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  • Build a Data Model for a Travel Approval App
    • Create a Travel Approval Lightning App
    • Create a Department Object
    • Create a Travel Approval Object
    • Create an Expense Item Object
    • Import Data and Test the App
  • Customize the User Interface for a Travel Approval App
    • Create a User and Setup Approvals
    • Create and Customize a List View
    • Customize the Travel Approval Object Page Layout
    • Customize the Expense Item Related List
    • Enable Chatter on the Travel Approval Object
  • Add Business Logic to a Travel Approval App
    • Create Validation Rules
    • Create a Roll-Up Summary Field
    • Create Formula Fields
    • Create a Flow
    • Create an Approval Process
    • Test Your Approval Process
  • Add Reports and Dashboards to a Travel Approval App
    • Load Data Using the Data Import Wizard
    • Create a Travel Requests by Department Report
    • Create a Travel Requests by Month Report
    • Create a Travel Approvals Dashboard

Create a User and Setup Approvals


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