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Last updated at Posted at 2023-06-15

We can’t find a term condition with the correct settings for a quote term with a parent term of QT-0002.


The Condition must be on the child quote term.

I canceled Term Condition on the parent and add on the child


We can’t find an Attribute Set with tha name Watch Band Styles


We can't find the 'Deterrent Window Decal' option on the 'Home Security Console' product. Check that you configured it correctly.

I put the amount of 1 in the Quantity field and not Min Quantity. Just the error code is confusing.

最小数量ではなく、数量フィールドに 1 の数量を入力しました。エラーコードだけでわかりにくい

finally i am able to solve the issue. The problem is the instruction given as Min qty 2 and its editable., but system is validating it as Quantity 2. So i changed quantity to 2 and changed Min qty to 0. Finally its passed the validation.

最後に私は問題を解決することができます。問題は、最小数量 2 とその編集可能として指定された指示ですが、システムはそれを数量 2 として検証しています。そのため、数量を 2 に変更し、最小数量を 0 に変更しました。最終的に検証に合格しました。

in my case the Decal product needed 2 in both fields

私の場合、デカール製品には両方のフィールドで 2 が必要でした

There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: RADMMIHH. Error: Restforce::UnauthorizedError. Message: INVALID_SESSION_ID: Session expired or invalid

if you have named your default org i.e the label next to username in Hands-on Orgs, then you have to disconnect that org then reconnect it. There was some kind of confliction with the label name in my case.

When you goto hands-on-org from your profile icon you need to select disconnect option to disconnect the org your doing the challenge in, and if that org has a label i.e. name for the org, then do not give a name after re-connecting, leave label blank...refresh then logout and login to check it's ok. I hope this helps, as it solved my error. :)



プロフィールアイコンからハンズオン組織に移動するときは、チャレンジを行っている組織を切断するために切断オプションを選択する必要があります。その組織にラベル、つまり組織の名前がある場合は、再実行後に名前を付けないでください。接続中、ラベルを空白のままにしておきます...更新してからログアウトし、ログインして問題がないことを確認します。私のエラーが解決したので、これが役立つことを願っています。 :)

The second generated order is not flagged as 'Contracted'.

We just have to checkbox the contracted order number #2, number one is left unchecked, that was my problem, I had marked the first and second order, that's why it gave me an error when verifying the challenge.

契約した注文番号 #2 にチェックを入れるだけで済みます。1 番は未チェックのままです。これが私の問題でした。1 番目と 2 番目の注文にマークを付けていたため、チャレンジを検証するときにエラーが発生しました。

The primary quote must be approved before an order can be created

You must change "Draft" to "Approved" in the Status field in the Quote.


Argument 2 cannot be null

I actually tried today again with a co-worker, we changed the language and currency on "Company information" and that worked. Language was set to "Spanish - Null", changed it to "United States - USD".

実際に今日、同僚ともう一度試してみました。「会社情報」で言語と​​通貨を変更したところ、うまくいきました。言語は「スペイン語 - Null」に設定されていましたが、「米国 - USD」に変更されました。

Either the component code or component code position is missing or incorrect for the '64 GB' option on the 'Digital Camera' product

Please create a new playground and try.

We can't find the right data in your org. Make sure you signed up for a new CPQ-enabled org and selected it in the Hands-on Challenge picklist.

I do not remember a separate data package, just the free CPQ org. Only advice I can think of is to try the download in incognito mode. Then wait a few mins before linking the org to your Trailhead.
Also, the Legacy Calculator is enabled by default on free CPQ. You'll want to enable the Advanced prior to doing much else.


個別のデータ パッケージは覚えていません。無料の CPQ 組織だけを覚えています。私が思いつく唯一のアドバイスは、シークレットモードでダウンロードを試すことです。次に、組織を Trailhead にリンクする前に、数分待ちます。
また、無料 CPQ では、レガシー電卓がデフォルトで有効になっています。他の作業を行う前に、詳細設定を有効にする必要があります。

Further update: I propose resolving the issue by creating a new CPQ enabled org and postponing the org connect steps. Additionally, I noticed the billing package has not been installed in the org yet. However, I am successful passed the challenge.

さらなる更新: 新しい CPQ 対応組織を作成し、組織の接続手順を延期することで問題を解決することを提案します。さらに、請求パッケージがまだ組織にインストールされていないことに気付きました。しかし、私は見事にその課題に合格しました。

Contract Amendments with Salesforce CPQ > Change an Existing Contract


security console : too few options selected in Ahthenticators"


ry this In order to pass this challenge(as feature lookup is not working properly). Create New feature only for the "exterior keypad" (don't link other products with the feature) and select that in product bundle along with other item outside of Authenticators feature.

Can't find Global Attributes to put in Attribute Set ("Personalize Smartwatches with Salesforce CPQ Attributes" project)

I had the same problem but find the solution, do the following:

  1. On the App Launcher search for "Configuration Attributes".
  2. Delete the Material, Accent, and Color records that have Global Attribute Record Type.
  3. On the App Launcher search for "Attribute Sets", and open the record named "Watch Band Style" If you don't have it just create it.
  4. In the related list tab click on New.
  5. Now Click on Configuration Attribute lookup and select the option "New Configuration Attribute" and create the Material, Accent, and Color records from there.

I'm not sure why but when you do it from the lookup it works.


The subscription term for Q-00033 is incorrect or has not been saved.

I was able to resolve this, key was that product didn’t have pricebook associated with it and if a product doesn’t have any PB it doesn’t show up in Product selection.


これは解決できました。重要なのは、製品に価格表が関連付けられておらず、製品に PB がない場合、製品選択に表示されないことです

We can’t find a saved quote line for Virtual Meeting License on Q-00033.

The "active" box was unchecked on the price book attached to a product. I Checked "Active" and it worked.

製品に添付されている価格表の「アクティブ」ボックスのチェックが外れていました。 「アクティブ」にチェックを入れたところ、動作しました。

Amendment quote line for increased Offsite Video Storage 1GB does not have a quantity of 5.

We can’t find a summary variable that filters for the full product code of 'SOLARPANEL400W'.

I found one thing missing... I didn't have an operator "equals" in one of the summary variables. I'll leave this here in case someone else has the same and stumbles across this.


What I did wrong was that when I created the Global Attributes "Hardware Color" and "Measurement Standard", I did in the Product record page - Related tab - Configuration Attributes.

Delete them from the above place and re-create them under item Configuration Attributes tab - Global Attribute, will fix the issue.

私が間違っていたのは、グローバル属性「ハードウェア カラー」と「測定標準」を作成するときに、製品レコード ページ - 関連タブ - 構成属性で作成したことです。

上記の場所からそれらを削除し、項目 [構成属性] タブ - グローバル属性で再作成すると、問題が解決します。

include the cover page : 条件付き印刷フィールドを設定し、表紙を含めるためのチェックボックスをオンにしているのですが、見積書を保存するときにチェックボックスがオフのままになります。

it started working now. Not sure what changed.

We can’t find an attribute item record for the 'Hardware Color' Global Attribute.

I completed this trial, but I haven't created configuration attributes Hardware, and Measurements in the product-related list. I have created only System Voltage in the product-related list, The remaining two are created in the configuration attributes record page itself, and then create attribute sets Hardware and Measurements in the attribute sets record page itself. After that in each attribute sets(Hardware and Measurement) related list create attribute items and Product attribute sets.



Most probably you're using Outlook or any other email tool with some security features included. These are changing the underlying URL with something like "securelink" which redirects you to the login instead of the change password page.

I don't have a proper solution for it - just a workaround: you can spin up a new org, but use any personal web-based email address (like yahoo, gmail or whatever). These web-based emails usually don't change the URL, so you will be able to set your password and use the new dev org.


We can't find the 'Door Sensor' option on the 'Home Security Console' product. Check that you configured it correctly.

Got it. I put the amount of 1 in the Quantity field and not Min Quantity. Just the error code is confusing

if you encounter this issue, you should check if the quantity is 1 on both Quantity and Min Quantity. It should work then.


わかった。「最小数量」ではなく、「数量」フィールドに数量 1 を入力します。エラーコードだけでもわかりにくい

この問題が発生した場合は、数量と最小数量の両方で数量が 1 であるかどうかを確認する必要があります。そうすればうまくいくはずです。

We can’t find the Size picklist field containing the correct values on the Product Option object.



We can’t find SBQQ__EffectiveStartDate__c as a picklist value for the Order By field.

Try adding picklist value as below


After adding it, the error message changed.


Invalid ID Error on Preview Approval


check the ID on the Approver record. In our instance, the issue was with the Group ID on the Approver record. The proper format for the Group ID should start with "00G". Ours originally had "3D00G". Removing the "3D" from the ID in the Approver record solved our issue.

承認者レコードの ID を確認してください。私たちの例では、承認者レコードのグループ ID に問題がありました。グループ ID の正しい形式は「00G」で始まる必要があります。私たちの場合は元々「3D00G」でした。承認者レコードの ID から「3D」を削除することで、問題は解決しました。

We can’t find a product attribute set record that connects the 'Angled Roof Mounting Kit' option to the attribute set containing the 'Hardware Color' attribute item.

より効率的な方法は、ソーラーパネル ハブ製品のオプションから製品名を取得することです。属性セット関連の製品属性セットの検索機能は、製品の実際の名前ではなく、製品オプション番号 PO-000 で行われます。ソーラー製品のオプションからそれを収集し、属性セットの関連リストに追加するだけです。

A more efficient way to do it is to Capture the Product Name from the Options on the Solar Panel Hub Product. The search function on the Attribute Sets related Product Attribute Set isn't by the actual name of the product by by the Product Option Number PO-000. You just have to gather that from the Options on the Solar Product and add it into the related lists on the Attribute Set.


We can't find a template section related to the AW peoposal and related to the AW proposal template content



Have you created a template section like the one below?


We can’t find the Size picklist field containing the correct values on the Product Option object.

I just realized that this setup should be implemented under the Product Option object, not the Product object.

You may only have one Home Security Console on this quote, please delete all but one



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