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[Excel VBA]テスト用ユーザーの自動レコード作成(9999レコ―ドまで)

Last updated at Posted at 2021-02-01

データベースのテスト用ユーザーレコードを自動作成するExcel VBAを書きました。(9999レコードを作成) 時間があれば、誕生日をランダムに取得できるように改良したかった。

■ レコードの最初
■ レコードの終了

'Dim ColCnt As Long  'ループカウンタ(列)
Dim LowCnt As Long  'ループカウンタ(行)
Dim LowMax As Long  '行の上限(ユーザー数)

Dim SecNameKj As String
Dim SecNameFg As String
Dim SecNameEn As String

Sub TestUserCreate()

    LowMax = 9999

    Dim UsrIdMax As Integer     'ID番号の上限
    Dim UsrIDCnt As Integer     'ID番号に"0"を割り当て
    Dim UsrIdStr As String

    Dim FstNameKj As String
    Dim FstNameFg As String
    Dim FstNameEn As String

    FstNameKj = "山田"
    FstNameFg = "やまだ"
    FstNameEn = "Yamada"


    For LowCnt = 1 To LowMax

        For IDCnt = Len(CStr(LowCnt)) To Len(CStr(LowMax))
            UsrIdStr = UsrIdStr & "0"
        Cells(LowCnt, 1).NumberFormatLocal = "@"
        Cells(LowCnt, 1).Value = UsrIdStr & CStr(LowCnt)
        UsrIdStr = ""

        SecNameKj = ""
        SecNameFg = ""
        SecNameEn = ""

        Select Case Len(CStr(LowCnt))
            Case 1
                Call NameChange(1)
                Cells(LowCnt, 4).Value = "1980/01/01"
                Cells(LowCnt, 5).Value = "2000/01/01"
                Cells(LowCnt, 7).Value = "茨城県"
            Case 2
                Call NameChange(2)
                Cells(LowCnt, 4).Value = "1990/01/01"
                Cells(LowCnt, 5).Value = "2010/01/01"
                Cells(LowCnt, 7).Value = "千葉県"
            Case 3
                Call NameChange(3)
                Cells(LowCnt, 4).Value = "2000/01/01"
                Cells(LowCnt, 5).Value = "2020/01/01"
                Cells(LowCnt, 7).Value = "埼玉県"
            Case 4
                Call NameChange(4)
                Cells(LowCnt, 4).Value = "2000/10/01"
                Cells(LowCnt, 5).Value = "2020/10/01"
                Cells(LowCnt, 7).Value = "東京都"
        End Select

        Cells(LowCnt, 2).Value = FstNameKj + " " + SecNameKj
        Cells(LowCnt, 3).Value = FstNameFg + " " + SecNameFg
        Cells(LowCnt, 6).Value = FstNameEn + SecNameEn + "@jp.com"


End Sub


Function NameChange(LenFlg As Integer)
    If LenFlg >= 4 Then
        Call NumChange(CInt(Left(Right(CStr(LowCnt), 4), 1)))
        SecNameKj = SecNameKj + "千"
        SecNameFg = SecNameFg + "せん"
        SecNameEn = SecNameEn + "sen"
    End If

    If LenFlg >= 3 Then
        Call NumChange(CInt(Left(Right(CStr(LowCnt), 3), 1)))
        If Left(Right(CStr(LowCnt), 3), 1) <> "0" Then
            SecNameKj = SecNameKj + "百"
            SecNameFg = SecNameFg + "ひゃく"
            SecNameEn = SecNameEn + "hyaku"
        End If
    End If

    If LenFlg >= 2 Then
        Call NumChange(CInt(Left(Right(CStr(LowCnt), 2), 1)))
        If Left(Right(CStr(LowCnt), 2), 1) <> "0" Then
            SecNameKj = SecNameKj + "十"
            SecNameFg = SecNameFg + "じゅう"
            SecNameEn = SecNameEn + "jyu"
        End If
    End If

    If LenFlg >= 1 Then
        Call NumChange(CInt(Right(CStr(LowCnt), 1)))
        If Right(CStr(LowCnt), 1) = "1" Then
            SecNameKj = SecNameKj + "一"
            SecNameFg = SecNameFg + "いち"
            SecNameEn = SecNameEn + "ichi"
        End If
        SecNameKj = SecNameKj + "郎"
        SecNameFg = SecNameFg + "ろう"
        SecNameEn = SecNameEn + "roh"
    End If

End Function


Function NumChange(NumFlg As Integer)
    Select Case NumFlg
        Case 2
            SecNameKj = SecNameKj + "二"
            SecNameFg = SecNameFg + "に"
            SecNameEn = SecNameEn + "ni"
        Case 3
            SecNameKj = SecNameKj + "三"
            SecNameFg = SecNameFg + "さん"
            SecNameEn = SecNameEn + "san"
        Case 4
            SecNameKj = SecNameKj + "四"
            SecNameFg = SecNameFg + "よん"
            SecNameEn = SecNameEn + "yon"
        Case 5
            SecNameKj = SecNameKj + "五"
            SecNameFg = SecNameFg + "ご"
            SecNameEn = SecNameEn + "go"
        Case 6
            SecNameKj = SecNameKj + "六"
            SecNameFg = SecNameFg + "ろく"
            SecNameEn = SecNameEn + "roku"
        Case 7
            SecNameKj = SecNameKj + "七"
            SecNameFg = SecNameFg + "なな"
            SecNameEn = SecNameEn + "nana"
        Case 8
            SecNameKj = SecNameKj + "八"
            SecNameFg = SecNameFg + "はち"
            SecNameEn = SecNameEn + "hachi"
        Case 9
            SecNameKj = SecNameKj + "九"
            SecNameFg = SecNameFg + "きゅう"
            SecNameEn = SecNameEn + "kyu"
    End Select

End Function

(02/03 バグ修正)


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