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9 Top Python Frameworks for App Development (+Use Cases)

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Explore here a list of Top 10 Python App Frameworks to Use in 2025:


Django Python Frameworks for App Development

Django is a leading Python framework designed for building dynamic mobile and web applications with ease. It leverages a robust Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system and follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, ensuring clean, reusable, and easily maintainable code.

Whether you’re creating simple apps or scaling complex projects, Django’s powerful features make development faster and more efficient.

It has built-in tools like URL routing/parsing, authentication system, form validation, template engine, and caching to ensure a swift development process.

Django follows the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) concept and focuses on rapid app development with a neat design.

This framework is the first choice of developers for any Python project due to its versatility, customization, scalability, deployment speed, simplicity, and compatibility with the latest Python versions.

According to a Stack Overflow survey, Django and Flask are the most popular Python software development frameworks.

Some examples popular examples of apps built with the Django framework are Instagram and Spotify.

Key Features of Django Framework:

-Enables execution of automated migrations
-Robust security
-Enhanced web server support
-Comprehensive documentation
-Vast add-ins with SEO optimization


Flask Python Frameworks for App Development

Flask stands out as a top-rated, open-source Python microframework known for its simplicity and efficiency. The Flask framework comes packed with features like a built-in development server, an intuitive debugger, seamless HTTP request handling, file storage capabilities, and robust client-side session support.

It has a modular and adaptable design and added compatibility with Google App Engine.

Besides Django, Flask is another popular Python framework with the Werkzeug WSGI toolkit and Jinja2 template.

Flask operates under the BSD license, ensuring simplicity and freedom for developers.

Inspired by the popular Sinatra Ruby framework, Flask combines minimalism with powerful capabilities, making it a go-to choice for building scalable and efficient web applications.

Key Features of Flask Framework:

-Jinja2 templating and WSGI compliance
-Unicode-based with secure cookie support
-HTTP request handling capability
-RESTful request dispatch handling
-Built-in server development and integrated unit-testing support
-Plugs into any ORM framework


Web2Py Framework

Web2Py is an open-source, full-stack, and scalable Python application framework compatible with most operating systems, both mobile-based and web-based.

It is a platform-independent framework that simplifies development through an IDE that has a code editor, debugger, and single-click deployment.

Web2Py deals with data efficiently and enables swift development with MVC design but lacks configuration files on the project level.

It has a critical feature, a ticketing system that auto-generates tickets in the event of issues and enables tracking of issues and status.

Key Features of Web2py Framework:

-No configuration and installation needed
-Enables use of NoSQL and relational databases
-Follows MVC design with consistent API for streamlining web development
-Supports internationalization and role-based access control
-Enable backward compatibility
-Addresses security vulnerabilities and critical dangers


TurboGears Framework

TurboGears is an open-source, full-stack, data-driven popular Python web app framework based on the ObjectDispatch paradigm.

It is meant to make it possible to write both small and concise applications in Minimal mode or complex applications in Full Stack mode.

TurboGears is useful for building both simple and complex apps with its features implemented as function decorators with multi-database support.

It offers high scalability and modularity with MochiKit JavaScript library integration and ToscaWidgets for seamless coordination of server deployment and front end.

Key aspects of TurboGears Framework:

-MVC-style architecture
-Provides command-line tools
-Extensive documentation
-Validation support with Form Encode
-It uses pylons as a web server
-Provides PasteScript templates


Falcon Framework

Falcon is a reliable and secure back-end micro Python application framework used for developing highly-performing microservices, APIs, and large-scale application backends.

It is extensible and optimized with an effective code base that promotes building cleaner designs with HTTP and REST architecture.

Falcon provides effective and accurate responses for HTTP threats, vulnerabilities, and errors, unlike other Python back-end frameworks. Large firms like RackSpace, OpenStack, and LinkedIn use Falcon.

Falcon can handle most requests with similar hardware to its contemporaries and has total code coverage.

Key Features of Falcon Framework:

-Intuitive routing with URL templates
-Unit testing with WSGI mocks and helpers
-Native HTTP error responses
-Optimized and extensible code base
-Upfront exception handling support
-DRY request processing
-Cython support for enhanced speed


Cherrypy Framework

CherryPy is an object-oriented, open-source, Python micro framework for rapid development with a robust configuration system. It doesn’t require an Apache server and enables the use of technologies for Cetera templating and accessing data.

CherryPy is one of the oldest Python app development frameworks mainly for web development. Applications designed with CherryPy are self-contained and operate on multi-threaded web servers. It has built-in tools for sessions, coding, and caching.

Popular examples of CherryPy apps include Hulu and Juju.

Key features of CherryPy Framework:

-Runs on Android
-Flexible built-in plugin system
-Support for testing, profiling, and coverage
-WSGI compliant
-Runs on multiple HTTP servers simultaneously
-Powerful configuration system


Tornado Framework

It is an open-source asynchronous networking Python framework that provides URL handling, HTML support, python database application framework support, and other crucial features of every application.

Tornado is as popular as Django and Flask because of its high-performing tools and features except that it is a threaded framework instead of being WSGI-based.

It simplifies web server coding, handles thousands of open connections with concurrent users, and strongly emphasizes non-blocking I/O activities for solving C10k difficulties.

Key features of Tornado Framework:

-Web templating techniques
-Extensive localization and translation support
-Real-time, in-the-moment services
-Allows third-party authorization, authorization methods, and user authentication
-Template engine built-in
-HTTP client that is not blocking


AIOHTTP Framework

AIOHTTP is a popular asynchronous client-side Python web development framework based on the Asyncio library. It depends on Python 3.5+ features like Async and Awaits.

AIOHTTP offers support for client and server WebSockets without the need for Callback Hell and includes request objects and routers for redirecting queries to functions.

Key Highlights of AIOHTTP Python Framework:

-Provides pluggable routing
-Supports HTTP servers
-Supports both client and WebSockets without the callback hell.
-Middleware support for web servers
-Effective view building

Also, there are two main cross-platform Python mobile app frameworks

9- Kivy

Kivy Framework

Kivy is a popular open-source Python framework for mobile app development that offers rapid application development of cross-platform GUI apps.

With a graphics engine designed over OpenGL, Kivy can manage GPU-bound workloads when needed.

Kivy comes with a project toolkit that allows developers to port apps to Android and has a similar one for iOS. However, porting Python apps to iOS currently is possible with Python 2.7.

Features of Kivy Framework:

-Enables custom style in rendering widgets to give a native-like feel
-Enhanced consistency across different platforms with a swift and straightforward approach
-Well-documented, comprehensive APIs and offers multi-touch functionalities

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