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Top 7 WordPress Web Design Trends to Inspire You

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Every year, we are treated to a fresh array of WordPress web design trends that promise to breathe new life into the platform. While there is no denying that WordPress has come a long way since its humble beginnings back in 2004, even the most experienced web designers find it hard to keep up with the ever-changing trends that influence the way we interact with websites.
Here, we'll take a look at seven of the most prominent WordPress web design trends that have shaped the platform in the past year and how you can incorporate them into your own design work.

7 WordPress Web Design Trends:

1. Rich Media

Thanks to the rise of responsive web design and the explosion of digital media, designers have been able to take advantage of the newfound flexibility and create engaging editorial experiences for their readers. What was once reserved for print publications has now found its way into websites too, including infographics, galleries, and video content. Responsive design allows for a website to adopt the format of the device on which it is being viewed, be it desktop, tablet, or mobile. This approach allows for a seamless user experience no matter what screen size is being used to view the site. Think of a map website that automatically scales the details to fit the screen size. Designers can also take responsive design a step further and create single pages that adapt their design based on the size of the device on which they are being viewed. This is especially useful for e-commerce websites as it allows the customer to seamlessly navigate the site regardless of whether they are on a mobile, tablet, or desktop computer.

2. Authentic Interaction

Last year, Google introduced a feature to their Search Appliances that would allow users to authenticate text and data on Google websites. The search giant described this as "bringing the login experience to the search bar." The feature allows users to sign in with their Google account when they visit a Google property, including search results and blogs. What does this mean for designers? Authentic interaction allows users to trust the content they are reading or viewing, which in turn encourages them to engage with the material. Designers can incorporate this feature into their own work by making it easy for users to sign in with their accounts when they visit their website.

3. Dark or Light Backgrounds

In 2018, dark backgrounds went from being a trendy choice for Twitter profiles to being incorporated into websites as a matter of course. In fact, a whopping 83% of digitally-designated brands and agencies use them in some capacity, according to a recent study from HubSpot. What's more is the study also found that 44% of consumers have a hard time distinguishing text on a white background, which makes it even more essential that websites include a dark background for optimal readability. Whether you are designing a blog or a corporate website, incorporating a dark background into your layout will certainly improve readability and make a massive difference in terms of user experience. Just remember that dark backgrounds don't show up well on all devices, so make sure you test your site on a variety of devices before making any final decisions.

4. Big or Small Typefaces

With Google introducing a feature that makes fonts smaller on smaller screens, it's time for designers to adapt their work flow and use small fonts on small devices. The reason behind this is simple: On a mobile or tablet, the screen is much smaller and so is the text. If you've ever tried to read an article on a mobile device, you'll know that the smallest text possible ensures the highest readability. As a general rule of thumb, use whatever combination of typeface and font sizes to achieve the best possible readability.

5. Animated or Static Images

While we are on the subject of fonts and text sizes, an image's dimensions also matter, which is why we are seeing a rise in animated images and static images come into their own. Both of these will help to make your content more accessible and engaging. Besides creating short-form content that people can consume in the moments when they need it, the platform also features live-streaming events where creators play off their smartphones' cameras against a backdrop of still images. With all of these videos, images, and gifs getting more and more popular, designers need to keep up. Animations can be a great way to add a bit of life to your content while static images allow for an easy-to-follow layout that doesn't require any additional formatting.

6. Flat or 3D Design

Flat design, otherwise known as Modern Design or Minimalism, is all the rage right now. According to a 2019 Google Search Appliance study, 48% of respondents chose this type of design for their websites. As the name suggests, websites designed using flat design principles feature all the visual cues that the viewer is used to finding on their screens, whether it be an inbox, blog post, or a product page. Designing a site using these principles doesn't require exceptionally high skills, but experience does help.

7. Clean & fast accessible content

This is a trend we are going to see more and more, especially as the coronavirus pandemic deepens. People are searching for information online about the disease as it spreads, and content about various aspects of the pandemic, from vaccines to treatments, are going to be popular. The idea behind including this type of content on your website is to make sure it is easily accessible and that the reader does not have to search for it. Even though the News website only includes cards at the end of their stories, you can easily replicate this feature on your own by including frequently asked questions or tips and tricks about your topic. As you start to incorporate the above trends into your own work, you'll find that your sites will automatically adapt to the smaller sizes of devices, allowing for an excellent user experience.

Pixlogix Infotech Pvt. Ltd. is an award-winning web design company in India. We are a team of passionate and experienced professionals who are always ready to take on any challenge. For more information visit www.pixlogix.com today!


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