
Unlocked Packageのまとめ

Last updated at Posted at 2024-02-18


sfdx force:package:version:create -p dreamhouse -d force-app -k test1234 --wait 10 -v DevHub

Use Java 11
Use the latest nodejs

Use the newer package command with a 40 minute timeout:

sfdx force:package:beta:version:create -p dreamhouse -k <password here> --wait 40 -v DevHub

We found the 'dreamhouse' package already installed in your org. Make sure that you’re working in the new Trailhead Playground that you created for this challenge. Also, make sure that the new Trailhead Playground is selected in the hands-on org picklist.

Your site needs a route with route type too-many-requests. Update your file and try again.

can you add the following features in your scratch org definition file - "TooManyRequests", "ExpEnhancedFeaturesNonProv" and give it a retry.

Global value set 'GenderIdentity' in record type on the entity 'Contact' cannot be resolved

After reviewing the article, I understand that I don't have any Global Value Sets in my unlocked package. The error is related to the Contact.GenderIdentity standard custom field which is not available in the Sandbox where I'm attempting to install the unlocked package version.

記事を確認した結果、ロック解除されたパッケージにグローバル値セットが含まれていないことがわかりました。このエラーは、ロック解除されたパッケージ バージョンをインストールしようとしているサンドボックスでは使用できない Contact.GenderIdentity 標準カスタム フィールドに関連しています。

codecoverage get erro: No such column 'SourceOrg' on sobject of type Package2VersionCreateRequest

Error while creating unlocked package version



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