

Last updated at Posted at 2021-11-01



トレイルヘッドの説明文が何か違和感がある Character Code: %{strValue.DNT.characterCode} (the default)




Since it was happening to only one user, the probable cause was the computer. Updating Adobe solved the problem.

この問題が発生したのは 1 人のユーザーのみであるため、原因はコンピューターであると考えられます。 Adobe をアップデートすると問題が解決しました。

Error :- System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject

Stack race :- Class.sb_security.BeAwesome.createUser: line 133, column 1 Class.sb_security.BeAwesome.setup: line 124, column

We can't find the 'New Lead' flow with the API Name New_Lead in the 'Process Automation Home' page. Make sure there is only one page with the label 'Process Automation Home'.

We see that you have added New Oppty flow to the Process_Automation_Home page, hence the error as we need to add "New Lead" flow.


We couldn't find a report chart of type 'Guage'.

WarehouseCalloutService' class did not achieve 100% code coverage via your test methods. Make sure to 'Run All' tests in the Developer Console at least once before attempting to verify this challenge


The challenge is expecting to make use of queueable interface. Please check the below code and it should help.

public with sharing class WarehouseCalloutService implements Queueable, Database.AllowsCallouts {  

   private static final String WAREHOUSE_URL = 'https://th-superbadge-apex.herokuapp.com/equipment';    

   public static void runWarehouseEquipmentSync(){

       Http http = new Http();

       HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();



       HttpResponse response = http.send(request);

       if(response.getStatusCode() == 200) {

           List<Object> jsonResponse = (List<Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody());

           system.debug('~~ '+jsonResponse);

           List<Product2> productList = new List<Product2>();

           for(Object ob : jsonResponse) {

               Map<String,Object> mapJson = (Map<String,Object>)ob;

               Product2 pr = new Product2();

               pr.Replacement_Part__c = (Boolean)mapJson.get('replacement');

               pr.Name = (String)mapJson.get('name');

               pr.Maintenance_Cycle__c = (Integer)mapJson.get('maintenanceperiod');

               pr.Lifespan_Months__c = (Integer)mapJson.get('lifespan');

               pr.Cost__c = (Decimal) mapJson.get('lifespan');

               pr.Warehouse_SKU__c = (String)mapJson.get('sku');

               pr.Current_Inventory__c = (Double) mapJson.get('quantity');




               upsert productList;



   public static void execute(QueueableContext context){




In Anonymous Window, use enqueueJob.

System.enqueueJob(New WarehouseCalloutService());

The 'Suggestions: Status of Open Suggestions' report wasn't found.


最終的には Cookie をクリアして最初からやり直すことで動作するようになりました。おそらく、トップの名前を変更する前にレポートの一意の名前を自動入力したためだと思いますが、それを識別する際に何らかのエラーが発生したためです。

I eventually got it to work by clearing cookies and starting over. Although I think it may have been due to it auto filling Report Unique Name before I renamed the top, there for causing some sort of error identifying it.


We couldn't find the PricebookEntry with the correct values for Major Solar Panel Rental. Please double-check if the PricebookEntry was created and try again.

【未解決】Ensure that you have correct templete

Customize the Home Page

We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id:

I created a new dashboard and solved the challenge again. Thanks!

【未解決】We couldn't find the AppExchange Package 'Salesforce Adoption Dashboards' installed in your Trailhead Playground. Make sure you installed the package in the correct playground and try again.


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