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What are the 10 Most Popular Python Frameworks for App Development?

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What is a Python Framework?

A Python framework is a collection of modules and packages that allows developers to build apps through a pre-built implementation of redundant functions. They release developers from minor issues like thread management, sockets, and protocols.

The popularity of Python is because of its vast range of python libraries for mobile app development, packages, and frameworks.

Several best Python frameworks for mobile app development and web app development enable seamless, efficient, and swift application development. We’ve listed the best frameworks in this blog.

Here is a list of top 10 Python Frameworks for app development in 2024:

1-Django Framework
2-Flask Framework
3-Web2Py Framework
4-TurboGears Framework
5-Falcon Framework
6-CherryPy Framework
7-Tornado Framework
8-AIOHTTP Framework
9- Kivy Framework
10-BeeWare Framework

Read in Detail: https://www.ongraph.com/a-list-of-top-10-python-frameworks-for-app-development/


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