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How To Increase App Downloads Successfully

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Every game/app developer want his app to be in top and get some good downloads but sometimes he never achieve his target.
Something must be wrong there! if you also in same situation.

1.5 Million Android Devices Activated Every Day

From 1.5 Million active android device why you are not getting more download?

So today we are not giving you any hacking tools for app downloads or any black hat thing, These are some clever,easy and must to implement Tips to help you increase app downloads successfully.

1.Make a good game

The very first thing is good game. Good game is a game that users play do their work and then play come from work then play, they never feel bore with that game.

things that make game good are:
simple control read full here

  1. Keyword Rich and Translated Descriptions

Keyword is the biggest factor to get users to you app. Your description must have selected keywords you are targeting to your app. Suppose you have a jet fighter game named “air strike jet fighter”. Implement the word ‘Air Strike’ 3-6 occasions inside app description, as well as apply the keywords ‘Jet’ and ‘Fighter’ a couple of times.

The title should inform people what your application features: amazing, small, simple to spell and keep in mind.it should show the quality of the application. The very first 25 characters come in the google search result so that anything next is nonsense so you generally don’t require it.

your description needs to be localized in the majority of popular languages for example French,Chinese, Korean, Spanish. If you don't have a financial budget for translator you can use Google translator

use Google trend tool for best keyword research see how Google trend works

Complete tutorial with images here > http://unity3diy.blogspot.com/2014/11/how-to-increase-app-downloads-ASO.html


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