Error: A calculate job for rollup 'OppProductEstimatedGoLiveDateRollup' is already executing. If you suspect it is not aleady running try clearing the applicable record from the Lookup Rollup Calculate Jobs tab and try again. Review the error, rollup definition and/or delete the Apex Scheduled job under Setup. Check if the rollup still exists via the Manage Rollup Summaries and/or Lookup Rollup Summaries tabs.
Active: Apex Trigger dlrs_OpportunityLineItemTrigger has not been deployed. Click Manage Child Trigger and try again.
Error Occurred: The flow tried to update these records: 500Rh000001Gu0yIAC. This error occurred: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY: dlrs_CaseTrigger: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 1 with id 005Dn000008LCU8IAO; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, erpws.UserTrigger: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: erpws.fflib_SecurityUtils.CrudException: You do not have permission to view scheduled jobs. (erpws): [] (dlrs) Trigger.dlrs_CaseTrigger: line 7, column 1.
The error you mentioned is due to a recent Certinia update (Summer '23). It is a flaw in their update and they have prepared a fix in Summer 2023.1 SP1. We've had the same error, but a different use case. User records could not be updated by Community User that created them. Their workaround was granting permission to 'View Scheduled Jobs', but that didn't work for us. I advise you to create a support ticket with Certinia/FinancialForce to have them deploy the SP1 to your org,
あなたが指摘したエラーは、最近の Certinia アップデート (Summer '23) が原因です。これはアップデートの欠陥であり、Summer 2023.1 SP1 で修正が準備されています。同じエラーが発生しましたが、使用例は異なります。ユーザー レコードを作成したコミュニティ ユーザーはユーザー レコードを更新できませんでした。彼らの回避策は「スケジュールされたジョブの表示」権限を付与することでしたが、私たちにはうまくいきませんでした。 Certinia/FinancialForce でサポート チケットを作成し、SP1 を組織に導入してもらうことをお勧めします。