
Extend NPSP Data Importer with Advanced Mapping

Last updated at Posted at 2023-08-04

Map Standard and Custom Fields on a Standard Object

We couldn’t find both the preferred language and email opt-out fields for Contact2 on your NPSP Data Import object. Make sure you followed the instructions above to set it up.

the type of Email Opt Out is not picklist but checkbox. we can not change it.


We couldn’t find both the preferred language and email opt-out fields for Contact1 on your NPSP Data Import object. Make sure you followed the instructions above to set it up.

もしかしたら、Preferred Languageという選択肢セットは既に作っていた(記憶がないけど)ので、違うエラーになったかもしれません。

あれ、Preferred Languageというフィールドも作っててなぁ。

Contact1 Preferred Languageを作ってみた

We couldn’t find both the preferred language and email opt-out fields for Contact1 on your NPSP Data Import object. Make sure you followed the instructions above to set it up.

Contact1 Email Opt Outを作ってみた

We couldn’t find both the preferred language and email opt-out fields for Contact2 on your NPSP Data Import object. Make sure you followed the instructions above to set it up.

Contact2 Preferred Languageを作ってみた

We couldn’t find both the preferred language and email opt-out fields for Contact2 on your NPSP Data Import object. Make sure you followed the instructions above to set it up.

Contact2 Email Opt Outを作ってみた

We couldn’t find the Contact1 Preferred Language field mappings we were looking for. Make sure you followed the instructions above to set them up correctly.


Are you setting the page layout for On the NPSP Data Import record as follows?

Move the Contact2 Preferred Language and the Contact2 Email Opt Out fields to the corresponding locations in the Contact2 Information area.



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