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I am trying to show how we can pass prompt valeus to the spreadsheet.
It can be done by using Name Range in Excel and the name of filter in the query.
Let's have a look it.

Name Range on the Excel worksheet

Give the name Date to cell D10 and,
Give the name Date2 to cell E10.

Spreadsheet (Published Report)

Import it to a published report and use it as a Spreadsheet.
Then define a filter in the query for the published report.
A published report must have a query in it.

I add a Date filter and give a name to it as Date which has to be the same as the name range I gave to the cells.
Because the name of FROM filter is refer as Date, and TO filter is refer as Date2.


Save the published report, and view it with the browser.
The Date filter defined is displayed as prompt like this.
Select From and To date, then click Submit button.

The filter values entered are transferred to the name range which has the same name as the filter.


This time I just show how the filter value is passed to the contents of the spreadsheet so what I did doesn't have any meaning but you can find the useful way to the use for your business from this idea.


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