Sounds like you have too many steps in your flow to complete transation. Flows are limited to 2000 steps per transaction.
I'm guessig that you're either processing lots of records individually, or have some nested loops in your flow.
Try debugging your flow from editor window. You'll see how many steps it performed before hitting the limit.
You can add screen elements to your flow to break it into smaller transactions - this works for me at least :)
フロー内にトランザクションを完了するにはステップが多すぎるようです。フローはトランザクションごとに 2000 ステップに制限されます。
エディター ウィンドウからフローをデバッグしてみてください。制限に達するまでに実行されたステップ数が表示されます。
フローに画面要素を追加して、より小さなトランザクションに分割できます - これは少なくとも私にとってはうまくいきます:)
The flow error email reads Apex CPU time limit exceeded
- CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We can't save this record because the “Mars” process failed. Give your Salesforce admin these details. Limit Exceeded
You or your organization has exceeded the maximum limit for this feature. Error ID: 1605358900-91659 (-1643661209)anization has exceeded the maximum limit for this feature. Error ID: 1605358900-91659 (-1643661209): [] - We can't save this record because the “Mars” process failed. Give your Salesforce admin these details. Limit Exceeded You or your organization has exceeded the maximum limit for this feature. Error ID: 998694744-144711 (1624281920)ganization has exceeded the maximum limit for this feature. Error ID: 998694744-144711 (1624281920
- CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We can't save this record because the “Mars” process failed. Give your Salesforce admin these details. Limit Exceeded
You or your organization has exceeded the maximum limit for this feature. Error ID: 1404601904-88007 (-1643661209)anization has exceeded the maximum limit for this feature. Error ID: 1404601904-88007 (-1643661209): []