
LWC : INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS: use of the Metadata API requires a user with the ModifyAllData or ModifyMetadata permissions

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It was an auth/access issue at my end. You will encounter that step here https://trailhead.salesforce.com/content/learn/projects/quick-start-lightning-web-compone[…]ng-web-component?trail_id=build-lightning-web-components


OK after writing that I decided to try and close VSC again and auth to the org again. Did so and was able to deploy that time. Shew.

INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS: use of the Metadata API requires a user with the ModifyAllData or ModifyMetadata permissions 17:13:20.125 Starting SFDX

Based on suggestions u guys gave me, I had figured out the Real problem and able to Solve it.

why many facing this issue Because many Users login with their email-ID as username BUT sometimes the mail-Id as username cannot have administrator role. Already the system admin profile which have "all data modify" feature inbuilt. there is nothing more changes/modifications we have to do in that.

So, we have to just login with username which has system administrator role. So, while login to salesforce account we have to enter username which has System Administrator role instead of our mailID and password is same only.

U can find that username as shown in pic below..





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