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  1. What is ReactJS?
  2. Why ReactJS is Used?
  3. How Does ReactJS work?
  4. What are the features of ReactJS?
  5. What is JSX?
  6. How to create components in ReactJS?
  7. What are the advantages of ReactJS?
  8. Differentiate between real DOM and virtual DOM?
  9. What are forms in ReactJS?
  10. How is React different from React Native?

What are the features of React?

Can web browsers read JSX directly?

What is the virtual DOM?

Why use React instead of other frameworks, like Angular?

What is the difference between the ES6 and ES5 standards?

How do you create a React app?

What is an event in React?

How do you create an event in React?

What are synthetic events in React?

Explain how lists work in React

Why is there a need for using keys in Lists?



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