(strFile)
If Fso.FolderExists(strFile) = True Then
blFD = False
blEr = False
FileFolderSize = Fso.GetFolder(strFile).Size
ElseIf Fso.FileExists(strFile) = True Then
blFD = True
blEr = False
FileFolderSize = Fso.GetFile(strFile).Size
blEr = True
End If
End Sub

Function builderpathName() As String
' セミコロンで区切られた文字列をフォルダー名にして返す
' cFSO.getBuilds = "E:\folder1;name;name1;neme"
Dim buf As String
Dim i As Long
buf = arbuild(LBound(arbuild))
For i = LBound(arbuild) + 1 To UBound(arbuild)
buf = Fso.BuildPath(buf, arbuild(i))
Next i
builderpathName = buf
End Function

Function fnAttritubetString() As String
' 属性を文字列で返す
Dim buf As String
Dim lngAtt As Long
If blFD = True Then
lngAtt = Fso.GetFile(strFile).Attributes
lngAtt = Fso.GetFolder(strFile).Attributes
End If
If lngAtt Mod 2 <> 0 Then buf = buf & "ReadOnly,": lngAtt = lngAtt - 1
If lngAtt Mod 8 <> 0 Then buf = buf & "Hidden,": lngAtt = lngAtt - 2
Select Case True
Case lngAtt = 128
fnAttritubetString = buf & "CompressedFile"
Exit Function
Case lngAtt = 64
fnAttritubetString = buf & "リンクまたはショートカット"
Exit Function
Case lngAtt = 32
fnAttritubetString = buf & "Archive File"
Exit Function
Case lngAtt = 16
fnAttritubetString = buf & "Folder Or Directory"
Exit Function
Case lngAtt = 8
fnAttritubetString = buf & "Disk Drive Volume Label"
Exit Function
Case lngAtt = 4
fnAttritubetString = buf & "System"
Exit Function
Case Else
fnAttritubetString = buf & "Unspecified"
Exit Function
End Select
End Function

Function strFilefolder() As String
If blFD = False Then strFilefolder = "Folder" Else strFilefolder = "File"
End Function
Function blfilefolder() As String
'ファイルかフォルダーかTrue /False で返す FileならTrue
If blFD = False Then blfilefolder = False Else blfilefolder = True
End Function
Function BaseString() As String
If blFD = True Then
BaseString = Fso.getBaseName(strFile)
BaseString = ""
End If
End Function

Function ExtString() As String
If blFD = True Then
ExtString = Fso.GetExtensionName(strFile)
ExtString = ""
End If
End Function
Function fnAtt() As Long
If blFD = True Then
fnAtt = Fso.GetFile(strFile).Attributes
fnAtt = Fso.GetFolder(strFile).Attributes
End If
End Function

Function fsize() As Long
fsize = FileFolderSize
End Function
Function Fparent() As String
If blFD = True Then
Fparent = Fso.GetParentFolderName(strFile)
Fparent = strFile
End If
End Function
Function fDrv() As String
If blFD = True Then
fDrv = Fso.GetDriveName(strFile)
fDrv = Fso.GetFolder(strFile).Drive
End If
End Function
Function FDrvletter() As String
'ファイル、フォルダのドライブレターを返す FDrvと違い、わからなければ空白を返す
FDrvletter = Fso.GetDriveName(strFile)
End Function
Function Fn_AbsolutePathName() As String
Fn_AbsolutePathName = Fso.GetAbsolutePathName(strFile)
End Function
Function FileVer() As String
If blFD = True Then
FileVer = Fso.GetFileVersion(strFile)
End If
End Function
Function isRoot() As Boolean
If blFD = False Then
isRoot = Fso.GetFolder(strFile).IsRootFolder
isRoot = False
End If
End Function
Function CreatedTime() As Date
If blFD = True Then
CreatedTime = Fso.GetFile(strFile).DateCreated
CreatedTime = Fso.GetFolder(strFile).DateCreated
End If
End Function
Function LastWriteTime() As Date
If blFD = True Then
LastWriteTime = Fso.GetFile(strFile).DateLastModified
LastWriteTime = Fso.GetFolder(strFile).DateLastModified
End If
End Function
Function LastAccessTime() As Date
If blFD = True Then
LastAccessTime = Fso.GetFile(strFile).DateLastAccessed
LastAccessTime = Fso.GetFolder(strFile).DateLastAccessed
End If
End Function
Function Shorting() As String
Dim ar, i As Long
Dim buf As String
ar = Split(strFile, "\")
buf = ar(0) & "\"
If blFD = False Then
For i = 1 To UBound(ar)
If i = 1 Then
buf = Fso.GetFolder(buf & ar(i)).ShortPath
buf = Fso.GetFolder(buf & "\" & ar(i)).ShortPath
End If
Shorting = buf
For i = 1 To UBound(ar) - 1
If i = 1 Then
buf = Fso.GetFolder(buf & ar(i)).ShortPath
buf = Fso.GetFolder(buf & "\" & ar(i)).ShortPath
End If
Shorting = buf & "\" & Fso.GetFile(buf & "\" & ar(UBound(ar))).ShortName
End If
End Function
Function OpenWTSRA() As String
If blFD = True Then
If FileFolderSize <= LimitReadAllSize Then
OpenWTSRA = Fso.OpenTextFile(strFile, 1, False, -1).ReadAll
End If
End If
End Function
Function OpenWTSR500() As String
'Unicode形式でLimitCharacters = 500文字読み込む
If blFD = True Then
OpenWTSR500 = Fso.OpenTextFile(strFile, 1, False, -1).Read(LimitCharcters)
End If
End Function
Function OpenWTSRL() As String
Dim TS
Dim buf
Dim n As Long
If blFD = True Then
n = 0
Set TS = Fso.OpenTextFile(strFile, 1, False, -1)
Do Until TS.AtEndOfStream
buf = buf & TS.ReadLine & vbCrLf
If n >= limitReadLines Then Exit Do Else n = n + 1
Set TS = Nothing
OpenWTSRL = buf
End If
End Function
Function OpenATSRA() As String
Dim buf As String
If blFD = True Then
If FileFolderSize <= LimitReadAllSize Then
OpenATSRA = Fso.OpenTextFile(strFile, 1, False, 0).ReadAll
End If
End If
End Function
Function OpenATSR500() As String
'ASCII形式でLimitCharacters = 500文字読み込む
Dim buf As String
If blFD = True Then
OpenATSR500 = Fso.OpenTextFile(strFile, 1, False, 0).Read(LimitCharcters)
End If
End Function
Function OpenATSRL() As String
Dim TS
Dim buf
Dim n As Long
If blFD = True Then
n = 0
Set TS = Fso.OpenTextFile(strFile, 1, False, 0)
Do Until TS.AtEndOfStream
buf = buf & TS.ReadLine & vbCrLf
If n >= limitReadLines Then Exit Do Else n = n + 1
Set TS = Nothing
OpenATSRL = buf
End If
End Function

Function AlmostLinesCount() As Long
'Const ForAppending = 8
    Dim TS 'As TextStream
    Dim i As Long
    If blFD = True Then
    Set TS = Fso.OpenTextFile(strFile, 8)
    i = TS.Line
    Set TS = Nothing
    AlmostLinesCount = i
    End If
End Function
Function IsDriveExists() As Boolean
' Driveが存在するかを返す
If blFD Then IsDriveExists = CBool(Fso.DriveExists(Fso.GetFile(strFile).Drive)) Else IsDriveExists = CBool(Fso.DriveExists(Fso.GetFolder(strFile).Drive))
End Function
Function RtnDriveType(DrvPath)
Dim ar
ar = Split("Unknown/不明/0,Removeable/1,Fixed/固定、ローカル(USB含む)/クライアントのハードディスク/2,Network/ネットワーク上のドライブ/3,CD-ROM/DVDも含む/4,RAM Disk/5", ",")
RtnDriveType = ar(Fso.GetDrive(DrvPath).DriveType)
End Function
Function RtnDriveVolumeName(DrvPath)
Dim d: Set d = Fso.GetDrive(DrvPath)
If d.DriveType = 1 Or d.DriveType = 4 Then
      If d.IsReady = True Then
      RtnDriveVolumeName = d.VolumeName
      RtnDriveVolumeName = "Drive in not Ready. Drive VolueName is Unknown."
      End If
RtnDriveVolumeName = d.VolumeName
End If
End Function
Function RtnDrivFileSystem(DrvPath)
'戻り値の種類は FAT、NTFS、および CDFS です。ただしCD-ROMはディスクが入っている場合だけ値を返します。
Dim d: Set d = Fso.GetDrive(DrvPath)
If d.DriveType = 1 Or d.DriveType = 4 Then
      If d.IsReady = True Then
      RtnDrivFileSystem = d.FileSystem
      RtnDrivFileSystem = "Drive in not Ready. Drive Filesystem is Unknown."
      End If
RtnDrivFileSystem = d.FileSystem
End If
End Function
Function RtnDrivSerialNumber(DrvPath)
'ディスク ボリュームを一意に識別するための 10 進数のシリアル値を返します。
Dim d: Set d = Fso.GetDrive(DrvPath)
If d.DriveType = 1 Or d.DriveType = 4 Then
      If d.IsReady = True Then
      RtnDrivFileSystem = d.SerialNumber
      RtnDrivFileSystem = "Drive in not Ready. Drive Serial Number is Unknown."
      End If
RtnDrivFileSystem = d.SerialNumber
End If
End Function
Function RtnDrivShareName(DrvPath)
'ネットワーク ドライブでない場合、ShareName プロパティは長さ 0 の文字列 ("") を返します。ネットワーク ドライブでである場合、ディスク ボリュームを一意に識別するための 10 進数のシリアル値を返します。
Dim d: Set d = Fso.GetDrive(DrvPath)
On Error GoTo Err_Handle
RtnDrivShareName = d.ShareName
Exit Function
Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description
End Function
Function rtnDriveIsReady(DrvPath) 'As Drive)
If Fso.GetDrive(DrvPath).DriveType = 1 Or Fso.GetDrive(DrvPath).DriveType = 4 Then
DriveIsReady = Fso.GetDrive(DrvPath).isreadry
DriveIsReady = False
End If
End Function
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
If Not Fso Is Nothing Then Set Fso = Nothing
End Sub


Sub cFSOSample()
Dim cFSO As ClassFSO: Set cFSO = New ClassFSO
On Error Resume Next
cFSO.GetString = "C:\hoge\hoge.txt"
cFSO.getBuilds = "X:\folder1;size;11;subfolders;err"
With cFSO
Debug.Print .ReturnFSOSpecialFolder(1)
If cFSO.isExistsPathName = False Then Exit Sub
Debug.Print .AlmostLinesCount
Debug.Print .DriveSpace
Debug.Print .IsDriveExists
Debug.Print .BaseString
Debug.Print .ExtString
Debug.Print .CreatedTime
Debug.Print .Shorting
Debug.Print .fDrv
Debug.Print .FDrvletter
Debug.Print .strFilefolder
Debug.Print .Fparent
Debug.Print .fnAttritubetString
Debug.Print .fnAtt
Debug.Print .fsize
Debug.Print .isRoot
Debug.Print .LastAccessTime
Debug.Print .LastWriteTime
Debug.Print .OpenATSR500
Debug.Print .OpenATSRL
Debug.Print .builderpathName
End With
Set cFSO = Nothing
End Sub



Sub ExcelAddSccrun()
'For Excel VBA Only
Const Scrun = "C:\Windows\System32\scrrun.dll"
Dim ref
Dim vbPro
Dim blTEst As Boolean
blTEst = False
Set vbPro = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
For Each ref In vbPro.references
Debug.Print ref.Name
If ref.Name = "Scripting" Then blTEst = True
If blTEst = False Then
ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.references.AddFromFile Scrun
End If
End Sub


Option Explicit
'Ver 20190216
Const LimitCharcters  = 500 '読み込む文字数の制限
Const LimitReadAllSize = 2000 'ReadAllの容量制限
Const limitReadLines = 5 '行単位で読み込む場合の制限
'[|:------------------ VBScript Class ClassFSO Block -----------------:|]
Class ClassFSO
'Class Name =ClassFSO
Private Fso 'As Variant '// Scripting.FileSystemObject のインスタンス
Private strfile 'As String 'ファイルのフルパス変数
Private blFD 'As Boolean 'FileかFolder/Directoryの判定
Private blEr 'As Boolean 'エラー判定
Private FileFolderSize 'As Long 'ファイル、フォルダのサイズ
Private strBuild 'As String
Private arbuild
Private CopyObject  'As String
Private DistObject   'As String
Private CopyMoveCheck
Private blForceCopyMove

'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
'// クラス初期化
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Set FSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject '参照設定している
blFD = False
blEr = False
strfile = ""
End Sub
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
' プロパティ
'// Accessor 1
Public Property Let GetString(strFullfilename)
strfile = strFullfilename
Call Exitfilecheck(strfile)
End Property
'// Accessor 2
Property Let getBuilds(strFolder)
arbuild = Split(strFolder, ";")
End Property
'// Accessor 3
Function CopyMoveObject(sf, tf, MorC, blForce)
' VBA版と異なり、File Folderのcopy / Moveが成功したらTrueを返す
' strConv関数がない(使用する場合はBasp21が必要)
' sf Srouce File / Folder
' tf Desitination(Target) File/ Folder
' 半角のCopy以外はすべてMove
' MorC As String "Copy" or other(ex "copy" means "move")
' blForce As Boolean (Copy Move force)
If LCase(MorC) = "copy" Then
If FSO.FileExists(sf) = True Then
FSO.CopyFile sf, tf, blForce
CopyMoveObject = True
Exit Function
ElseIf FSO.FolderExists(sf) = True Then
FSO.CopyFolder sf, tf, blForce
CopyMoveObject = True
Exit Function
End If
If FSO.FileExists(sf) = True Then
FSO.MoveFile sf, tf, blForce
CopyMoveObject = True
Exit Function
ElseIf FSO.FolderExists(sf) = True Then
FSO.MoveFolder sf, tf, blForce
CopyMoveObject = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
CopyMoveObject = False
End Function
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
Function ReturnFSOSpecialFolder(var0to2integer)
If Int(Abs(var0to2integer)) >= 0 And Int(Abs(var0to2integer)) <= 2 Then
IF  Int(Abs(var0to2integer))= 0 Then
ReturnFSOSpecialFolder = Fso.GetSpecialFolder(0).Path 'Const WindowsFolder=0 'Windows オペレーティング システムによりセットアップされたファイルの置かれている Windows フォルダが返されます
ElseIF Int(Abs(var0to2integer))= 1 Then
ReturnFSOSpecialFolder = Fso.GetSpecialFolder(1).Path 'Const SystemFlder =1 'ライブラリ、フォント、デバイス ドライバなどの置かれている System フォルダが返されます。
ElseIf  Int(Abs(var0to2integer))= 2 Then
ReturnFSOSpecialFolder = Fso.GetSpecialFolder(2).Path 'Const TemporaryFolder =2 '一時ファイルの格納に使用される Temp フォルダが返されます。このパスは、環境変数 TMP より取得します。
End If
End If
End Function
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
Function DriveSpace()
DriveSpace = Fso.GetDrive(Fso.GetDriveName(strfile)).FreeSpace / 1024 / 1024 / 1024
End Function

'// Accessor 1 Checker
Function isExistsPathName()
Dim bl
'If blEr = True Then MsgBox "File Or Folder Not Exist", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "ERROR": Call Class_Terminate
If blEr = True Then Wscript.Echo  "File Or Folder Not Exist"
bl = Fso.FileExists(strfile) Xor Fso.FolderExists(strfile)
If bl = False Then
isExistsPathName = False
Wscript.Echo  "File Or Folder Not Exist"
Call Class_Terminate
isExistsPathName = True
End If
End Function
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
Private Sub Exitfilecheck(strfile)
If Fso.FolderExists(strfile) = True Then
blFD = False
blEr = False
FileFolderSize = Fso.GetFolder(strfile).Size
ElseIf Fso.FileExists(strfile) = True Then
blFD = True
blEr = False
FileFolderSize = Fso.GetFile(strfile).Size
blEr = True
End If
End Sub
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
Function builderpathName() 'As String
' セミコロンで区切られた文字列をフォルダー名にして返す
' cFSO.getBuilds = "E:\folder1;name;name1;neme"
Dim buf 'As String
Dim i 'As Long
buf = arbuild(LBound(arbuild))
For i = LBound(arbuild) + 1 To UBound(arbuild)
buf = Fso.BuildPath(buf, arbuild(i))
builderpathName = buf
End Function
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
Function fnAttritubetString() 'As String
' 属性を文字列で返す
Dim buf 'As String
Dim lngAtt 'As Long
If blFD = True Then
lngAtt = Fso.GetFile(strfile).Attributes
lngAtt = Fso.GetFolder(strfile).Attributes
End If
If lngAtt Mod 2 <> 0 Then buf = buf & "ReadOnly,": lngAtt = lngAtt - 1
If lngAtt Mod 8 <> 0 Then buf = buf & "Hidden,": lngAtt = lngAtt - 2
Select Case True
Case lngAtt = 128
fnAttritubetString = buf & "CompressedFile"
Exit Function
Case lngAtt = 64
fnAttritubetString = buf & "リンクまたはショートカット"
Exit Function
Case lngAtt = 32
fnAttritubetString = buf & "Archive File"
Exit Function
Case lngAtt = 16
fnAttritubetString = buf & "Folder Or Directory"
Exit Function
Case lngAtt = 8
fnAttritubetString = buf & "Disk Drive Volume Label"
Exit Function
Case lngAtt = 4
fnAttritubetString = buf & "System"
Exit Function
Case Else
fnAttritubetString = buf & "Unspecified"
Exit Function
End Select
End Function
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
Function strFilefolder() 'As String
If blFD = False Then strFilefolder = "Folder" Else strFilefolder = "File"
End Function
Function blfilefolder() 'As String
'ファイルかフォルダーかTrue /False で返す FileならTrue
If blFD = False Then blfilefolder = False Else blfilefolder = True
End Function
Function BaseString() 'As String
If blFD = True Then
BaseString = Fso.getBaseName(strfile)
BaseString = ""
End If
End Function
Function ExtString() 'As String
If blFD = True Then
ExtString = Fso.GetExtensionName(strfile)
ExtString = ""
End If
End Function
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
Function fnAtt() 'As Long
If blFD = True Then
fnAtt = Fso.GetFile(strfile).Attributes
fnAtt = Fso.GetFolder(strfile).Attributes
End If
End Function
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
Function fsize() 'As Long
fsize = FileFolderSize
End Function
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
Function Fparent() 'As String
If blFD = True Then
Fparent = Fso.GetParentFolderName(strfile)
Fparent = strfile
End If
End Function
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
Function fDrv() 'As String
If blFD = True Then
fDrv = Fso.GetDriveName(strfile)
fDrv = Fso.GetFolder(strfile).Drive
End If
End Function
Function FDrvletter() 'As String
'ファイル、フォルダのドライブレターを返す FDrvと違い、わからなければ空白を返す
FDrvletter = Fso.GetDriveName(strfile)
End Function
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
Function Fn_AbsolutePathName() 'As String
Fn_AbsolutePathName = Fso.GetAbsolutePathName(strfile)
End Function
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
Function FileVer() 'As String
If blFD = True Then
FileVer = Fso.GetFileVersion(strfile)
End If
End Function
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
Function isRoot() 'As Boolean
If blFD = False Then
isRoot = Fso.GetFolder(strfile).IsRootFolder
isRoot = False
End If
End Function
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
Function CreatedTime() 'As Date
If blFD = True Then
CreatedTime = Fso.GetFile(strfile).DateCreated
CreatedTime = Fso.GetFolder(strfile).DateCreated
End If
End Function
Function LastWriteTime() 'As Date
If blFD = True Then
LastWriteTime = Fso.GetFile(strfile).DateLastModified
LastWriteTime = Fso.GetFolder(strfile).DateLastModified
End If
End Function
Function LastAccessTime() 'As Date
If blFD = True Then
LastAccessTime = Fso.GetFile(strfile).DateLastAccessed
LastAccessTime = Fso.GetFolder(strfile).DateLastAccessed
End If
End Function
Function Shorting() 'As String
Dim ar, i 'As Long
Dim buf 'As String
ar = Split(strfile, "\")
buf = ar(0) & "\"
If blFD = False Then
For i = 1 To UBound(ar)
If i = 1 Then
buf = Fso.GetFolder(buf & ar(i)).ShortPath
buf = Fso.GetFolder(buf & "\" & ar(i)).ShortPath
End If
Shorting = buf
For i = 1 To UBound(ar) - 1
If i = 1 Then
buf = Fso.GetFolder(buf & ar(i)).ShortPath
buf = Fso.GetFolder(buf & "\" & ar(i)).ShortPath
End If
Shorting = buf & "\" & Fso.GetFile(buf & "\" & ar(UBound(ar))).ShortName
End If
End Function
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
Function OpenWTSRA() 'As String
If blFD = True Then
If FileFolderSize <= LimitReadAllSize Then
OpenWTSRA = Fso.OpenTextFile(strfile, 1, False, -1).ReadAll
End If
End If
End Function
Function OpenWTSR500() 'As String
'Unicode形式でLimitCharacters = 500文字読み込む
If blFD = True Then
OpenWTSR500 = Fso.OpenTextFile(strfile, 1, False, -1).Read(LimitCharcters)
End If
End Function
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
Function OpenWTSRL() 'As String
Dim TS
Dim buf
Dim n 'As Long
If blFD = True Then
n = 0
Set TS = Fso.OpenTextFile(strfile, 1, False, -1)
Do Until TS.AtEndOfStream
buf = buf & TS.ReadLine & vbCrLf
If n >= limitReadLines Then Exit Do Else n = n + 1
Set TS = Nothing
OpenWTSRL = buf
End If
End Function
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
Function OpenATSRA() 'As String
Dim buf 'As String
If blFD = True Then
If FileFolderSize <= LimitReadAllSize Then
OpenATSRA = Fso.OpenTextFile(strfile, 1, False, 0).ReadAll
End If
End If
End Function
Function OpenATSR500() 'As String
'ASCII形式でLimitCharacters = 500文字読み込む
Dim buf 'As String
If blFD = True Then
OpenATSR500 = Fso.OpenTextFile(strfile, 1, False, 0).Read(LimitCharcters)
End If
End Function
Function OpenATSRL() 'As String
Dim TS
Dim buf
Dim n 'As Long
If blFD = True Then
n = 0
Set TS = Fso.OpenTextFile(strfile, 1, False, 0)
Do Until TS.AtEndOfStream
buf = buf & TS.ReadLine & vbCrLf
If n >= limitReadLines Then Exit Do Else n = n + 1
Set TS = Nothing
OpenATSRL = buf
End If
End Function
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
Function AlmostLinesCount() 'As Long
'Const ForAppending = 8
    Dim TS 'As TextStream
    Dim i 'As Long
    If blFD = True Then
    Set TS = Fso.OpenTextFile(strfile, 8)
    i = TS.Line
    Set TS = Nothing
    AlmostLinesCount = i
    End If
End Function
Function IsDriveExists() 'As Boolean
If blFD Then IsDriveExists = CBool(Fso.DriveExists(Fso.GetFile(strfile).Drive)) Else IsDriveExists = CBool(Fso.DriveExists(Fso.GetFolder(strfile).Drive))
End Function
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class New Add-----------------------:|]
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class New Add-----------------------:|]
Function RtnDriveType(DrvPath)
Dim ar
ar = Split("Unknown/不明/0,Removeable/1,Fixed/固定、ローカル(USB含む)/クライアントのハードディスク/2,Network/ネットワーク上のドライブ/3,CD-ROM/DVDも含む/4,RAM Disk/5", ",")
RtnDriveType = ar(Fso.GetDrive(DrvPath).DriveType)
End Function
Function RtnDriveVolumeName(DrvPath)
Dim d: Set d = Fso.GetDrive(DrvPath)
If d.DriveType = 1 Or d.DriveType = 4 Then
      If d.IsReady = True Then
      RtnDriveVolumeName = d.VolumeName
      RtnDriveVolumeName = "Drive in not Ready. Drive VolueName is Unknown."
      End If
RtnDriveVolumeName = d.VolumeName
End If
End Function
Function RtnDrivFileSystem(DrvPath)
'戻り値の種類は FAT、NTFS、および CDFS です。ただしCD-ROMはディスクが入っている場合だけ値を返します。
Dim d: Set d = Fso.GetDrive(DrvPath)
If d.DriveType = 1 Or d.DriveType = 4 Then
      If d.IsReady = True Then
      RtnDrivFileSystem = d.FileSystem
      RtnDrivFileSystem = "Drive in not Ready. Drive Filesystem is Unknown."
      End If
RtnDrivFileSystem = d.FileSystem
End If
End Function
Function RtnDrivSerialNumber(DrvPath)
'ディスク ボリュームを一意に識別するための 10 進数のシリアル値を返します。
Dim d: Set d = Fso.GetDrive(DrvPath)
If d.DriveType = 1 Or d.DriveType = 4 Then
      If d.IsReady = True Then
      RtnDrivFileSystem = d.SerialNumber
      RtnDrivFileSystem = "Drive in not Ready. Drive Serial Number is Unknown."
      End If
RtnDrivFileSystem = d.SerialNumber
End If
End Function
Function RtnDrivShareName(DrvPath)
'ネットワーク ドライブでない場合、ShareName プロパティは長さ 0 の文字列 ("") を返します。ネットワーク ドライブでである場合、ディスク ボリュームを一意に識別するための 10 進数のシリアル値を返します。
Dim d: Set d = Fso.GetDrive(DrvPath)
On Error GoTo Err_Handle
RtnDrivShareName = d.ShareName
Exit Function
Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description
End Function
Function rtnDriveIsReady(DrvPath) 'As Drive)
If Fso.GetDrive(DrvPath).DriveType = 1 Or Fso.GetDrive(DrvPath).DriveType = 4 Then
DriveIsReady = Fso.GetDrive(DrvPath).isreadry
DriveIsReady = False
End If
End Function
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class New Add-----------------------:|]
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class New Add-----------------------:|]
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Class ------------------------------:|]
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
If Not Fso Is Nothing Then Set Fso = Nothing
End Sub
End Class
'[|:--------------------- VBScript Cscript Force Boot Procedure -------:|]
Sub RerunCScript 'ここから
Dim Args
Dim Arg
If LCase(Right(WScript.FullName,11))="wscript.exe" Then
  Args=Array("cmd.exe /k CScript.exe",""""&WScript.ScriptFullName&"""")
  For Each Arg In WScript.Arguments
    ReDim Preserve Args(UBound(Args)+1)
  WScript.Quit CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run(Join(Args),1,True)
End If
End Sub
RerunCScript 'ここまで

Dim cFSO : Set cFSO= New ClassFSO
cFSO.GetString = "C:\Users\very_\OneDrive\ドキュメント\MyScript\Functionyahoointl.jse"
cFSO.getBuilds = "X:\folder1;size;11;subfolders;err"
With cFSO
If cFSO.isExistsPathName = False Then WScript.Quit
Wscript.Echo .AlmostLinesCount
Wscript.Echo .BaseString
Wscript.Echo .ExtString
Wscript.Echo .CreatedTime
Wscript.Echo .Shorting
Wscript.Echo .fDrv
Wscript.Echo .strFilefolder
Wscript.Echo .Fparent
Wscript.Echo .fnAttritubetString
Wscript.Echo .fnAtt
Wscript.Echo .fsize
Wscript.Echo .isRoot
Wscript.Echo .LastAccessTime
Wscript.Echo .LastWriteTime
Wscript.Echo .OpenATSR500
Wscript.Echo .OpenATSRL
Wscript.Echo .builderpathName
Wscript.Echo .CopyMoveObject("C:\Users\name\hoge\hoge.txt","D:\","copy",true)
End With
Set cFSO = Nothing


Fileオブジェクト - Attributesプロパティ
第9回 VBScriptのオブジェクトを使いこなす (3/4)
TextStream ファイルを読み込む(Read,ReadLine,ReadAll)
GetDrive メソッド - Docs 以前のドキュメント
引数 drivespec が指定可能な形式になっていない場合、および指定したドライブが存在しない場合は、エラーが発生します。
通常のパス名を使って GetDrive メソッドを呼び出すには、最初に次のようなコードを記述して、引数 drivespec に指定できる文字列を取得します
DriveSpec = GetDriveName(GetAbsolutePathName(Path))
GetSpecialFolder メソッド - Docs 以前のドキュメント
VBScript 基本のまとめ
VBA 複数の引数をとるPropertyプロシージャ


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