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Last updated at Posted at 2021-08-03




Step not yet complete There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: QUHIDFJQ. Error: Faraday::ClientError. Message: MALFORMED_QUERY: When retrieving results with Metadata or FullName fields, the query qualificatio​ns must specify no more than one row for retrieval. Result size: 4



yeah it is enough to tackle "Create an Object-Specific Quick Action" unit in new playground for rest of the units i used the existing playground but only for "Create an Object-Specific Quick Action" this , i had used a new playground and it got worked.

Get Started with Collaborative Forecasts

There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: NKJPXBHW. Error: Restforce::ErrorCode::MalformedQuery. Message: MALFORMED_QUERY: When retrieving results with Metadata or FullName fields, the query qualificatio​ns must specify no more than one row for retrieval. Result size: 4


I think you have to deactivate all other forecast types, and then it works.

I think you have to deactivate all other forecast types, and then it works.

Build an App to Track Your Trailblazer Journey > Create the My Trailblazer Journey App

Since we don't know exactly what query Trailhead is running, your recourse is going to be

  • Contact Trailhead support.
  • Start fresh with a new Trailhead playground.
  • Review your Trailhead org and see if you might have accidentally created duplicates on any of the metadata that's used in this module. One possibility would be, if Trailhead is running a Tooling API query on the Lightning record pages based on their labels, you have five app with the same label but different API names.


I had the same error. These are my steps: I started making the app according to the steps, but I did not capitalize all the words in the community groups title. The app did not recognize that I completed that step. So I addressed the capitalization and made sure it looked exactly like the instructions then submitted again and got the message you got. I made sure everything was exactly like the steps but couldn’t get it to work. Then I noticed after having edited the one step it had been reordered in the steps. I couldn’t see any other reason so I deleted all of it and started over without needing to edit after and it finally went through.

同じエラーが発生しました。これらは私の手順です。手順に従ってアプリの作成を開始しましたが、コミュニティ グループのタイトルのすべての単語を大文字にしませんでした。アプリは、私がそのステップを完了したことを認識しませんでした。そのため、大文字と小文字の区別に対処し、指示とまったく同じであることを確認してから再度送信し、メッセージを受け取りました.すべてが手順とまったく同じであることを確認しましたが、機能させることができませんでした。その後、1 つのステップを編集した後に、ステップの順序が変更されていることに気付きました。他に理由が見つからなかったので、すべて削除してから編集する必要なく最初からやり直して、ようやく完了しました。


here was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: YYYDUUOJ.

Create an Aura Component challenge

Create an Aura Component challenge completed successfully, but verify step is throwing an error as mentioned in the details.

There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: CYFAARRI. Error: Restforce::ErrorCode::MalformedQuery. Message: MALFORMED_QUERY: When retrieving results with Metadata or FullName fields, the query qualificatio​ns must specify no more than one row for retrieval. Result size: 2

I deleted the old page for Account on Lightning App Builder and it worked.
Lightning App Builderのアカウントの古いページを削除しましたが、機能しました。

Improve Data Quality for a Recruiting App > Create Cross-Object Formulas

You might have multiple Lighting pages with the same name. Go to Setup > Lightning App Builder. You need only 1 Lightning page. Delete all other pages with the same name. Or change the Label of the page.

This error may occur due to some pre-existing configuration that you might have done for other challenges. I would suggest you try in a new trailhead playground.

I request you please post the Trailhead module/project name and what you have tried so that we can look into it and can help you accordingly.

Actually it worked in a new playground.

Not able to complete "Create an Object-Specific Quick Action" in "Customize the User Interface for a Recruiting App" project


This error means there are more than 1 setup available. You may created a setup twice. Please remove duplicate configuration.

このエラーは、使用可能なセットアップが複数あることを意味します。セットアップを 2 回作成することもできます。重複した構成を削除してください。

Product Quick Search.

Error: Restforce::ErrorCode::MalformedQuery. Message: MALFORMED_QUERY: When retrieving results with Metadata or FullName fields, the query qualificatio​ns must specify no more than one row for retrieval. Result size: 2

Check Setup > Lightning App Builder.

You need only 1 Lightning page for Opportunities. Delete all other pages.



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