0. はじめに
物理学者でも間違ってか不完全にか認識していることの多い量子論と相対論の基本について今流行の ChatGPT に質問してみた.
Chat → 総評 → 良い点・悪い点の順で述べていく.
1. Quantum


Quantum refers to the field of physics that studies the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic level, where classical physics laws break down and the principles of quantum mechanics apply. In quantum mechanics, particles such as electrons and photons can exhibit wave-like behavior and exist in superpositions of states, meaning they can be in multiple states simultaneously until they are observed or measured, at which point their wave function collapses into a definite state. This has profound implications for the nature of reality, as well as for computing, cryptography, and other fields. Quantum physics also encompasses the study of quantum field theory, which describes the behavior of elementary particles and their interactions, and quantum gravity, which aims to unify quantum mechanics with general relativity to describe the behavior of gravity at the quantum level.
- 相補性について言及がある.
- 波動関数と波束の収縮について言及がある.
- 応用分野と発展分野の言及がある.
ただし「粒子でも波動でもある」のか「粒子でも波動でもない」のかについて議論の余地はあり,ChatGPT は前者の立場を採用したようです.
In quantum mechanics, particles such as electrons and phot
ons can exhibit wave-like behavior
- 数学的表現を欠く.
- 「量子力学の原理」とは何なのか,数学的表現もなく同語反復的で,全く説明になっていない.
- 波束の収縮については完全ではなく,多世界解釈への言及や量子情報理論の説明はない.
- 厳しく見るなら原子や subatomic に限定することが正しいか?という議論はありそうである.例えば分子,もしくはそれ以上のスケールの構造.あるいは光って atomic や subatomic で語れるのかなど,やや ChatGPT の説明は抽象的すぎるとも言える.
2. Relativity


Relativity refers to the two theories of physics proposed by Albert Einstein in the early 20th century: special relativity and general relativity.
Special relativity is a theory that explains the behavior of objects in inertial frames of reference. It shows that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion relative to one another and that the speed of light is constant in all inertial frames of reference. This theory has profound implications for our understanding of space and time, showing that they are intertwined and relative to the observer's frame of reference.
General relativity, on the other hand, is a theory of gravity that explains the behavior of objects in non-inertial frames of reference, such as those in gravitational fields. It shows that gravity is not a force, but a curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of massive objects. This theory has been incredibly successful in predicting the behavior of the universe on large scales, including the motion of planets, stars, and galaxies.
Together, special relativity and general relativity form the foundation of modern physics and have contributed significantly to our understanding of the universe.
特殊相対性理論とは、慣性系2 における物体の振る舞いを説明する理論である。この理論では、物理法則は、互いに一様に運動するすべての観測者について同じであり、光の速度はすべての慣性系3 で一定であることが示されている。この理論は、空間と時間が相互に関連し、観測者の座標系4に関係5することを示し、空間と時間の理解に大きな影響を与えるものである。
- Einstein への言及がある.
- Special relativity (SR) と Genaral relativity (GR) の説明がある.
- 宇宙論的応用が論じられている.
- 時代への言及がある.
- "It shows that" とあるが2つの原理の妥当性の根拠は理論ではなく実験なので,これは誤っている.
- Poincaré や Hilbert などに触れても良いと思う.それから Minkowski, Lorentz も百科事典的には外せない.
- やはり数学的な多様体や測地線,曲率の概念は今ひとつ.物理学の本でも深く触れられていないこともある.
3. 特殊相対性理論とニュートン力学の関係

Tell me the relation between special relativity and Newtonian mechanics

Special relativity and Newtonian mechanics are two different theories of physics that describe the behavior of objects in motion. While Newtonian mechanics provides an accurate description of objects moving at non-relativistic speeds, special relativity is required to describe objects moving at relativistic speeds (i.e., speeds approaching the speed of light).
One of the key differences between the two theories is their treatment of space and time. In Newtonian mechanics, space and time are absolute and independent, and time is considered to be the same for all observers regardless of their state of motion. In contrast, special relativity shows that space and time are intertwined and relative to the observer's frame of reference. This means that measurements of time and distance depend on the observer's state of motion and that the speed of light is constant in all inertial frames of reference.
Another important difference is the behavior of objects at high speeds. According to Newtonian mechanics, the momentum and kinetic energy of an object increase with its speed, but special relativity shows that as an object approaches the speed of light, its momentum and kinetic energy increase towards infinity, making it impossible to accelerate it to the speed of light.
Overall, special relativity extends and modifies Newtonian mechanics for describing the behavior of objects moving at high speeds and is a more accurate description of the behavior of the universe at relativistic speeds.
これは ナイーブには包含関係にあります.例えば,Lorentz 変換の 0 次近似が Galilei 変換など,速さと光速の比が非常に小さい, $v / c \ll 1$ という近似の関係にあります.9
特殊相対論では光速 $c$ は基本定数なので変えてはいけません.そこを正しく捉えているかが重要です.
- 速度が小さい時 Newton 力学が使えると完全に説明している.
- 光速が一定であると説明している.
that the speed of light is constant in all inertial frames of reference
- Principia でも登場する絶対時間と絶対空間について説明している.
- 運動量と運動エネルギーが無限大に増加する,というのはどういうことか,数学的に定義は必要である.エネルギー $E$ と運動エネルギー $K$ は質点の相対論的散乱の問題では基本的には区別され,ほとんどの場合 $K := E - mc^{2}$ ($m$ は質点の質量) で定義される.ただし $E$ は 4元運動量の第0 (時間) 成分.
that as an object approaches the speed of light, its momentum and kinetic energy increase towards infinity, making it impossible to accelerate it to the speed of light
- 本当は光速は最高の速さである,すなわち質点の測地線および運動方程式の解は時間的曲線であることが述べてあると尚良かった.
80 点前後でしょう.学部レベルの理解としては十分です.
4. 純粋状態と混合状態

Explain the difference between a pure state and a mixed state in the context of quantum states.

In quantum mechanics, a quantum state is a mathematical description of the state of a quantum system. There are two main types of quantum states: pure states and mixed states.
A pure state is a state that describes a quantum system that is in a definite and well-defined quantum state. This means that the state of the system is described by a single wave function, which is a superposition of the possible quantum states of the system. A pure state can be written as a ket vector |ψ⟩, where the squared magnitude of the coefficients in the wave function gives the probability of the system being in each of the possible quantum states. In other words, a pure state has a well-defined probability of being in any one of its possible states.
A mixed state, on the other hand, describes a quantum system that is not in a definite and well-defined quantum state. It arises when we have a collection of pure states with different probabilities of being in each state. A mixed state can be written as a density operator ρ, which is a statistical mixture of pure states. The density operator describes the probabilities of finding the system in different pure states, and it is a weighted sum of the outer products of the ket vectors describing each pure state.
In summary, the main difference between a pure state and a mixed state is that a pure state describes a quantum system that is in a definite and well-defined quantum state, while a mixed state describes a quantum system that is not in a definite and well-defined quantum state and is described by a statistical mixture of pure states.
最も一般的 (general) な定義は作用素(環)と凸集合から定めるものが知られていますが,通常は波動関数から説明されることがほとんどです.
- 確率的定義 (確率解釈) に従って2つが正しく分類されており,混合状態が統計であることが明記されている.
- 純粋状態の重ね合わせについて触れられている.
1行目がやはり怪しい.特に "mathematical" なものに限るという流儀もないし,同語反復的な説明に堕してしまっている感も否めない.国語辞典に普遍的な弱さがにじんでいると言ったところか.
definite and well-defined という意味不明な文言がある.数学で表現すれば乗り越えられるもの.数学では well-defined は「定義になっている」という意味になるので,state につけられてもどう解釈したら良いのか分からない.
A pure state is a state that describes a quantum system that is in a definite and well-defined quantum state.
- エンタングルメントの説明がない.
現状では同じくインターネット上に無料公開されている Wikipedia に軍配が上がるところでしょうね.
5. まとめ
量子論と相対論について一般的観点,具体的観点から ChatGPT に説明してもらいました.
ChatGPT の今後の発展に期待したいです.
量子重力学から修正. ↩
慣性フレームを慣性系に修正. ↩
2に同じ. ↩
参照枠から修正. ↩
上に同じ. ↩
相対から修正. ↩
相対速度から修正. ↩
前節に同じ.Frame of reference は英語としては定着していて対応する日本語は座標系しかない. ↩
共約不可能性の問題はことが複雑になるのでここでは扱わない. ↩
definite and well-defined については数学的には「確率が1に定まらない」という意味なのだが,特に訳しやすい訳がないので前後に応じてデフォルトの修正機能の中から選んで訳出した.混合状態が数学的に ill-defined なのではない. ↩
上に同じ. ↩