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More than 1 year has passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2021-06-06
Current result example: <a href="/s/invoices/invoice/a0V6F00001mUe7BUAS/geoinvoiceJohn-Doe20210408-28264" target="_blank">20210408-28264</a>


SUBSTITUTE(left(SUBSTITUTE( hyperlink__c, left(hyperlink__c ,FIND('>', hyperlink__c )) , ""),FIND('>', SUBSTITUTE( hyperlink__c, left(hyperlink__c ,FIND('>', hyperlink__c )) , "") )-1),"</a","")


Report CSV Export of HYPERLINK Formula


これも意味が分からんかった。結局は今日と比べて180日だったようですが... どこを読んでもそんなことは書いていないように思える。
So if the credit check created date or the credit check last modified date are greater than 180 days I want the credit check valid? field to update to Yes or No.

極め付けはこれだな。最大値の列が2つあって、最大値の平均を求める?何のこと... 私にはさっぱり分かりませんが、これも母国語が英語のに人は分かったらしい。レポートの話だって。回答みたけど、さっぱり分からんかった。

I have two row groupings, let's say A and B. I have A as the first grouping and then B as the next. Within B I have found the Max of an associated record. The part I am having trouble with is finding the avg of these max values by grouping, so group A.


Parse Subject line


LEFT( RIGHT(field__c ,len(field__c) - find(" Form " , field__c) -5) ,find (" ",RIGHT(field__c ,len(field__c) - find(" Form " , field__c) -5) ))

Find 5 characters to the right of a string using formula field

Alert - DMN - TSI3030-1 - Device 'TSI3030-1' offline for 240 minutes.から3030を抜き出す

Help parsing text from a text field

LEFT( SUBSTITUTE(Subject, LEFT(Subject, FIND("TSI", Subject) + 2), ''), 
FIND("-", SUBSTITUTE(Subject, LEFT(Subject, FIND("TSI", Subject) + 2), '')) - 1)


Thursday, Feb 10, 9:00am PST を MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM PMに変換する

Auto-update DATETIME field with value from text field

Feb 10, 9:00am PST -->  RIGHT( X20220218date__c ,LEN(X20220218date__c) - FIND(',', X20220218date__c )-1)

left(RIGHT( X20220218date__c ,LEN(X20220218date__c) - FIND(',', X20220218date__c )-1),FIND(' ',  RIGHT( X20220218date__c ,LEN(X20220218date__c) - FIND(',', X20220218date__c )-1) )-1)

RIGHT(LEFT( RIGHT( X20220218date__c ,LEN(X20220218date__c) - FIND(',', X20220218date__c )-1) , FIND(',', RIGHT( X20220218date__c ,LEN(X20220218date__c) - FIND(',', X20220218date__c )-1) )-1) ,len(LEFT( RIGHT( X20220218date__c ,LEN(X20220218date__c) - FIND(',', X20220218date__c )-1) , FIND(',', RIGHT( X20220218date__c ,LEN(X20220218date__c) - FIND(',', X20220218date__c )-1) )-1)) - find(' ',LEFT( RIGHT( X20220218date__c ,LEN(X20220218date__c) - FIND(',', X20220218date__c )-1) , FIND(',', RIGHT( X20220218date__c ,LEN(X20220218date__c) - FIND(',', X20220218date__c )-1) )-1)))  


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