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Last updated at Posted at 2023-06-02




We can’t find a feature for 'Panels' that is set to appear in the 'Solar Essentials' tab.

I fixed my issue by doing the following:

  • Added a new category value "Solar Essentials"
  • at this stage I had 2 of them.
  • deleted the old one and replaced with the new one.
    it worked.

I've got it. I have changed the Label Name as well as the API Name for the Category field and it worked


Error: An internal server err error has occurred Error ID: 1777230898-40280 (1146026944)


"商談を作成し、その商談に ToDo が関連付けられていると期待しましたが、関連付けられていませんでした。Apex trigger が ToDo をデータベースに挿入することを確認してください。



I cannot find Region, Zone,Has Support Plan and Support Plan Information fields in the the Account Information section.

the only thing that worked was doing it over again in a new playground

This error appears Unable to find an entitlement template named “Phone Support

I managed using another organization.

The 'Field Sales App' Lightning App was not found.

問題を英語にしてみるとField Sales Appが出てきますね。


Permissions for this object are disabled for all profiles by default. You can enable object permissions in permission sets or by editing custom prof

We couldn't find the label 'Zip Code' and Plural Label 'Zip Codes' in Zip_Code__c objec

You have added Plural Name Zip_Codes. Please Correct It With Zip Codes

Date field ‘Transform.Gong__Related_Entity_ID__c_formula’ missing canonical dimension. Enable CF field indexing to support this query in SQL

To allow Date in SQL, enable “Index Date fields in SQL” from the Analytics > Settings in Setup and regenerate the dataset.

Note, Enabling this setting can slow dataflow and recipe performance.

拡張機能「Salesforce DevTools」のエラー対処法について

以下のような表示がされてSalesforce DevToolsが使えないという場合、[ACTIVE]ボタンをクリックします。



The 'Web Leads' report is not a tabular report format. Make sure the standard report has no changes except those detailed in the challenge requirements.

I was stuck with the same problem.

Instead of having the requested fields in the "Group Row" have them down in "Columns." (I deleted the other fields that were pre-populated.) Then try running the check again.

There are four types of report

4)joined report

Looks like in this challenge you need to create a tbular report, however your report is not tabular

You have grouped your reports by Lead owner, lead source and rating, remove these groupings,and ensure that your report is a tabular report


Failed to save condensedThemeLayout.design: ParseError at [row,col]:[3,20] Message: Content is not allowed in trailing section.: Source

Is the tag closed like below?

<design:component label="Condensed Theme Layout">
   <design:attribute name="showSearch" label="Show Search Box" />


Unrecognized field "dataSourceLinksInfo" (Class sfdc.insights.connect.api.input.DashboardStateInputRepresentation), not marked as ignorable at [Source: N/A; line: -1, column: -1] (through reference chain: sfdc.insights.connect.api.input.DashboardStateInputRepresentation["dataSourceLinksInfo"])

"dataSourceLinksInfo" is supported on version 58.0 and my team was using version 57.0 in package.xml file.

The Lead and Contact records with the last name 'Smith' were not found. Please add these records for this challenge.

to get it, I had to create the smith contact in the contact class as well,

Error code: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY Error Description: EntityObject can not be initialized with null EntityInfo

In case it helps anybody in the future the answer turned out to be related to Content Deliveries being disabled in my org. That turns out to be the mechanism used to automate email sends with attachments. Enable Content Deliveries at the org level, then ensure that Sales Engagement users have the Create Content Deliveries permission granted and that the Content Permissions | Library Permissions settings (Classic) include the Deliver Content action.

Error : Field is not writeable: FeedItem.Body

Well, the issue was "Allow users to edit posts and comments" was not enabled under Chatter Settings. It is working now.


INACTIVE_OWNER_OR_USER] owner or user is inactive. [and then my org ID] Context: npsp__RD2_OpportunityEvaluation_BATCH

When you deactivate a user that is the running user of a batch job, then these errors begin to appear. You can change the running user for those jobs to yourself to fix this, just follow the steps outlined here - https://powerofus.force.com/s/article/NPSP-Edit-or-Reschedule-NPSP-Scheduled-Jobs #Ariaid-title3


We can't find a custom object with the API name Animal__c


We could not find an account named 'Bluebeards Coconut Milk House' created using SoapUI with the Description 'It is better than Blackbeards.'

I have faced the same problem, and that was solved after I put a dot at the end of the description. As it was checking the description as "It is better than Blackbeards."

so I suggest you edit the description and put a dot at the end and save the record.


Didn't find the required records in the 'Book__c' object. Make sure you have imported the records successfully.

Maybe it has already been resolved, but in case someone comes across this topic through an internet search, I managed to fix the error.

Due to my oversight, I didn't import the data. In the 'Books4Everyone' application, go to the 'Data Import' tab and click on 'Initialize Simple Data'.

I hope this helps.


{"subject":"unhandledrejection","message":"Lightning Web Security: Cannot append DIV to BODY.","stack":"Error: Lightning Web Security: Cannot append DIV to BODY.\n at HTMLBodyElement.n


you have to follow these steps in builder security and privacy :

1 . Click jack Protection Level as allow framing by any page (No protection)
2. Security Level : Relaxed CSP : Permit access to inline Scripts and allow host .
3. off the lightening locker button.

"portfolio_header.jpg" not found in Header.

I just tried this challenge and even I faced the issue at first which I knew was due to something that I did intend to see the error.

I renamed an image of mine which was already a ".jpg" to portfolio_header.jpg. Now the .jpg is actually an extension of the image. So when you are renaming your existing image it becomes portfolio_header.jpg.jpg as seen in the screenshot.

So when you rename your image, omit the .jpg from it and simply use " portfolio_header" .jpg will come in automatically if the image you renamed was already .jpg


We can’t find the partner ledger for the transaction associated with the member CL001. Make sure to run the Inner Circle Create Partner Ledgers and Update Partner Balances DPE job and that the job has completed.

Please check this article.


I don't know what I did exactly, but the challenge was successful now.


The request was invalid. Unauthorized: As an Enterprise Managed User, you cannot access this content

We couldn't find a summary column for 'Cost' on the 'Supplies' report.

Check my report, you just need to add a summary to Cost columns, then press "Save & Run" and it should accept your challenge.




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