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Goracle Node Troubleshooting【English & 日本語】

Last updated at Posted at 2023-04-12

Goracle Node Troubleshooting

ERROR Unable to query source

2023-04-12T03:43:28.105Z ERROR Unable to query source #7: Error fetching from "https://price-feeds.goracle.io/api/v2/crypto/prices?key=NCe_97MT9G-XmIdUCRvt_3PVtqQEezNv5yeJvW6ptCfxrlgjMo&assets=eth&curr=usd": read ECONNRESET

Screenshot by Dropbox Capture.png

This message means that the error was caused by an issue with the API, and not by the node runner itself. The node runner only responds to customer requests, and if an error occurs, it logs the error and informs the customer. In this case, the error message is informing the customer that there was an error with the API that they called.



ERROR URLTokenBaseHTTPError: ....balance 99000 below min 100000(0 assets)

2023-04-16T19:16:30.416Z ERROR URLTokenBaseHTTPError: Network request error. Received status 400 (Bad Request): TransactionPool.Remember: transaction WQE7W5GQVVBJ5PRLK3SLZ7JTQNNJPY3IWSQUKY6H2GROE5L73I2Q: account ZJVOEAFFAFILI6SJQEAXJM4MGPDICLHB3AK3HQNJ6BGKUWKZIEXMYDEJTQ balance 99000 below min 100000 (0 assets)

Screenshot by Dropbox Capture.png

Insufficient ALGO balance on the participation address.
This error indicates that the transaction to vote on the Algorand blockchain has failed. The error message indicates that the ALGO balance in the participation address is insufficient to meet the minimum amount required for the transaction, preventing the transaction from occurring. Looking at the log, we can see that 10 attempts were made for the exact same transaction, but all attempts failed due to insufficient ALGO balance. Therefore, to fix this error, it may be necessary to deposit ALGO into the participation address and increase the balance. For the testnet, please go to the Algorand dispenser and deposit test ALGO into the participation address.


参加アドレス(Participation address)のALGO残高不足
このエラーは、アルゴランドブロックチェーンで投票を行うためのトランザクションに失敗したことを示しています。エラーメッセージが示しているのは、参加アドレス(Participation address)にALGOの残高がトランザクションに必要な最小値に満たないため、トランザクションができなかったというものです。ログを見ると、全く同じトランザクションに対して10回試行が行われたけれども、ALGOの残高が少ないためにすべての試行で失敗したことがわかります。したがって、このエラーを修正するには、参加アドレスにALGOを入金し、残高を増やす必要があります。テストネットの場合、 Algorand dispenser にいって参加アドレスにテスト用ALGOを入金してください。


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