これを防ぐ1つの方法として、Looker APIを使用してGoogle Spreadsheetsに必要な情報を出力し、データ辞書を作成することが可能です。
このスクリプトは、このリポジトリにリストされている機能を使用して、Apps ScriptとJavascriptの組み合わせで定義されています。
1. model_nameとexplore_nameは大文字と小文字を区別します
2. Google Sheetで設定されているシート(タブ)名と一致する各ビューの情報をシート内に出力するように設定されています。(本振る舞いを変更するためには、以下のコードの対象行にあるコメントを確認してください)。
このスクリプトでは、Looker Exploreの各ViewへのGoogle Sheetマッピングを使用しています。各Google SheetにはLooker Viewの名前があり、そのビューに関連するViewのみがシートに表示されます。
// Replace this with your base domain
var BASE_URL = 'https://your_company.com:19999/api/3.0';
// Replace this with your API credentials
var CLIENT_ID = 'your_api_ID';
var CLIENT_SECRET = 'your_api_key';
function LOOKER_GET_DATA_DICTIONARY(model_name) {
//checks for previous cached entry
var cache = CacheService.getScriptCache();
var cached = cache.get("api_results");
if (cached != null) {
for (elem in cached) {
return results;
// if nothing in cache, run the call
try {
var options = {
'method': 'get',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'token ' + login()
// api call to the /lookml_models/{lookml_model_name} endpoint
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(BASE_URL + "/lookml_models/" + model_name, options);
var explores = JSON.parse(response.getContentText()).explores;
var result = [];
// defining the fields to retrieve for the Google Sheets
result.push(["View Name", "Field Type", "Name", "Label", "Type", "Description", "Hidden"]);
// additional details if needed:
//, "SQL", "Source"]);
for (var i = 0; len = explores.length, i < len; i++) {
var explore = explores[i].name;
var explore_results = UrlFetchApp.fetch(BASE_URL + "/lookml_models/" + model_name + "/explores/" + explore, options);
var connection = JSON.parse(explore_results.getContentText()).connection_name;
var dimensions = JSON.parse(explore_results.getContentText()).fields.dimensions;
var measures = JSON.parse(explore_results.getContentText()).fields.measures;
var current_sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getName();
// using this test to retrieve only data relevant to a specific explore
// change explore_name with your explore
if (explore == "explore_name") {
// adding the data for the dimensions
for (var j = 0; j < dimensions.length; j++) {
// checks that only the fields from the underlying Looker view matching the name of the Google sheet are displayed
if (dimensions[j].view.replace("_", " ") == current_sheet.toLowerCase()|| dimensions[j].view_label.replace("_", " ").toLowerCase() == current_sheet.toLowerCase()) {
(dimensions[j].name.substring((dimensions[j].name.indexOf(".")+1), dimensions[j].name.length)).replace(/_/g, " "),
(dimensions[j].label != null ? dimensions[j].label : (dimensions[j].name.substring((dimensions[j].name.indexOf(".")+1), dimensions[j].name.length).replace(/_/g, " "))),
(dimensions[j].type != null ? (dimensions[j].type).replace("_", " ") : "String"),
dimensions[j].hidden, dimensions[j].view_label
//, (dimensions[j].sql != null ? dimensions[j].sql : ""),
// adding the data for the measures
for (var k = 0; k < measures.length; k++) {
// checks that only the fields from the view matching the name of the sheet are displayed
if (measures[k].view.replace("_", " ") == current_sheet.toLowerCase() || measures[k].view_label.replace("_", " ").toLowerCase() == current_sheet.toLowerCase()) {
(measures[k].name.substring((measures[k].name.indexOf(".")+1), measures[k].name.length).replace(/_/g, " ")),
(measures[k].label != null ? measures[k].label : (measures[k].name.substring((measures[k].name.indexOf(".")+1), measures[k].name.length)).replace(/_/g, " ")),
(measures[k].type != null ? (measures[k].type).replace("_", " ") : "String"),
//, (measures[k].sql != null ? measures[k].sql : ""),
cache.put("api_results", result, 21600); // cache for 6 hours
//the maximum cache time is 6 hours (21600 seconds)
//the default time is 10 minutes (600 seconds).
return result
} catch(err) {
return "Something went wrong. " + err
function login() {
var post = {
'method': 'post'
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(BASE_URL + "/login?client_id=" + CLIENT_ID + "&client_secret=" + CLIENT_SECRET, post);
return JSON.parse(response.getContentText()).access_token;
} catch(err) {
return "Could not login to Looker. Check your credentials.";
APIの認証情報をスクリプトに直接記述する代わりに、以下のリポジトリにあるコードを利用してGoogle SheetのUI上で認証情報を入力させるようにすることも可能です。
// set credentials via prompt
function setCred() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
var base_url_input = ui.prompt("Set your Looker API credentials", "Base URL (e.g. https://yourdomain.looker.com:19999/api/3.0):", ui.ButtonSet.OK_CANCEL);
var client_id_input = ui.prompt("Set your Looker API credentials", "Client ID:", ui.ButtonSet.OK_CANCEL);
var client_id_secret = ui.prompt("Set your Looker API credentials", "Client Secret:", ui.ButtonSet
var scriptProperties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();
// assign them to scriptProperties so the user doesn't have to enter them over and over again
scriptProperties.setProperty("BASE_URL", base_url_input.getResponseText());
scriptProperties.setProperty("CLIENT_ID", client_id_input.getResponseText());
scriptProperties.setProperty("CLIENT_SECRET", client_id_secret.getResponseText());
// test the credentials with a /user call
// testing the existing creds
function testCred() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
var options = {
"method": "get",
"headers": {
"Authorization": "token " + login()
try {
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(BASE_URL + "/user", options);
var success_header = "Successfully set API credentials!";
var success_content = "Authenticated as " + JSON.parse(response.getContentText()).first_name +
" " + JSON.parse(response.getContentText()).last_name + " (user " + JSON.parse(response.getContentText()).id +").Keep in mind that API credentials are script/spreadsheet bound. This is needed for the custom formulas to keep on working for other users. Hit 'Test' to test your credentials or 'Delete' to remove the currently set credentials.";
var result = ui.alert(success_header, success_content, ui.ButtonSet.OK);
} catch (err) {
var result = ui.alert("Invalid credentials / Credentials not set!",
"Doublecheck your base URL and your client ID & secret.", ui.ButtonSet.OK);
// delete credentials from scriptProperties
function deleteCred() {
var scriptProperties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();
- 上記は弊社Discourceの英語記事へのリンクとなっております。