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Cheapest Cloud Server

Last updated at Posted at 2017-08-28

For the Developers, Startups and Business, its beneficial to look for the cheapest option for the cloud server.

One of the company providing Cheapest Cloud Server is F(x) Data Cloud.
It is the Asia's first company which is based on OpenStack to provides the Public Cloud Services at the cheapest price.

The Services and plans are starting at just $1.99/Month with 99.95% Uptime.
It takes seconds to deploy your server.
Also, users are provided with the option of custom SSD Storage.
For deploying server, you have multiple option for OS (Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Fedora, Debian, CentOS and Windows) and DBMS (MySQL, MariaDB, Percona Server, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, CouchDB, Couchbase, Cassandra, Percona XtraDB Cluster) with Backup and Replication feature.
Heavy traffic is no more an issue with the Scale Up and Scale Out feature.

The Cloud Service offered are:
1) Infrastructure as a Service
2) Database as a Service
3) Block Storage as a Service
4) Object Storage as a Service
5) Network as a Service
6) Backup as a Service

For more details, Visit: https://fxdata.cloud


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