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タイ語係り受け解析モデルの「精度」をThai Universal Dependency Treebankのtestセットで測る

Posted at

昨日の記事の続きだが、Panyut Sriwirote, Wei Qi Leong, Charin Polpanumas, Santhawat Thanyawong, William Chandra Tjhi, Wirote Aroonmanakun, Attapol T. Rutherford『Thai Universal Dependency Treebank』のtest.conlluで、タイ語係り受け解析esuparモデルの「精度」を測ってみた。Google Colaboratoryだと、こんな感じ。

!pip install esupar
import os,sys,subprocess,esupar
os.system(f"test -f {f} || git clone --depth=1 {url}")
os.system(f"test -f {c} || curl -LO {url}")
with open(f,"r",encoding="utf-8") as r:
for mdl in models:
  with open("result.conllu","w",encoding="utf-8") as w:
    for t in s.split("\n"):
      if t.startswith("# text = "):
  print(f"\n*** {mdl}",p.stdout,sep="\n",flush=True)


*** KoichiYasuoka/camembert-thai-base-upos
Metric     | Precision |    Recall |  F1 Score | AligndAcc
Tokens     |     92.58 |     89.80 |     91.17 |
Sentences  |    100.00 |    100.00 |    100.00 |
Words      |     92.58 |     89.80 |     91.17 |
UPOS       |     80.92 |     78.48 |     79.68 |     87.40
XPOS       |     92.58 |     89.80 |     91.17 |    100.00
UFeats     |     89.18 |     86.50 |     87.82 |     96.33
AllTags    |     77.76 |     75.43 |     76.58 |     84.00
Lemmas     |     92.58 |     89.80 |     91.17 |    100.00
UAS        |     74.56 |     72.32 |     73.42 |     80.53
LAS        |     63.53 |     61.62 |     62.56 |     68.62
CLAS       |     60.47 |     56.63 |     58.49 |     64.39
MLAS       |     48.82 |     45.73 |     47.22 |     51.99
BLEX       |     60.47 |     56.63 |     58.49 |     64.39

*** KoichiYasuoka/deberta-base-thai-upos
Metric     | Precision |    Recall |  F1 Score | AligndAcc
Tokens     |     91.07 |     88.81 |     89.92 |
Sentences  |    100.00 |    100.00 |    100.00 |
Words      |     91.07 |     88.81 |     89.92 |
UPOS       |     75.80 |     73.92 |     74.85 |     83.23
XPOS       |     91.07 |     88.81 |     89.92 |    100.00
UFeats     |     87.75 |     85.57 |     86.64 |     96.35
AllTags    |     72.70 |     70.90 |     71.79 |     79.83
Lemmas     |     91.07 |     88.81 |     89.92 |    100.00
UAS        |     71.06 |     69.30 |     70.17 |     78.03
LAS        |     60.16 |     58.66 |     59.40 |     66.06
CLAS       |     56.75 |     53.51 |     55.08 |     61.86
MLAS       |     43.62 |     41.13 |     42.34 |     47.54
BLEX       |     56.75 |     53.51 |     55.08 |     61.86

*** KoichiYasuoka/roberta-base-thai-spm-upos
Metric     | Precision |    Recall |  F1 Score | AligndAcc
Tokens     |     90.69 |     88.49 |     89.58 |
Sentences  |    100.00 |    100.00 |    100.00 |
Words      |     90.69 |     88.49 |     89.58 |
UPOS       |     74.54 |     72.73 |     73.62 |     82.19
XPOS       |     90.69 |     88.49 |     89.58 |    100.00
UFeats     |     87.39 |     85.28 |     86.32 |     96.37
AllTags    |     71.51 |     69.78 |     70.63 |     78.85
Lemmas     |     90.69 |     88.49 |     89.58 |    100.00
UAS        |     69.88 |     68.19 |     69.03 |     77.06
LAS        |     59.44 |     58.00 |     58.71 |     65.54
CLAS       |     55.94 |     52.56 |     54.20 |     61.07
MLAS       |     41.79 |     39.26 |     40.48 |     45.62
BLEX       |     55.94 |     52.56 |     54.20 |     61.07

*** KoichiYasuoka/roberta-base-thai-syllable-upos
Metric     | Precision |    Recall |  F1 Score | AligndAcc
Tokens     |     89.01 |     86.80 |     87.89 |
Sentences  |    100.00 |    100.00 |    100.00 |
Words      |     89.01 |     86.80 |     87.89 |
UPOS       |     69.57 |     67.84 |     68.69 |     78.15
XPOS       |     89.01 |     86.80 |     87.89 |    100.00
UFeats     |     85.84 |     83.70 |     84.76 |     96.43
AllTags    |     66.70 |     65.04 |     65.86 |     74.93
Lemmas     |     89.01 |     86.80 |     87.89 |    100.00
UAS        |     67.16 |     65.50 |     66.32 |     75.45
LAS        |     57.23 |     55.81 |     56.51 |     64.30
CLAS       |     53.45 |     50.29 |     51.82 |     59.71
MLAS       |     37.08 |     34.89 |     35.95 |     41.42
BLEX       |     53.45 |     50.29 |     51.82 |     59.71

*** KoichiYasuoka/roberta-base-thai-char-upos
Metric     | Precision |    Recall |  F1 Score | AligndAcc
Tokens     |     88.44 |     86.65 |     87.53 |
Sentences  |    100.00 |    100.00 |    100.00 |
Words      |     88.44 |     86.65 |     87.53 |
UPOS       |     70.49 |     69.06 |     69.77 |     79.71
XPOS       |     88.44 |     86.65 |     87.53 |    100.00
UFeats     |     85.29 |     83.56 |     84.42 |     96.44
AllTags    |     67.66 |     66.29 |     66.97 |     76.51
Lemmas     |     88.44 |     86.65 |     87.53 |    100.00
UAS        |     66.52 |     65.17 |     65.84 |     75.21
LAS        |     56.33 |     55.19 |     55.75 |     63.69
CLAS       |     52.60 |     49.63 |     51.07 |     59.18
MLAS       |     37.81 |     35.67 |     36.71 |     42.54
BLEX       |     52.60 |     49.63 |     51.07 |     59.18

*** KoichiYasuoka/bert-base-thai-upos
Metric     | Precision |    Recall |  F1 Score | AligndAcc
Tokens     |     79.12 |     69.92 |     74.23 |
Sentences  |    100.00 |    100.00 |    100.00 |
Words      |     79.12 |     69.92 |     74.23 |
UPOS       |     51.69 |     45.69 |     48.50 |     65.34
XPOS       |     79.12 |     69.92 |     74.23 |    100.00
UFeats     |     76.13 |     67.28 |     71.43 |     96.22
AllTags    |     49.44 |     43.69 |     46.39 |     62.49
Lemmas     |     79.12 |     69.92 |     74.23 |    100.00
UAS        |     44.54 |     39.36 |     41.79 |     56.29
LAS        |     32.11 |     28.37 |     30.13 |     40.58
CLAS       |     26.43 |     22.72 |     24.43 |     34.66
MLAS       |     14.95 |     12.85 |     13.82 |     19.60
BLEX       |     26.43 |     22.72 |     24.43 |     34.66



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