

Last updated at Posted at 2024-03-03

Trailhead関係 年月で整理に戻る



なるべく、回答の中身も転記しておきます。結構な割合で質問者さんが黒歴史を消したいのか質問自体を削除しますので... 最良の答えとしてもらっても即消されることは大変多いです。


I faced the same problem as described above . What I noticed in my case was that I already had a report with the same name "opportunity stages" which I had created while completing another challenge . Renaming the latter cleared the challenge for me



I appreciate your help. Actually I was getting the error due to some JS code ingestion browser extension that I was working on. Switching to another browser helps me.

私はあなたの助けに感謝します。実際、私が取り組んでいた JS コードの取り込みブラウザ拡張機能が原因でエラーが発生していました。別のブラウザに切り替えると助かります。

Won List View


Thank you. I discovered I created 2 lists with the same name (Recently Won) After I deleted one of them, I was able to complete the challenge.

ありがとう。同じ名前のリストを 2 つ作成していたことがわかりました (最近勝った) そのうちの 1 つを削除した後、チャレンジを完了することができました。

Couldn't resolve host. Make sure the domain is publicly accessible or select a different agent.

The endpoint url we need to paste is in Current Value. I had also posted in first column instead of Current Value (Second column). Upon correcting this I was able to complete the step without any error. Hope this helps anyone encountering same error doing the challenge.


貼り付ける必要があるエンドポイント URL は「現在の値」にあります。また、現在値 (2 列目) の代わりに 1 列目に投稿していました。これを修正すると、エラーなしで手順を完了できました。これが、チャレンジ中に同じエラーに遭遇した人に役立つことを願っています。

We could not find an account named 'Bluebeards Coconut Milk House' created using SoapUI with the Description 'It is better than Blackbeards.'

I have faced the same problem, and that was solved after I put a dot at the end of the description. As it was checking the description as "It is better than Blackbeards." so I suggest you edit the description and put a dot at the end and save the record.Please accept my solution as Best Answer if my reply was helpful. It will make it available for other as the proper solution. If you felt I went above and beyond, you can give me kudos.



Lighting App Builder > Build an App Home Lightning Page

I had the same issue when trying to finish this module. If you search for and select "Global Actions" in the Quick Find box, you will see a list of global actions with your "New Account" listed. Click onto "New Account" and it will take you to a details page (1st image). At the top next to Action Detail, click the Edit button. Change the Standard Label type to "B2B New Account". My issue occurred with the "New Opportunities" action, so that is what you will see a screenshot of below. Originally, my record type was set to "Master", but once I changed it to "B2B Opportunities" I was able to the see the button added to the top of the "Top Accounts and Opportunities Page" (2nd image). Hope this helps!



INVALID_ID_FIELD, ID is invalid or you do not have access to the record.: [toAddresses, Your email address] Class.EmailManager.sendMail: line 13, column 1

I deleted that example trigger and then it worked.



Trailhead Challenges Visual Force

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'setParams')
at <anonymous>:1:34

To Execute this module, I used Chrome browser in Lightning Experience.

  1. Created VF Page in Developer Console

  2. Created Custom Tab (Switch to Lightning Experience if you are in Classic)

  3. Exeucte the commond in Developer Tool Console
    $A.get("e.force:navigateToURL").setParams( {"url": "/apex/pageName"}).fire();
    pageName = your VF Page Name (HelloWorld) (remove .vfp).


The rejection is not configured correctly for 'Discount Approval Process'. VP rejection of the opportunity did not result in either the Approval_Status__c being set to 'Not Approved' or the Discount_Percentage__c being set to null.

This feature is not currently enabled for this user

The Permission Set was missing the Use Ordermanagement API setting. That solved it.

It looks like you have not selected an Einstein generative AI-enabled org to validate. Be sure to sign up for an org, connect it to Trailhead, and choose it before validating.

I think you are validating the Trailhead playground. You must complete the steps in the dedicated org with the AI features enabled and validate from that dev org.

You can register for 5 days trial org via this link - https://mcp76yxhtx84crlrk45yhv6lcsby.pub.sfmc-content.com/aha3qbdjy5j

Could not find a user with Chat Agent Permissions error

I created a new Org and completed the tasks successfully.

We’re having trouble with call monitoring right now Salesforce Exception



This exception is thrown when the Omni-Channel Supervisors tries to listen in to a voice calls.

To resolve the issue, please make sure the Omni-Channel Supervisors have the following permissions in Salesforce and Amazon Connect.

Salesforce Permission Sets:

  1. Contact Center Agent (Partner Telephony) OR Contact Center Agent
  2. Contact Center Supervisor
  3. Contact Center Admin

Amazon Connect Permission:

UI Name: Real-time contact monitoring – Enable/Disable should be checked for Listen In

API Name: ManagerListenIn


sForce account がない

Create the account or try our new playground


Create Service Document -- We can't generate your PDF. Try again later.

In reality, there are three permission sets, perhaps you missed adding the "Field Service Document Builder Dispatcher" permission?

This one "Gives dispatchers access to create Service Documents in the desktop application and assigns one Field Service Dispatcher license to the user".

{"entityApiName": "Event" ,"defaultFieldValues": {"WhoId" : "#parentrecordId#"}, "defaultFieldValues" : {"WhatId":"001************"}}

You might wanted to check this similar question on this link below :


org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: Unexpected exception thrown: com.sforce.ws.SoapFaultException: INVALID_TYPE: This type of object is not available for this organization at org.junit.jupiter.api.AssertionFailureBuilder.build(AssertionFailureBuilder.java:152)

In the chatterBody text template, we can’t find a mention for the contact’s owner. (Hint: Mentions use this format: @[{!globalVariable.field_API_Name}].)

You need to add as below.

Owner: @[{!$Record.OwnerId}]

For the at-mention into the body follow these steps:

  • Add square brackets [ ] around the merge field, like this: [{!$Record.OwnerId}]
  • Add an @ symbol at the beginning and a comma at the end, like this: @[{!Record.OwnerId}],
  • When followed by a value enclosed in square brackets, the @ symbol inserts the value as a mention in the Chatter post


An Apex error occurred: SendBetterEmail.InvocableActionException: No Messages were sent. First Error: You're trying to pass in both a plaintext/html body and a template ID. Gotta pick one or the other. Make sure you're not confusing the Text Template resources in Flow, (which you can pass into either the HTMLBody or the plainTextBody) with the templateID, which represents a Salesforce Email Template (either Classic or Lightning).

We can't find the 'candsFromTrigger' input parameter in the 'createContact' method.

Try this

trigger CreateContact on Candidate__c (before insert) { 


In the Type is Structural, Contact is VIP test, we can’t find the triggering record’s Contact Name set to 'Jane Grey'

Needs to change Jane Grey's contact description to VIP, save it, and test the challenge to ensure it works.

System.CalloutException: The callout couldn't access the endpoint. You might not have the required permissions, or the named credential "Lote_de_pagamento" might not exist.

If anyone is here pulling their hair out trying to fix this remember that the default setting for "User External Credentials" is "No Access." It's an object. So make sure that the profiles who need access to that endpoint have access to the object first, before enabling the external credential.


Salesforce Inbox サービスに関連する接続アプリケーションであり、Inbox 固有のタスクを実行するために Salesforce ユーザのアカウントにリモート アクセスしていることがわかりました。


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  2. You can efficiently read back useful information
  3. You can use dark theme
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