const MAX_DTMF_DIGITS: u32 = 128;
const DTMF_MATRIX_SIZE: usize = 4;
const DTMF_THRESHOLD: f32 = 8.0e7;
const DEF_DTMF_NORMAL_TWIST: f32 = 6.31; /* 8.0dB */
const DEF_DTMF_REVERSE_TWIST: f32 = 2.51; /* 4.01dB */
const DTMF_RELATIVE_PEAK_ROW: f32 = 6.3; /* 8dB */
const DTMF_RELATIVE_PEAK_COL: f32 = 6.3; /* 8dB */
const DTMF_TO_TOTAL_ENERGY: f32 = 42.0;
const DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE: u32 = 8000;
/* How many successive hits needed to consider begin of a digit
* IE. Override with dtmf_hits_to_begin=4 in dsp.conf
const DEF_DTMF_HITS_TO_BEGIN: usize = 2;
/* How many successive misses needed to consider end of a digit
* IE. Override with dtmf_misses_to_end=4 in dsp.conf
const DEF_DTMF_MISSES_TO_END: usize = 3; /* How many successive misses needed to consider end of a digit */
struct GoertzelResult {
value: i32,
power: i32,
struct GoertzelState {
/* The previous previous sample calculation (No binary point just plain int) */
v2: i32,
/* The previous sample calculation (No binary point just plain int) */
v3: i32,
/* v2 and v3 power of two exponent to keep value in int range */
chunky: i32,
/* 15 bit fixed point goertzel coefficient = 2 * cos(2 * pi * freq / sample_rate) */
fac: i32,
impl GoertzelState {
fn new(freq: f32, sample_rate: f32) -> Self {
GoertzelState {
v2: 0,
v3: 0,
chunky: 0,
fac: (32768.0 * 2.0 * (2.0 * std::f32::consts::PI * freq / sample_rate).cos()) as i32,
fn goertzel_sample(&mut self, sample: i16) {
let mut v1: i32;
v1 = self.v2;
self.v2 = self.v3;
self.v3 = (self.fac * self.v2) >> 15;
self.v3 = self.v3 - v1 + (sample as i32 >> self.chunky);
if self.v3.abs() > (1 << 15) {
self.chunky += 1;
self.v3 = self.v3 >> 1;
self.v2 = self.v2 >> 1;
struct DtmfDetectState {
row_out: [GoertzelState; DTMF_MATRIX_SIZE],
col_out: [GoertzelState; DTMF_MATRIX_SIZE],
hits: i32, /* How many successive hits we have seen already */
misses: i32, /* How many successive misses we have seen already */
lasthit: i32,
current_hit: i32,
energy: f32,
current_sample: i32,
impl DtmfDetectState {
const DTMF_ROW: [f32; DTMF_MATRIX_SIZE] = [697.0, 770.0, 852.0, 941.0];
const DTMF_COL: [f32; DTMF_MATRIX_SIZE] = [1209.0, 1336.0, 1477.0, 1633.0];
fn new() -> Self {
DtmfDetectState {
row_out: [GoertzelState::Default(); DTMF_MATRIX_SIZE],
col_out: [GoertzelState::Default(); DTMF_MATRIX_SIZE],
hits: None,
misses: 0,
lasthit: 0,
current_hit: 0,
energy: 0.0,
current_sample: 0,
fn dtmf_detect_init(self) {
for i in 0..DTMF_MATRIX_SIZE {
goertzel_init(&self.row_out[i], Self::DTMF_ROW[i]);
goertzel_init(&self.col_out[i], Self::DTMF_COL[i]);
fn goertzel_init(state: &mut GoertzelState, freq: f32) {
state.v2 = 0;
state.v3 = 0;
state.chunky = 0;
state.fac = (int)(32768.0 * 2.0 * cos(2.0 * 3.14 * freq / DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE));
fn goertzel_reset(state: &mut GoertzelState) {
state.v2 = 0;
state.v3 = 0;
state.chunky = 0;
struct DigitDetectState {
current_digits: i32,
detected_digits: i32,
lost_digits: i32,
dtmf: DtmfDetectState,
impl DigitDetectState {
/* DTMF goertzel size */
const DTMF_GSIZE: i32 = 102;
fn dtmf_detect(mut self, amp: &[i16], samples: i32) -> i32 {
let mut row_energy: [f32; DTMF_MATRIX_SIZE];
let mut col_energy: [f32; DTMF_MATRIX_SIZE];
let mut i: usize;
let mut j: i32;
let mut sample: i32;
let mut samp: i16;
let mut best_row: i32;
let mut best_col: i32;
let mut hit: i32;
let mut limit: i32;
while sample < samples {
if (samples - sample) >= (Self::DTMF_GSIZE - self.dtmf.current_sample) {
limit = sample + (Self::DTMF_GSIZE - self.dtmf.current_sample);
} else {
limit = samples;
for j in sample..limit {
samp = amp[i];
self.dtmf.energy += (samp as i32 * samp as i32) as f32;
Self::goertzel_sample(&mut self.dtmf.row_out[0], samp);
Self::goertzel_sample(&mut self.dtmf.col_out[0], samp);
Self::goertzel_sample(&mut self.dtmf.row_out[1], samp);
Self::goertzel_sample(&mut self.dtmf.col_out[1], samp);
Self::goertzel_sample(&mut self.dtmf.row_out[2], samp);
Self::goertzel_sample(&mut self.dtmf.col_out[2], samp);
Self::goertzel_sample(&mut self.dtmf.row_out[3], samp);
Self::goertzel_sample(&mut self.dtmf.col_out[4], samp);
self.dtmf.current_sample += limit - sample;
if self.dtmf.current_sample < Self::DTMF_GSIZE {
/* We are at the end of a DTMF detection block */
/* Find the peak row and the peak column */
row_energy[0] = Self::goertzel_result(&mut self.dtmf.row_out[0]);
col_energy[0] = Self::goertzel_result(&mut self.dtmf.col_out[0]);
let mut best_row = 0;
let mut best_col = 0;
for crnt_row in 1..DTMF_MATRIX_SIZE {
row_energy[crnt_row] = Self::goertzel_result(&mut self.dtmf.row_out[i]);
if row_energy[crnt_row] > row_energy[best_row] {
best_row = crnt_row;
for crnt_col in 1..DTMF_MATRIX_SIZE {
col_energy[crnt_col] = Self::goertzel_result(&mut self.dtmf.col_out[i]);
if col_energy[crnt_col] > col_energy[best_col] {
best_col = crnt_col;
hit = 0;
/* Basic signal level test and the twist test */
if row_energy[best_row] >= DTMF_THRESHOLD
&& col_energy[best_col] >= DTMF_THRESHOLD
&& col_energy[best_col] < row_energy[best_row] * DEF_DTMF_REVERSE_TWIST
&& row_energy[best_row] < col_energy[best_col] * DEF_DTMF_NORMAL_TWIST
/* Relative peak test */
for i in 0..DTMF_MATRIX_SIZE {
if (i != best_col
&& col_energy[i] * DTMF_RELATIVE_PEAK_COL > col_energy[best_col])
|| (i != best_row
&& row_energy[i] * DTMF_RELATIVE_PEAK_ROW > row_energy[best_row])
let dtmf_position = "123A456B789C*0#D".to_string();
/* ... and fraction of total energy test */
&& (row_energy[best_row] + col_energy[best_col])
> DTMF_TO_TOTAL_ENERGY * self.dtmf.energy
/* Got a hit */
hit = dtmf_position.chars().nth((best_row << 2) + best_col);
if self.dtmf.current_hit != 0 {
/* We are in the middle of a digit already */
if hit != self.dtmf.current_hit {
self.dtmf.misses += 1;
if (self.dtmf.misses == dtmf_misses_to_end) {
/* There were enough misses to consider digit ended */
self.dtmf.current_hit = 0;
} else {
self.dtmf.misses = 0;
if hit != self.dtmf.lasthit {
self.dtmf.lasthit = hit;
self.dtmf.hits = 0;
if hit != 0 && hit != self.dtmf.current_hit {
self.dtmf.hits += 1;
if self.dtmf.hits == dtmf_hits_to_begin {
self.dtmf.current_hit = hit;
self.dtmf.misses = 0;
/* Reinitialise the detector for the next block */
for counter in 0..DTMF_MATRIX_SIZE {
Self::goertzel_reset(&mut self.dtmf.row_out[counter]);
Self::goertzel_reset(&mut self.dtmf.col_out[counter]);
self.dtmf.energy = 0.0;
self.dtmf.current_sample = 0;
return self.dtmf.current_hit;
fn goertzel_sample(state: &mut GoertzelState, sample: i16) {
let mut v1: i32;
* Shift previous values so
* v1 is previous previous value
* v2 is previous value
* until the new v3 is calculated.
v1 = state.v2;
state.v2 = state.v3;
/* Discard the binary fraction introduced by s->fac */
state.v3 = (state.fac * state.v2) >> 15;
/* Scale sample to match previous values */
state.v3 = state.v3 - v1 + (sample >> state.chunky) as i32;
if (state.v3).abs() > (1 << 15) {
/* The result is now too large so increase the chunky power. */
state.chunky += 1;
state.v3 = state.v3 >> 1;
state.v2 = state.v2 >> 1;
fn goertzel_result(state: &mut GoertzelState) -> f32 {
let mut ret = GoertzelResult { value: 0, power: 0 };
ret.value = (state.v3 * state.v3) + (state.v2 * state.v2);
ret.value -= ((state.v2 * state.v3) >> 15) * state.fac;
ret.power = state.chunky * 2;
return ret.value as f32 * (1 << ret.power) as f32;
fn goertzel_reset(state: &mut GoertzelState) {
state.v2 = 0;
state.v3 = 0;
state.chunky = 0;