- Client と Server の両方をシミュレート
- マルチフレーム対応
- Raspberry PI 4
1. ラズパイにCANインタフェースボードを追加してCAN通信できるようにする
$ sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000 loopback on
2. ラズパイにDockerをインストール
Docker公式の Install using the convenience scriptのぺージで紹介されている以下コマンドでDockerをインストール
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sudo sh get-docker.sh
3. 必要なPythonパッケージをインストールしたDockerコンテナを起動
3.1 Dockerfileを作成
FROM python:3
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends can-utils && \
apt-get clean && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN pip3 install --upgrade pip
RUN pip3 install python-can can-isotp udsoncan
3.2 イメージをビルド
docker image build -t myudsoncan:latest -f Dockerfile .
3.3 コンテナを起動
docker container run --name myudsoncan --network host --rm -v .:/mnt -it myudsoncan:latest bash
以降、このコンソール画面を コンソール① と呼ぶ
3.4 candumpを実行
# candump can0
4. UDS Clientをシミュレート
4.1 UDS Client のpythonスクリプトを作成
ECUReset(0x11) サービスのリクエストを送信して、レスポンスを受信するスクリプトとなっている。
import can
from udsoncan.connections import PythonIsoTpConnection
from udsoncan.client import Client
import udsoncan.configs
import isotp
# Refer to isotp documentation for full details about parameters
isotp_params = {
'stmin': 32, # Will request the sender to wait 32ms between consecutive frame. 0-127ms or 100-900ns with values from 0xF1-0xF9
'blocksize': 8, # Request the sender to send 8 consecutives frames before sending a new flow control message
'wftmax': 0, # Number of wait frame allowed before triggering an error
'tx_data_length': 8, # Link layer (CAN layer) works with 8 byte payload (CAN 2.0)
'tx_data_min_length': None,
'tx_padding': 0, # Will pad all transmitted CAN messages with byte 0x00.
'rx_flowcontrol_timeout': 1000, # Triggers a timeout if a flow control is awaited for more than 1000 milliseconds
'rx_consecutive_frame_timeout': 1000, # Triggers a timeout if a consecutive frame is awaited for more than 1000 milliseconds
'max_frame_size': 4095, # Limit the size of receive frame.
'can_fd': False, # Does not set the can_fd flag on the output CAN messages
'bitrate_switch': False, # Does not set the bitrate_switch flag on the output CAN messages
'rate_limit_enable': False, # Disable the rate limiter
'rate_limit_max_bitrate': 1000000, # Ignored when rate_limit_enable=False. Sets the max bitrate when rate_limit_enable=True
'rate_limit_window_size': 0.2, # Ignored when rate_limit_enable=False. Sets the averaging window size for bitrate calculation when rate_limit_enable=True
'listen_mode': False, # Does not use the listen_mode which prevent transmission.
uds_config = udsoncan.configs.default_client_config.copy()
bus = can.Bus(channel='can0', interface='socketcan')
notifier = can.Notifier(bus, [can.Printer()]) # Add a debug listener that print all messages
tp_addr = isotp.Address(isotp.AddressingMode.Normal_11bits, txid=0x123, rxid=0x456) # Network layer addressing scheme
stack = isotp.NotifierBasedCanStack(bus=bus, notifier=notifier, address=tp_addr, params=isotp_params) # Network/Transport layer (IsoTP protocol). Register a new listenenr
conn = PythonIsoTpConnection(stack) # interface between Application and Transport layer
with Client(conn, config=uds_config) as client: # Application layer (UDS protocol)
print('Reset failed')
4.2 UDS Client の実行
- candump実行中のコンソール①とは別にコンソール画面(コンソール②と呼ぶ)を起動
- コンソール②から以下コマンドでuds_client.pyを実行
docker exec -it myudsoncan python uds_client.py
- クライアントからのリクエストが送信されるが、サーバからの応答が無いのでタイムアウトエラーとなる
can0 123 [8] 02 11 01 00 00 00 00 00
Timestamp: 1741431963.046044 ID: 123 S Rx DL: 8 02 11 01 00 00 00 00 00 Channel: can0
[TimeoutException] : Did not receive response in time. P2 timeout time has expired (timeout=1.000 sec)
Reset failed
5. UDS Serverをシミュレート
5.1 UDS Server のpythonスクリプトを作成
ECUReset(0x11) サービスのリクエストを受信したら、ポジティブレスポンスを送信するスクリプトとなっている。
import can
from udsoncan.connections import PythonIsoTpConnection
from udsoncan.client import Client
import udsoncan.configs
import isotp
from udsoncan import Request,Response
from udsoncan.services import ECUReset
# Refer to isotp documentation for full details about parameters
isotp_params = {
'stmin': 32, # Will request the sender to wait 32ms between consecutive frame. 0-127ms or 100-900ns with values from 0xF1-0xF9
'blocksize': 8, # Request the sender to send 8 consecutives frames before sending a new flow control message
'wftmax': 0, # Number of wait frame allowed before triggering an error
'tx_data_length': 8, # Link layer (CAN layer) works with 8 byte payload (CAN 2.0)
'tx_data_min_length': None,
'tx_padding': 0, # Will pad all transmitted CAN messages with byte 0x00.
'rx_flowcontrol_timeout': 1000, # Triggers a timeout if a flow control is awaited for more than 1000 milliseconds
'rx_consecutive_frame_timeout': 1000, # Triggers a timeout if a consecutive frame is awaited for more than 1000 milliseconds
'max_frame_size': 4095, # Limit the size of receive frame.
'can_fd': False, # Does not set the can_fd flag on the output CAN messages
'bitrate_switch': False, # Does not set the bitrate_switch flag on the output CAN messages
'rate_limit_enable': False, # Disable the rate limiter
'rate_limit_max_bitrate': 1000000, # Ignored when rate_limit_enable=False. Sets the max bitrate when rate_limit_enable=True
'rate_limit_window_size': 0.2, # Ignored when rate_limit_enable=False. Sets the averaging window size for bitrate calculation when rate_limit_enable=True
'listen_mode': False, # Does not use the listen_mode which prevent transmission.
uds_config = udsoncan.configs.default_client_config.copy()
bus = can.Bus(channel='can0', interface='socketcan')
notifier = can.Notifier(bus, [can.Printer()]) # Add a debug listener that print all messages
# tp_addr = isotp.Address(isotp.AddressingMode.Normal_11bits, txid=0x123, rxid=0x456) # Network layer addressing scheme
tp_addr = isotp.Address(isotp.AddressingMode.Normal_11bits, txid=0x456, rxid=0x123) # txid,rxidを入れ換え
stack = isotp.NotifierBasedCanStack(bus=bus, notifier=notifier, address=tp_addr, params=isotp_params) # Network/Transport layer (IsoTP protocol). Register a new listenenr
conn = PythonIsoTpConnection(stack) # interface between Application and Transport layer
# 受信待ち
payload = conn.wait_frame(timeout=None)
# リクエスト解析
request = Request.from_payload(payload)
if request.service and hasattr(request.service, "_sid"):
sid = request.service._sid # SID を取得
# Reset要求にポジティブレスポンスを返す
if sid == 0x11:
response = Response(service=ECUReset, code=Response.Code.PositiveResponse, data=b'\x01')
payload = response.get_payload()
5.2 UDS Server の実行
- さらに別のコンソール画面(コンソール③と呼ぶ)を起動
- コンソール③から以下コマンドでuds_server.pyを実行
docker exec -it myudsoncan python uds_server.py
- コンソール②から以下コマンドでuds_client.pyを実行
docker exec -it myudsoncan python uds_client.py
- クライアントからリクエストが送信され、サーバからレスポンスが返る
can0 123 [8] 02 11 01 00 00 00 00 00
can0 456 [8] 02 51 01 00 00 00 00 00
Timestamp: 1741437827.288421 ID: 123 S Rx DL: 8 02 11 01 00 00 00 00 00 Channel: can0
Timestamp: 1741437827.293298 ID: 456 S Rx DL: 8 02 51 01 00 00 00 00 00 Channel: can0
Timestamp: 1741437827.293432 ID: 456 S Tx DL: 8 02 51 01 00 00 00 00 00 Channel: can0
Timestamp: 1741437827.288421 ID: 123 S Rx DL: 8 02 11 01 00 00 00 00 00 Channel: can0
Timestamp: 1741437827.288548 ID: 123 S Tx DL: 8 02 11 01 00 00 00 00 00 Channel: can0
Timestamp: 1741437827.293298 ID: 456 S Rx DL: 8 02 51 01 00 00 00 00 00 Channel: can0