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Last updated at Posted at 2022-09-25


I had this exact issue and I spent 2 hours trying different strategies to find a fix and finally found a simple fix that worked for me and hopefully will work for you too.

  1. When you are prompted to login to salesforce through the dataloader.io website, click the checkbox "I have a custom salesforce domain".

  2. replace ONLY the 'yourdomain' part of the username with your active playground URL (ex: fancy-bear-ffsedj-dev-ed.trailblaze) so that the username looks like this example : fancy-bear-ffsedj-dev-ed.trailblaze.my.salesforce.com

dataloader または dataloaderIO を使用しているときに、trailhead plyground へのログインに問題がある

Although the content is different, there is a workaround for the error when you can not log in successfully.

I had this exact issue and I spent 2 hours trying different strategies to find a fix and finally found a simple fix that worked for me and hopefully will work for you too.

  1. When you are prompted to login to salesforce through the dataloader.io website, click the checkbox "I have a custom salesforce domain".

  2. replace ONLY the 'yourdomain' part of the username with your active playground URL (ex: fancy-bear-ffsedj-dev-ed.trailblaze) so that the username looks like this example : fancy-bear-ffsedj-dev-ed.trailblaze.my.salesforce.com



How many columns are you attempting to import? Blank columns in the document you convert to CSV can cause problems.

The following required fields are not mapped:


  1. Take one of the users from your list of 100 and manually create a user record for them in Sf.
  2. Add a new column to the spreadsheet and give it a header "UserID"
  3. Copy the Sf ID of the one user you created in Sf and paste into the UserID column in the spreadsheet in the appropriate row (where that user's info is)
  4. Start an upsert task in dataloader.io and map the UserID column in the spreadsheet to the UserID field in Sf. Make sure all the normally required fields are present (the list can be found here: https://help.salesforce.com/HTViewSol..., except I discovered currency code isn't actually required)
  5. Run the task

Since Upsert is an update and an insert in the same operation, the one user you create manually will be the "update" portion, and the rest will be the "insert."


Use Dataloader.io to Export Data

after this point the data loader doesn't launch.

I had this exact issue and I spent 2 hours trying different strategies to find a fix and finally found a simple fix that worked for me and hopefully will work for you too.

  1. When you are prompted to login to salesforce through the dataloader.io website, click the checkbox "I have a custom salesforce domain".
  2. replace ONLY the 'yourdomain' part of the username with your active playground URL (ex: fancy-bear-ffsedj-dev-ed.trailblaze) so that the username looks like this example : fancy-bear-ffsedj-dev-ed.trailblaze.my.salesforce.com







Please check to use Bulk API






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Delete article

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