

Last updated at Posted at 2023-03-01




We couldn’t find 'Sales Engineer' in a team role.

i have already solved it. It was another issue with the API name. Thank you for the help.

PMD Command Failed! Enable "Show StdErr" setting for more info.

This happened to me as well (Mac). I basically went and installed the latest version of Java here at https://www.java.com/en/.

Download it-> hit save on your AccountController.cls once again -> issue went away for me. If this doesn't work, quit your VSCode and open once more and try the repeat the steps for the AccountController.cls after Java is downloaded.

The latest Java version will help with several of the Apps you installed with the Salesforce Extension Pack as well.


The 'updateOlderAccounts' method did not update account records as expected

public class OlderAccountsUtility {
	public static void updateOlderAccounts() {
		// Get the 5 oldest accounts
		Account[] oldAccounts = [SELECT Id, Description FROM Account ORDER BY CreatedDate ASC LIMIT 5];
		// loop through them and update the Description field
		for (Account acct : oldAccounts) {
			acct.Description = 'Heritage Account';
	   // save the change you made
	   update oldAccounts;


Make sure the 'bearLocation' and 'bearSupervisor' Lightning web components have been added to the Bear record page

It was the name, as I didn't have the org in english it didn't has de name you said. So I changed to 'Bear_Record_Page' as you suggested and it worked.

Pd.: the other error it was because of the Currency Locale parameter in Custom Stteings->Company Information had 'null', so changing to english also solved it.


Pd .: Custom Steings->Company Information の Currency Locale パラメータが原因で発生した他のエラーは「null」だったので、英語に変更すると解決しました。

Error: Compile Error: Found punctuation symbol or operator '`' that isn't valid in Apex. at line 42 column 1

Your user profile isn't authorized. To enable optimization, login as the optimization user.

How you reset the password for the Optimiziation User as per the steps here;

Click Edit next to Field Service Optimization user.
Select Active.
Scroll down to select Generate new password and notify user immediately.
Verify that the email is yours and click Save.

Can't find "Clone or download" on Github

Here are the steps to find the "Clone or download" button on a GitHub repository:

  1. Go to the repository page on GitHub (in this case, https://github.com/salesforceidentity/jwt).
  2. Look for a green button that says "Code" on the right-hand side of the page, just above the list of files and directories in the repository.
  3. Click the "Code" button to reveal a dropdown menu.
  4. In the dropdown menu, you should see a "Download ZIP" option and an "Open with GitHub Desktop" option.
  5. To clone the repository to your local machine, click the "Download ZIP" option to download a zip file containing all of the repository's files.
  6. To clone the repository using Git, click the "Open with GitHub Desktop" option to open the repository in the GitHub Desktop app.

Note that you will need to have Git installed on your local machine in order to clone the repository using Git. You can download Git from the official Git website at https://git-scm.com/downloads.

I cannot find the Schedule Reports system permission - it is not there in my org!


When you are creating the Report Permissions permission set , make sure you choose "Salesforce" license. "Schedule Reports" permission will appear only when you use this license not with "Salesforce Platform" license.

unable to add the user story and bug

1 challenge.

  • Create an Epic called "The Neverending Journey" for the team named "Sample." Add the previously created User Story "Learning GUS" and Bug "Add Profile Picture to Org62 and GUS" to the epic.
  • Create a List View named "My New Work" in the Work tab that displays all work with the Product Tag "Sample Product Tag" assigned to you with the Status of "New".

2GP error "Could not infer a metadata type Version create"

In my case, I have -meta.xml and app file.
I have to delete .app file.
only have to remain -meta.xml.

私の場合、 -meta.xml と app ファイルがあります。
.app ファイルを削除する必要があります。
-meta.xml のままでよいだけです。

Make sure the 'bearLocation' and 'bearSupervisor' Lightning web components have been added to the Bear record page

You need to activate the updated page as App Default using Click Assign to Apps and assign it to Ursus Park.

If the problem still persists then you might have created a duplicate lightning record page definition.

Go to Setup -> Object Manager -> Bear -> Lightning Record Page -> you will probably see two "Bear Record Page" -> Edit and make sure that both of them have the Lightning Web Components added.

Alternatively, when you go to Bear Record -> Setup -> Edit Page, you will see the page label and developer name. The validation process is looking for the developer name of "Bear_Record_Page". Make sure the component is added to this page.


org.apache.commons.httpclient.RedirectException: Maximum redirects (100) exceeded

Here is the solution I found after lots of investigation. The issue (org.apache.commons.httpclient.RedirectException: Maximum redirects (100) exceeded) was only happening when I was trying to generate a pdf out of a Visualforce page NOT in our managed package. The way we were building the URL used to instantiate the PageReference was apparently wrong.


Energy Audit object is GONE?? When recreating it, I can't find the Burlington Textiles Corp of America account


Error element goToCase (FlowActionCall). Failed to initialize a component [No owner specified for component markup://c:RedirectTo {63420:0} {c:RedirectTo}]

It looks like a known issue,see if this link helps.

Flow Navigation via Aura Component throws Gack: No owner specified for component markup

In the Get PBE element, we can’t find filters that check if 'Pricebook2Id' Equals 'PricebookID' and 'Product2Id Equals Get_Product > Id'.

I think you have the wrong combination of fields and values.

Add another condition requirement:

  • Field: Product2Id
  • Operator: Equals
  • Value: Product from Get_Product > Id


"In the email body, at-mention the matching account's owner using the Look_for_Matching_Account record variable.

The API name you entered is already in use. Enter a unique API name.The label you entered is in use. Enter a unique label.

in my case I needed to create a new playground.

We couldn't find the 'Flow Action' (API: 'Flow_Action') action in the Account Layout.

Could not find the required Chatter post when inserting a Communications record with Number__c set to 3.

filtering for Price/Quote or Negotiate/Review がない

In the Chatter Message text template,we can't find a menthon for the account's owner.



Autolaunched and Scheduled Flows

We can't launch this flow because of a variable error. Send this error message to your admin. The value 2010. 2. 26. is being provided for variable campStartDate but isn't compatible with the variable's data type (Date). Check the places where you implemented the flow ‒ such as through a Lightning page or a custom button ‒ and make sure that all provided values are compatible with the variables' data types.

A Salesforce Flow is designed to accept a Date in the following format;



In your case and mine as the system is trying to pass a value that is not in this format the process is failing to pass the parameter into the flow.

I created this formula that forces the format in the prescribed way;

TEXT (YEAR(StartDate)) & "-" & TEXT (MONTH(StartDate)) & "-" & TEXT(DAY(StartDate))

However this formula will not work if the date or month value is one digit. The formula could be adjusted to support this but I'm afraid I've run out of time for now.

If you then adjust your custom button with the new formula field instead of the StartDate then this should work as expected.

As I see this as a 'Technical Issue' with a Trailhead Challenge I've raised this as a issue to the Trailhead Help Team via a case and invite you to do the same if you wish.

Hopefully this will be fixed or adjusted in the near future.

Despite this issue it is possible to pass the Trailhead Validation with a solution that doesn't actually work as expected.

We couldn't find the multi-select picklist on the Opportunity object.

I just found out that was my browser. I was using the safari and kept going to the salesforce classic, once i move to Chrome i could stay at the Lightning experience

No sharing rules are found that share High Priority Projects with Training Coordinator.

Could you please make sure that you are completing both the "Data Modeling" module and "Data Security" module in the same playground? We request you to redo both the modules in the brand new Trailhead playground and then check the challenge.

Message: "Payment required. No active subscription found."Context: ADDR

Basically, you have the Smarty Streets app (from AppExchange) configured on your system but you haven't paid them for a license. You'll need to look into Smarty's pricing and configuration requirements

We can’t find a custom field labeled 'Possible Matching Account'. Make sure you save the field with 'Possible_Matching_Account' as the Field Name.


Please check this video.


Efectivamente tenia el error en el trabajo previo de creación del campo personalizado en Lead.


I had the same error message when I did nothing and pressed the button.
Could you please make sure that you are checking challenge against correct Playground.

The error message changed when I created only the field Possible Matching Account and pressed the confirm button.
We can’t find the 'Check New Lead for Matching Account' flow. Make sure you saved the flow with 'Check_New_Lead_for_Matching_Account' as the API Name.

The folder named Adoption Reports couldn't be created.

I've created a new playground which seems to have worked.

Set Up Salesforce Flow for Service - Stuck



It worked. The problem was the API key issuing system. It seems that some API keys issued are usable and some are not. I hope this will be helpful to someone.

We can’t find the flow ‘Enrollment Bonus for New LevelUp Members’ with all the elements.

So, it won't be necessary, i have followed your tip, changed the name and it worked well!

We couldn't find all of the navigation items. Make sure you've created a navigation item and page for the following: About Me, Experience, Education.

Be sure to enable multiple currencies.


In the chatterBody text template, we can’t find a mention for the contact’s owner. (Hint: Mentions use this format: @[{!globalVariable.field_API_Name}].)


I don't know why but I solved the problem by changing to "view as plain text" in the text template.

We couldn't find a report named Users Not Logged in Last 7 days in the Adoption Folder.

I ran into the same exact issue and was going to post it here in the Trailblazer Community. I followed the project instructions verbatim and still kept getting the same error. I even opened up a new Trailhead Playground to see if that would help; it did not. The only way I could run the report without the error was to have two Last Login Filters. The first Last Login filter I set to 'All Time' which the system automatically changed to 'On.' The second filter for Last Login, I used the relative date of LAST 7 DAYS. That was the only way the system would acknowledge the report as being "correct."


はまったく同じ問題に遭遇し、Trailblazer Community に投稿しようとしていました。私はプロジェクトの指示に逐語的に従いましたが、それでも同じエラーが発生し続けました。新しい Trailhead Playground を開いて、それが役立つかどうかを確認しました。それはしませんでした。エラーなしでレポートを実行できる唯一の方法は、2 つの最終ログイン フィルターを使用することでした。システムが自動的に「オン」に変更した「常時」に設定した最初の最終ログイン フィルタ。 Last Login の 2 番目のフィルターでは、LAST 7 DAYS の相対日付を使用しました。それが、システムがレポートを「正しい」と認識する唯一の方法でした。

complete in Mindful Unicorn Playground Can't find a new Product Support case for Pyramid Construction.

In my case "Type" field doesn't have a value "problem" I have added it from case "record types" and it worked.
Try to fill all value provided in the module it will work.
The "Type" field was not on my page layout. I put it in and selected "Problem" and it finally worked.


In the chatterBody text template, we can’t find a mention for the contact’s owner. (Hint: Mentions use this format: @[{!globalVariable.field_API_Name}].)

When I add change the owner of Edge Communications to 'Maya' I get an error saying that the user does not have 'read' access.

You will need to deactivate a Salesforce license and then update the Maya Pasqua user to have a Salesforce License type. To do this go to Setup --> Users and identify the user that isn't the one you are using that has a salesforce license associated and is marked Active then click edit and uncheck active.

Ensure that the role of Maya Pasqua is Channel Sales team.



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