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zFS Encryption

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Encrypted zFS Requirement

zFS Encryption does not need both of
  • EXTENDED format
  • SMS-Managed


Existing zFS file systems can be encrypted.
The zFS aggregate that contains these file systems does not need to be SMS-managed extended format.

The encryption support provided by DFSMS is normally only allowed for SMS-managed extended format data sets.
zFS aggregates are exempt from this restriction.
Use of the ZFS keyword instead of LINEAR will allow key labels to be assigned to any VSAM linear data set that is supported by zFS.

Specifying a key label for a non-extended format data set
Encrypted data sets must be SMS-managed. Encrypted extended format data sets can also be compressed format.

Considerations when planning for data set encryption
Encrypted data sets must be extended format. Refer to Extended-Format VSAM Data Sets and Processing Extended-Format Sequential Data Sets for information on allocating extended format data sets, including guidelines and restrictions.

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